' . • THE OT. JOHNS NEWS VOLUME XXII—NO. 8 ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY AFTERNOON,—SEPTEMBER 29, 1910. TEN PAGES uNE DOLLAR A YEAR MMinir DDCiRuroc mmm nME'SCMHHU NISSEliUI HAH mfuiL nfullltuiu COUIITYFlUfl ENOuoii FOR on ARnLEil IIESIHI^IIIISIBIIF MIL BE LOnrED DElTHRESOLe I'LlHTflN rOIJBTTY DBf'lDIDLT TO LEAD CHURCH NTMONO, POPHLAB A.NP f'OHPB. CLDSETO AELLET tHHIGNMK.NTN OF BBTMODIHT FRBTIMOSTOOIS GREAT SVCGESS SHT ON TBIH MNT OF PBUIT. BININTBBH IN TBIH DlflTBirT. TBNT WILL P<»Lt BIO TOTK. BBHI'LT «IF PBIBABT AH FfirND <I!«K ur TMt LiMiMT OBOWDM Ilf j. a Wolcott Byron Daaley IWV. J. ■. WILf'OB NBW Oeorge H, Bchoeahals. Democratic Ifollowlng are the assignments of ■BH. W. J. BflBBAT BIBiBBB Methodist preachers In lainaing dU- are In the market for apples for ahlp* OMBT PABTOB. candidate tor sheriff, was bom on BY HTATE CANYAHMIBB. TBBB FOB BVlMBflOBB. UIHTUKI or .lOOOCUTIOlf. PIM this fall, but Mr. Wolcott tella is farm In Genoa township. Livingston I trlct. There are no change* In the The Newa that the prospect for ehip- county. Mich.. August Mth. 1874. ! charges In Clinton county except at ! St Johns. Dupinin and Bath. Dr. Chnae ptng many are decMedIr allm. These Gfflrlnl Yato tilvas Tawiwd 4MB7 seatieoiee rtslted the well*kaowB resigning from the city pulpit. R. R. 12.040 IT m lilRSiMr Brad Hayes orchard aorth of Mutr PRI BECMISEOFiERIT ■ajarftyt Oshnm StJO PlnniHlT Atchison going from l>upA^ln to SUmSED EffBfTli n last wash aod fOuad the crop there {Woodland, and H. W. Hutum from rerr maph leas than la former years, Bath to Perry, where be will engage this Is oae of the best atteaded j in mercantile business hnvtag quit the ■BATH IN BAf’BB FABT FOB CON-; ■** . BINIHTBB OF TWBNTT TBABM WAH FOBMBBLT BUM- t’jL orchards la the state lintnlatry. J. H. Wilcox eoaws from EXPBBIBNCB. The alata Iward of oanvaaners have I Grand Ledge to St. Johns. DITION OF TEACM. This week these aentlemen made a TVBHBB OF TBIB CITT. flBlahed their work In cnnvaaalng the Superintendent W. P. French; tour of some portions of Cllatoa recent prtmnry election vote and the county and they report that the crop Alma. W. E. Doty; Ashley, John Clam- result at tbe prlnctpnl ofTlcaa are as ens; Bannister, George Brown; Bath, Is very shy —very fow orchards will Highly Bsgnidad hy Fsmmr Pariah, follows: HaaNBary el Bases, aad TiaM>—Ai have enough apples to supply the osm C. A. W%aley; Beldtng, O. W. Max ­ laasrs Assamss i-harge #f United States senator —Republican. well; Berlin aad South Berlin. W. W. Bares Bade Weed Hpert —Other ers' use. macb less having any for Rep. Charles E. Townsend, 112.9S0; Ale Pelsen la f'inairy WBli shipping. In the south and west por- New Werh Handay. CThstfield; Breokearldge, Elliott Fratare* as Adrertiaed. J. C. Burrows, 72463; Townsend's Phriy af Savea. tioas of the county they found the majority, 40437. I^mocratic: J. T. Houck; Carson City, T. G. R. Brown- ■ scale pest In almost every orchard low; Cryttal, L. H. Wheeler; Delta. Winshlp, 2411; scntteiing tor 276 F. 8. Kinney; DeWitt. G. T. Fisher; The officer, of the Clinton Com- coadlUon not- Rev. J, H. Wilcox, the newly assign* i others, 1.144. Prohlbltkmlst; W. A. The many friends of Mrs. W. J. i^r,. fe^iinjt withstanding all that has been said ed iiaator to the Methodist congrega*! Duplaln. L. B. Kenyon; Bagle. Charles ty Agricultural Society are leenui, Tayior, 1,677. Haywsrd; Elsie. O. J. Golden; Grand Murray, formerly Miss Carrie I. Turn ­ unusuallyattended theirelated effort, over condition,to make that done tc^rd the emdlcjuliw or^ at ,toa;7n \mu (1^^ (Imrcmi^—Republican: Chase 8. I.<edge, C. K. Pollpck; Gresham. P. D. er of this cRy, were deeply grlavad fifty-fifth .'innusl fair a succeaa. and Heasrs. Wolcott and Danley have re- tlraad GBOROK nnHOBNHALd. Oaborn. 88470; }\ H. Kelley. r.24S7; Friday upon bearing of her suddSQ ail grateful to the public for the sup- I*€atedly Jhelr best endeavors to and wm t'eni to"”S2“DllS!B' . ^ , -A-., _______ . Huff; Hubbardston. J. 8. Valentine; A. 8. Musaelman, 50.«21; ^)sl><*rn * i lonis M ii Callen; Ithaca. Alfred death which occurred late Thuradag port given, which was much bgiter ^duce orchard owners to spray the ^ Democrat Nornlae** for Sheriff. plurality, 3S,!*33. Democratic: Law- afternoon from polaoning occaslonad Way; I.4uu Idk Central. J. T. IWlear; thi. year than for many .eaMns past. •* *• “' I»roi>«r flme^snd It seems „ u* . ^ ton T. Heinans, 224U4. Prohibitionist: from eating toadstools which had PV>r one** the weather man worked to grange that farmers will not. or do v ”***' ^ •** elected l^ansing First, I. T. Weldon; Lansing .Fred W. Corbett. 1.723. Socialist: Jos ­ .Michigan Avenue, C. J. Kruae; Lyons. been mistaken for mushrooms. Idvan" the ^nfer^ts T the great «<>». "lore attention to their or- ^on^h^clerk of that township and eph Wkmock. 792. On Friday, September 16. Mrs. Mur­ event and with the «un and rain chardi to make them productive whan hlghe« ’^Aeem of the people re-elected the following spring. In W. W. Hurd; Msple Rapids. H. E. Ueutenant-govemor — Republican Wylie; Mason. C. L. Beebe; Middle- ray, accompanied by her mother. Mrs. "r..»Vor„l.U To 81. ..............----------------------------------------------- >o * Join, -III. J. Q. Roas, 62.6.’'>7; L. D. Dickinson. Elizabeth Turner, went from tbalr Thursday and Knrtay. and they may l»e made, with comparative dally practicing of the Ideals he : his present""* partner, wBmest——. i*l*ardee,—a ton and SetbtoD. A. E. Wynne; Nasb- Johns on 58.741; CwRlce. 44.298. Democra- home in Detroit to visit the latter's ly little effort, the most profitable p^pi^ehed. Imught out the Ice business of II. A. brother, Carrol Wood, and family, at portion of any farm. Although bis people In Grand l>>dg< Sng«-, which Is now known as the 241. Prohibitionist: Onit Massenlck, | u- v* i» o Green Oak. On the following Tueadny Thursda' whs a i»erfect day, warm Good apples^ are always In^d«Mn^d j.^jjjpj,j dejuirture they'are glad for Hpringbrook- Ice Co. .4* u^4.i4... u o - ' t»rli*ans. w. .M. P. Jrrrett; Ovid. R. ^*1 !• J. siee; Palo. C H, M'lrth; Peninton. the two ladles and Mrs. Tumtr’a frciniand bright,far anrf and n. arthe aather*-dyoung andon theold ** ’ * figure that warrants strict at- Ik I' I----.7----- ^ ----- In April. lf»04, he waa married to #*— a4..,iav nf t»-ntion lieing paid to the fruit trees at ***** pvomotlon that has come to a man niece, Mrs. Brennan, went into the .Miss Ids .Shaffer of Ht. Johns. In In the contested congressional dia-, ^ ^v. W. Slee; ^90 well deserving advancement. Mr. trlcts- Second" Ri-publlcan. W. W. fields to gather mushrooms. They grounds to fee the fine display of Iiatti be was elected alderman of the J. ; Pottcrvllle, K. E. Sprague: St. Johns, fa proi»er tli^. A movement should ^ j,, WiHleineyer, 7.139; H. C. secured quite s quantity of the fuago stock, product, baked goods, needle second ward of Ht. Johns by 60 ma­ srniitn, &.-,j ^v, I. Elmer; ‘I*" V ‘ t*** regular service* and cooked them for supper, a com- work and the \arious other exhibits jority. which office he efficiently fill­ J" IL 7tancVoft; “sherl ’- county .11^ It seems to The New. a. Itany of seven partaking of the mauL tbst are made for profit and in ­ though tbe Granges and Farmers | ed for two yeara. In IIMM be was electe<l city treasurer, which office 8e»enih. RepubU^, Jerrett; VennontvHIe. G. R. Millard; About 4 o'clock Wednesday momtBB struction. Clut* are the pro^kr mediums minister U a Canadian by Tenth: Flarly Friday morning this sectUm 'J"’™ he held for one year, being defeated Wacousta. .Sanford McDonald; W'ood- all of them became ill and a physlclaa of the state was visited by a heavy fot^ngh which to work < birth. He united with the Michigan R4.publiran. G«‘orge IjOUd, 8.625; for a second term, by a small major­ land, R. R. Atchison. was immediately called, arriving at U'unfereace of tbe Methodist Episcopal Frank Buell, 7.938. rajn storm that for a time threatened ity by tbe present nominee for coun ­ the afflicted home about 5 o'clock. church over twenty years ago. aad Stephen D. M'llllams. the Demo­ Mrs. Murray was very III from tho a Migey ground, a heavy track and a I with the exception of a period of six ty clerk on the Republican ticket depleted purse for the association; cratic candidate for lleutcnant-govi-r- first, and although tbe physician aad years sf>ent in tb< ‘ middle west he has 5 Hut In tbe spring of 1910 these two nor. who made the run 2 yenrs ago, bu; hy T o'clock the rain had stopped rentlemen again came on tbe mat for nurses gave her alihost constant at­ MARTHA L DARS latmred continuously In Michigan. *' ------------------------------* has been for years the editor of l^e tention. her condition continued to before much damage had been city treasurer, this time Mr. Schoen- „ . „ . , Before going to Grand I^edge Mr bals winning out. be being our ci<y; .?* “ '"'•V* OeniARIIAHSAS grow worse. Wednesday iDomlng wrought. 5VIIOOX was itastor of the Methodist trfiasurer at the present time. *,*** iP' **' **7^.* ”** #* her husband and brother, the latter C. Tb«- lUnrra bad wet the beans a llt-^ church in Ithaca four years and at time.
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