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Proceedings V Japan —Germany Workshop on Bioremediation roceed i ng s R e s e a r c h Ins t i t u t e of Inn o v a t i v e T ec h n o I og y for the E a r t h December 4 (Mon) 5 (T u e),1995 Tokyo, Japan CONTENTS PAGE ■ Opening Items ............................................................................................................................. 1 Program ......................................................................................................................... 2 ■ Keynote Lecture “Environmental Preservation Using Biotechnology" -I. Karube (University of Tokyo, Japan) ........................................................... 6 “Environmental Technology in Germany: Status,Achievements.and, Problems -R. D. Schmid (University of Stuttgart, Germany) ......................................... 7 ■ Abstracts (Oral Session) • Session 1 : “Microbiological Aspects of Bioremediation ” “Bacteria with Different Degradation Kinetics Predominate Depending on the Substrate Concentration in Biological Purification Process’ -Y. Urushigawa............................................................................................................ 8 “Development of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms for Biological Treatment of Chlorinated Enthylenes -K, Nakamura ............................................................................................................ 10 “Comparative Studies on Trichloroethylene(TCE) Degradation by Phenol Degrading Bacteria" M Fujita ................................................................................................................ 12 “Dehalogenating Bacteria, their Dehalogenating Enzymes and the Comparison of their activities in Liquid Culture and in Soil -R. Muller ................................................................................................................ 14 “Protein Engineering on a Polychlorinated Biphenyl Degradation Enzyme ” -M. Fukuda ........................................................................................................ 15 “The Application of Nitrate as an Alternative E1ectronacceptor for the Remediation of Contaminated Sites -P. Werner ................................................................................................................. 17 “ “Soft” Remediation Strategies: Examples for Activation of Microbiological Self Cleaning Potencies in Contaminated Water, Sediment and Soil -U. Stottmeister ..................................................................................................... 18 Session 2 : “Environmental Monitoring" - “Sensor Technology Applied to the Environment" -F. Spener .................................................................................................................. 19 “Recent Approaches to Immunochemical Analysis of Environmental Pollutants” -B. Hock ..................................................................................................................... 20 “Construction of Highly-Sensitive Biosensors-for the Use of Enviromnetal Monitoring-” -F. Mizutani ............................... 21 “Screening Assays for Environmental Pollutants -S. Neumann .............................. 22 “Biosensors for Biomonitoring" -K. Ikebukuro ......................................................................................................*... 23 “Methods to Chase Microorganisms in the Environment" -H. Oyaizu .......................... 25 “Detection and Enumeration of' Methylotrophic Bacteria in Groundwater Samples by Molecular Probing” -T. Shimomura .......................................................................................................... 26 “Biomonitoring Systems in Drinking Water Plants-Peraanent Control of Quality Parameters" -H. H. Stabel ........... ............................. 28 “Highly Sensitive and Selective Analysis for Pesticides in the Environment -Y. Takimoto ..................^ :.................... :... ........... %.......... 29 “Atmospheric Monitoring using an Eye Safe Lidar System -M. Kamata ................................................. .'......... ................................................... 30 Session 3 : “Engineering Aspects of Bioremediation “Industrial Aspects of Bioremediation in Germany ” -Y. Schulz-Berendt ...................... 32 “Simulation of Biodegradation of Crude Oil on Beaches” -M. Ishihara ................................................................................. 33 “Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Soil in Kuwait -H. Chino ................ 34 “Application of Bioreactors for Bioremediation " -J. Klein .................................................................................................................. 36 “Reaction Engineering Aspects of the Degradation of Xenobiotics by Microbial Specialists -I. D. Deckwer ......................................................................................................... 37 “Model-Based Analysis of Coexistence in Mixed Culture Degradation of Xenobiotics -M. Reuss ................................................................................................................... 38 • Session 4 : Panel Discussion indluding Closing Summary “Perspective of Bioremediation and Environmental Monitoring” ................ 39 Chairpersons; -R. Kurane -I. D. Deckwer Panelers; -Y. Urushigawa -P. Werner -M. Fujita -S. Neumann -S. Harayama -V. Schulz-Berendt List of Participants 42 Japan—Germany Workshop on Bioremediation Date: December 4(Mon)-5(Tue), 1995 Venue: Kikai Shinko Kaikan (8-5, 3-chome Sibakouen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan) Sponsored by: Bundesministerium fur Bi Idung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Techno I ogie New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth Organization: Advisory Committee Program Committee Isao Karube Tomoho Yamada Tokyo University Ministry of International Noboru Yumoto Trade and Industry Ministry of International Yoshikuni Urushigawa Trade and Industry National Institute for Tamotsu Mukai Resources and Environment New Energy and Industrial Ryuichiro Kurane Technology Development Org. National Institute of Bioscience Tsutomu Yamaguchi and Human-Technology Research Institute of Innovative Kiichiro Yamagishi Technology for the Earth New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Org. Yasukatsu Miyoshi Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth Masahiko Hachiya Project Center for C02 Fixation and UtiIization, RITE Secretariat Project Center for C02 Fixation and Utilization, Research Institute Innovative Technology for the Earth(RITE) 7 Toyokaiji-Bldg. 8F.8-11 Nshishinbashi 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105 JAPAN Tel +81-3-3503-5666 Fax +81-3-3503-4533 —1— Japan-Gerroany Work Shop on Bioremediation RROGRAM DEC. 4 (MON)
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