List of nncallod-for letters in the jSammouton Post-Offlco, on Saturday, The People's Bank Cheapest and Best Aug. 15, IBM : ' '"• T Mr.GulseppoAnnataslo Directory. Of Hammonton, N. i); r: For ill Brunt-sand NERVOUS , , Mr. QulscppoCanmrota Discuss. They purify the : BIOOD and give HBJALTUV .-.' Aggostlno Caponoojo Authorized Capital, $50,000 tctioo to the entire Bystem. .-' Mr. S. B. Congblln . CLERK. J. L. O'Donnoll. ' • Paid in, $30,000. .•Curo DYSPEPSIA. HEADACHE, ,.^ NlcoloCulabrcso COLLECTOR i TnEAsonun. A. B. Davis. .'• CONSTIPATION and PIMPLES. * Ubtnenlco Dl Crlatlcilo MARSHAL. B. Shoorde. Surplus, $14000. Mr. Floctdo Jacobo JUSTICES. John Atkinsen, 0. W. Prossoy, • Gulooppo Lebeatren, J. B. Ryan. Francesco Lorn mo i CONSTABLES. Goo. Bornahouso, W. B. Wells, R. J. BYRNES, President. Vlnccnzo Lombardo per Vonconzo Bonj. Eogletto. M. L. JACKSON, Vice-Pres't Dl Aeoatlno OVKRBEER OF HIGHWAYS. W. H. BnrgOSS. Dr Jaraea O MpOlure- OVEHBEKR off THE POOR. John W. Logan. W. R. TILTON, Cashier Maria Wlncenzo Lauretto NIOBT POLICE. J. II. GartoD. Best in the World! Domoalco Travaglleno FIRE MARSHAL. 8. E.BrowDi DIEECTOBS: ; Get the Genuine! 'Linda Tonausollo Town COUNCIL. - Wm. Cunningham, Proa't, HAMMONTON, N. J., AUGUST 22, 189(>. '- NO. 34 . Gattano Tomasollo John C. Anderson, Daniel M. Ballard, George R. J. Byrnes, ' "" ..VOL.-34. SoIdE^erptiere! Prr.1 Htirianno Tomasslo King, J. P. Patten, Alvln Adams. Meets M. L. Jackson,* Mr Wlllard laat Saturday ore each month. George Elvins, rOBEION. : BOARD op EDUCATION. C. F. Osgood, presi- _ _ „ \ Elam Btookwoli WHAT THEY PROPOSE. MR. EDITOR : It is said that he who straya dent; J. I*. O'Donnoll, clerk; Edwin Adams, Ii. G. F. Saxton, In your last issue I read Mr. Ruther- , R-I-P-A-N-S Mtlazso Nlcolo Monfort, Dr. Edward ;Norlh, P. H. Jacobs, 0. F. Oagood, around the other side of the Lake, as Vluceozo TrnboBCla Dl Francesco Miss Nellie Socly, Mrs. M. M. Beverage, Miss W. R. TiltoD. These monstrous propositions arc ford's article on canning factory. He the' evening phadea descend, has a circus Teotlsta Tuso Anna Pressoy. A. J. Smith. .says be haa 8500 subscribed, and not Meets second Tuesday ia each month. submitted to the people of the United all to hirnselk Hidden behind a friend- Persons calling for any of the above J. C. Anderson. Well! States in the year of our Lord 1896 : one subscription taken by a farmer. Let ly tree, fie may observe a portly figure The mpdern stand- , .W. L. Black. letters will please state that it has been RELIGIOUS. First, "The Government should own m« explain my view. The farmer has emerge from a neighboring house, and, ard. Family Medi- advertised. ' BAPTIST. Rev. J. 0. Killian, pastor; San- and operate the railroads." all ho can-do to pay hia interest and peering, cautiously about, slyly lead JOHN T. FBENCH, P. M. day services: Preaching 10 SO, Sunday-school Certificates of Deposit Issued, bearing Duplex No. 9 interest at the rate of 2 per Cent, per an- Second, "The telegraph should be taxes at present, without increasing forth a.steel steed, which he mounts by 11.45, Junior 0. E. 8.00 p. m., Christian En- owned and operated by the Govern- cine : :• Cures the deavor 6.30, Prcaohlng 7,30. Weekday prayer num if held six months, and 8 percent!/ them.v Let canning factory stock along, the aid of the steps. Soon comes a held one year. Wheeler ••& Wilson ment." — Populist Platform. News from Nebraska eeema encour« meeting Thursday evening 7.45. as I don't believe that they will pay the sound as of a sudden earthquake, that aging:forEepuDllcansT~iri8~8aid-that ~~C4tn"ocicvfiTr~JoBEPn's;—Revr'Splgai'dl -farmerTany-more-for-his-fruit-tban-4Be sends-little-ripplela across the moon-lit the feeling of State pride over Bryan's rector. Sunday masa 10.30, a. m., vespers at Light running, easy to understand, bean* would cost the United States a sum BO ills of humanity.' 7.30 p.m. Discount days—Tuesday and tiful work. predominating price in the market, lees lake, and, reverberating from hill to hill, nomination has worn away. Tbe indi- . EPISCOPAL, ST. MARK'S. Rev. A. C. Prcs- Friday of each week. Single or double thread stitoh<<-a modern Our little ad., great that the public ''debt, at '-flood expenses. If they do, you can expect a from the dark erecn woods to the old cations now are that be will not only oott, rector. Sunday: morning prayer 10.39, invention. we are tide," would dwindle into insignificance last week, started failure, as that is not the style of busi- saw-mill, 0pme a sound re-echoed from lose his own State of Nebraska, bat be a. m., [second and fourth Sundays celebra- Every machine guaranteed. \ compared with it ; and such a stupen- tion of the Holy Eucharist 7.30 a. m.], Sun- A. H.Phllllps. \V. A. Favmce. Are yon interested ? Se td lor a catalog the ball rolling. ness now days. Then we will be worse the man who fell,—MIt'a a funny garnet is likely to lose bis own county. It day-school 12.00 noon, Evensong 7:30 p.m. Agents wanted. dous proposition as the following would off than. by throwing our fruit into well ! well ! well !"' went against him on the Senatorial vote Friday ore Evensong, 7.30. appall any of the financiers and states- A. H. Phillips & Co. Boston Harbor or the East Kiver. At last,' after persistent agita- in 1301, and is likely to go against him METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. G. F. Bishop, men who have at any time in the history paator. Sunday services: class 9.30, a. m. W. & W. Manufacturing Co., The shekels come; I hope. Mr. R. has harped on that; tion, two of bur, farmer readers have re- on the Presidential vote this year. preaching 10.'0, Sunday-school 12.00 noon, 13l!i Chestnut St., Phila. for of tbeGovernment managed the finances; enough; it is a rather stale chestnut. Epworth League 3!00 p. m., preaching 7.30. out goes the wood! but not so the "boy orator" who travels sponded to the suggestion of a canning .A beautiful line of Class Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.45. Although I am young, I have had some factory. ^ But" there are others whose The National Encampment of the over the country on three platforms, Prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. FOB SALE BY experience, and I have failed to hear of 'opinion is worthy of expression', and we Grand Army of the Republic will be Mission at Pine Road. -—MONEY— and is endorsed by three parties who Spring Suits Fruit any fruit being thrown into either place, wish they would tell our readers why held at St. Paul, Minnesota, .Sept. 2nd PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. H. R. Randall pastor Fon W^ H. Bernshouse have provided the "ways and means": Sunday services: preaching, 10.30 a. m., Sun- though "it is quite possible that some they do not favor the project. If it is a to 4th. For this occasion the Pennsyl- day school, 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30 p.m. Mortgage Loans. HammoDton, N. J. "We demand that the_power to,issue stuff called fruit found those places; At $7,50 C. E. prayer meeting Wednesday T.30 p.m. : good thing, let's have it. If not, why pania Railroad will Bell, on Ail". 29, notes be taken from the biiuks, Und that but good fruit generally sells. What Church prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. Correspondence Solicited. Jars. How about Soap? all paper money shall be issued directly not? 30, and 31, excursion tickets to St. Paul Missions at Polaom and Magnolia. the farmers of this town want ia to use /(ad'ati Evangelical. Hev. Thomas Fragalo, Wanted-An Idea ftom thfi Treasury Department."- Dem- ' iE5" Miss Edna Adams and her friend Boys'. Pants at 40 c. and return at exceedingly low rates, as 1828 Atlantic Avenne, Protect ;our Ideas: !hoy may bring ran irenltlk good judgment in planting, and caring Pastor. Sunday School at 10.30.a.m. Preach- Write JOHN WEDrJEBBUBN & CO..,, Patent AttS Koko, with Chewing Gum, » ocratic Platform. „ ~ • Miss Lida'Ealston, from Philadelphia, follows : New York. 828 ; Philadelphia, ing at 9 a.m. Saturday, 7 p.m., preaching. Atlantic City, N. J. noy», Washlnston, D. C..for their *i,800 prUo otttc Stacks and stacks and llat of two hundred Uvrentlonii wonted. "We demand that the Government, for fruit planted,—not Jet it take care of are guests at L. Beverage's. Mrs. Ad- $26.25; Trenton, 828.05; Baltimore U»ivEii8ALiRT. Rev. Cdstello Weston pas- Oleine, and Blue India,' in payment of its obligations, shall use itself. For instance, don't trim your and Washington, §25 ; Harrisbnrg, tor. Sunday services: preaching 10.30 a. m. of them. ams and daughter, Miss Mabel, are also BtOCH, Sunday school, 12.00 noon, preaching 7.30 are as cheap as dirt, its option as to tbe kind of lawful money blacks -BO long that the fruit is the size iu which they are to be paid."-PopuZisf. expected. 'Fay Building. Williamsport, and Wilkesbarre, 824.75 ; p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings. of'peas, and expect thom'*to*go to mar- Altoona, $23.50; proportionate rates WOUAH'B CHRISTIAN TKUPERAHCB UNION. and they ihust he sold. and twenty-five cents Platform.' Mr. James, of Pennington Semi- Mrs. Chas. E. Roberts president, Mrs. S. E. ket and find any place but the Harbor. from other points. Tickets will be good Brown secretary, Mrs. Wm. Rutherford cor- Sons, Printers •'.
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