~he AIR POST JOURNAL Volume XXVI Nu.mber 10 ''THE MAN IN THE MOON'' supplement, bringing the current Sauabria's Air Post Uatalogue up to date, has just been released. YOUR FREE COPY of 52 pages containing :the complete chronicle. new listings. important price changes as well as in:l:eres:l:ing articles and special offers will be available wherever :the catalogue was bought. In case of difficulties wri:l:e us direct, stating da:l:e of purchase and source of supply. A few copies of :the catalogue, includ­ ing supplement, are still a:I: hand. Pos:t Free ss.oo NICOLAS SANABRIA CO. INC. A. Medawar, Pres. 521 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 17, N. Y. Stamps for Sale??? WE CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YOU!! For more than a quarter of a Century, COLLECTORS, DEALERS, TRUST COMPANIES and EXECUTORS OF ESTA TES have consulted us regarding the convenion o£ Philatelic Properties into cash. IF YOU WANT TO SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ••• we can offer early dates and attractive terms. Expert 1uperria­ ion of all material by an experienced Philatelic Auctioneler. Liberal advances pending sale. Comprehensive insurance and Holmes Electric Protection safeguards your property while in our possession. Our Catalog distribution ia world•wide. OUR PRIVATE SALES SERVICE .•. successfully places Collections, Stocks and Rarities where thia method is preferred. IMMEDIATE CASH IS WAITING .•• for the outright purchase of suitable material regardleu o£ amount. Our Advice, Backed by 28 Years E"perience in the Stamp Trade, is at Your Dispoaal Information Cheerfully GiTen IHWIN HEIM.AN, INC. Serving American Philately Since 1926 2 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK 36, N. Y. ROOM 803 TEL.: JTJ 2-2393 Issue Prospectus For Cuban Show; Convention And Other Plans Revealed 1000 Frames Available For• CUPEX Displays; Liberal Allotment For Air Mail Exhibits • HE First Prospectus for the great at that tme they will be sent to all who T International Stamp Show to be have expressed a desire to exhibit. held in Habana, Cuba, from November The Exhibition is receiving the most 12 to 19 of this year, has just been re­ effective kind of co-operation from the leased by the organizing Committee. It is Cuban government and many of the fa­ a handsome production with the end cilities have been made available gratis in pages showing striking views of the new consideration of this participation. Dr. Palacio de Bellas Artes in which the Ex­ B. Cruz Planas, President of the Club hibition will be held. The present CUPEX Filatelico de la Republica de Cuba, Bulletin is printed in both Spanish and Chapter # 19 of the American Air Mail English and gives general information as Society, is President of the Executive to the Exhibition; it extends a cordial in­ Committee for CUPEX. Rafael Oriol, a vitation to all collectors everywhere to Past President of Chapter # 19 and pres­ send their collections to Habana this fall. entlv Vice-President of the American Air Of particular interest to collectors will be Mail Society is Vice-President of the Cu­ the announcement that there is no frame REX and Director of the Show. Dr. Er­ charge or fee of any kind for exhibiting. nesto Bello is Assistant Director of the Of the 1000 frames available no less than Show. Other members of the Board in­ one nor more than five will be assigned clude Dr. Raul Gutierrez, Secretary and to any single exhibit, except by special Dr. Luis F. Aiamil. Treasurer. A dis­ vote of the Directing Committee. Accord­ tinguished list of Foreign Representatives ing to the Prospectus "The Exhibition of the Show is headed by Harry L. Lind­ will be of a competitive character and quist, President of the National Federa­ will be dedicated exclusively to postal tion of Stamp Clubs and Publisher of stamps of each and every one of the STAMPS Magazine, New York. Mr. countries of the Western Hemisphere: the Lindquist, who is an Honorary Member Americas, Spain, the Mother Country, of the American Air Mail Society, is serv­ and the Philippines." The scope of the ing as the Philatelic Adviser of the Ex­ Exhibition, of course, includes air mails hibition. There will be a special Court and a generous number of frames has of Honor in which will be on display been set aside for air mail exhibits. The some of the foremost collections of the Exhibition will open on Saturday, Nov­ World .A distinguished group of phila­ ember 12 and will continue through Sat­ telists, recruited from many corners of urday, November 19. It will be open from the world, will comprise the International 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. each day. The 32nd Jury. Annual Convention of the American Air Mail Society will be held during the The Exhibition commemorates three CUPEX and will run from Sunday, Nov­ important events in the philatelic history ember 13 through Tuesday, November of Cuba, 1) The centenary of the first 15. postage stamp used in Cuba, issued in 1855 2) The centenary of the first stamp The First Prospectus has been mailed to be overprinted anywhere in the world, to all those who requested same from the - the famous "Y 14" Cuban stamp released Editor. The Prospectus does NOT con- on November 19, 1855 and 3) The 50th tain either a list of Classifications or an Anniversary of the first stamps printed in Entry blank. We are advised that these Cuba after its establishment as a Sover­ will be available within a few weeks and eign state. JULY, 1955 299 THIS ISSUE has been particularly dedicated to the fascinating collection of Al R LETTER SHEETS and has been prepared under the Editorial direction of GEORGE D. Kl NGDOM as Special Editor of the Month. Its release has been timed to coincide with that of the new 1955 Edition of the AMERICAN AIR MAIL CATALOGUE OF AIR LETTER SHEETS ( AEROGRAMMES) This new 176 page Catalogue is now on sale. Elsewhere in this issue we print the the Convention and all delegates are in­ first and tentative program for the three vited to a reception at the new building day Convention of the American Air Mail sponsored by the Post Office Depart­ Society which will be held in Habana ment. In addition to meals at some of from November 13 to 15. This is a pro­ Habana's finest and most exclusive gram to whet the anticipatory appetites Clubs, delegates have been invited for of those planning' to attend. The Com­ ccoktails at the world famous Bacardi mittee promises that this Convention will and Arechabala private bars. be an occasion which will long be re­ The Committee for the Convention membered as was the highly successful consists of tjie following: President, Ra­ Convention of the Society which was fael Oriol. Vice-President, Edelberto de held in 1948. Those who attended the Carrera, Secretary, Richard Milian, 1948 gathering will recall the afternoon Treasurer, Alfred Cano; Housing, Rich­ at the Horse Races and will be happy to ard MiUan and Frank . Villapol; Enter­ note that another such occasion is sched­ tainment, Edelbe1to de Carerra and An­ uled for this gathering. dres L. Reyes; Registration, Rafael R. The trip to Varadero Beach will be a Garcia and Silvio Pemet; Publicity, Raul high point in the Convention activities. Gutierrez, Ricardo del Campo, Adolfo Many world travelers consider this to be Coleman and Luis F. Guzman; Recep­ the finest beach in the world. En route tion, Dr. Tomas A. Terry, Mrs. Sara to Varadero a stop will be made at Mat­ Puyol, Mrs. Pauline Salazar, Ricardo del azanas and the beauitful Yumuri Valley. Campo, Adolfo Coleman and Frank Vil­ Ample time has been allowed in the pro­ lapol. gram to permit sightseeing and shopping In our last issue we published a list on an individual basis. An added feature of those who had indicated an intention of the program is the inclusion of a to attend the Convention at Habana in Folkloric presentation at the Palacio de November. Since then we have received Bellas Artes under the direction of the a number of additional names and a Department of Education of the Cuban completely revised and up to date list government. The new Post Office build­ will be published in an early issue of the ing will be in operation at the time of .JOURNAL. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF TlD THE AIRPOST JOURNAL AMERICAN AIR l\4AIL SOCIJ:'1'T ll!ntered as eerond-class matter, February 10, 1932. at the post office at Albion, Pa. under the Act of March 3. 18'19. Published monthly. JULY. 1955 - VOL. XXVI, NO. 10 - ISSUE NO. 303 - 25c PER COPY 300 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL American Air Mail Society 195 5 Convention • Habana, Cuba • TENTATIVE PROGRAM SUNDAY,NOVEMBER13 9 A.M. 1Registration at Palacio de Bellas Artes 12 Noon Cocktails ·at Bacardi Bar 1 P.M. Lunch at Habana Yacht Club 3 P.M. Horse Races 9 P.M. Dinner at Tropicana Night Club MON•DA Y, NOVEMBER 14 9 A.M. Registrativn continues at Palacio de Bellas Artes 10 A.M. Business Session 12 Noon Reception at the Post Office Department 1 P.M. Cocktails at Arechabala Bar 6 P.M. Folklore Show at the Palacio de Bellas Artes, ;presented by the Department of Education of the Republic of Cuba 9 P.M. Convention Banquet at Hotel Sevilla-Biltmore Roof TUESDAY, NOV•EMB•ER 15 7:30 A.M. Busses leave .for Varadero Beach. There will be a stop at ·the city of Matanzas and a visit to the beau­ ful and world famed Yumuri Valley en route. 11 A.M.
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