E58 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 7, 1999 prior, written consent from an individual before meetings here in Washington and visit the dis- nian people of Kosovo. How many mistakes revealing his or her genetic information to a tricts of Congressional Members. and tragedies must the Albanian people bear third party. The Congress-Bundestag exchange is high- before the United States realizes that it is being exploited by Slobodan Milosevic as a Since it was first introduced in 1995, support ly regarded in Germany and is one of several convenient tool of Slavic expansionism, at for my legislation has grown steadily. At the exchange programs sponsored by public and the expense of the Albanian people? end of the 105th Congress, the Genetic Infor- private institutions in the United States and The first major mistake occurred in 1990, mation Nondiscrimination in Health Insurance Germany to foster better understanding of the when Secretary of State James Baker gave Act had 210 bipartisan cosponsors in the politics and policies of both countries. The on- Slobodan Milosevic the green light to con- House and 25 in the Senate. It had also going situation in the Persian Gulf, the expan- solidate his power by stating that the goal of the United States was to keep Yugoslavia to- gained the endorsement of over 125 health-re- sion of NATO, the proposed expansion of the gether at all costs. Milosevic responded by lated organizations, ranging from advocacy European Union, and the introduction of the waging war first in Slovenia in 1990, then in groups like the National Breast Cancer Coali- Euro will make this year's exchange particu- Croatia in 1991, and finally in Bosnia in 1992. tion and the March of Dimes to health profes- larly relevant. (His brutal military occupation of Kosovo in sional organizations like the American Medical The U.S. delegation should consist of expe- 1989 continues unabated to this day.) In 1995, Association and the American Nurses Asso- rienced and accomplished Hill staff members Richard Holbrooke authored the Dayton Ac- ciation. Religious organizations, health infor- who can contribute to the success of the ex- cords, in which a fault-ridden peace was de- clared in Bosnia after negotiations that ex- mation managers, and consumer protection change on both sides of the Atlantic. The Bun- cluded the third largest ethnic group in the groups joined the fight. destag sends senior staff professionals to the former YugoslaviaÐthe Albanians. Then, in In May 1998, the Senate Labor and Human United States. February 1998, U.S. Special Envoy to Kosovo Resources Committee under Chairman JIM Applicants should have a demonstrable in- Robert Gelbard mistakenly declared the JEFFORDS held a groundbreaking hearing on terest in events in Europe. Applicants need Kosovo Liberation Army a ``terrorist'' group, genetic discrimination in health insurance. Un- not be working in the field of foreign affairs, al- giving Milosevic the signal he needed to fortunately, efforts to move this legislation to though such a background can be helpful. The openly wage a one-sided war against the Al- the Senate floor became bogged down in the composite U.S. delegation should exhibit a banian people of Kosovo. This led to mas- sacres of unarmed and defenseless civilians debate over managed care reform. Neverthe- range of expertise in issues of mutual concern in Drenice and Dukagjin, leaving over 2,000 less, genetic nondiscrimination language was in Germany and the United States such as, dead, 1,000 missing, and 300,000 displaced. included in some versions of managed care but not limited to, trade, security, the environ- In September 1998, in response to the pub- reform legislationÐan important step toward ment, immigration, economic development, lic outcries around the world about the bru- recognizing the urgent need to ban genetic health care, and other social policy issues. tality of the Serbian military campaign discrimination in health insurance. In addition, U.S. participants are expected to against a civilian population, the United States promoted the threat of air strikes Mr. Speaker, I am very hopeful that 1999 help plan and implement the program for the against Serbia. But, true to form, Holbrooke will be the year when Congress finally fulfills Bundestag staff members when they visit the crafted an agreement that enabled Milosevic its duty to ensure that our nation's social pol- United States. Participants are expected to as- to avert the use of force against him and at icy keeps pace with scientific advances. sist in planning topical meetings in Washing- every step accepted more of his false prom- Today, too many Americans are denying ton, and are encouraged to host one or two ises. One must ask why our State Depart- themselves access to information vital to their Bundestag staffers in their Member's district in ment is allowing a chauvinistic and dictato- healthÐtheir genetic informationÐsimply be- July, or to arrange for such a visit to another rial pan-Slavic Orthodox regime, with direct cause they are afraid their insurers will learn Member's district. links to ultranationalists in Russia, to emerge in the Balkans? this information and use it against them. Participants will be selected by a committee The so-called cease-fire of recent weeks We must put an end to this unconscionable composed of U.S. Information Agency person- never really took place. The Serbs began to Hobson's choice. Congress should ban ge- nel and past participants of the exchange. move their troops out of Kosovo in October, netic discrimination in health insurance. I look Senators and Representatives who would but then they moved right back. Albanians forward to working with Members from both like a member of their staff to apply for partici- insist that the brutal and criminal Serbian parties to protect all of our constituents pation in this year's program should direct paramilitary forces staged the killing of six Serbian civilians in Peja this month in order against this practice. The American people de- them to submit a resume and cover letter in to justify the continuation of Milosevic's serve no less. which they state why they believe they are ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. (The Kosovo Lib- f qualified and some assurances of their ability eration Army was quick to condemn the to participate during the time stated. Applica- killings of the Serbian civilians.) ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 1999 CON- tions may be sent to Connie Veillette at 2309 The events in Podujeva on December 24, in GRESS-BUNDESTAG/BUNDESRAT Rayburn Building by noon on Friday, March which the Serbian military attacked five vil- STAFF EXCHANGE 12. lages, killed twelve Albanian civilians, and caused the flight of thousands of others leave f HON. RALPH REGULA no question about Milosevic's real intentions STATEMENT BY ALBANIAN AMER- to continue the ``ethnic cleansing'' of the Al- OF OHIO banian majority of Kosovo. The Western re- ICAN CIVIC LEAGUE REGARDING IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sponse to these events also leaves no ques- SITUATION IN KOSOVO tion about our role in the Balkan conflictÐ Wednesday, January 6, 1999 that we never had any intention of stopping Mr. REGULA. Mr. Speaker, since 1983, the HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN Milosevic from using illegal and inhuman methods to destroy the right of Albanians to U.S. Congress and the German legislature OF NEW YORK have conducted an annual exchange program freedom, democracy, and self-determination. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For the past three weeks, our policy mak- for staff members from both countries. The Wednesday, January 6, 1999 ers and the press have once again attempted program gives professional staff the oppor- to create a false parity between the Serbian tunity to observe and learn about each other's Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to military and the Kosovo Liberation Army, political institutions and convey Members' call the attention of the members of Congress and to cast blame on the KLA for breaking views on issues of mutual concern. to the following statement by the Albanian the socalled cease-fire. They have promoted A staff delegation from the United States American Civil League regarding the current Serbia's false statements to the press, in- Congress will be selected to visit Germany situation in Kosovo. It represents the views of cluding listing names of people supposedly arrested and imprisoned by the KLA but May 22 to June 5 of this year. During the 2- a significant number of Albanian Americans, who, according to reliable Albanian sources, week exchange, the delegation will attend and I believe is of interest in view of the dete- do not even exist. Meanwhile 2,000 Albanians meetings with Bundestag members, Bundes- riorating situation in Kosovo: are being held and brutally tortured in bar- tag party staff members, and representatives STATEMENT BY THE ALBANIAN AMERICAN CIVIC baric Serbian jails. And while this informa- of numerous political, business, academic, and LEAGUE tion goes unreported, unconfirmed reports of atrocities committed by the KLA against in- media agencies. Cultural activities and a INDEPENDENCE FOR KOSOVO IS THE ONLY WAY weekend visit in a Bundestag Member's dis- nocent Serbs living in Kosovo are publicized TO STOP MILOSEVIC'S WAR widely, even though the KLA has repeatedly trict will complete the schedule. Recent events in Kosovo only confirm the stated its policy against killing civilians. A comparable delegation of German staff Albanian American Civic League's prior as- As the misrepresentation of the conflict members will visit the United States for 3 sessment that the Milosevic-Holbrooke continues apace, so do the ``diplomatic'' ini- weeks this summer. They will attend similar agreement is a death sentence for the Alba- tiatives designed to sell out the Albanian.
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