Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, October 28, 2004 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 115th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 09-115 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Tension Mounts at Council’s Last Mtg. Before Deck Vote Westfield By LAUREN S. PASS the public on the upcoming referen- Caruana, the liaison to the TV36 Ad- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader dum. Mayor McDermott said he never visory Board, read a letter from board Polling Locations The last Westfield Town Council knew “of any show being edited or member Eileen O’Donnell, who could First Ward: meeting before the public votes on reviewed by TV36.” not attend the meeting. the $10 million parking garage next Districts 1 and 2: A few residents criticized the She wrote, “In the past months, Roosevelt Intermediate School Tuesday began with a speech from mayor’s actions for airing the pro- we’ve been inundated with parking Mayor Gregory McDermott in an ef- Gym, 302 Clark Street. gram, citing the TV36 policy that no hearings, Parking 101 and associated Districts 3, 5 and 7: fort to quell rumors he had sent Town political shows, including “Home- presentations on the issue. Regard- Administrator James Gildea away and Franklin Elementary School town,” would be aired 90 days prior less of anyone’s opinion on the sub- Auditorium, 700 Prospect Street. then “hijacked” TV36. to the election. They also criticized ject, between the station and other He explained that Mr. Gildea had Districts 4 and 6: the mayor for not presenting multiple local media, the mayor has had ample Westfield Memorial Library, gone on a pre-scheduled family vaca- Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader sides of the project in either the tele- opportunity to promote his agenda on Program Room, 550 East Broad tion. The mayor went on to say he has vision show or a town-wide mailing what has been called the Parking SPOOKTACULAR DISPLAY...This Westfield Avenue home is bedecked in been taping episodes of his “Home- cobwebs, mums, pumpkins and other decorative treats to celebrate Halloween. Street. that will go out before the election. Channel…while promoted as infor- Second Ward: town” show for three years, and that Resident Allen Solomon also said mational and non-partisan, it is im- recently he did a show with Parking District 1: he had spoken to Mr. Gildea before he possible for anyone in this town to Union County Annex, 300 Consultant Tim Tracy. went on vacation, and was told the believe that programming directed According to the mayor, the show Odor Becomes Nuisance North Avenue. show would not air without the con- by the mayor is not advocating a District 2, 3 and 6: is not an “advocacy piece” and he sent of the TV36 Committee. position on these decks.” feels the information needs to get to Washington Elementary School First Ward Councilman Sal Regarding the decision to air the Auditorium, 900 St. Marks program, Ms. O’Donnell said it “is For Mountainside BOE Avenue. disingenuous of the mayor to expect District 4 and 5: us to continue setting policy for the By BETSEY BURGDORF Services, Birdsall Engineering, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Wilson Elementary School station, if we know we may be over- Enviro Techniques and Insurance Auditorium, 301 Linden Avenue. ruled by politically based decisions. I Upon opening the meeting of the Restoration. Mountainside Board of Education Third Ward: ask that the town council move to Last week the board met with Tanya District 1: direct the Director of Operations to (BOE) on Tuesday night, Board Presi- Moon of the Westfield Regional dent Peter Goggi announced that past Westfield Rescue Squad, 335 cease all programming related to park- Health Department and Arnold Watterson Street. ing meetings immediately.” Chief School Administrator Dr. Schmidt from the Union County Di- Gerard Schaller suffered a heart at- Districts 2, 3 and 4: While the council did not make a vision of Emergency Management to Edison Intermediate School motion or take a vote on the issue, tack over the past weekend. He un- do a walk through of the building, derwent bi-pass surgery and is recu- Gym, 800 Rahway Avenue. Third Ward Councilmen Mark including the four classrooms and Districts 5, 6 and 7: Ciarrocca and Andrew Skibitsky de- perating in an area hospital. roof. They inspected the HVAC unit, Anyone wishing to send well Jefferson Elementary School fended the mayor, saying that resi- which had been recently serviced and Auditorium, 1200 Boulevard. dents have complained about not wishes is encouraged to send cards to changed as well as the ductwork and the board offices located at Fourth Ward: enough information being available areas where the wet insulation had Districts 1 and 2: to them. They added the program Beechwood School and they will for- been removed. ward them on to Dr. Schaller. McKinley Elementary School provides them with information. According to board member John Auditorium, 500 First Avenue. Several members of WECARE Mr. Goggi also stated that the “ef- Perrin the results of the meeting indi- forts to ameliorate” the odors at Districts 3 and 4: Westfield (Westfielders Concerned About Re- cated “they (Moon and Schmidt) did High School lobby, 550 Dorian sponsible Development) spoke to the Beechwood are ongoing. The board not think there was any reason to take is investigating consulting and envi- Road. council, saying that they would be the kids out of the classroom.” How- District 5: voting against the garage. They cited ronmental testing companies in order ever, they did recommend interim to find the firm that best fits the need Jefferson Elementary School traffic, safety, financial and environ- testing of the four classrooms and Auditorium, 1200 Boulevard. Lauren S. Pass for The Westfield Leader mental concerns with the project. and has the most experience and ex- lower corridor calling the smell a HERE COME THE JUDGE…Westfield resident Doug Fascialle, left, won the New pertise in the area of odor detection Jersey State Senate’s support this week to become the next Union County Superior In response to residents’ comments “nuisance odor.” Court Judge. Mr. Fascialle will be sworn in on Friday, November 5, in Elizabeth. on the proposed parking garage, Sec- and elimination. The five firms the Home Health Services retested the Mountainside Pictured with Mr. Fascialle is Westfield Leader Publisher Horace Corbin. ond Ward Councilman Rafael board has requested resumes from areas for bacteria and the results are CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 are PMK Consulting, Home Health expected in seven to 10 days. Polling Places: Mr. Perrin confirmed that Paul Otto, of Paul Otto Construction Company, District 1 and 6: Freeholder Candidates Face Off on Issues had recently been in the building to Municipal Building, Court investigate the odor. He drilled holes Room, 1385 Route 22. in the walls and ceilings to determine District 2, 7 and 8: the presence of moisture. “It was dry,” Our Lady of Lourdes Roman During an Intense Debate in Cranford Mr. Perrin stated. Catholic Church, 300 Central “We realized that the building runs Avenue. District 3, 4 and 5: By PAUL J. PEYTON budget. He has no experience. The space; rebuilding the county parks have provided free college education on two modes, occupied and unoccu- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader pied,” he continued. “On occupied Presbyterian Church, Assembly Democrats gave him a job to run a system, including construction of the for over 8,500 seniors and 500 full Room, Deerpath and Meeting Three Democrat incumbents and county government,” charged Mr. state’s first handicapped accessible scholarships to county residents at- mode, air is delivered into the build- their Republican challengers running House Lane. Renna, noting the budget is now $366 park for children, a dog park and CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 for county freeholder battled it out million, with over 3,000 employees, a additional playgrounds; providing CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 last week during a forum in Cranford payroll which accounts for one-third better training to emergency services sponsored by the League of Women of the county budget. personnel and keeping Runnells Spe- Voters. “Unfortunately, we have seen the cialized Hospital, which now turns a Freeholders to Consider Banning The debate was intense at times, angry Joe Renna tonight,” responded profit, open after previous Republi- with hecklers supporting one Repub- Freeholder Sullivan. “I guess every- can candidates vowed to either pri- lican candidate shouting down a one is incompetent at the county and oritize or close the Berkeley Heights Democrat incumbent. I guess everyone doesn’t know how to facility. Smoking in All County Parks This year, Democrats Daniel do their jobs. But I guess I would get Freeholder Sullivan said Democrats Sullivan of Elizabeth and Bette Jane By PAUL J. PEYTON County has passed an ordinance ban- working on an effort to ban smoking angry, too, if I got fired.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Kowalski of Cranford, both incum- Freeholder Sullivan said Mr. Renna ning smoking in its county parks. in bowling alleys due to the number bents, and Adrian Mapp of Plainfield, should explain to the audience that he The Union County Freeholder Locally, Westfield now offers a of children that are present in those are being challenged by Republicans was fired for not showing up to work. Road Closures Board is considering a proposal to smoke-free environment at its mu- facilities. Bruce Paterson and Patricia That drew an angry response from ban smoking in county parks. The nicipal pool. She said the recent Red Board member Deborah Scanlon Quattrocchia, both of Garwood; Frank some audience members who shouted Reported in WF concept was brought before the board Ribbon day program to promote a of Union, chairwoman of the board’s Arena of Westfield and Joe Renna of “liar” at Mr.
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