PAGE MIK'I'lilHM THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1948 PAGET1 Cecilia Flanaqan. Joan Dube, F. F. F. SOetETT- in attendance were: Miss Eleanor Kathleen Kinneally. Jean O'Con- BIRTHDAY PARTY' —-••• J Larson, Miss Grace Moore, Mrs. Children of Mary nor. Mary Cahill. June Walker. Eleven Seniors On Honor List RaV HIGH SCHOOL A hlrrliflnv ,.iinn|i-i'rqnrv tlint. of I Alice McBride, Eelty Sweitzer, W. Hr . Waldheim, Mrs. James W. Continued from Paffe Nine Bathleen McBride. Ruth Gore. Miss Betty Penman was parked at iGre!, oi-y. Mrs,. Tourjee of Morris- SUPPORT THE At High School Fifth Marking ACTIVITIES town will entsrtain for the next School 1 Lucill Gore. Joan Schwindinger. the meeting' of the F. F. F. So- ] i470 Broad 6* onna. Ruth Garber. Dorothy Mil- meeting. guest speaker RefreshmJ! published ' Gloria Selcan. ciety held ^w-Hh Miss Virginia | be in charge of Rahway JEWISH RELIEF tntcred at the r >r. Charlotte Miller. Prances Ba- I High School Principal Ralph N. Kocher Announces Assembly Program Bostwick, of 473 Central avenue. Mis The Rahway High School band SECOND CHURCH C. E. Barclay In co-operation t"-k, Florence M-rra. SECURES SCHOLARSHIP In the Kumes high scores were I APPEAL i Those Who Attained High Averages During and chorus reproduced at the as- TO HEAR JOHN COOPER program the Boy ScoUts 01 Mario Mule. Agnes Tul!y. Pejigy A scholarship by the Layton made by Mrs. Neil.Tourjee and I i:nsCBirT' j Marking Period Just Closed itinbly period last Wednesday vanced their meeunc l0 -pild within Y) Gilts. Mary Jane Gildea. Carol School of Art. Milwaukee. Wis.. Mrs. Norman f'iero while others I The Junior Department of theinight R5c. Dj null. .-::>rii€' of the outstanclins numbers The first Memorial Day after flecorb B I ir.--. CUi'ire Pail. Elizabeth has been awarded to Townsend »1JSO. Slnjle from the musir fi-.siival which hud llj..ir!r. AIUM SmKji. JiWft "Bns- Howe. s,m of Mrs^Charles H. [ High Schoo^Principal Ralph N. Koeher has annnuncrd the end of both wars-German and : bt-rn pr: ;;f:i!:'rt on 'I'uc-.ciay'niiVlil.. Merging thaJteBWEy'Reeord, Eat. 1822 with the Railway News Eat. 1930 l.n CIT;!:.I Dili:. Elltvll Gore. Howf. of 85 West Mlltbn avenue. : the honor rolTat the High School for the Fifth Mui'k iu: japan-tomorrow. lhoniion Mmi'.v. and HawarU G::i:-.f\ CV:i::'f S.-hiinmt-:. Claire TiiL- Rahway youth secured the ? ? ? VOL. 124—No. 47 Published Every Thuraday- RAHWAY. NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 194G Local Subscription 12.00 a Year In Advance PER COPY FIVE CENTS Mei period indicating that eleven Seniors; one junior, six soph- rCi ll.v direcli-d the musical innn- Sullnan Marie DcSicf.ir.o Dor- >chjlaisliip on the baiis of his The parade Is expected to be omores and ten freshmen main- i M bt-r.s. It was announced that the New ~Jer , ,.iy FVr.lon T:i -u-:i Ca1 iv. R.^a- p.>rtifoho of pain'.inRs- which in- ;;>:oi.-;ti "will be fea:urcd in the the largest the city ever witnessed- Assoc mund O'D.-nm-l M.in.Mi M>Oi:dy. cluded the one which recently won j,tained the average necessary for . Kachur, Donald Kradjel. Barrett Seeks Renomination rcmmenccmcntpi'osrram and Hifh and we hope It Is. Certainly with CJ. iii_M>£.»_v: lyii1_M.11A :££ii;_Ca h:: '.^ f::'.-t prize in the Bamberger Ex- 'the high honor roll, while numer- 1 Kr:v.-rn-r tjnn.-y T.-~pnhard.-EiUiea— -ovcr-17500-veterans-baclr-from-the OTTjt);~Priiici"p3T"P.in'jjirTJT~Ko Contractls^Awarded— Li-g-h-t-Jfoting F4 n a 1 Par ade^Li n e u p I>!i: .i:!iy C.iiinol's. Pfi:i:y Crwwcll. "ii:b:t at Newark. The scholar- ous other members of all four Maurer. Dorothy McFa.-lane. Jja:i . on),'] aUilat-Cd lhil Mudonts on last war and Br"l Hr.LH CuVlvlHl' Anil K:il- >h:p LS om* of wven uwnrdod in classes were listed for the Honor E. Moley. Joan Mooney. Ju:n- :h, ir cxcilN.-nt pe: fuim.ince. Rufe plenty left from :•• .. \ -1 •>.!•.. C 'I •'••'.ii Ma: v P-•*; New Jersey j and Merit Roll. Nichols, Genevieve Norante. Bar- Hardy. David Bender.'John Dixon World War 1, it Here Tuesday J The honor roll as announced by bara Schmidt, Doris Scout. I. >r- headed fjr the facutiy a picnic should be. On Veterans'Housing Expect Record Vet. Turnout •On Moi ? ? ? : Mr. Kocher includes: j raine Smarsch. Betty Smith. of tlie co-operative department $2300 lor tl [Marian Springer, Grape Stcu.irt. last week. As George SENIORS , B e at, - Grand Over Primary men', in R< Mary Tukar. Belle Wasner. K<-r.- Attend Conference Council Awards Contract For Preparing Site in Hop- Speaks Tornorrow Cemetery Plaque* High Honor Roll <*»•- ,| nel^h^ Klutkncr. Marlene Uhl. l^.••:>:• SHIRT SUIT Marshal of the a so n Mi.w Jeanne iJu-a student rep- School Board ~"£E^" ' ' Joyce Garber, Marvin Grub- i Vopt." parade complete kinson Street for Erection of Thiry-five stem. Jerry' Kagnn. Ruth KaVari iKjiiiativiand M;is Evelyn Wise. Interest Larking-As Par- To Be Dedicated paigns whi' Merit Roll .'.u-ulty a:h:--ar alt'n;ltd the Youth A he suit that needs no iacketj. -ed arrange- Veterans Temporary Housing Units Harriet Marsh. Diantha Pattison. Rii5t)ard Brand. Raymond li'a- ments for the - ties Prepare for No- "" Action Taken :r.p the pas Carolyn Cchoeffler. William Ser- WVjfarr Conference held in Eiiza- ney. .Joseph Chcrevko. Jeo:ior<; JjfiH R.^ reiJiejentittives uf ila .procession.—one - —:. —vember Barger Speaker--at--Ceme- The scout — son. Virginia Sweitzer.- Jordan Vo- 1 —A—contract for prepartrrg~t;he site in HTjpkinsorr Ddla R:»a, Julius Pulop. Blani-hi; Hivh. stops to wonder tery Service—Four - — -the -energy- nel. Ruth Warga. Giroud. Marie Kapiee. F'rpd Mn;- may not street where thirty-five veterans' temporary housing Orr~C h airg^rs FOR DRESS Honor Roll Will Plan'"Picnic Primary election voting on at a time \ • ciiitto. Ellen Morton. Janice N.c-!i- Plans f:ir a pienic to be held in a year or units are to be constructed in the immediate future, Tuesday here Is expected to bring Parade Units Isabelle Gagnon. Robert Baylis. ols. Hifhard Parkhurst. .sally ^\- t-hc cou— R-rrth—eohrn:- r— Paritway—\vitt J-two-to-getrthese- nras~ d'to Guy~Vil1cT&' out a very light vote. * With no Name New Teachers and v— Audrey Riimult, i-v-eterans--many- -ggjjg— contests-tor any_city. post at_ stake n—offieiolo betieve- ~ cuTit'a'tioiia- VirKinia St-hmidt—Arirlp • t.hange Manv ward Kirby. John Kopik. Jr., Ed- Crjss "C!ub at't.'ie hi|;h school at no— r—than-t-hyisual,county- be the biggest Memorial Dav~ nanon. Tl E. Smith. Eugene Siuri-y. Alula . a mvc'.ir.y. to be held next Tues- realize tha,t they vole o! Common CQWacttst parade in tHe~hiitory of the city, [ ward Kropaczek. Ursula Luetgens. Su\l. Alice Yioli.s, Julia Vmr/e. a special meeting last night. The mittee elections, little interest is be held tomorrowy afternoon, culled dan Abbie Ann Marsch. Shirlee Miller.! Erwin Schwartz day. President Barbara Wooden are now a part of Memorial Day- expected to be manifested in the heads the dub activities. matter what the temperature" bearded bid was $12,905.50 and the work proceeded by a special cemetery.... himself, a Louise Norante. Robert Olsen. ' Need Is Studied voting. Support of Congressman The Board service in the morning at Hazel- FRESHMEN A picnic is also planned by C. includes the rough grading, sew- Clifford B, Case of Rahway seek- night took special action to ad- n is of th Charks Robertson. Thomas Bch- ers, roadways, parking area, side- wood Cemetery and followed by a - 1'itlin. Michael Semamtzky. Will- High Honor S. Club members tu be held in the •when you wear this CONGRESSMAN CASE ing re-election through renomina- just school personel through the special prosram on the grounds The scout Helen Bogus. Mary Brophy. local park next, month. Miss Jean walks and curbs and gutters. It Board Requires Action tion on the GOP ticket will bring transfer of teachers and assign- iam Shannon. Joseph Smith. Roy r understood that the F.P.H.A. of Roosevelt School at the close oi John Finhiyson. Carolyn Grj:-.se. Bun -.-:.< t.-, club adviser. Now to Permit Later P CR-SP "of 34S Kim flyP- °"t his supporters in the Repub- ment of new teachers to fill va- and trame j Soppas, Fred Spencer. John Slill- -bit,ter-letter-to-the-paper-from cancies^ * well:—Ain> -S-.tmoehkor -MTtrjonr- -Jury- bortttfcrr* Hnsi'iiiar;e~Poln^rTr me. member of the House of J low the afternoon program, to be troop acti\ Lillian Rodit'^, Carol Sclirein;). prominent veteran official and tion of this phase of the project. Building tepresentatives at Washington i The name of Clifford B. Geh- New teacher appointments in- , Thompson, Joan Travis. Viol"-* bjris Warga. Ethel WesteVvelt. /Iready The Federal authorities will pro- held by the various veteran or- for the sci ' Tribull. Joan Vagelos. Richard Simon. Barbara Wolf>' •Merit Roll ind the first Rahway man in ring of this city who died last week cluded Virginia Thorne. Franklin ganizations 'at their headquarters. Honor Ko|l complains that only thirty vet- vide the buildings and do the job The need for immediate action many years to be elected to Con- following a long illness, will re- first grade_:__Shii ordination : Merit Roll Shirley Ainui-rong.
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