Sept. 16 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 seen in Rwanda, the Middle East, Northern Ire- NOTE: The President's 164th news conference land, Bosnia, KosovoÐyou name itÐit will be began at 3:13 p.m. in the Dean Acheson Audito- incumbent upon the United States to be a force rium at the State Department. During the later for tolerance and racial reconciliation for the portion of the news conference, President Havel foreseeable future. spoke in Czech, and his remarks were translated So this is just simply a phase of this work by an interpreter. In his remarks, President Clin- that is coming to an end, and I think you should ton referred to Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan see it as a springboard, both in the rec- Kavan, Minister of Defense Vladimir Vetchy, and ommendations the advisory commission will Prime Minister Milos Zeman of the Czech Repub- make and in the document that I will put out lic; Josef Tosovsky, Chairman, Czech National after that. Bank; President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico; Presi- Q. So could there be a council on race? dent Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil; President Clinton. I understand they may rec- Prime Minister Jean Chretien of Canada; Presi- ommend that, and if they do, of course, I will dent Jacques Chirac of France; Christopher R. take it very seriously. Hill, U.S. Ambassador to the Former Yugoslav Re- President Havel. One of my whole life per- public of Macedonia; and President Slobodan sonal ideals is ideal of a civic society. I must Milosevic of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia tell you that AmericaÐand America especially (Serbia and Montenegro). President Havel re- in time of President Clinton, because this is ferred to St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Mark the America I know the bestÐis for my work, McGwire and Chicago Cubs outfielder Sammy for my support of civic society, a big inspiration. Sosa, who broke Major League Baseball's single- Thank you. season home run record. Reporters referred to President Clinton. Thank you very much. former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky. Message to the Congress Transmitting the Report of the Commodity Credit Corporation September 16, 1998 To the Congress of the United States: Commodity Credit Corporation for fiscal year As required by the provisions of section 13, 1996. Public Law 806, 80th Congress (15 U.S.C. WILLIAM J. CLINTON 714k), I transmit herewith the report of the The White House, September 16, 1998. Â Remarks at the State Dinner Honoring President Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic September 16, 1998 The President. Good evening, ladies and gen- dency has reminded people around the world tlemen, President Havel, Mrs. Havlova, friends that words do matter, that creativity has a place from the Czech Republic, my fellow Americans. in politics, that a nation's strength is measured Welcome to the White House, Mr. President. not by its ability to control people but rather As a playwright, you could hardly have written by the opposite: its success in moving and em- a more dramatic scenario than the one you have powering them. in fact lived over the last 10 years. Your Presi- 1596 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Sept. 16 As you showed us in the press conference There is an old Czech-American saying that today, you have never lost the honesty, spon- too much wisdom does not produce courage. taneity, the contagious friendliness of your writ- That's a nice way of saying, I think, that too ing. I feel quite certain no other head of state much time spent in books may keep people would have appointed Frank Zappa as a cultural too much away from the active world. Mr. Presi- ambassadorÐ[laughter]Ðor taken our favorite dent, you have lived a life of the mind and Czech-American, Madeleine Albright, out on the a life of action. You have shown us wisdom town in New York to hear some good music; and courage. You have made us believe that or given the President of the United States a we can not only dream our dreams but redeem personally inscribed tenor saxophone and forced them. him to play it. [Laughter] Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to join me Since you became President, you have in a toast to the President of the Czech Repub- brought back democracy and civil society. You lic, Mrs. Havlova, and to the people of the have led the Czech Republic to a place of prom- Czech Republic. inence in the new Europe, and we look forward to your becoming a member of NATO. [At this point, President Havel made brief re- Together we have been partners in Bosnia marks, offered a toast, and then presented Presi- and in other Balkan trouble spots, working to dent Clinton with the Order of the White Lion.] repair the ravages of intolerance and injustice. The President. If I put all this onÐ[laugh- And together we will be partners to build a ter]ÐI may feel like royalty. peaceful, prosperous, and free Europe in the Mr. President, I first saw Prague in the sec- 21st century. ond week of January in 1970. I was a young We value our ties to the Czech people. The student of no visible means and fairly poor pros- first Czechs arrived in the New World in the pects. I remember that I went to Prague with 17th century, and many more came in the wake a pair of rawhide boots and a Navy pea jacket of the revolution of 1848. Dvorak composed his I bought in the Army-Navy surplus store. But magnificent, ``New World Symphony,'' bor- I learned something there that is as vivid to rowing the rhythms he heard during his travels me today as it was then. across the United States, especially from Afri- When all of you were at a moment of despair, can-American folk music. The flag of the Czech I saw in the young students I met there a love Republic was designed and first flown in New for freedom that you gave life to again. And York to honor a visit by the great patriot Tomas whenever I look at this award, I will know that Masaryk. From athletes to artists, from actors it's too grand for me to wear, but I will be to astronauts, from secretaries to Secretaries of State, Czech-Americans, many of whom are here very glad that we could do something in the tonight, have lent their gifts to our grateful Na- United States, through NATO, to help ensure tion. that that freedom will never, ever be lost again. We shared the world's sadness when Czecho- Thank you, sir. slovakia lost its freedom 50 years ago. We felt a similar sense of loss when the Prague Spring NOTE: The President spoke at 8:53 p.m. in the was followed by Soviet invasion in 1968. But East Room at the White House. In his remarks, you and your comrades, Mr. President, taught he referred to Dagmar Havlova, wife of President us again that all seasons are cyclical, that spring Havel. The transcript released by the Office of always returns. In 1989, your Velvet Revolution the Press Secretary also included the remarks of rejuvenated the entire world. President Havel. 1597.
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