December 20, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8183 cases against civilians in military courts; EXECUTIVE SESSION with no intervening action or debate; and that if confirmed, the motions to re- Whereas, on July 25, 2017, the Organization consider be considered made and laid of American States Secretary General Luis EXECUTIVE CALENDAR upon the table en bloc; that the Presi- Almagro convened public hearings to review whether the Government of Venezuela has Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I dent be immediately notified of the committed crimes against humanity and ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Senate’s action; that no further mo- should be referred to the International ate proceed to executive session for the tions be in order; and that any state- Criminal Court: Now, therefore, be it en bloc consideration of the following ments relating to the nominations be Resolved, That the Senate— nominations: Executive Calendar Nos. printed in the RECORD. (1) expresses its profound concern about 489, 498, 509, 531, and 532; that the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the humanitarian impacts of the crisis suf- ate vote on the nominations en bloc objection, it is so ordered. fered by the people of Venezuela, including with no intervening action or debate; The question is, Will the Senate ad- widespread shortages of basic food commod- vise and consent to the Kees, ities and essential medicines; that if confirmed, the motions to re- consider be considered made and laid McAllister, Parsons, Patrick, and Stu- (2) urges President of Venezuela Nicolas art nominations en bloc? Maduro to permit the delivery of inter- upon the table en bloc; that the Presi- The nominations were confirmed en national humanitarian assistance; dent be immediately notified of the (3) calls on the Government of Venezuela Senate’s action; that no further mo- bloc. to immediately release all political prisoners tions be in order; and that any state- f and to respect internationally recognized ments relating to the nominations be UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- human rights; printed in the RECORD. (4) calls on the Government of Venezuela MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there to ensure the neutrality and professionalism Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I of all security forces and to respect the Ven- objection? ask unanimous consent that at a time ezuelan people’s rights to freedom of expres- Without objection, it is so ordered. to be determined by the majority lead- sion and assembly; Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to er, in consultation with the Demo- (5) supports the Secretary General of the consider the nominations en bloc. cratic leader, on January 3, 2018, the Organization of American States in his re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate proceed to executive session for view of whether the widespread human question is, Will the Senate advise and rights abuses in Venezuela warrant an inves- the consideration of the following nom- consent to the nominations of Bruce D. ination: Executive Calendar No. 508. I tigation by the International Criminal Jette, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Court; and ask consent that there be 30 minutes of (6) urges the President of the United States Secretary of the Army; James E. debate, equally divided in the usual to provide full support for OAS efforts in ex- McPherson, of Virginia, to be General form; that following the use or yielding amining the human rights situation in Ven- Counsel of the Department of the back of time, the Senate vote on the ezuela and to instruct appropriate Federal Army; Randall G. Schriver, of Virginia, nomination with no intervening action agencies to hold officials of the Government to be an Assistant Secretary of De- of Venezuela accountable for violations of or debate; that if confirmed, the mo- fense; Thomas Harker, of Virginia, to tion to reconsider be considered made United States law and abuses of internation- be an Assistant Secretary of the Navy; ally recognized human rights. and laid upon the table; that the Presi- and John P. Roth, of Virginia, to be an dent be immediately notified of the f Assistant Secretary of the Air Force en Senate’s action; that no further mo- bloc? tions be in order; and that any state- The nominations were confirmed en NOTICE OF INTENT TO OBJECT TO ments relating to the nomination be bloc. PROCEEDING printed in the RECORD. I further ask f I, Senator CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, in- that notwithstanding rule XXXI, the tend to object to proceeding to the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR nomination be held in status quo into the second session of the 115th Con- nomination of David J. Ryder, of New Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Jersey, to be Director of the Mint, and ask unanimous consent that the Sen- gress. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Isabel Marie Keenan Patelunas, of ate proceed to the en bloc consider- objection, it is so ordered. Pennsylvania, to be Assistant Sec- ation of the following nominations: Ex- retary of Intelligence and Analysis, De- ecutive Calendar Nos. 571, 572, 573, 574, f partment of the Treasury, dated De- and 575. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR cember 20, 2017. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. f ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The clerk will report the nomina- ate proceed to the consideration of Ex- tions en bloc. AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO ecutive Calendar Nos. 560 through 569 The legislative clerk read the nomi- MEET and all nominations placed on the Sec- nations of Duane A. Kees, of Arkansas, retary’s desk; that the nominations be Mr. GARDNER. Mr. President, I have to be United States Attorney for the a request for one committee to meet confirmed; that the motions to recon- Western District of Arkansas for the sider be considered made and laid upon during today’s session of the Senate. It term of four years; Stephen R. has the approval of the Majority and the table with no intervening action or McAllister, of Kansas, to be United debate; that no further motions be in Minority leaders. States Attorney for the District of Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph order; that any statements related to Kansas for the term of four years; Ron- the nominations be printed in the 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- ald A. Parsons, Jr., of South Dakota, to ate, the following committee is author- RECORD; that the President be imme- be United States Attorney for the Dis- diately notified of the Senate’s action, ized to meet during today’s session of trict of South Dakota for the term of the Senate: and the Senate then resume legislative four years; Ryan K. Patrick, of Texas, session. SUBCOMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND to be United States Attorney for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without INFRASTRUCTURE Southern District of Texas for the term objection, it is so ordered. The Subcommittee on Transpor- of four years; and Michael B. Stuart, of The nominations considered and con- tation and Infrastructure of the Com- West Virginia, to be United States At- firmed are as follows: mittee on Environment and Public torney for the Southern District of IN THE AIR FORCE Works is authorized to meet during the West Virginia for the term of four The following named officer for appoint- session of the Senate on Wednesday, years. ment in the United States Air Force to the December 20, 2017, at 10:30 a.m. in room Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to grade indicated while assigned to a position SD–406 to conduct a hearing entitled consider the nominations en bloc. of importance and responsibility under title ‘‘Freight Movement: Assessing Where Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I 10, U.S.C., section 601: We Are Now and Where We Need to ask unanimous consent that the Sen- To be lieutenant general Go’’. ate vote on the nominations en bloc Maj. Gen. Anthony J. 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