THE CONNECTICUT CAMPUS VOL. XIV. STORRS, CONNECTICUT,FRIDAY, MAY 4,1928 NO. 27 "BEOWULF" WILSON JUNIOR PLAY WILL CHURCH GROUNDS JUNIOR PROM TO DECRIES VANDALS OFFER REAL DRAMA TO BE IMPROVED BE GALA AFFAIR Tarzan of Storrs Beieechei Gurley- Vicious Hate and Rara Humor Ap- Area South of Church to be Convert- Decorations Will be Modeled After viile School Children to Behave pear in Rapid Succession in Hatch- ed Into Parking Space-—Rev. Mr. Japanese Garden.—Lionel Ken- Decorously Toward Friends of the er Hughes' "Hell Bent For Heav- Ailing Soliciting $5,000 to Finance nedy's Orchestra to Furnish Music. Field and Forest. en." Work. —Student Frolic in Armory Fol- lowing Play Saturday Night. "Beowulf" Wilson, campus Tarzan Another ambitious step has been The grounds committee of the Com and simian football tackle, recently taken by Theta Alpha Phi in the se- munity church is working in conjunc- The Junior Prom, that most color- amused the school children of Gurley- lection of the Junior Play This time tion with the college in an effort to ful and outstanding social affair of they are presenting Hatcher Hushes' the college year, will take place in viUe with the following brilliant make the present campus more beau- Pulitzer Prize play, "Hell Bent For Hawley Armory, on Friday evening, story of creation. "Preserving Our tiful. Plans are now under way to Heaven." Much interest is being man- May 11th. On that night the dincers National Forests" is the subject of fill in the low grounds which lie just ifested in the project, which is fully will find themselves entering a dim, disorder. west of the church. The grounds as difficult as any yet undertaken. cool, Japanese garden, resplendent "To begin with, my little friends, must first be tiled to permit water to The play deals in a striking way with vari-colored Japanese lanterns, when old Mother Nature made this run off. This project itself requires with the people of the North Carolina shaded by palms and cooled by a lovely world of ours she gave to it a large amount of labor and capital, mountain country. The entire ac- shimmering fountain set in a rock first of all the beautiful trees and for it also involves proper drainage tion takes place in a room of centerpiece. The oriental aspect will Sowers along with the cer present for the Community House. the Hunt's home. The room is be carried still further by the tiny moisture so necessary—from rain- The ground to be filled is at the dull and depressing, the whole at- tea tables for two arranged around drops in smallness to the mighty riv- present time about four feet lower mosphere stark and bare. But onto the track gallery. ers and oceans. Then Mother Nature than the road, and it will be raised this scene is thrown one of the most Mr. Pownall, chairman of the com- soon after this, I suppose, to keep the until it is nearly level. The base will powerful and dramatic bits of life mittee on decorations, in departing mighty woods and beautiful flowers be on the rock which was blown out ever written into drama. The vicious from the staid and conventional company, sent the beautiful birds and for the foundation of the church. hates of a family feud, and the unbal- scheme of color arrangements, is animals. And hence, my little chil- The last few layers of dirt will be anced ravings of a religious fanatic carrying out the policy of the Class dren, for many years old Mother taken from the banks around Whit- are the principle elements of the plot. of 1929 in attempting to improve Nature left our world as such with ney Hall. The present plans call for Let not this discourage you. You upon preceding affairs. This policy the birds and animals living so han- a road to go past the new Science will be highly amused at the rich and has followed the present junior class pily deep in the forest, playing daily Building, and a complete change in : subtle humor. The characters of ever since its arrival on the "Hill," among the frees and among the b g the nppearance of the campus in the stout trunks of the mighty trees. Andy and David will afford comic and has been noticeable throughout next few years. relief to those who want it. Not its career. "Here, my children, lived for many After the marsh is filled and seed- years our little friends so well known rollicking farce, but really fine hu- Mr. Knaut, chairman of the Prom ed, plans call for it to be used as a mor such as only Hatcher Hughes can committee, and his associates, Mr to you as Bobby Coon, Johnny Bear, parking space for the use of the write. The play is presented for your Sayers and Mr. Dall, have completed Jerry Muskrat, Billy Mink, Old Man church and college—something which enjoyment. And the last act will most of the ad\nncc v ork in connec- Owl, Baldy the Eagle, and many other has been needed for a long time. The little nomads of nature Just think. prove one of the most amusing and dramatic scenes ever put on the stasie (Continued from Page Five) (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Five) in Hawley Armory. W. H. PRATT, '29 NEW R.O.T.C.UNIT RADIO BUGS ON CONNECTICUT DAY STUDENT ORG. PRES. I EXHIBITION MAY 10 HILL START CLUB PLANS PROGRESS Popular Junior Nutmeg Editor Elect- Sophomore, Junior, and Company Members of Radio Code and Theory Students Will Concentrate Efforts ed to Presidency of Student Organ- Competitions to be Held May 10 Classes Organize Society.—Some Upon Athletic Field Project.—Ten- ization.—Powers, Osterling, and in Four Hour Drill of Local R. O. Students Ready to Qualify for nis Courts to be Made. Darrow Elected to Sub-Offices. T. C. Battalion.—Classes Suspend- Amateur Licenses. ed for the Morning. Willis H. Pratt, '29, was elected Among the suggested projects for ., . .» , , , ,, presidentesident of the Student (Jrgani/.aOrgani/.a- Next Thursday, May 10, is to be On April 20, a group of ten students Connecticut Day as planned by Mr. j ^ _ __, , , _ __ I tion in thelU finalc ballotingllt fort t thatl who are attending the radio code and Manchester, advisor of the Athletic I set apart as "76th Division Day" office held this week. It was neces- theory classes under the leadership Council, is the fixing of two or three ! here at Storrs. It will be celebrated of Mr. Noble formed an organization sary to vote three times because of tennis courts on the upper part of the by a four hour exhibition by the R. to be known as the Connecticut Agri- the fact that no one candidate receiv- new athletic field. Ultimately there JO. T. C. in the morning. This ex- cultural College Radio Communica- ed a majority of the votes cast. In will be some six courts on the camp- hibition will include Sophomore, Ju- tion Club. Its purpose is "for pro- the first voting there were four can- us, but the adjoining ground will i nior, and Company competition, a motion of interest in amateur radio didates. The second vote was on have to be tile-drained first and a ' problem in military tactics demon- communication and experimentation, the three highest and the following good foundation laid for the courts, strating the use of infantry units and for the relaying of messages by radio, and final vote on the two highest. and this in turn is dependent on in- weapons in combat, and a battalion for the advancement of the radio art, The result of this ballot was Pratt, coming funds. review. and for the maintenace of fraternal- 223 and W. H. Knaut, 149. Pratt is Connecticut Day has tentatively The judges for the competitions will ism and a high standard of conduct." prominent in activities on the Hill, been set for May 17. Of first import be Lt. Colonel George W. England, John Roach, '31 was elected presi- besides being a member of Gamma is the finishing work on the cinder ! U. S. Army, Acting Chief of Staff of dent, and Richard Ackermin was Chi Epsilon, he is a member of Sig- track, the shaping up of the baseball I the 76th Division of the Organized elected secretary-treasurer, of the ma Phi Oamma fraternity. infield (drainage is now going on) Reserve Corps and officers of his staff. club. Mr. Noble was elected to be the In the elections for the other offices and the seeding of the athletic field. The exhibition will also be witnessed faculty advisor. Meetings are to be John Powers was chosen first vice The Faculty will probably labor , and graded by Lt. Colonel Daniel F. held every other Monday at 7.30, at president, Marvin Osterling second around the Storrs church and the Com j Craig, F. A., U. S. A. and Major Rob- which time some interesting topic vice president, and William Darrow munity House. ert H. Barrett, Inf., U. S. A. will be discussed. secretary. There was no contest for The Sophomore competition will Several of the members will hours on the air. Classes in theory first vice president. Powers being un- | consist of a squad of sophomores from soon qualify for their amateur licens- and code practice are held on Mon- opposed for the office. Osterling de- each company who will be graded on es. ;md be permitted to use the col- days at 7.30, and on other week days feated Harry Olson 166 to 137 for their general appearance, manual of ltf« short wave transmitting station at 4.00 p.
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