Trash collected SPORTS Waste collection em­ MENU TIPS ployees will work their regularly Rian Powell Is scheduled shifts beginning the Spicy Mexican EAST SIDEiy NEWS Area Top Player week of Monday, February 19th Peanut Soup through Friday, February 23rd. ISSUED FRIDAY Cleveland City Hall will be closed SERVING LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, on the President's Day Holiday, ·see Page 10 MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD • LEE, MILES • UNION, UNIVERSITY See Page 9 Monday, February 19th. 'ciRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGE OF FREE IDGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND Funds for school programs READ ON- WRITE ON Tuesday, January 16,2001- Friday, January 19,2001 A collaboration of cation, The National co~u­ (NCEA) and The National As­ :VoL. 21 No. 11 "COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW" the U.S. Department of Edu- nity Education Assoc1at10n sociation of Billingual Educa­ tion (NBE) collaborating lo­ Salute to Black History Month Motown revue at Hall of Fame cally with The Ohio Depart­ ment ofEducation, The ~hio The rock and Roll was gaining momentum, Hunger Task Force (OHTF) hall of F arne and Museum Motown broke down barri­ and The East Side Organizing The life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ameritech recently pre­ ers. It enabled people from Project (ESOP) with the By BRENDA STORY rican-American residents of the prize money among vari· sented The Sound of Young Copley News Sen.ice the city to protest by walking all walks of life to come to- Charles Stewart Mott F ounda­ ous civil rights groups. America: A Tribute to and driving instead of using In 1965, King led a gether through a musical tion as fiscal sponsor. The Jan. I 5 marks the Motown. buses.· march from Selma, Ala., to the conference is frree of charge 15th anniversary of the pr. The celebration of sound and style that was Eventually the U.S. state capital in Montgomery to to participants on Tuesday, Martin Luther King Jr. holi­ this vital and important part truly )unique and continues Supreme Court declared that demand voting reforms. Six February 20, at8:30 a.m.- 2:30 day. of America's social fabric will to influence American Alabama's state and local laws hundred people began the p.m. at 6600 Lexington Av- The first national requiring segregation on march, but after six blocks state last throughout February in popular culture," said Terry enue. celebration of the man who buses were illegal. troopers with clubs, whips and honor of !Black IHistory Stewart, President and CEO The U.S. Department had the dream that one day, In January 1963, he tear gas drove them back while Month. of the rock and Roll Hall of of Education grants ranging "little black boys and black The triblute will announced that he would go whites watching from the side· Fame and Museum. from $125,000-$500,000 will girls will be able to join hands to Brrmingharn, Ala, to fight consist of a combination of with little white boys and walks cheered. The original provide funds to individuals, segregation laws. There was educational activities and Two people were public/private, sector busi­ white girls and walk together King Jr. a court order that forbid any performances by national Miracles, The Velvelettes, killed and more than 70 were nesses, public institutions, as sisters and brothers" was demonstrations, so King and and The Contours were the injured. A court order allowed Motown recording artists. in 1986. "M.L." He lived with his par­ associations, schools, com­ others were arrested. the march to proceed, and . "At a time when first groups to appear at the This day reminds us ents, brother and sister not far When be was re­ munity organization, when they arrived in Mont­ the ci vii rights movement event. that King's fight was for the from the Ebenezer Baptist leased, King led more peace­ churches, arts and other type gomery the marchers were freedom, equality and dignity Church where his father ful demonstrations, and the cultural organizations, and greeted by 25,000 supporters of all people - and a time to preached and where one day police fought 15ack with water youth development agencies singing "We Shall Overcome" remember that his message of he would preach himself. hoses, tear gas and dogs. Tele­ who work in a meaningful col­ On Aug. 6, 1965, a voting rights change was intended to be His mom and dad ·vision news coverage of these laboration with schools to ex­ bill was passed. demonstrated in nonviolent taught their ch!ldren what events ·helped to bring about tends learning opportunities ways. would become an important ·changes because many In 1968, King went to for children and youth. He was born on Jan. part of M.L. 's life - to treat all Americans were disgusted by Memphis, Tenn., to help sani­ For information,call l 5, 1929, in Atlanta. When he people with respect. the cruel treatment of African­ tation workers who were on 429-0757. was young he was called There were several important Americans in the South. strike. He was shot and killed events in his life and here are a On Aug. 28, 1963 , the March while leaving his motel room few of them. on Washington took place on April4. He became involved with' more than 200,000 people [f you want to learn more with the civil rights. movement gathering in front of the Lin­ about Martin Luther King Jr. when Rosa Parks, an African­ coln Memorial in Washington, and more important events that American seamstress on her D.C., to continue the fight for happened in his life, there are way home from work, was ar· civil rights. lots and lots of web sites on rested Dec. 1, 1955, in Mont­ [t was a peaceful protest by the Internet. gomery, Ala., for not giving a people of all colors and ages Here are a few of them: white bus rider her :,;eat. and this is where King deliv­ - www.holidays.net/mlkl King, who was the ered his famous "I Have a - www. cviog. uga ed/projects/ pastor of a church in Mont­ Dream" speech. gainfo/mlk. htm gomery at the time, and other In 1964, he was awarded the - www.nps.gov/malu/frames/ community leaders asked Af- Nobel Peace Prize. He divided frarnes.htm History on the civil right movement By ALISON ASHTON She was arrested, m?dern civil righ!s. strug~le Kristen Holmes, and Kathy LePar of Ohio KePRO help Copley News service and the incident sparked a With exhibits detalimg maJor kick off heart Failure Awareness ffeek. boycott of the city's buses by milestones, such as the Mont­ Few events in African-Americans that lasted gomery Bus Boycott and America's modern history Woodward supports Heart awareness more th~ a year- until the U.S. Brown v. Board of Education. have been as wrenching and Representative cant differences between the Supreme Court ruled segrega- The museum also de- inspiring as the civil rights Claudette Woodward (D-09) two heart conditions. tion on transportation was un- tails the continuing struggle movement of the 1950s and and Ohio KePRO, the Medi­ Knowing the differ­ constitutional.. here in America and around the 1960s. care peer review organization ences could save lives. Alabama was world. While you're in Mem- A pilgrimage to the for Ohio, encourages every­ As many as one­ ground zero of the movement, phis, also check out the Alex sites linked to the movement one to recognize the differ­ third of heart attack victims which culminated in the march Haley Home and Mason ences between heart failure evokes the turbulent emotion from Selma to Montgomery in Temple, where King delivered never experience chest pain, of those times. and a heart attack during which can delay lifesaving di­ March 1965. his famous speech, "I've Been From small communi­ Six hundred civil to the Mountaintop." Heart Failure Awareness agnosis and treatment. ties to the nation 's capital, rights workers set out from Washington, D.C. Week, February 12-16. Many of those with these places are where people­ s·elma only to be beaten back More than 200,000 people A heart attack is also heart failure are unaware they both black and white - pro­ at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. joined the n~w-legendary known as an acute myocardial have the condition because tested, marched and, too often, infarction or AMI. King led a symbolic March on Washington in 1963 some of its most common lost their lives to forge a new "Infarction" means march across the bridge a few to demand jobs, equality and symptoms are often mistaken world where "separate, but days later, then on March 21, freedom for black citizens. tissue death due to lack of for normal signs of getting equal" would no longer be the 3,200 people set out to Mont- Gathered at the Lin­ blood. law older. of the land. gomery, sleeping in fields coin Memorial, the crowd was Heart attacks occur More than 70% of The National Park along the way. inspired by King's speech, "I when blood flow to an area of both heart attack and heart Service is an excellent place to By the time they Have a Dream." 'the heart is decreased or cut failure victims are over the age start your journey reached the state capital four The National Park off and the affected area of the of S. 6 Visit the NPS Web days later, their ranks had Service's civil rights I:OOve- heart dies.
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