mm Volume 35 July 1968 Number '2 PROCEEDINGS • \'-> .";.<•••"•:.. -r? x_/-,' .-•"•' •-•'.• ':'•,- •• '• ' ?~~ ,••"' ] ;.••'•':••'•.-- •.'.-.•- " ... • ': ',"- The Helminthologicai Sodety A semiannual journal of research devoted to Helminfho/ogy and a// branches 6f Parasitology •^% SuppOrtedun pdrt byithe >'.^.^'f^ Braytqn H. RqnsonT/Aenr^prial Trust Fund Substriptipn $7.00 a Volume; Foreign, $7^50 A.CHQLONU, ALEXANDER D. Studies on the Freshwater Cercariae of Northern' • •. -/•' " :'" * ^Colorado .T...-7..._-..;...-:...^.:-:,Ji— ____ .^..,:.,. _____ ,.L^.r,r.:,.-j'.'l,^..r. --:... .;•--- J?.:. .^. ; .^259 DASGUPTA, :D. 'R.'j D. J. RASKI, AND Sr A. SHER. A Revision of the (Genus ; •,' fi£[4 Oliveira, 1940 (Nernatoda: Tylenqhidae ) ..^-.' Ii69 ., AND jflAROLD W. MANTER. Some .Digenetie Trernatodes / J of Marine Fishes of. New Caledonia.- '!Part , I. Rucephalidae, ^Monorchiidae, !> V arid Some Smaller 'Families ./l.^-.-l.---^-.^.-...!!!---^..----.-!------ ____ •-„_ ______ :_ 143 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington '! ;: ;i:r ! THE HELMINTHOLOGICAl SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON / ;-f^ &\j ' '''". -V- "••••. ''•'.'•/"'• W? ' -.C:, A1' " /".' J. Wj " ; •-,_•'"-. £ 'w' ' ; !fHE, SOCIETY /meets once ' a rponth from October ', through' M^y for ; the presentation and discu&iOn of .papers in any and all /branches; of parasitology or related Sciences. All interested ^persons -are invited to attend. j«y '•/ -•• .' .-'"., • : . '; ' -' ' /'';.•' •; ' r '')'/• ",•;- " '.,'. i ' •.-.': i ' '•.',-':",• ' '•'* ' • .. N • **) - <' '* *T •'=",' 1 '.-•"-.. j •'("•" '- -.•''.,•':- ''Persons interested in -membership -in- the1 Helminthologjcal ^ociety^of Washington ,may obtain .application blanks xfrom .the ;Correspohdirig SeeretaryrTreasurer, '.Miss'1' Edna Jvl. 'Buhrer, Belts- Ville '/iPardsitplogical'. laboratory, .•Agricultural ^Research Center, Beljtsville, Maryland 20705; A; year's subscript|ori to the Proceedings is included in the annual dues ($6.00). ; ,,"..' : ' ; ' ^f-'y- ;^;;A';P;'. ; OFFICERS xp THE SOCIETY ifdR i96a Presfdenfe tJAVID R; LINCICQME /" '''-U'^ ^.•'''i?/: f/0 fe' Vice President: ALAN^C PIPKIN, v, : ' ;" ' '''^ -^'W'^ •'-?•' '!' -V Correspb^Av^g Secretary-Treasurer: ^EDNA M, BUHRER--:/ -.•.; ,'-| x< l^ ^ Assisfcni •Corr^p'ndtn^ Sec^^ •)• Recording Secretary: -E..-.J.. \L. SOUI^By ,-' . '. ;; wV^^ '' 7 : ,^',-:'/:, :^4 /^ECl^U^]&l-|i^ .jr ^^^ ;; ^;;'^^'.'':';:" -rv *' ; Representative to the WasMngton ^cqde^^^ r t i v^, Representative to !the American 'Society pi Parasitologists: CHARLES G. D^JRfelN' •<• 1965-f 7). /Executive, Committee Hembers-at^Large:' ' -GILBERT F. OTTO, ,1968 '}• •> : x' J " ''•'; . .,. , , PROCEEDINGS OF THE ^ ^EIMINTHOLOGKAL SOCIETY C*FvWASHINGTO MyCPBDIMGS are published by the ee^minthological j Society o^ Wasi>iHgtorif JHp\vever» ipapers' heed not be /preserited at ,a meeting to ^be published ; in the 'Proceedings. NonTmembers n^ay publish in the 'Proceedings 'if they vVvill contribute the ;fvill cost |of /publication. Two issues /are .published each '< year; in ^January arid July. -v . / '. -. • ; ', • •.'••,*'• ' '' •'•••'>, :jv ',. ••'•/V1 i .'''':;'h'. •'; •'] '•/'• 7-' •'.;,•',.• ",-•'•.••..'' /-. .;,-'••" .^ /•• '- 'MAiyC/SCRJPTS ,may be subniitted ; to any member of the Editorial iComrnittee. Manu- scripts niust be._ jtypewritten, dpuble -spaced, ;and 'in: .finished; fptmi 'Only the ribbon cppy >will be accepted for publication; it is accepted iWitli the understaitiding that »it will be published ,ohly in the ProceedingsT • / ,• "'•''. ;'' ' ';'• •,-• -t\ ' '•.;'„'• '' . ' • ., • .'^ : .,'".,7 ' ," ^ :• 'REPRINTS may be-wdered ;from the "PRINTER at theA^arne^ time 'the 'corrected /proof is returned tOj the EDIITOR. y :l /"!, •''''•.''' ,•• "/'•';'' •/• ' .-.,. • '•'. " ,;/'""' "'•:}/ -'''"''-,;, -e': .'- !-: '•':»•''• BACK VOLUMES, ,6f the Proceedings are available. f!nQViries cpricerning back volumes and current subscriptions^ should be directed toi jMiss Edria M. • Buhrer^ Corresppnding Secretary- Treasurer. !.;, ; "'- . ^'"'~. >-/••' ' •!.'',-'' . ' '"! '" '! • '-'•• •• • ,!'r-''f' '\'-'J .• .•'!-• EDiTORIAL> CpJVlMlTTEE "'' ''' »;-"•':: ' -VN/' J. TROMB A, Editor, 1970 Beltsville Parasitoljbgical Laboratory " ! AgriculturaMleseareh Center' 'JACOB'H, 'FISCHTHALH972 y" ;//.'. i R. NICKLE^ 1972;' i HARGIS?JR;,'i971 ^ '^ ; :Ll|CKER, ;1Q72 '-; t ' =,; fcA ' , 197Q - :. , 1969 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME 35 JULY 1968 NUMBER 2 Thiabendazole as an Anthelmintic Against Ascaridia columbae in Pigeons1 EVERETT E. WEHR2 AND MERLE L. COLGLAZIER Ascaridia columbae is a common intestinal The worms passed by each bird were nematode of pigeons. When present in large counted daily. At the termination of treat- numbers, the parasite causes anemia and weak- ment, the pigeons were necropsied and all ness. Often the affected birds are poor eaters worms remaining were counted. and breeders (Levi, 1957). Attempts to con- trol this parasite with piperazine were unsuc- Results and Discussion cessful (Hwang et al., 1958) despite efficacy The data are in Table 1. One hundred per of the drug against A. galli of chickens (Col- cent of the A. columbae were removed by glazier et al., 1960; Horton-Smith and Long, feeding mash medicated with 0.5% thiabenda- 1956; and Shumard and Eveleth, 1955). Inas- zole for a 10-day period. Failure of the drug much as thiabendazole has demonstrated effec- to remove all worms from pigeons treated for tiveness against many intestinal parasites, in- 8 and 9 days reduced its overall efficacy cluding ascarids of livestock and poultry to 96%. This reduced efficiency may be mis- (Brown, 1961; Cuckler, 1961; and Long and leading because 47 of the 62 worms recovered Wakelin, 1964) it was tried against A. colum- in Trial 2 came from one pigeon; this bird bae. The results are reported herein. failed to consume its allotment of medicated mash. Materials and Methods The drug removed immature as well as ma- The 57 White King pigeons used in this ture worms. The greatest number of worms experiment were purchased from a commercial was passed on the 3rd post-treatment day, but grower as 6-week-olcl squabs. They were housed in sterilized wire cages suspended appreciable numbers were still being passed on from the ceiling of the poultry house, and the 6th day. Unfavorable effects were not fed unmedicated turkey-pigeon mash. Fecal observed in any of the birds. examinations were made for a 2-week period to ascertain that the pigeons were free from Summary and Conclusions extraneous parasites. Each bird was then Fifty-seven 15-week-old White King pigeons, inoculated experimentally with approximately experimentally infected with the intestinal 1,000 infective eggs of A. columbae from lab- roundworm, Ascaridia columbae, were used in oratory cultures. four critical trials to assess the anthelmmtic About 50 days later, when the droppings contained eggs of A. columbae, each bird was activity of a 0.5% thiabendazole-medicated put in a separate cage and given free access mash fed ad libitum. Efficacies of 99, 84, 100, to turkey-pigeon mash containing 0.5% thia- and 100% were obtained in birds fed the mash bendazole by weight, for the periods shown in for 8, 9, 10, and 13 days, respectively. The Table 1. average efficacy in the four trials was 96%. Both immature and mature A. columbae were 1 Beltsville Parasitological Laboratory, Animal Disease and Parasite Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, removed. The drug produced no visible un- Beltsville, Maryland 20705. - Retired November 30, 1965. favorable effects. 117 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 118 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Table 1. Efficacy of 0.5% thiabendazole-medicated mash for the removal of Ascaridia columbae from pigeons. Parasites Number Treatment of period No. removed No. recovered Efficacy Trial pigeons (days) at necropsy ( per cent ) 1 19 8 669 8* 99 2 15 9 318 62f 84 3 8 10 258 0 100 4 15 13 282 0 100 Total or average 57 1,527 70 96 Worms recovered from one bird only. Worms recovered from five birds (47 from one bird). Literature Cited Hwang, J. C., D. K. McLoughlin, and E. E. Wehr. 1958. Removal of ascarids from Brown, H. D. 1961. 2-(4'Thiazolyl)-benzimida- zole (thiabendazole)—a new anthelmintic. pigeons. Vet. Med. 53: 263-264. Abstr. of Papers, 140th Mtg. Am. Chem. Soc., Levi, W. M. 1957. The pigeon. Levi Publish- Chicago, Illinois: 28-30. ing Co., Inc., Sumter, South Carolina: pp. Iv Colglazier, M. L., A. O. Foster, F. D. Enzie, and + 667. D. E. Thompson. 1960. The anthelmintic Long, P. L., and D. Wakelin. 1964. The ef- action of phenothiazine and piperazine against fects of thiabendazole upon experimental in- Heterakis gallinae and Ascaridia galli in chick- festations of Ascaridia galli and Capillaria ens. J. Parasit. 46: 267-270. obsignata in the chicken. British Poultry Sci. Cuckler, A. C. 1961. Thiabendazole: a new 5: 187-192. broad spectrum anthelmintic. J. Parasit. 47 Shumard, R. F., and D. F. Eveleth. 1955. A (SuppL): 36-37. Horton-Smith, C., and P. L. Long. 1956. The preliminary report on the anthelmintic action anthelmintic effect of three piperazine deriva- of piperazine citrate on Ascaridia galli and tives on Ascaridia galli (Schrank 1788). Poul- Heterakis gallinae in hens. Vet. Med. 50: try Sci. 35: 606-614. 203-205. Helminths of Some Wild Mammals in the Southeastern United States1 GROVER C. MILLER AND REINARD HARKEMA Zoology Department, North Carolina State
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