February 2, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S477 CASEY, MENENDEZ, and SCHUMER for ate proceed to a period of morning dangered Species List despite a popu- their leadership on this issue. I also business, with Senators permitted to lation in excess of agreed upon recov- thank our partners in the House for speak for up to 10 minutes each. ery goals was the last straw. It is evi- their work, and let me thank Chairman The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dent now that science is not driving re- ROCKEFELLER and Ranking Member objection, it is so ordered. covery; rather, judicial decisions and HUTCHISON for considering this amend- f consent agreements with special inter- ment. est groups are dictating the fate of I hope Senators on both sides of the TRIBUTE TO ANDRE KIRK AGASSI wolves and impacted communities. De- aisle will join me in voting for this Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today spite the authorities and responsibil- amendment that will protect our pub- to recognize the extraordinary achieve- ities conveyed to States by Congress lic safety against this new hazard. ments of Andre Kirk Agassi, profes- under section 6 of the Endangered Spe- Mr. President, I yield the floor. sional tennis player and fellow Ne- cies Act, State wildlife agencies have The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- vadan, for his induction into the Inter- become mere bystanders in wolf man- ator from West Virginia. national Tennis Hall of Fame earlier agement under this paradigm. Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I this month. Take the Mexican gray wolf in the ask unanimous consent to be added as He was born on April 29, 1970, in Las Southwest. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife a cosponsor to this superb amendment. Vegas to Mike and Betty Agassi. The Service, USFWS, has not been able to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without son of a former Iranian Olympic boxer, revise the recovery plan for that wolf objection, it is so ordered. Andre Agassi’s father taught him to in 28 years. Why? Because of the liti- Mr. ROCKEFELLER. I have some play tennis at a very young age. At 16 gious nature of activist organizations. notes, but the distinguished Senator he made his professional debut, and 1 Another attempt to overhaul the pro- from Rhode Island has exhausted my year later he won his first singles title. gram and develop a recovery plan is brilliant notes in his own speech. Just He quickly rose to the international under way, but USFWS estimates that let it be said that it is an extraor- stage and was soon ranked No.1 in the plan is at least 4 to 6 years away, as- dinarily dangerous situation, this world. He continued to represent Ne- suming no litigation. We can’t expect whole concept of stronger lasers, more vada and the United States, as well as the public or the wolves to continue to carefully targeted lasers from greater athletes by winning a gold medal, wait. distances, and being able to do it from which he earned at the 1996 Olympic Acceptance of wolves on the land- behind trees and hidden places blind- Games in Atlanta, and by capturing scape requires preventing, mitigating ing, probably temporarily at this point eight Grand Slams. and responding to livestock depreda- but maybe permanently as they be- He is known as one of the most im- tion and nuisance issues on public, pri- come stronger or doing damage to the pressive champions in tennis history, vate and tribal lands. It requires trust eye. and his charisma for the game drew at- and implementation of solutions col- When the Senator spoke about hav- tention and rivals alike. Many recall laboratively developed by local stake- ing to turn over the duties of landing the great tennis rivalry with Pete holders. It’s time to give States the the airplane or taking off the airplane Sampras of the mid-1990s which recap- chance to demonstrate that they can to a copilot because of this threat, it tured a robust following of tennis fans. make wolf conservation work for both makes me worry that it is going to get Despite his tremendous success as an people and wolves. worse because this is kind of easy to athlete, his accomplishments off the Restoring wildlife is not new to do. In essence, it becomes an act of ter- court are just as impressive. After his States or tribes. In my home State of rorism, not just the problem of safety first Grand Slam title, Agassi founded Arizona, the Game and Fish Depart- for the airplane and its passengers and the Andre Agassi Charitable Associa- ment has been very successful in col- the pilots. tion, which has raised more than $60 laborative conservation. A great exam- It is a superb amendment. It is my million to help disadvantaged youth in ple is the Southwestern bald eagle. The strong feeling it will pass this body Nevada. In 2001, he also established a Game and Fish Department’s intensive easily and it will become law. The Sen- charter school for children in under- interagency management of this spe- ator from Rhode Island deserves enor- served communities and has funded cies has increased its numbers and pre- mous credit for bringing this to the at- countless scholarships. And just as he vented its listing. The Arizona Game tention of the Congress. achieved the No. 1 ranking as a tennis and Fish seeks to apply this proven ap- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- player, Agassi recently reached the top proach to wolf conservation. This bill, ator from Rhode Island. spot on the New York Times Best Sell- if enacted, would give them the oppor- Mr. WHITEHOUSE. I thank the dis- tunity. tinguished chairman for his very kind ers List when he released his autobiog- raphy. I ask unanimous consent that the fol- words. Let me thank him for his efforts lowing documents be printed in the to support this amendment. His co- I commend Andre for his efforts and extend my congratulations to his wife RECORD in support of this legislation: a sponsorship is extremely important. I letter from the Arizona Game and Fish look forward to working with whatever Steffi and their two children. Andre Agassi is an inspiration to all Nevada’s Department dated December 7, 2010, I can bring to get this amendment suc- and a resolution adopted by the West- cessfully adopted into the bill and to student-athletes and I am pleased that his hard work and excellence is being ern Association of Fish and Wildlife get the bill successfully passed. I very Agencies dated January 9, 2011. much appreciate the chairman’s distin- recognized with the highest honor an athlete can receive. There being no objection, the mate- guished leadership. rial was ordered to be printed in the f Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I RECORD, as follows: reluctantly suggest the absence of a DELISTING OF THE GRAY WOLF THE STATE OF ARIZONA, quorum. GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I have joined my colleagues to introduce leg- Phoenix, AZ, December 7, 2010. clerk will call the roll. Hon. JOHN MCCAIN, The legislative clerk proceeded to islation to amend the Endangered Spe- U.S. Senate, call the roll. cies Act of 1973 to remove the gray Washington, DC. Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I wolf. The Endangered Species Act has Hon. JON KYL, ask unanimous consent the order for proved a failure for wolf conservation. U.S. Senate, the quorum call be rescinded. I believe Congress must pave the way Washington, DC. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for a new State-based approach. Hon. TRENT FRANKS, objection, it is so ordered. Since the listing of the gray wolf as House of Representatives, endangered in 1976, the Federal wolf re- Washington, DC. f DEAR SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN, SENATOR JON covery programs have been in contin- MORNING BUSINESS KYL AND CONGRESSMAN TRENT FRANKS: The uous litigation. The latest Federal dis- Arizona Game and Fish Commission has con- Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I trict court decision returning the cluded it is beyond time to try a different ap- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Rocky Mountain gray wolf to the En- proach to Mexican wolf conservation. We ask VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:38 Oct 01, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD11\RECFILES\S02FE1.REC S02FE1 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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