Extraction and chemical characterization of the essential oil of Tagetes pusilla, in fresh and stored samples W.F. Quezada-Moreno1*; W.D. Quezada-Torres2; I. Gallardo-Aguilar2; E. Cevallos-Carvajal3, G. Arias-Palma3, A. Trávez-Castellano3; Z. Zambrano-Ochoa3; O. Rojas-Molina3 1Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Universidad de Guayaquil. Guayaquil, Ecuador 2Department of Industrial Engineering. Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas. Santa Clara, Cuba. 3Department of Engineering in Agricultural Sciences. Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi. Latacunga, Ecuador. Extracción y caracterización química del aceite esencial de Tagetes pusilla, en muestras frescas y almacenadas Extracció i caracterització química de l'oli essencial de Tagetes pusilla, en mostres fresques i emmagatzemades RECEIVED: 6 MAY 2019; REVISED: 22 MAY 2019; ACCEPTED: 23 MAY 2019 SUMMARY y componentes volátiles en muestras frescas y alma- cenadas. Sustentados en información científica se The objective of the study was to determine the vari- recopila y clasifica la especie vegetal. El proceso tec- ables for the extraction of the essential oil of Tagetes nológico de obtención de aceite esencial requirió de Pusilla (Asteraceas), using water-steam distillation ensayos experimentales considerando factores como: by cohobation and volatile components in fresh and humedad, volumen de agua y tiempo de extracción a stored samples. Sustained in scientific information, niveles altos y bajos y valorados por la variable res- the plant species is collected and classified. The tech- puesta volumen de aceite, lo que permitió establecer nological process of obtaining essential oil required un modelo matemático para el proceso. Resultados experimental tests considering factors such as: hu- demostraron que el tiempo de extracción incide posi- midity, volume of water and extraction time at high tivamente en el volumen de aceite obtenido. El análisis and low levels and valued by the variable response de la fracción volátil se realizó por cromatografía de volume of oil, which allowed to establish a math- gases/espectrofotómetro de masas, donde la muestra ematical model for the process. Results showed that fresca reveló 12 componentes resaltando el anethole y the extraction time positively affects the volume of estragole; y la muestra almacenada ocho sustancias el oil obtained. The analysis of the volatile fraction was cuál se resalta el Trans Anethole, Anisole, p-propenyl carried out using gas chromatography / mass spec- y p-Anisaldehyde, componentes que confieren la ca- trophotometer, where the fresh sample revealed 12 racterística aromática y antioxidante particular a este components highlighting the anethole and estragole; aceite esencial, con perspectivas de investigación y de and the stored sample eight substances highlighting aplicación inmediata para fragancias funcionales. the Trans Anethole, Anisole, p-propenyl and p-An- isaldehyde. Those components confer the aromatic Palabras clave: Composición química, Extracción and antioxidant characteristics particular to this es- de aceite, Tagetas pusilla, Proceso tecnológico, Frac- sential oil, with research perspectives and immediate ción volátil. application for functional fragrances. Key words: chemical composition, oil extraction, RESUM Tagetas pusilla, technological process, volatile frac- tion. L'objectiu de l'estudi va consistir a determinar va- riables per a l'extracció de l'oli essencial de Tagetes pusilla, per destil·lació aigua-vapor per cohobació i RESUMEN components volàtils en mostres fresques i emmagat- zemades. Sustentats en informació científica es reco- El objetivo del estudio consistió en determinar va- riables para la extracción del aceite esencial de Tage- *Correspondig author: [email protected] tes pusilla, por destilación agua-vapor por cohobación OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 | 307 pila i classifica l'espècie vegetal. El procés tecnològic strual cramps, although ingested or rubbing decreas- d'obtenció d'oli essencial va requerir assajos experi- es the temperature, chills of the body and removes mentals considerant factors com: humitat, volum pain in the ears and head4,5. The medicinal use of the d'aigua i temps d'extracció a nivells alts i baixos i valo- product is due, in a great extent, to the antispasmod- rats per la variable resposta volum d'oli, el que va per- ic, secretolytic, secretomotor and antibacterial effects metre establir un model matemàtic per al procés. Els of its essential oil6. It is effective in the fight against resultats van demostrar que el temps d'extracció inci- enterobacteria and in general has an antimicrobial ef- deix positivament en el volum d'oli obtingut. L'anàlisi fect7. Also, it is reported that this essential oil of anise de la fracció volàtil es va realitzar per cromatografia grown in hills, presents antibacterial activity of the de gasos/espectrofotòmetre de masses, on la mostra bactericidal type against Escherichia coli and Salmo- fresca va revelar 12 components ressaltant el anetol nella typhimurium8. i estragol; i la mostra emmagatzemada vuit substàn- Volatile oils, essential oils or simply essences, are the cies on es destaca el trans anetol, anisol, p-propenil i natural aromatic substances responsible for the fra- 4-anisaldehid, components que confereixen la carac- grances of flowers and other vegetable organs9. terística aromàtica i antioxidant particular a aquest Essential oils are compounds made up of several oli essencial, amb perspectives d'investigació i d'apli- organic substances, which can be alcohols, ketones, cació immediata per fragàncies funcionals. ethers, aldehydes, which are produced and stored in the secretory channels of plants. They are usually liq- Paraules clau: Composició química; extracció d'oli, uid at room temperature and very volatile. From veg- Tagetas pusilla, procés tecnològic, fracció volàtil. etable material, obtained essential oils are widely used in food, beverages, cosmetics and personal care, and in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries10. INTRODUCCIÓN Tagetes pusilla contains 23,6 of estragole and 70.6 % of Anethole8. The LD50 values detected for anethole The aromatic and medicinal plants are important in confer a low toxicity11, estragol (anethole isomer) the economy of the villages and are a source of raw colorless aromatic ether is widely used in the prepa- materials within the food, cosmetic and pharmaceu- ration of fragrances. Anethole is a typical component tical industry, for the production of spices, essential of essential oils taken from many aromatic plant spe- oils and medicines. Essential oils have shown to have cies 12. The anethole or trans-1-methoxy-4-prop-1- useful properties, such as antiplatelet, antithrombotic, enyl benzene or for propenylanilose of the formula anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal and antimi- (C10H12O), is colorless, aromatic and fragrance com- crobial agents1. Nowadays they stand out as the most pound, derived from phenylpropane, major compo- widely flourishing utilitarian segment of these and nent of the essential oil of the drugs cited above. It is other fields especially the perfume and cosmetics in- largely responsible for its pharmacological activities, dustry. In this context, many countries have developed among which are those related to the digestive and necessary and urgent technological innovations for the respiratory system 13. processes of intensification and general modernization The widespread use and affordable price of anetol of the processes used in the manufacture of products justify the extensive scientific research carried out derived from aromatic and medicinal plant species. on the topic to support its use. This review article The genusTagetes (family Asteraceae) compris- summarizes the current knowledge of the tradition- es 151 species described and about 47 are the most al use of anethole, its pharmacological activities and accepted2, and extends through Central America to the possible mechanisms underlying its effects14. It Argentina. It grows in roads and paddocks or in lit- has been proven that anethole has muscle relaxant tle inclined spaces free of shrubs and trees. The anise and anticholinesterase, anti-inflammatory and chem- also known as Mexican anise or anise3, is a very aro- opreventive activity12. Scientific research provides matic annual herb with an anise odor and has yellow data on the benefit of daily consumption of food and flowers that give it the characteristic color of the oil. supplies with antioxidant effect15. A dietary antioxi- It grows in warm, semi-warm and temperate climates, dant is a substance that is part of everyday foods and between 300 and up to 2 400 meters above sea lev- can prevent the adverse effects of reactive species on el4. In Ecuador, T. pusilla or anise, is found as a weed the normal physiological functions of humans16. The from 1 000 to 3 500 meters above sea level in valleys anethole known as alilanisol, has larvicidal, insecti- and inter-Andean hills. However, it adapts to heights cidal and antifungal activity and provides an intense less than those indicated. Traditionally in Ecuador, and light smell and flavor to sweet anise17. this plant is used in infusions with digestive effects The anisole called meovergell known as methoxyben- for stomach pain, colic and stomach gas control. zene, phenoxymethane or phenyl methyl ether and as The aerial parts of the plant are used as a food fla- the anise ether, is an organic compound with the for- voring and gain strength in the food and beverage mula CH3OC6H5. This liquid,
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