DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Volume 41* No. 6. Philadelphia, April 25, 1903. Price, Five Cents. BASE BAIL BENEFITS ITS PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND MORAL THE FINAL EVENT OF THE KEYSTONE VALUE TO KOUTH. LEAGUE SHOOT. Manager Donovao, a Living Example Ryan Defeated by Grady 23 to 19 of His Theories, Points Out the Budd, Harvey and Karrison Make Methods the Young Player Must Clean Scores in Handicap The High Pursue to Achieve Lasting Success. Guns in Officers' Trophy Contest Manager Donovan talks sound sense when In anticipation of the coming State he says: "Every one knows how base ball championships, the live bird enthusiasts betters a man physically, but I contend put in a good afternoon's shooting on the and can prove that it Is of Keystone Shooting League's benefit to him morally as grounds at Holmesburg well. This is because no Junction afternoon of April man who dissipates or has 18. In connection with the any of the great vices can two scheduled events several succeed in the major miss and out events were leagues of the period.'' arranged and a twenty-five Speaking of young colts bird match wound up the who enter the big leagues afternoon's sport.The club from the minor organiza­ handicap at ten birds re­ tion, Donovan says: "When sulted in three clean scores, a young player becomes as­ Budd, Harvey and Harrisou sociated with the best class scoring in every round. of players of the senior White killed straight until P. 1. Donovan leagues, who have achiev­ his last round, when a /saac iy. gudd ed success by being temper­ screamer to the right quar­ ate in their habits, and honorable in their ter got away from him. Rothacker and actions, their influences are at once direct­ Ryan also killed nine each. Strickler ed, in a quiet way, to make him as they scored clean until his last three tries, are. If the effort is not successful and which resulted in unaccountable misses. the player persists in his dissipation there Scores: is the same result here as there would Club handicap 10 birds. be in any other business the dissipated Budd, :;oyds. .................22111 11211-10 person is dropped out and a steadier and Rothueker, 20yds. ............ .22222 22022 0 better man takes his place. The day of Harvey, 30yds. ...............22222 22222-10 brilliant inebriates is passed. The day of Ryan, 27yds. .................22212 2*122 9 steady, brainy young fellows who are 'will­ White, 29yds. ................. 22222 22220 9 ing to work, and work hard, is at hand. Fitzgerald, 28yds. ............ .20121 21101- 8 Base ball is a business. It requires just Geisler, 28yds. ...............22*22 22202 7 as much study and just as much atten­ Strickler, 2'Jyds. ..............11112 1100* 7 tion to win success in that line as it does to Harrison,' 28yds. ..............12112 21111 10 build up great mercantile establishments. The officers' trophy event, at fifteen Haphazard methods will no more do in birds, was keenly contested by a field of the national game than they will In the eight marksmen. Rothacker and Vauder- wholesale grocery business. I have said IRBY BENNETT, grift proved to be the best finishers and that to win success in the base ball world carried off high gun honors with straight requires hard work and much study. There scores: Budd and Harrison shared the is no profession which requires closer at­ next honors, each failing to kill one. tention. You must practice all the time. Scores: You must take care of your health. Never local team will spend all of next week in do the bulk of the baekstopplng. Spies­ Officers' trophy, 15 birds, handicap rise. take any risks, for you must, above all Schenectady and Troy, aud till* will permit man throws well, and will make a capable Budd. ;!0yd*. ...........22201 12122 11222 14 things, be physically perfect." of I he grounds being further improved. substitute for "Napoleon." Patterson is as RothaeUer, 29yds. ..... .22222 22222 22222 15 When completed the improvements, it is yet. an unknown quantity. Manager Burn- Harvey, ;?0.vd*. .........22022 22120 20222 12 hoped, will aid materially in drying up the ham expects to develop at least four re­ Morris, 27yds. .........21010 02121 00222 10 diamond after a rain storm, and thus obvi­ liable pitchers from Hesterfcr. Moriarity, FltKKeruId. 28yds. ......2121! 111*1 2*222 13 NEWARK NEWS. ate the necessity of postponements. Pardee. Burke, O'Hara, Burkett, Lawson Opiklor. 28yds. .........222*2 22222 20220-12 Altogether the team appears Vandergrift. 29yds. .....11112 21211 12112 15 MANAGER BURNHAM'S MEN and West. Harrison, 28,vds. ....... .11011 11122 11121 14 Indications of a Highly >Successful Season date, three exhibition to have a look-in for the first division. have played, up to In the match shoot, at twenty-five birds In the Jersey Metropolis Burnham*s games, one each with Bridgeport, Ilion and Captain O'Brieu has been instilling team Brooklyn. The latter contest was the first work into the men, and with favorable a man. Grady ontshot Ryaii, killing 23 to Team Sized up. real test of the team which is to represent weather for practice from now on, the the hitter's 19. The scores: Newark in the Eastern League during 190:5, team should line up against. Worcester on Match event 25 birds per man, 30yds. rise. By James f\ Grealey. The locals threw a scare into the Haulon April .'50 in prime shape for the opening Grady ........22222 22212 22122 120.2 22222 23 camp, and the National Leaguers only won championship game. Ryiiu .........01222 12221 22022 2*222 20100 19 Newark. N. J., April 16. Editor "Sport- out, by a timely batting rally in the ninth, PRF-PARATIONS ARE MAKING Miss and out First event Vaudegrift 4, White Ing Life:" Rainy weather and wet grounds the final score being 9 to 8. Pardee and for a rousing opening of the regular sea­ 0, Harvey 1, Jones ;!, Budd 2. Second event have materially handicapped the practice Moriarity did the pitching, and both were, son ou May 7. A street parade will pre­ Vaudegrift 0, Budd 5, White 0, Joues of the local Eastern League effective in all but two innings. The Ne-w- cede the game, a brass band will be on The Keystone Shooting League will hold aggregation, and has also Jtf>k team looks strong. The iufleld, made hand to liven up matters, and prominent a live bird open handicap shoot on their had its effect on the finances ^ft at present of O'Hagan at first, Taylor city officials will be present to lend a hand grounds at Holmesburg Junction on Tues­ of the club. The condition fit second, Wagner at short and O'Brien in sending the boys off in gala, style. The day, April 28. The chief event calls, for of the grounds Sunday last at s third, has showed up well, and with fans arc base ball crazy this season, and a twenty-bird event, fifteen dollars en­ was such as to turn away the,arrival of Devlin next week it will be all that is needed is a winner to make the trance, birds extra. The money will be in the neighborhood of 4000 strengthened. Wagner has done soaie very coming season the most successful in the divided class shooting, three moneys for fans who had gathered to effective batting, and is working hard to history of local base ball. 10 entries or less, added money for every witness a game scheduled make/, a regular position. In three additional entries. with the New York Na­ TUB OUTFIELD tionals. The infield was a Rurnham has Pat, Dillard. Jack Lawler, Another Victor Ball Adoption. sea of oozy clay, and the George Bannon and Jack Thlery to select Springfield, Mass., April 15. Editor Dawsonville Outshoots Poolesvllla. outfield was a miniature a trio of regulars. All were hand.V with ''Sporting Life:" I am pleased to advise lake. Manager Burnham cudgel last season, aud in the aggregate you that the Provincial League Base Ball Boyd3, Md.. April 14. The sports sched­ the uled' for yesterday at Diiwsonville were IV. W. Burnham and the directors at once have batting and fielding averages of .291 Association of Canada, with headquarters set about to remedy affairs, and .954, respectively. Bannon stole 46 at Montreal, has just adopted the Victor marred by bad weather. The trap con­ and four teams were at once set to work bases for New Haven last season, while League as its official ball for the next two test between Dawsonville and I'oolesville to cart sand and till in the entire diamond. Lawlor had 26 to his credit. 'Dillard 16 and years. This is the leading League in Can­ was shot before a large orj.vd. Dawson­ The rain of the past three days has been Thlery 28. The latter is very fast getting ada and its games in Montreal, on the ville won by 46 to 45. In the'r previous A SETBACK, down to first. dates they conflicted, outdrew the Eastern contest Poolesville won by 45 to 37. Those but it is hoped that the grounds will be in BEHIND THE BAT League teams. The League is well man­ who contested were: Dawsonville Nathan shape for the game with Albany Saturday we have Shea and Spiesman, both experi­ aged and a success in every respect. Its S. Allnutt, John Williams, R^ger Darby On Sunday the Philadelphia Athletics win enced men, and Patterson. a youngster. season opens on the 26th, and continues and Thomas Darby. Poolesville Doe play here, and a record-breaking crowd is Shea's work stamps him as O.
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