Section rosse Pointe ews A ----- ~.-------' --_. ---------------_._----------- VOL. 43-NO, 5 P"bll.h.d " JIlOAd ct... M.tt ... t Ih. JO. 'or CIIPY '0.1 0111 ••• 1 D.lloll, MI.hll'" GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1982 $IJ "., Y.a. 34 Pages-Three Sections .. _ ...._-_._- '---_ •.. _---------------------- District Court ;\." ~~,~«~ passes House t~, committee By Mike Andrzejczyk Kelly said he plans to work closely with the councils and city managers Legislation that would abolish throughout the study process. Also, the Pointes' municipal court sys- he said, he would print and distribute tem and replace it with a single to homeowners in the Pointes a bro- district court passed the state chure detailing the new services avail. House Judiciary Committee able under the proposed 32-B District Tuesday, Feb. 2, leaving a num- Court. ber of questions to be answered The managers plan to look at how by local councils and city man- the new court, with expanded crim.' agers, inal and civil jurisdiction, may effect costs; where the court should be lo- State Sen. John Kelly, D-De- cated; and if the new court building troit, who sponsored the legisla- shoulu also include central police tion, said he had expected the and fire dispatch, coupled with a ccn, bill to pass the committee. It tral lock-up and pistol range, now goes to the full House for a vote. The court bill was passed last year by the state Senate, 31-0 and was "I don't look for any problems," sent on to the House Judiciary Com. he said, "It will be easier to meet the mittcc, where It was bumped from deadline for the conforming resolu- the agenda in January. when debate tions from the councils if we have on other'legislation filled the com. the legislation in hand." mittee's time, House Minority Leader William The district court, would be en. Bryant Jr., R.Grosse Pointe Farms, powered to adjudicate civil cases up said he supports the legislation if it to $10,000. while the municipal courts is in the form agreed to by the com. can only hear ch-i1 cases involving up munities, to $1,500, Recourse fot litigants with Sno,~~Dragon damages above that amount would be Bryant said his support for the bill through Wayne Count)' Circuit Court Phcto by Tom Greenwood should not be taken as a sign to local with a 4(}.month wait before cases councils to pass the resolutions' until Motorists, pedestrians and neighbors were doing double and seems to like all he sees_ Whal's he looking for? Could it be are heard. they are sure they know the facts triple takes at this terrific snow beast that sprang from the u snow hound DOll Quixote? A hand of admiring school chil- about it. lawn of the Bo\'le familv on Hawthorne Road in the Shores, dren? Or maybe a lady dragon? Perhaps the answer lies with TaB, erect, dign1lied and' a IO\"ely shade of green, this dragon the next big snowfall. "What I am telling the communi. ties is that they shouldn't pass the Academy"s resolutions until they know where the court is going and how much it will cost," he said, "I think they bet- a hlizzard hut GP copes ter know what they are buying into Poplawski before they pass their resolutions," . - B)' Tom Greenwood clear out from around parking about DPW trucks covering posed to push the snow into the A five-member district court com- mittee representing each of the cities steps down Although ~Ionday morning meters and such. Bv that time drivcways with snow, and piles street or intersections, but they all the major streets and resi- of snow left in the strcet by in- has been meeting for more than a The board of trustees of the Grosse dawned poetically bright and do. When our trucks come along year to address the proposed court beautiful, there was nothing dential roads will be cleared," dependent snow remo\'!:,!"s .. and hit a bi.g pile of snow, they Pointe Academy last week announced conversion_ All five Pointes must send the resignation of Headmaster John sl1el1t or secret about the snow Beaupre reported the onl:.- "The independent snow sen'. just bounce off. It delays our consenting resolutions to the Secre- job." ]\f, Poplawski as of this June 30. that (ell on Southeastern ~rkhi- problems rf]countered were calls ices can cause us problems," tary of State's office in Lansing by At its Jan, 26 meeting, the board ex. gan last weekend, frJOl res l den t s complaining Beaupre said. "They'rc not sup- )Iay or the legislation will be voided pressed deep appreciation for Pop- (Continued on Page 5A) and the municipal courts will remain ~earlv a foot of the \\'hjt~ lawski's 13 years of leadership and ....' AlP! ", in place, stuff fell on the Detroit area, -.J~' ....~~.. , ': t contributions as founding Headmaster. l'r~!,. ;.'"p " , mcluding L e J) awe e, Monroe, t ' : Grosse Pointe' Shores ...i I I age -'Irs. Waller B. Robinson, president !' ;.,:-~>' \\'ashtena\\' and Wayne counties, ... J~__,~,,.' tl'ustees are scheduled to debate the of the Board said, "Mr, Poplawski's The storm, which b\'w in from matter at their Feb_ 23 meeting, To resignation will not affect the normal Ohio, was officiallY declared a .;J~ date, only Grosse Pointe Woods has operation of the school in the months blizzard Sunday afternoon, expressed its support for the district ahead. as he continues with full court with the necessar:r resolution, authority as its Headmaster." L)cally, Dr\\" work crews worked o\'ertime trying to han- H the legislation does pass the Poplawski added, "I will continue House, city managers will be left with dle the SItuation. The Farms de- to do everything I can 'throughout preparing their first pragmatic nut. the remainder of this year to assure clared a snow emergency, asking and.bolts study of the new court sys- all its citizens to mo\'e their cars the successful completion of current tem and what it will cost 'the com- goals and provide the soundest pos. from the streets sO snow plows munities, sible base for the work that lies could break t hrou~h, Administrators in the City. Farms ahead. "Everyone was very coopera- and Park have been directed by their "Although my plans for the future tive," said Farms Sgt. Joseph councils to begin the study and are are uncertain, 1 as a founding Head. ~riJler. "All the citizens we con- considering employing an outside master, with 13 years of service at tacted mo\'ed their vehicles, consultant to advise them on the the Academ~', feel that the time is The only cars that were plowed sticky questions, right for me to move on. Certainly, in wen~ those where nobody I speak for the Poplawski family was home," when I say that we will look upon our Academy years as very special Ken Beaupre, assistant mana- Inside ones with rich and full memories:' ger for the Farms DP\\', said Business .,'...... , SA his crews began clearing the Ar:cording to ~lrs. Robinson, a Cable TV. Local , , .. ,2A search committee is being formed snow a: noon Sunday, "We had Classified ",".. .. ,." ... , ,3C and will begin immediately the 13 people in \\'orking Sunda~' Editorials "... , . , _... , , .12A process of selecting a new Head- and sent the majority of them Feature ,. " .... , , , . , , , . , , I2B master, home at 7 a.m. 1ionday:' Beau- Letters to Editor .. ,'," . , , . ,12A pre said, Obituaries '."' " ,. 4A ' "We are confident," she states, "- Ph:1;;: by T,;m Gr~e:"'"",c:-d Prime Time, .. , ' , ,., ,. 7A "that with a strong and devoted "WE'J.L 11:\ \'E A midnight ('nits from both the Farms and City Fire la,t \, cek_ Gespite thl'ir efforts, the garage and School news ,., " .. " ... IIA committee. we will find a worthy crew coming in :'IIonday night Bcpartmcnts were called out to fight this ga- car ill,iel(' \\('re a total loss. The alarm was Society . , .. , ... , ' .. ,l.7B successor to continue to provide the school with sound and effective to finish the cul-de-sacs and l age fire in the ,100 block of Ridgcmont Road t lITncd in h," neighbors, Sports , ..... " .. ,.,",.,',. 1.2C leadership," Cable receives good reviews after two years B~' :\Iike .-\ndrzejezyk Outa~cs hal'e occurred Cah\c laid scriber fees have not begun to come in the summN months was unahle ''The state,of.the.art \\ asn't there ln, Graham said, A 2-\,ear-old child has all the to sland up 10 thC' sevcre 'llntC'r cold. (;ro~~pl)ointe (:ahle. Ill(~. tl\O )ears ago," Xo\'itke said, "and ) it isn't there no\l'." basics.' It walks and talks, react- That. Reynold,; saId, I'; something . ~ "It's going to be a while before thar won't happen a~ai1J. The cold ing to and learning from its cn- '"('nn}p~on ~treanl' the money will start,'. and the reve. HE SAID TH:\ T possibly increased t'Jfonment. It still makes mis- \las 1'000 and bad, he said, sInce the nuc, won't generate a great deal of company wa, ahle 10 makC' correc. control over the s)'stem by the com. takes. but it adjust.s, and grts income for some time yet, he said. linns in th(' sy,'-lem so il ,houldn'l ahout s('rvices pro~r~~m:, ;1T"I ('()111 ha, III <'d lip t,1 the franchise agree, munitles or larger franchise fees ready to grow e\'en more. occur a1'ain, plaint; from lhp clll('.
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