00 05 10 15 20 25 GROOMSVILLE 152 00 152 15 LOCALITY MAP RELIABILITY DIAGRAM Goomeri South QLD Pacific SOILS OF THE LOCKYER VALLEY Ocean Sy Kingaroy ALLUVIAL PLAINS Maroochydore Caloundra 75 Yarraman 75 SHEET 1 Kilcoy Cooyar ESK SCALE 1 : 50 000 metres kilometres Crows Nest Esk CROWS NEST 100001 2 3 4 5 Br(y) Dn BRISBANE P3205 P3206 Br(r) Rb Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (MGA Zone 56) Gatton Marburg Horizontal Datum: GEOCENTRIC DATUM OF AUSTRALIA (GDA94) Toowoomba RAVENSBOURNE Note: This map is GDA94 compliant Helidon Sy Rb Cambooya Buaraba Ly Warrill View This is a medium intensity soil survey. It is based on aerial photography Creek P3207 interpretation and ground observations ranging from one observation to Br Sheet 3 Sy Clifton an area of 25ha to one observation to an area of 100ha. Br(y) REFERENCE A. Aerial photography interpretation with ground observations ranging from one per 25ha to one per 50ha. Area Mapping Unit Major attributes of dominant soil Landscape position Great Soil Group* Australian Soil PPF *** B. Aerial photography interpretation with ground observations Classification ** (ha) Warwick QUEENSLAND ranging from one per 50ha to one per 100ha. PERSEVERANCE SOILS OF THE MAJOR STREAM FLOODPLAINS AND LEVEES NEW SOUTH WALES Rs Robinson Dark or brown sandy loam to clay loam 0.1 to 0.4m deep Flood plains, flood plain splays, Alluvial soil Clastic Rudosol Uc6.11 1842.7 over layers of soil, sediment or coarse bedload (gravel, point bars, channel benches LepticTenosol Um6.11 cobble, stone). Um6.21 70 MOUNT LUKE 70 Ly Lockyer Dark clay loam to light clay with dark or brown neutral to Flood plains, levees Prairie soil Black Dermosol Um6.11 8658.3 alkaline structured subsoil to 0.4 to 1.0m deep, over dark Brown Dermosol Uf6.31 or brown layers, palaeosols or coarse bedload. Uf6.32 Cd Cavendish Dark clay loam to light clay with calcareous structured light Levee banks and backslopes Chernozem Black Dermosol Gn3.43 407.8 clay to medium clay subsoil. Uf6.32 Lr Lockrose Dark fine sandy clay to light-medium clay to 0.15 to 0.2m Levee banks and backslopes Prairie soil Black Dermosol Uf6.32 226.8 over occasionally mottled or calcareous dark or dark Brown Dermosol brown fine sandy clay loam to light clay to 0.55 to 0.9m abruptly over dark or grey brown medium to heavy clay containing carbonate or manganese concretions to 1.5m. PALM TREE SOILS OF THE MAJOR STREAM TERRACES AND PLAINS Lw Lawes Dark self mulching, cracking medium clay with dark or Alluvial plains adjacent to relict Black earth Black Vertosol Ug5.15 3533.4 brown calcareous subsoil to 0.7 to 1.4m deep over brown levees Ug5.17 friable lighter textured layers. Fifteen Mile MOUNT PERSERVERANCE Bl Blenheim Dark self mulching, cracking medium to heavy clay with Extensive black plains Black earth Black Vertosol Ug3.1 11962.2 Th(l) Bl dark, brown or grey calcareous subsoil to 1.5m deep or Ug5.11 Sp over medium to heavy clay palaeosol. Ug5.15 Ug5.16 Ug5.17 Sy Creek Light textured variant: has light clay surface texture. Infilled channels of prior streams Chernozem - black earth Black Dermosol Uf6.32 HIGHWAY Sy and levee backslopes Black Vertosol Ug5.15 Bl Lr Cl Clarendon Humic mottled surface horizon over mottled dark or grey Backswamps Wiesenboden - grey clay Aquic Vertosol Ug5.1 2898.1 Sy(g) medium to heavy clay with grey calcareous subsoil to Ug5.16 1.5m deep. Ug5.24 Sy(st) Ug5.25 Sy Fs Flagstone Grey self mulching, cracking clay with grey calcareous Backplains Grey clay Grey Vertosol Ug5.24 1595.3 subsoil to 1.5m deep or over brown friable lighter textured Ug5.25 layers. Ug5.28 65 65 Sp Sippel Hardsetting texture contrast soil with dark fine sandy loam Back plains Affinities with red-brown Brown Chromosol Db1.43 835.0 to fine sandy clay loam surface soil to 0.15 to 0.45m over earth Grey Chromosol Db2.12 brown or grey neutral to alkaline clay subsoil. Db2.33 Dy2.13 Th Tenthill Dark brown weakly self mulching cloddy light to light- Relict levees, terraced plains, prior Chernozem - black earth Brown Dermosol Ug5.15 4159.8 medium clay with brown calcareous subsoil to 0.4 to 0.7m streams Black Dermosol Uf6.31 over brown friable lighter textured layers. Gn3.43 ENGLAND Light textured variant has clay loam surface texture and Red-brown earth Red Chromosol Dr2.13 red brown subsoil Hp Hooper Dark brown weakly self-mulching cloddy light to light- Relict levees, prior streams Chernozem Brown Dermosol Ug5.15 692.7 medium clay with brown calcareous subsoil to 0.7 to 1.4m Uf6.31 over brown friable textured layers. NEW Hd Helidon Grey-brown or brown loamy sand or sandy loam with Back plains Solodic Brown Chromosol Dy2.42 499.8 Ht conspicuously bleached A 2 -horizon to 0.2 to 0.45m over Red Chromosol Db1.42 brown, bright yellow brown or bright reddish brown neutral Sp clay subsoil. Manganese common, lime rare. Layered D-horizons may be evident below 0.6m. Sy Creek SOILS OF THE MAJOR STREAM ELEVATED TERRACES, FANS AND PEDIMENTS Sp Sy Ht Lk Leschke Grey, hardsetting, crusting light to medium clay with grey Elevated terraces, pediments, local Grey clay Grey Vertosol Ug5.24 2274.7 Sy subsoil to 1.5m. Subsoils are alkaline but may become alluvial plains Uf6.33 Ly neutral with depth. Murphys Sy Wb Woodbine Grey or dark self-mulching, cracking medium clay with Elevated terraces, pediments, local Grey clay Grey Vertosol Ug5.24 453.0 grey subsoil to 1.5m. Subsoils are alkaline but may alluvial plains Ug5.28 Sy(st) Sy(st) become neutral to acid with depth. Tt Thornton Dark cobbly self-mulching cracking light to medium clay Elevated terraces, alluvial fans and Black earth -brown clay Black Vertosol Ug5.15 284.2 Sy with dark or brown medium to heavy clay subsoil to 0.5 to adjacent pediments Brown Vertosol Ug5.17 1.3m over brown layers or coarse bedload 60 Ht 60 Bl Ts Townson Dark self-mulching cracking medium to heavy clay with Elevated alluvial fans and adjacent Black earth -brown clay Black Vertosol Ug5.1 839.2 Rb dark, grey brown or brown subsoil to 1.5m. pediments Brown Vertosol Ug5.15 Ug5.16 Rb Rn Ryan Brown hardsetting sandy loam with massive red brown Pediments Affinities with red earth Red Kandosol Gn2.12 76.1 Sy neutral sandy clay subsoil. Rb Rb Rb SOILS OF THE ALLUVIAL FANS DERIVED FROM BASALT (UPPER REACH TRIBUTARIES) Sy Ww Pc Peacock Dark stony loam to light clay with structured dark or brown Alluvial fans Prairie soil Black Dermosol Um6.11 382.0 Lockyer neutral subsoil to 0.4 to 1m over brown layers or coarse Brown Dermosol Uf6.31 Sy bedload. Uf6.32 Ht 27 30 Sm Spellman Dark or grey brown cobbly clay loam to light clay with dark Alluvial fans Prairie soil- chernozem, Black Dermosol Gn3.43 751.9 27 30 Rb or brown alkaline medium clay subsoil to 0.1 to 0.4 over black earth Brown Dermosol Ug5.15 Gc brown lighter textured layers, palaeosols or coarse Black Vertosol Ug5.17 Hc Bl Rb bedload. Uf6.32 Gc SOILS OF THE ALLUVIAL FANS AND FLATS DERIVED FROM UPPER MARBURG BEDS Rb Sy Gc (MIDDLE REACH TRIBUTARIES) Hd(h) GATTON LOCKYER Sp Sn Sutton Brown hardsetting sandy clay loam to sandy clay with Alluvial fans, local alluvial plains Affinities with red-brown Red Chromosol Dr2.13 456.3 Tt neutral to alkaline red brown sandy clay to sandy medium earth Dr2.32 Sy Dn JOINS MAP P3206 (SHEET 2) clay subsoil to 0.7 to 1m over brown to red brown layers. Dr2.33 Ly Ht Rs Ab Abell Grey brown to brown hardsetting sandy clay with yellow or Alluvial fans, local alluvial plains, Brown earth Brown Dermosol Uf6.31 1004.0 S Sy Bm brown, neutral, sandy clay to sandy medium clay subsoil pediments Uf6.32 Uf6.33 Ww Sp to 0.7m to 1m over yellow to brown layers. Hd Ht Gm Geisemann Brown hardsetting sandy clay loam with brown or yellow Mid and lower slopes of alluvial fans Brown earth Brown Kandosol Gn2.22 424.3 brown acid to neutral sandy clay loam to sandy clay Gn3.91 Dn Rb Rb subsoil to 0.7 to 1m over seasonally saturated mottled Gn4.53 Gc grey, ferromanganiferous sandy clay and other layers. 55 55 Sy Rs(st) Gc Ht(st) Ww Rb Ld Laidley Grey brown hardsetting sandy clay loam to sandy medium Lower slopes of alluvial fans and No suitable group Yellow Dermosol Uf6.33 1785.0 HARLAXTON Creek Rb Rocky clay with variable A 2 horizon development and yellow to alluvial plains Brown Dermosol Gn3.06 brown sandy medium to heavy clay subsoils. Deep Uf6.32 subsoils are alkaline and non-calcareous and overlie buried Uf2 POSTMANS RIDGE Bl Gc HIGHWAY layers. Uf3 Rb Sy Ly Rs Hd SOILS OF THE ALLUVIAL FANS AND FLATS DERIVED FROM LOWER MARBURG BEDS Ly Bl Hd Bm (LOWER REACH TRIBUTARIES) Bl Ww Creek Rb Gc Ww Sy Rs Ly Gc Ly(st) Rb Sy(h) Sy Stockyard Hardsetting texture contrast soil with dark to grey brown Local alluvial plains Solodised solonetz and Grey Sodosol Dy2.13 4179.6 clay loam surface soil, with variable A horizon solodic soil Brown Sodosol Dy2.32 Ht(st) Sy Gc 2 Gatton Sp development to 0.15 to 0.35m over grey brown, yellow Dy2.33 Ly Sy Cl Rb Rs Sm Ly brown or brown neutral to alkaline clay subsoil to 0.7m.
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