June 12,1923. 11,458,371 H. D. STERRICK SHAVING AND MASSAGE BRUSH Filed Aug. 7, 1920 5 7.".5 ‘ , Patented June 12, 1923. Lassen N ET t? I gTEg star arses. p HARRISON D. STERBICK, OF PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA. SHAVING. AND MASSAGE BRUSH. _ Application ?led August 7, 1920. Serial No. 401,974. To aZZwiwm it may concern: ing shaving soap directly to the tip of the .. Be it known that I, HARRISON, D. STEP. brush, where it should be. Theprior reser RICK, a resident of‘Pittsburgh, in the county , voir brushes of necessity supplied the soap at of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, the interior of the brush, and near its base, 5 have invented a new and useful Improve These have the disadvantage that soap which 60 ment in Shaving and Massage Brushes, of is left in the brush rapidly destroys the which ‘the following is a speci?cation. > bristles. ' v _ This invention relates to shaving and The construction of Figs. 1, 2, and'S, em-p massage brushes, andmore particularly to bodies a handle, in the form of a tubular telescoping shaving brushes having a mas casing 1, having a longitudinal slot 2 in 65 sage device surrounding the brush. its side.v The bottom of this slot is turned One object of the invention is to provide to the left forming a horizontal portion 3, in a unitary structure of the class referred and at the top it is turned to the rightform to, a reservoir for holdingvsoap, and means ing an upwardly inclined portion 4.‘ A fer 15 to supply soap to a brush without the neces rule 5 of a size‘to slide freely in the interior 70 sity. of touching it. _ of the casing 1, is provided. The base of Another object is to provide means in a this ferrule is closed, but the forward end is telescoping shaving brush to prevent the open, adapted to receive an ordinaryyshav turning back of ?ne bristles as the brush is ing brush 6, mounted in a ring 7, which seats 20 moved out of the handle. upon interior ribs 8, inside the ferrule. The 75 . Referring to the drawings, Fig. 1 is an brush is held in ?rm position by clamping ’ elevation of a telescoping shaving and mas the tip of the ferrule on thering '7, by" sage brush embodying this invention; Fig. cement, or by any other desired means. The 2 is ‘a plan view of the same brush and mas bristles of the brush 6 are of such vlength sage device, the brush being in vwithdrawn that when the ferrule 5v is withdrawnto the 80 position; Fig, 3 is a central vertical section base of the handle,,as shown in Fig. 8, the on the line TIL-III of Fig. 2; Fig. 4C is a tips of the bristles will be approximately plan view of a soap cartridge for use with even with the forward end of the casing 1. the brush of Fig. 1; Fig. 5 is a vertical sec A pin 9 is?Xed in the side of the ferrule 5. 30 tion on the line V-—-V of Fig.4; Fig. 6 is a The body of this pin extends through the plan view of a non-telescoping massage slot 2, and the head is positioned just out-‘ brush; and Fig. 7 is a section on the line side of this slot, forming a‘thumb hold for VII--VII of Fig. 6. sliding the brush up and down in the casing A shaving brush has heretofore been as the pin moves in the slot 2. ' v 35 patented, U. S. Patent No. 1,018,939, in The forward end of .the casing is pro 90 which the brush is mounted so as to slide in vided with a ‘series of tapered internal ribs‘ the handle, as a casing, and a rubber mas~ or teeth 10, The forward end of the ferrule sage device is provided at the forward end 5 is tapered, but slightly less than the), teeth of the handle, from which the brush pro 10, so that as it advances, and comes into 40 trudes. As the brush is withdrawn lather in contact with ribs or teeth 10, it tends to form 95 it is squeezed out of the massage device, and a wedged ?t. _ _ _ is in position to be rubbed ‘into the beard The ribs 10 and ferrule 5 areso‘dimen of the person shaving. Such a device has sioned that the ferrule comes into contact many advantages,~and has gone into exten with the ribs at the forward end of the eas 45 sive use, -. ' ing when the pin 4 is in position approxi 100 Other brushes have been provided, not of mately as shown in Fig. 1. Thereafter a the telescoping type however, and not com slight pressure to the right on the button 4 bined with a massage device, in which a soap tends to turn the ferrule, and at'the same reservoir was provided, for supplying soap time» to push ‘it forward until'it reaches a .50 from the reservoir direct to the brush, wit - wedged fit, and vso causes it topbe firmly held 105 out touching it with the hands. in the position shown in Fig. 1. A reverse The present invention combines all of the pressure on the pin‘releases or'unlocks the functions of; these prior art brushes, im brush and allows it to slide back to its lower proves them in important respects, and in position as shown inFig. 3. ‘ 'i ' . 5 m addition secures-new functions, by simply . In telescoping shaving brushes as previh 11.0 1,458,311 annular'chamber 15. Projec- ’ ‘ ously manufactured, it has beenvfound that forming an ‘?ne bristles, jys?u‘ch as badg'en hair,‘ "used in tionsi 16;‘;are. provided ,on “theebottom; of the ‘ making "up the brush’ tend to stick to the cap vv14 providingae?nger» holes for screwing the cap into and out of the casing. " . sides of the casing, and therefore whenv the 70 brush is moved; forward out < of the; casing ; Thepforward endjvoiithejcasing 12 is pro ‘these ?ne hairs turn back aroundthe brush vided with a dovetailed annular projecting holder, and do not slide clearly ont'ofthe ‘ portion 17, which holds a rubber member 18, , forward end of the casing, as they should. having a cooperating dovetailed recess por This disadvantage has been so‘ pronounced tion jada'ptedito- ?t'over the portion 17 just 10 that it has been_heretojfo_re impossibleto use~ referred to, and having-a plurality or: ex: ' 4 theisofterfforms ofhjairadapted‘tor'shaving tensions. or ?ngers.’ 19; ‘forming anann-ular I vconstrnotion‘in telescoping- brushes. ' massageI device around’ the‘bru'sh‘ 6; as illus-v ' brus‘This'jdi?ieulty ' haslbeen overcome in the trated.‘ The rubber base18>no'rmallycloses ' presentjcase , providing’ a {plurality ‘ of in the opening‘13, but permits ‘soap to‘ be forced; wardl'yfextenolingtteeth, or ribs, 10, at the out when pressure’ isgapplied by-caplfts ' ~ forWar-d‘end Oct‘the casing. These are sop 1 " The functionof the reservoir‘ 15 and screw" cap 14, is toiholdeand supplyas vneededla » positioned apart and,_exten.d inwardly’ to plastic shaving soap to the tip of‘ they-‘brush such a, distance that they act {as a comb‘: for 6.“ The chamber-leis ?lled vwith t-heaplastic. the‘?ne hairs of” the brnsh as ‘it is withdrawn shaving so'apfas ‘required; by'any ‘desired’ 20 ' " ;ej_casing._j' They insurezthatieachi.outer means. This may bedoneibyremovingithe Oi'IthQLbPJSHE straightened; out and, cap 1%1', andj?llinghthe reservoin-lax-with' a lprope'r-ppsition?when the brush is shavingsoap in'pa‘ste form,’ as for-example withdrawn‘ as: shown in ‘1* 1g, 3. Further— by. pressing outjthe-j'contents of a tube ofthe , more,_ when. they brush .is 7 advanced through ordinary shaving'soap into theJspacel5, and 90" 25 the forward, ‘end of the casing,‘ these ribs or teeth ‘act. ajsguides,v and ‘reinforcers, prevent then replacing the cap‘ 16;?» Qrgpackagesor I I ing'lthej?ne‘hairs from turningsidewise, and cartridges of shaving soap; in; paper oritin~ .} holdinggth'em in smallgbundle‘s, asfit were, foil cartons or containers" 20, or. otherwise This entirely Preventable difficulty. above formed may be prepared'especially for this rielierred-hteucaused'by the turning back of device, and may beVmade-to ?t accurately 95 30. the space‘ '15. vThese are placed'iin ‘position Y Y softhat a projecting neclr21-‘?-ts into theh'ole ‘ Furthermore; it‘has been found‘ that in a 13, and the soap willvthenlbejsqueezedcout Wedged?t, Such‘ as that herein ‘described, a by pressure of-the caplet, as'w-ill be'1obvious. ninch?i'tighterlockican be obtained by wedg 100 ‘ in-g tja‘ jered ‘ferrules such‘ as illustrated, Some form ofii'packing member‘ 22' may-be .v , nee-wage with'ja plurality. of points, such providedto ?t just inside -_the_ cap: 16,? and to as‘ thosev ormed by the _teeth.“10,_‘.rather than contactwith the exterior of'the h‘andl'efl,v to ‘ mm. seliicl" :ri ‘ y'g ,such‘ ‘as would be ‘the: case prevent“ {any escape! of soap between-p the hen, ifgth', were ,n.e..teet.h,.bsttmerely the entire dl'e, and cap 14; _ Preferably: this/memberiis form. render the casing tapered! made with ajspiralinclinefrom one side-of 105 ’" ' This y'oonstruction requires less .metal and hole 135 so-that-itiwillisqueege outaallilthe result‘slinlalightefl handle-then ‘Where the soap, in obviouswman'ner, > ’ entire casing is tapered‘, ashas’been done In Figs; 6'and 7 a brushftolbe used for’ massage; alone iswshowni; I ThQb-I‘llSh‘i 65;- is heretofore, 110 "Furthermore, the locking fit of an; brush very s iortj the rubberf?ngers 19a being-the‘ holder:v in, the ‘teeth’ ‘is released ‘more readily same as those already-referred ‘to.§ by backward pressure, on the pin 9; where ‘ ’ In‘ use, the operation of "the device ‘is as ' thelock isjforrnedbetweenthe tapered brush follows: The reservoir-15 being ?lled with soap paste, the brush 6? isiwetiwith warm holder ‘and; a} ‘plurality of contact vpoints waterjjand then-withdrawn to‘ the position 50 rather than wedging into a so-lidring.
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