ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Spixiana, Zeitschrift für Zoologie Jahr/Year: 2011 Band/Volume: 034 Autor(en)/Author(s): Kotrba Marion Artikel/Article: The internal female reproductive tract of Sicus ferrugineus (LINNAEUS, 1761) (Diptera, Conopidae) 215-220 ©Zoologische Staatssammlung München/Verlag Friedrich Pfeil; download www.pfeil-verlag.de SPIXIANA 34 2 215-220 München, Dezember 2011 ISSN 0341-8391 The internal female reproductive tract of Sicus ferrugineus (Linnaeus, 1761) (Diptera, Conopidae) Marion Kotrba Kotrba, M. 2011. The internal female reproductive tract of Sicus ferrugineus (Lin- naeus, 1761) (Diptera, Conopidae). Spixiana 34 (2): 215-220. The internal female reproductive tract of Sicus ferrugineus, a typical representa- tive of Conopidae, is described and the homology of some of its elements dis- cussed. Marion Kotrba, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Münchhausenstr. 21, 81247 München, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]. Introduction Methods One of the most difficult chapters of dipteran sys- The internal female reproductive organs of S. ferru gineus tematics is undoubtedly the acalyptrate Schizophora, were studied in three pinned specimens. One was re- and, among these, especially the thick-headed flies cently collected; the other two were older specimens Conopidae (Hennig 1952, 1971, McAlpine 1989). from the collection of the Smithsonian National Muse- Their systematic position is still highly controversial um of Natural History, Washington (USNM). The ab- domina were severed and macerated in cold KOH be- (Han & Ro 2005, Gibson et al. 2010). fore the reproductive organs were removed and dis- Previous studies in various acalyptrate taxa sected. Subsequently the organs were rinsed in distilled have shown that the internal female reproductive water with an addition of acetic acid and embedded in tract provides a number of morphological characters polyvinyllactophenol with an admixture of chlorazol which can be taxonomically and phylogenetically black E. Some mature eggs present in the oviduct were informative (e. g. Sturtevant 1925, 1926, Kotrba 1995, embedded as well. 2007, Kotrba & Baptista 2002, Meier et al. 1997, The preparations were observed and documented Rohácek 1996, 1999a,b). However, descriptions of in bright field and DIC contrast using a Zeiss Axioskop these characters in Conopidae have been scarce and 2 compound microscope equipped with a Zeiss Axio- usually restricted to the spermathecae. Besides the Cam digital camera. Ovaries and oviducts were not description of the internal female reproductive tract studied because these organs are not lined by cuticle and thus lost during maceration. For terminology and of Stylogaster stylosa Townsend 1897 (Kotrba 1997), a a general introduction to the internal female reproduc- species whose inclusion in Conopidae is not entirely tive tract of Diptera see Kotrba (2000). Following com- certain, the only description of the conopid female mon practice, the term sclerotized refers to darkened reproductive system so far is a relatively superficial cuticular structures that are not stained blue by chlor- one of Zodion obliquefasciatum (Macquart, 1946) by azol black E and appear brown under the bright field. Howell (1967). The present study describes the in- ternal female reproductive tract of Sicus ferrugineus, another typical and widespread representative of the Conopidae, in detail with microscopic images of the most important structures. 215 ©Zoologische Staatssammlung München/Verlag Friedrich Pfeil; download www.pfeil-verlag.de ag sp sp ve vs ds ag ex ex 1 ve spd sp vs agd1 agd2 ds agd3 ex ex 2 Figs 1-2. Internal female reproductive tract of Sicus ferrugineus (Linnaeus, 1761) (lateral view from the left). 1. Enti- re reproductive tract except oviduct and ovaries; 2. enlargement. ag, accessory gland reservoir; agd1, sclerotized base of accessory gland ducts; agd2, wide membranous portion of accessory gland ducts; agd3, narrow part sepa- rating accessory gland ducts from gland reservoirs; ds, dorsal sclerite; ex, fragments of external cuticular elements; sp, spermatheca; spd, spermathecal duct; ve, ventral evagination; vs, ventral ring-shaped sclerite. Scale bars 1 mm. 216 ©Zoologische Staatssammlung München/Verlag Friedrich Pfeil; download www.pfeil-verlag.de oc fs spd vs 3 agd1 ds 4 5 fs 6 7 Figs 3-7. Internal female reproductive tract of Sicus ferrugineus (Linnaeus, 1761) (details). 3. Ventral evagination; 4. dorsal structures; 5. spermathecae (ruptured); 6. accessory glands; 7. anterodorsal field of spicules. agd1, scle- rotized base of accessory gland ducts; ds, dorsal sclerite; fs, field of spicules; oc, common oviduct; spd, sclerotized base of spermathecal ducts; vs, ventral ring-shaped sclerite. Arrows, muscle insertions. Scale bars 0.1 mm. Results The most prominent element is a large sack-like ventral evagination (ve) of the vagina, which bears The vagina of S. ferrugineus is embedded in a mas- a sclerotized ring (vs) in its posteroventral wall sive layer of muscles inside the bulging cavity of the (Figs 2-3). The ring consists of a narrow band with ir- greatly enlarged seventh abdominal segment. Once regular outline which enframes a lanceolate area. It is removed from that cavity and carefully freed of the surrounded by a perimeter of fringes – the remnants surrounding muscle tissue, the general outline of of muscle attachments (Fig. 3, arrows). An elongate the vagina and associated organs becomes visible field of tiny spicules (fs) lies anterodorsally near the (Figs 1-2). insertion of the common oviduct (Figs 4, 7). 217 ©Zoologische Staatssammlung München/Verlag Friedrich Pfeil; download www.pfeil-verlag.de Into the dorsal wall of the vagina opposite the tral evagination of S. ferrugineus is unquestionably ventral evagination open the paired spermathecal homologous with the “bursa copulatrix” described ducts (spd) and, well posterior to them, the paired in Z. obliquefasciatum, and possibly a common feature accessory gland ducts (agd) (Fig. 4). Both kinds of of Myopinae and Conopinae. In one Conops quadrifas- ducts are sclerotized near their insertion into the ciatus De Geer, 1776 female fixed immediately after vagina, and here the accessory gland ducts are about copulation the ventral evagination was filled by a twice as wide as the spermathecal ducts. mass of sperm (Kotrba, unpublished). The structure The spermathecal ducts are long and narrow is therefore appropriately termed “bursa copulatrix” (Fig. 2). Terminally they each bear a short bifurcation by Howell (1967). On family level, the homology bearing two spermathecal capsules (sp). Here the of this structure remains uncertain and should be spermathecal duct walls are thickened and slightly clarified through future comparative investigations. sclerotized (Fig. 5). The spermathecal capsules are One candidate for a homologous organ in other spherical and strongly sclerotized. Their surface is Schizophora is the ventral receptacle or fertilization studded with the end apparatuses of spermathecal chamber known to occur in most schizophoran flies gland cells whose insertions at the capsule may be (Kotrba 2000). This organ, however, generally ema- thickened into forming narrow spines. nates from the anteriormost part of the ventral vagina The accessory gland ducts are about as long as wall, while the ventral evagination of S. ferru gineus the spermathecal ducts but much wider and mem- involves a much larger area. branous along most of their length (Fig. 2). When According to own dissections of Zodion in- freed from their musculature by maceration they termedium Banks, 1916 and Conops quadrifasciatus are extremely delicate and often get torn or lost in (Kotrba unpublished), the ventral ring occurs in dissections. The tubular accessory gland reservoirs these species as well and is therefore possibly a (ag) are not as wide and more than twice as long as common feature of all Myopinae and Conopinae. the ducts. Their entire surface is studded with the Similar ringshaped sclerites in the ventral vagina cuticular end apparatuses of accessory gland cells wall occur in a few other families of acalyptrate flies (Fig. 6). The gland reservoirs are separated from such as Anthomyzidae (e.g. Rohácek 1996, 1999a,b), the ducts by a short narrow section (agd3) possibly Diopsidae (e. g. Kotrba 1993, 1995), Canacidae and functioning as a valve (Fig. 2). Tethinidae (Hardy & Delfinado 1980, Wirth 1989), The common oviduct (oc) inserts anteriorly but also in the aschizan Phoridae (Brown 1988). Be- between the spermathecal ducts and the ventral cause the vagina is invaginated from the body wall evagination (Fig. 4). It is not lined by cuticle and between sterna 8 and 9, any sclerite in the ventral therefore hardly detectable in macerated dissec- vagina wall such as the ventral ring of S. ferrugineus tions. might possibly be derived from sternum 8. A small plough-shaped dorsal sclerite (ds) is Because it is associated with the dorsal vagina attached to the dorsal vagina wall posterior to the wall, the dorsal sclerite is possibly derived from insertion of the accessory glands (Fig. 4). Adhering sternum 9 similar to the furca or genital fork of fibres suggest that it serves for the attachment of many Orthorrhapha. It is possibly homologous to the muscles. valve described by Howell between genital chamber The egg of S. ferrugineus is long, cylindrical and and anus in Z. obliquefasciatum. The second
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