US010443976B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 , 443 ,976 B2 Chin et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Oct . 15, 2019 ( 54 ) CARRIAGE FOR ROCKET LAUNCH ( 56 ) References Cited SYSTEM U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS ( 71 ) Applicants : Howard M . Chin , Kingston ( JM ) ; 1 , 812 , 955 A 7 / 1931 Horni Kimberly A . Carraha , Weston , FL 2 , 807 , 194 A * 9 / 1957 Cammin -Christy .. F41F 1 /085 (US ) 89 / 1 . 815 (72 ) Inventors : Howard M . Chin , Kingston ( JM ) ; (Continued ) Kimberly A . Carraha , Weston , FL FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (US ) S52118799 A 10 / 1977 ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this JP H0321592 A 1 / 1991 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued ) U . S . C . 154 (b ) by 19 days. (21 ) Appl. No. : 15 /627 , 558 OTHER PUBLICATIONS “ Rockoons, ” JP Aerospace [online ], Dec . 7 , 2009 [retrieved Aug . 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