v •• ••>»*««’ **<** >• ... V.- :*%x.W- % . • .. S THE EVENING STAR ** Pentagon Reinstates McCarthy's Dispute Washington, D C A-3 SATURDAY, MARCH 97, m ¦ 1984 Mrs. Moss, but Will With Army Injures Agriculture Denies Continue Inquiry G. 0. P., Hall Asserts HL m jtH " * •y »ho Associated Prats McCarthy's Report By John A. Giles mjk OMAHA, jr mk m Mrs. Annie Lee Moss, target Mar. 27.—Leonard McCarthy Dairy Price Props of Senator in his con- W. Hall, Chairman of the Re- JF H'¦ On troversy with the Army, has publican National Committee, The Agriculture Department Pentagon ; been reinstated in her t says Benator McCarthy, Repub- apparently is ready to go through department 7 ¦ job, but a inquiry l l m M with its announced plan to drop, into charges against her con- lican, of Wisconsin “has done , dairy price supports from 90 per more harm than good” H/;. ¦/# tinued today. in his cent to 75 per cent of parity next Army m 1 a trade of verbal blows The announced last with top Thursday. night Army officials. that she would return to Senator McCarthy. Repub- work Monday after the 30-day As a result, Mr. Hall said. Sen- lican, of Wisconsin told reporters suspension instituted Ji| -yvV I gjj jB ator McCarthy’s “Senate effec- when a ¦ yesterday he “had heard” the de- witness before the Wisconsin jm tiveness has diminished in the partment might make a last- Republican’s Investigation sub- Jm past few weeks.” minute change. Undersecretary committee testified she knew an Mr. Hall’s statement in an in- True Morse, of the Com- night D. head Annie Lee Moss who was a Com- w mm terview last came as one modity Credit Corporation, which munist. of the strongest criticisms of the handles price supports, denied Mrs. Moss strongly denied she Wisconsin Senator yet put out the report. was or ever has been a Com- by a high G. O. P. official. Sev- The Senator also announced he munist or that she had even eral weeks ago Mr. Hall had de- assigned of his In- bought has members a copy of the Commu- scribed Senator McCarthy as an vestigations Subcommittee staff nist Daily Worker. asset to the party. to into what he called “un- Army look The announcement said Senator McCarthy, Chairman usual” financial aspects of the H*'B & she was "being returned to duty of the Senate Investigations department’s moves to put lower March 29, pending final adjudi- subcommittee, could not be support levels into effect. cation of her case, to her posi- reached for immediate com- Principal target of the Sen- tion in the Signal Corps Supply ment. ator’s probe is the department’s Section.” Says Disputes Hurt. decision to permit processors and Attorney’s Opinion. Asked about the McCarthy- distributors to sell butter to the Government through, March 31 Her attorney, George E. C. Army exchanges, Mr. Hall said at the current support price of Hayes, said today the ruling "the dispute has hurt. Any dis- "doesn’t mean that the Army 65.75 cents a pound, retain pos- pute hurts.” session of it and contract to buy can't go forward with any His comment came just be- i charges and suspend her again. it back on April 1 at 60 cents. fore he talked about campaign PAlN—lndianapolis.—Charlie Cheer, 57, a Shrine "I understand the Army will CHEER WITH The same arrangement has been gjji strategy at a banquet gathering j circus clown, steps out of character while Nurse Judy Vandivier for cheese, with the Gov- advise her of any charges m Rocky made that of the Midwest and j pound may be decided upon,” he said. PRIVATE SCHINE, M. P.—Augusta, Ga.—Pvt. G. David Schine (center), controversial former treats his injured left hand at Emergency Hospital. Charlie was ernment paying 37 cents a Mountain Republican State j to April 1 and selling it back But Mr. Hayes added that if unpaid consultant for Senator McCarthy, receives his "diploma” from First Sergt. Russell R. placing a blank cartridge in a trick mechanism on his accordion for no Chairmen’s Association. 35 cents. charges were proved against Bowles of Roanoke, Va., at Camp Gordon. Pvt. Schine graduated today from a military police “There is one person who al- between acts when the cartridge exploded. An ambulance Mrs. Moss j Senator McCarthy said he there was "no ques- basic training school. (Story on Page A-l.) —AP Wirephoto. ways speaks for our party.” Mr. driver watches as the clown is treated for a fractured forefinger tion” that she would receive “understands” that 26,800,000 back Hall said in his dinner speech, j and cuts. —AP Wirephoto. pounds “have pay for the period of her sus- of cheese been “and that is Dwight D. Eisen-, bought and sold without moving pension. hower. Don’t tell; A let anybody can’t carry out the Presi- ' dent of the chemical society, was it” in these transactions, but de- special Army board was Man Is Jailed in Oregon ! you that because of quarrels in j reported to have nearly complet- Federal Activities Democrat Chief Calls I1 dent’s program. named by the House Un-Ameri- partment officials explained that Washington that there is no j purchasers are not ac- ed its study of the Moss case. can Activities Committee three allowed In Kidnap-Ransom Case unity and no leadership.” Truman Suggests McCarthy years ago as being active in what tually to take title until April Mrs. Mary Stalcup Markward, Republican 1. Paralyzed by Probes, By the Associated Press on The chairman told termed Communist They said the is neces- a former FBI undercover agent, Standards Risks the it a “wide- procedure PORTLAND, his audience big campaign Probe Siberia Spy Case peace sary because otherwise proces- testified before, the McCarthy Oreg.. Mar. 27. issues this year would be the world offensive.” group KANSAS CITY, Mar. 27 UP).— sors would sell all their butter that she "had known a Bishop Says Police yesterday jailed James economic health of the Nation Dr. Pauling denied that he woman by the name of Annie Oxnam 'Ludicrous, Invalid' Former President Truman said had ever been a Communist. Mr. and cheese to the Government Valentine, 41, and charged him and the “never ending” battle before April 1 to take advantage Lee Moss on the list of card- Methodist Bishop G. Bromley By th« Associated ?'res* with yesterday he heard that Truman said the chemist had to with trying to abduct 9-year-old communism. had of present prices, causing a carrying. dues paying member Oxnam declared last night that On the first Mr. Hall go before a committee and ex- George ween GARY, Ind.. Mar. 27.—Stephen count. some “fool Americans” had been shortage in retail markets after of the Northeast Club,” a Red "the Nation is fed up on ‘in- Brice 111 here last declared “the Eisenhower ad- plain what red corpuscles are, A Mitchell, Democratic accused of spying in Siberia. He that date. organization of which she was vestigations.’ but the people may in a ransom effort in which he national ministration program, adding: now mov- suggested, in an obvious Even with this arrangement, chairman. tolerate one more, namely, an in- forced the boy's mother chairman, last night called the ing through Congress, is designed refer- “I suggest Pauling con- to drive ence to Senator McCarthy, that Prof. officials said, processors are en- When Mrs. Moss appeared in vestigation of the investigators.” administration’s standards ; to keep us sound economically by fine his investigations to white the committee room, him to the boy's school. for “that great investigator be per- gaging in a last-minute rush however, Current investigations, he said, determining security building more industry, more corpuscles.” Mrs. Markward Valentine was held under risks in mitted to go to work for Malen- to take advantage of 90 per cent said she "had are “a disease that is paralyzing jobs and a healthy agriculture.”, parity and consequently butter her face rather well wrapped the normal activities of SIOO,OOO bond on three charges: Government "invalid and ludi- kov and find out what they were up. Govern- Hails Foreign Policy. doing there.” is pilingup in Government ware- I didn’t really get a good ment.” He addressed the 50th attempted kidnaping of the boy; crous” and mentioned Chief Jus- Asylum Inmate than 3 look at her this On the second, he said: “He wouldn’t be bothered by houses at a rate of more morning. That anniversary meeting of the Jo- kidnaping of Mrs. Brice and her tice Warren and Secretary of million pounds a day. being the case, I cannot maid, and assault with dan- I “We have at long last de- the Russians because they Among Holders of posi- seph Priestly Conference, the a State Dulles as examples to prove Secretary Benson announced tively swear that I know her of gerous weapon. veloped a truly American foreign wouldn't object to his methods,” annual assembly Unitarians his point. i Driving Permits again yesterday that the Gov- or personally knew her. But from the District, Northern Vir- Last Friday Mrs. Brice, wife ' policy which meets the overseas Mr. Truman told 400 visiting threat ernment expects to announce a from the general description that ginia, Maryland, Delaware and of a wealthy realtor and banker, Mr. Mitchell made the asser- Communist head-on and chemists. The driver's license of a “pilot plan” April for disposing lays the responsibility where Mr. Truman did 1 I have had. it is entirely pos- Pennsylvania, in the Arlington was forced at gunpoint to drive tion in a speech delivered at it not mention Maryland man was re- of dairy surpluses.
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