![()Jlell 1-Lottse ])C1,1S Ill 2003 Clll(I 2()()~1 "](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
To welcome all our Corps visitors who will be in the area, our Centerbrook shop will have these ()Jlell 1-lottse ])c1,1s ill 2003 Clll(I 2()()~1 " - For the Westbrook Muster 2004 weekend, we will repeat the For the NationaJ Muster at 2003 event: Marlborough 2003 weekend: Sept 5 from 8 AM to 5 PM Friday prior lo the muster. from 8AM to 5 PM Sept 7 from 10 AM to 2 PM Sunday after the muster, For C-ompany of Fifers & Drummers 10AM to2 PM Headquarters 2003 events: Open House Days feature: Saturday 9/20, 10/4 and 11/15, THE COOPER.MAN COMPANY from 9AM to Noon Complimentary beverages and snacks A ,1em11d-gmemlLim j'a,ru~v 6u.1ine,1J For the Deep River Muster 2004 Special Sales on selected items - these cnmmitti:cJ t<1 trat>ilimwl craji,,man,,hip weekend, we will repeat the prices will not be available on the and 1i111nl'ati1•e de,1~q11 2003 event: muster field E,,,e.\· lmh.itrial Par/.:, P.O. 811.\· 2161 Friday prior to DRAM, A selection of shop seconds and/or Cmterlm1,1k. CT t76./09-02l6 UStJ from 8AM to 5 PM discontinued items for sale Tel: 860-l6l-l779 Fa.1:: 860-767-lO/i Sunday after DRAM, Email: 1iifa@c11,1permmu<>m An opportunity to examine 011 the ll"e6: 11•wu•.c,111per111a11.n1111 from 10AM lo 2 PM reconditioned and collectible instruments for sale 2 Ancienffimes lell'is & Clark From the 1 /'.o. 108 / Scpcember 100.l Vol. 28 '\o.2 Fife und Drum Corps Publisher/ Editor Publi.Jicd Ii) 4 The Company of Femi of 11te Hunter's Moo11 Fifers &"Drummers A New Beginning httpJkompanyoffifcanddtum.org 6 My first editorial ... where 10 begin? I would be remtss if 3rd A11111wl Civil War I did not first pay tribute to Bob Lynch. my ~.with Editor: Robin '\icmitz. email [email protected] Music School \\horn I have had the pleasure of working lhese pa.'1 few years. ,\rt & ~gn Director: Da,e Jones 8 The qualil) and contem of The A11cien1 Times ha, imprmed Associate Editors: Re(lmer Drum Jam • great)) under his watchful eye, and I can only hope to be able to Domuuc~ Cuccia. Ca!hennc Ca,allo. ~lu,1c Editor, maimain the high ~ that has been set for the publication. VmCzq,,d. Wcbs,1eandC)~-eEdi1or 9 For those who do not kno,\ him well, Bob is a brilliant, interest­ Amaooa Goodheart. Jun,IJ( :-.-~~, Ednor Ohio'1 Bicenlennial ....,___ \1.lrl. u.>j:..don. Mid~cst Edm~ ing, knowledgeable and Mnderful per.son. and I have thorough­ Bill ~laling. Comm faem, Cooc-.ponderu 10 ly enjoyed getting to know him. Besides all that. we are both Stt,e 1'icmi11. CalendJranJ CompdltionC~nt Ja,1esl'il/e 2002 nati,e "Holyokers· and ha,e ,hared man; siorie!, about our for­ Da1e :',oell. Onlme Chat Intern~, hometO\\ you 6101"-'11, ~lo Schoo-. Obiruane, mer n. Bob. I ,,ish well and look forward 10 more 12 of our cha!.\. Thank.\ for all your hard work and guidance. ~lam s.imo-.on. \\ N Coa,i f.diior Fife & Drum Camp 2003 Colb!n S13Cl. COOIJl'lll) Llai,oo Enjoy )OUT new-found free time. Get~ Yerami3n. Tallier :llld CUl1'fll fal!lll,C~ 15 .r,-___.,..,,...... _ Company Membership i\lember.hip,'Subscriptions: \Ve~tem \Vi11d For mlorm•. ll<Xl on Life \lembmlup pledge-. addrt" MemberJnp m nieC,m,pcu,r ...whatdoes 11 mean? ch.uigc-- and ,ut,,,.,iption 111formauon con!Jct: 16 l)oe<; it mean one can attend free conceru e,ery Tuesday Tht Compc,n1 uf Fij"m & Dn1~rs. /111en•ie 11 with Garv Vorll'<1ld c,ening each ,wnmer? Or does it mean \ho1~ing up once every P.O. Bo, h<X)too CT. 06l42-0277 m. few month:. for a general meeting? Perhap-, 11 offeis one the ttl. 860767,2237. fa~ 860 767-9765 18 e-mail: compan)[email protected] It', in the Book (WO!tW\il} to attend the Junior Fife & Drum Camp. Winter Editorial: Wo1kshops. Jaybird's Da}. Junior Activities Da}. a Junior For ~ nitr· \ ~idehnc-. or 10 d1\Cll.,, '10!) idea.-.. editorial 20 Carnpout m the Bcoo.hires. the Big Eor a myriad of social matcnal l1!ld phok>, conbct Robin S1cnutz. Remembering Fred,r gathenng, at 77,e Company HQ. Perhaps. 10 some. it represenL, R:'-i1Clll11I@'rou1et. or Thr .\11<1tnl Tunn a ~ub-,criplion 10 nie A11cie111 Times, or ha,ing acccs, 10 an P.O. Bo~ m. 62 ~ ~tun SL. l\(Jl)10ll CTIJ&i.l!-02n; 21 e-mail. ancienwmes~ OOl1lPall)oilife.mddrum~ Fas11ach1 im~~h e museum collection offife and drum artifac~ and Adwiliing: hi,tOI). It can also afford one the opportunil} to 1i~it 77ie For rolft\ 1111d a1a1lahiht) conia..-t. 22 Company Store. either al \arious muslCrs or at the HQ proper, Random Thoughrs Tht AIICUIII Ti/11(,, P.O. Bo\ m. 62 ,'\onh ,\l,11n St. or nie Company Web<.ire for up-tt><late infonnruion and new~ hOI} ton CT <W2-02n 23 about the fife and drum world The Co_mp_any of F&.D in Cyber Space In reality. an} one of these could be considered correct Fifers &"Drummers but for some. a Compa,,~· memberslup mean, e\llf)lhing above, 24 and much more. It means ,olumeering 10 support an organiza­ Prei,ident: Jr,; Moroe) 1203 ~SS-97 35 Na1ional Muster 2003 tion that prm ide!> ...o much for~ many. It is enurely possible em:nl: p!C'kltnt@comprut)offifeanddrum.~ Fi~\ kt President: Dan \loilan (617)'.!..i!-2360 24 that lllO'>t folk!> do not take the time to think about this, and ha,e email jdm@roo)bn.mfo The M11.1e11111 ne\'errealized all The Compa,~1· makes al'ailable. his also possi­ Second Vice ~dent: Rwxl) Stock 1203) 265-05-!.l ble that people do not kno\.\ all that is in,ohed in keeping the Sttretal'): Rich.ln.t Ruqu1S11617) 968-6741 25 organization runrung. Well. in case there are <;Orne who have not email yanmru@net1<.-apc.ne1 Sllllt Trm·el Gem.1 Trea<urtr: Camun OilibrN !97S)l!38-~.!3 caught on ;et. I can sum II up in one word - volunteers. As one erruil· C'il!Tilln_calibrc-eicmrorgroup.com 26 ,_,.l:_.,., who ha!> ghen some time 10 77,e Compa,1y. I can say from Ancients f"und: Dan Moilan 1617) 2.'2-'.!..'60 Deep Ril'er Anciem Muster expenence that it has been ,ery rewarding and has allowed me email: jdm@mo)lan.mfo Tribwe 10 Roger Clark 10 meet many "'onderful. energetic and l:llented people I might \rchht:S/\lll.Stllm Cuntor; Ed Olsen 1860) 399-6519 --•f..ll~:r.. not h.l, e met otherwise. Facilities Co-~lanager..: Neil O'Bncn 29 18601267-S:!50. Kenn B=n {8&1)399-757. Lexington Muster ~ So why mention all lhi~? ...Th: reason ...77,e Company Junior fire & Drum Camp Chainnan: Robm Kic:rru11 ha., had a seriou.~. unrelenting nee<l fOf ,,olunteers. A manager tm.\ll: R\1cmJ111i!'co\.net 30 and ,raff are needed for 11,e CCH11fXI11_1' Store. and a Ch.ainnan \ lembmhip Chair: Bob Ca,ullo t8ll0~55-9-l I7 Bosron Mehterlume for Junior AcOI 1u~. Docen~ are ',OUght after each 'iUmmer for em;ul: bobb)[email protected] the museum. work_ neefu to be done in and around the building \tusk Chain: Domimck Clll-c1a 32 (845/~8-221 ➔ cm.ail· t11310Ck@aolcom Along rhe Frontier and in the ruthhes and writer. are needed for 77,e A11cieiu c~1h1 Ca1illo t:!1Hf1'5-l234 email· ma&..i<J20@aolcom 7imes. This i~ l10( a comprehe~i,e list. 10 be sure. but it is a fair The Compan) Store: 33 · !>latement of the organin11ioo's more immediaie needs. Tht Co,,!/ . n, ~ Fijm & Drwwnm, Inc., A Tip ·o the Tricorn... Volumeering CO<;!!> nothing but time. One might :bk ... b our P.O. &, 277, hOl)ton CT. 06+!2-0277 not not only •~ n,·1rn1 Tune, 1, pobll'11ed qllallerl) by Tht Cnmpim,· OJ 34 time valuable? Ye,,, of course it is, but to oneself. F,jm & Drummm /II(., Museum. ~lu,ic Llbr.u). The Ta11/er lime gi\cn to help other.. is e:wemel} dear. Membership in 77,e Headquarter,. P.O. Bo, m. hU)100 CT. 064-l~-OZn Company ,hould come with the expecta1.ion that. e,ery '° often, {860) 767-2237 36 one might be t'll.lled upon to pitch m. lllke the mitiative and clear Tot pubhcauoo f ISS's0091-7 I76l 'ittl, 10 kiq, Le11ers 10 the Ediwr ind11 iJUJI. m,u1u1IOIIJ1. and drum coip-. memb,:ri through· some time for an organi,.ation that plO\i<b so much for the out the -..orld informed prunmli on the 37 Ancient communil}. Think about ii and lllke a loo!- at )'OUf acti\ 1ue- of tr.iditional AmeOQl!l fif( and drum corp-. Comperirion Comer schedules... pemap- }OU might di'iCOl'er Iha! you reall1 do have kll(\\111 a, AncienLs The Company ma,n1.un1 a a little time to share. museum and headquarter. oo 11>0-plu, ill.TC\ It ,ed.., to 38 reipctua1e the h1\loric:31 ,,gmfican..'C and folk tradiuon, of TIii! Muffled Drum Armic.i.n field nuNc 1111d 10 fO\ICr the-.puit of fel10>1 .Jup OnTheCmer: lllll<J(lg ull fifer. and tlrutnmer. Founikd m 1965. The (Conri1111ed on page 8) Compal1_1 11/F,fm & Drummm.
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