ONE SCOPE """ ALL GAME! B&L BALvar 8 Variable Power 2~x to 8x It's the most wanted scope on the market-the onl y multi-purpose scope of its k ind providing year 'round hunting through an excellent choice of low D&L DALVar 0 Variable Power 2~x to 8x It's the most wanted scope on the market-the onl y multi-purpose scope of its k ind providing year 'round hunting through an excellent choice of low powers for big game and high powers (up to 8 X) for varmints. And there's '[----- "'""" no change in reticle size, eye relief, focus or point of impact as power is changed! BALvar 8 is rugged ... designed and built to take hard punishment during hunting trips. All adjustments are made externally in the mount-no delicate internal parts to jar loose. With its lifetime guarantee, the BALvar 8 is your best buy ... it's several scopes in one for all hunters! Price $99.50. E9 INTERCHANGEABLE-RIFLE TO RIFLE! E9 WIDE FIELD! The wide field at 2Y2x Put B&L mounts on your favorite hunt­ (4 0 ' at 100 yds.) helps the hunter in ing rifl es; zero your BALvar 8 on these tracking a moving target-"c!ose in" o n mounts . .. once your mounts are game with desired power and shoot zeroed, BALvar 8 can be transferred with accuracy. from mount to mount in seconds, lock­ ing in perfect zero every time! E9 SHOOT NOW-PAY LATER! Buy your BAL var 8 or any other fine B&L scope E9 SAFETY FEATURE-VARIABLE POWER! no w on the convenient time payment When hunting, use higher power for plan. As little as 10% down and the ----~--; positive identification of target . A quick scope's yours. Pay the balance in con­ turn of th e power rin g to 8x a nd a venie nt monthly payments while you're better look at your target may prevent enjoying the use of the scope. Ask your an accident. dealer for this easy purchase plan. FREE! "FACTS ABOUT TELESCOPIC SIGHTS" Send for yo ur copy of this unusual 96-page manual , filled w ith valuable information about scope shooting. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 20640Lomb Park, Roch­ ester 2, New York. EXCLUSIVE! NO CHANGE IN RETICLE SIZE WITH CHANGE OF POWER Patented B&L tapered cross-hair ret- BAUSCH &- LOMB :_1 l L : A* ".",.".* ,,_ ... of western guns at a new low price! COLT BUNTLINE SCOUT.22 t XT,.. 7_ _ . _ ~ ...._.,....... _._L ....._.__ Walnut stocks, $5 extra . H ere 's a gun with one of the most famous sil­ houettes in t he Old West-the Buntline-in a new .22 caliber version. Meet t he new Colt Buntline Scout for 1959! Historians disa gree as to the exact derivation of the old Buntline-but shooters a gree on its beautiful heft, design and accuracy! The long, long barrel lets you level on a target with near­ rifle sharpness ... and the negligible recoil makes it a favorite arm for the ladies, too. Add .22 caliber shooting economy, t o m ake the Buntline Scout much more than just a fasci ­ nating conversation piece, and you have another big reason for owning this ace of western guns ! A sk to see the Colt .45 B untline, too. ........ .. G-4 : SEE YOUR REGISTERED COLT DEALER OR FILL . IN COUPON BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Colt's Patent Fire Arms, Hartford 15, Conn. Sirs: Please send complete details on your new Colt Buntline Scout, and name of nearest dealer. NAME _ ADDRE SS _ By JO H N LAWRENCE A f rica" White Hic nter A bout 12 years ago I star ted ft pr ofession al hunting in Ea st Africa and. as a gun for hea vy ga me, used th e .416 Ri g­ by. This, with its 5100 foot pounds of ene rgy. has served me well for years . Some fou r or five yea rs ago I managed to ge t a twin to this gun just in ca se anything should happen to on e. As you kn ow, t hey wer e a bo ut th e onl y heavy ri fle usin g the stee l jack eted bull et , and for Afri can heavy game thi s is a first rate rifl e. I have carried no other gun as I am no t used to the do ub le barrel, and un til th e coming of the .458 W in­ cheste r th ere has been no bet­ ter maguzin e gun. ]n fact, eve n now. th is can do any jo h the A5S can. Your best choice in missiles are Sierra Bullets. Flat trajectory and absolute uniformi ty in weight, size and shape insure sure-fire success on the range or hunting your and shape insure sure-fire success on the range or hunting your favorite game. By STA N SPRAG UE S ec returv; U.S.R evolver A sso ci at io n ince I am ass ociated with S a hand gu n shooting or­ ga nization I feel it would be " impolite" for me to choose one of the ma jo r mak es as a fa vor ite, altho ug h I have one of eac h in m y shooting ki t. I do my slow fire stuff with a l i S R A -'l ode! T1 arrington &. Ri ch ardson .22 single shot, my Na tional -'l at ch Course shooring with a Hi Standard, an d my ce nte rfire with a Smith &. Wesson. I use most of my guns and enjoy them all. Ac­ tually . I hold a lot of se nti­ ment for an old .44 cap and hall Remingt on th at has been in th e family for ma ny years . My dad used to shoot it and hi s fat her before him. T ge t a kick out of shoot ing it, ju st as th ey did. T also have a lot of fu n wit h my .243 Varminter during t he woodch uck season and for th e shorter shots I use a bea utiful little Hi Side wall .22 Horn et. This latt er gun is one th at I can't bu y fr om my fri end, exhibition sho oter Ern ie Lind, bu t he does let me borrow it eac h year. I have tri ed to catc h him in an un gu arded mom ent and make a deal for it. bu t he will never part with thi s fine shooting litt le bea uty. At th e moment T ha ve a Hi Side action being worked on and fitt ed with a .21S Bee harrel. a nd THE COVER Lots of people do lots of talk­ ing about a thing they like to call juve nile delinquency. We HEN TRIGGER T ALK tim e rolls don 't th ink toda y's kids are W around at Ye Editorial Desk e, we are bad; t hey just have too much faced eac h month with th e co ntes t probl em : spare time. This co ve r, and the to tell you, in a bout 70 lines more or art icle on page 36, sugge st less, wh y you wiIl like C ux s, So her e goes. one way to make kids "straig ht You 'll like th e Alaska n Brown Bear sto ry shooters" in mo re than one ( page 14 ) partly becau se it sho ws that sirn­ sense of t he words . ple, low cost eq uipme nt ca n be u sed for maj or big America n ga me, effectively. L'se APR IL, 1959 VOL. V, 4·52 of a pi stol pl aces a pre miu m on sportsman­ ship-or in thi s ca se, sportswo ma nship. Even IN THIS ISSUE in our 49 th state wh ere eve rybody ca rries a g un, safe skill with a handgu n like th is is handguns ••• outstanding. M ore stor ies fr om A laska lat er SHOOTING BEAR WITH A PiSTOL Dean C. Brenn an 14 on h unting in thi s grea t ga me land. "TAKE YOUR TIME-FAST! Walter Rodger s 20 G un manuel'S for kids (page 36 ) ma y seem " j uvenile" for G UNS. but it sort of puts hunting ••• th e pro in propaganda. W e l ike that word, DO YOU NEED A BI RD DOG? . ... .Bert Popowski 16 beca use it really mean s we're for some thing: [or sa fe gun hand ling and more enjoyment military ••• of the shooting sport. T hat's our aim, with THE ARMY 'S SHOOTIN'EST OUTF IT. .. .. MjSgt. J ohn D. Mar t in 23 GUNS. Mor e gun sa fety-ca n we ever have too shooting •.• Illuch?- is th e them e of west erner Ro ger s' SHOOTING IS FOR EVERYONE . Les D. Line 26 fast draw story, "T ake Your T ime: Fast" CHOOSING A MATCH .22 RIFLE. .. Larry F. Moore 28 (page 20). Lea ther sla pping fan s will learn "DON'T BE A JERK" GAM E a n efficient dr aw by studying Roger s' TEACHES GU N MANNERS . H. E. He lwig an d Bill C lede 36 Ra nger-st yle techn iqu e. Dogs, they say, ar e man 's best fri end.
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