Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies Eighteenth Session of the Assembly Paris, 13-26 June 1995 UNESCO SC/MD/106 Paris, 25 August 1995 Original: English SC/MD/106 page (i) TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY REPORT Page 1. OPENING 1 2. BRUUN MEMORIAL LECTURES 1 3. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 1 3.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 1 3.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR 1 3.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION, TIMETABLE 1 AND DOCUMENTATION A. PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION 4. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES 2 4.1 SECRETARY'S REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES; 2 REPORT ON THE COMMISSION'S ACTIVITIES, 1993-1994, AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT, FOLLOWED BY DEBATE B. STATUS AND EVOLUTION OF THE IOC 5. DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN UNESCO, FOLLOW-UP TO DOSS, AND 4 REVISED RULES OF PROCEDURE 6. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OCEANOGRAPHY - 7 FOLLOW-UP 7. MEDIUM-TERM PLAN 1996-2001 AND PRELIMINARY 8 CONSIDERATION OF PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 1996-1997 C. PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT 8. FOLLOW-UP OF THE 1992 UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE 9 ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 8.1 AGENDA 21 AND ACC SUB-COMMITTEE ON OCEANS 9 AND COASTAL AREAS 8.2 UN YEAR OF THE OCEAN 1998 11 9. IOC AND UNCLOS 12 10. OCEAN SCIENCES 14 10.1 OCEANS AND CLIMATE 14 10.1.1 WCRP-JSC, including TOGA and CLIVAR 15 10.1.2 WOCE 15 SC/MD/106 page (ii) 10.1.3 Relations with FCCC, including First 16 Conference of the Parties (COP), and IPCC 10.1.4 OOSDP and Second Meeting of Scientific and 17 Technical Experts on Oceans and Climate (Malta, 1994) 10.1.5 WCP Joint Proposal 18 10.2 OCEANS AND GLOBAL CHANGE: LOICZ; JGOFS, 18 INCLUDING CO2 PANEL; COASTAL ZONES (COASTS) 10.3 OCEAN SCIENCE IN RELATION TO LIVING RESOURCES 20 (OSLR); IPHAB; GLOBEC; CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY 10.4 OCEAN SCIENCE IN RELATION TO NON-LIVING RESOURCES 23 (OSNLR), INCLUDING CONFERENCE ON COASTAL CHANGE (BORDEAUX, 1995) 10.5 OCEAN MAPPING 25 10.6 MARINE POLLUTION RESEARCH AND MONITORING 26 (GIPME/MARPOLMON) AND RELATED PROGRAMMES 11. OCEAN SERVICES 29 11.1 GLOBAL OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEM AND 29 RELATED ACTIVITIES 11.1.1 Second Session of the IOC-WMO-UNEP 29 Committee for GOOS 11.1.2 Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) 31 11.1.3 Global Sea-Level Observing System (GLOSS) 32 11.1.4 Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS) 33 11.1.5 Data Buoy Co-operation Panel (DBCP) 34 11.1.6 Satellite Remote Sensing and Relation to CEOS 35 11.1.7 Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) 36 11.2 INTERNATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA AND 36 INFORMATION EXCHANGE (IODE) AND RELATED ACTIVITIES 11.2.1 Data Management 36 11.2.2 Global Temperature-Salinity Pilot Project (GTSPP) 38 11.2.3 Marine Information Management 38 11.3 INTERNATIONAL TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM IN THE 40 PACIFIC AND RELATED ACTIVITIES 12. CAPACITY BUILDING IN MARINE SCIENCES, SERVICES AND 42 OBSERVATIONS - TEMA 13. REGIONAL SUBSIDIARY BODIES 43 13.1 IOCARIBE, INCLUDING EVALUATION 43 13.2 WESTPAC 45 SC/MD/106 page (iii) 13.3 IOCINCWIO 46 13.4 IOCINDIO 47 13.5 IOCEA 47 13.6 COLLABORATION WITH ROPME AND PERSGA 48 13.7 MEDITERRANEAN 49 13.8 OTHER REGIONS, INCLUDING SOUTH-WEST ATLANTIC, 51 SOUTHEAST PACIFIC, SOUTHERN OCEAN, ARCTIC BASIN, AND CASPIAN SEA 13.9 BLACK SEA 53 14. PROGRAMME AND BUDGET 54 14.1 DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 1996-1997 54 14.2 OTHER ASPECTS OF THE UNESCO ENVIRONMENT AND 55 NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME D. CO-OPERATION 15. CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OF THE 56 UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM AND OTHER BODIES 15.1 THE INTER-SECRETARIAT COMMITTEE ON SCIENTIFIC 56 PROGRAMMES RELATING TO OCEANOGRAPHY (ICSPRO); CO-OPERATION WITH MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS (UN, FAO, UNESCO, WMO, IMO, IAEA, UNEP) 15.2 CO-OPERATION WITH ICSU AND SCOR 57 15.3 CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER BODIES INCLUDING UNU, 57 ICES, ECOR, CPPS, IOMAC, CCOP AND SOPAC E. CONCLUDING MATTERS 16. ELECTIONS 58 16.1 ELECTION OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSION 58 16.2 ELECTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 59 17. DATES AND PLACES OF THE NINETEENTH SESSION OF THE 59 ASSEMBLY AND THE TWENTY-EIGHTH (INCLUDING PROPOSALS ON AGENDA ITEMS) AND THE TWENTY-NINTH SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 18. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT 59 19. CLOSURE 59 SC/MD/106 page (iv) ANNEXES I. Agenda II. Resolutions III. Speeches A. Opening Address by Professor Manuel M. Murillo, Chairman, IOC B. Opening Address by Mr. Federico Mayor, Director-General, UNESCO C. Statement by the Ambassador of South Africa to UNESCO on the Reinstatement of South Africa in the IOC, on 20 June 1995 D. Introduction to Intersessional Report by Dr. Gunnar Kullenberg, Executive Secretary IOC E. Response by the Executive Secretary IOC to the Debate under Agenda Item 4 F. Statement by the First Vice-Chairman IOC on Agenda Items 7 and 14: "Programme and Budget" G. Statements by the Delegations of Argentina and Brazil on Agenda Item 9 H. Statements by the Representatives of UN-FCCC on Agenda Item 10.1.3, and UNEP and WMO on Agenda Item 15.1 IV. Member States of the Commission and its Officers A. List of IOC Member States (as of 28 June 1995) B. Officers of the Commission (as of 28 June 1995) V. Bruun Memorial Lectures 1995 (Abstracts): "Some results of the Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Experiment" VI. IOC Medium-Term Strategy VII. 1998 Year of the Ocean A. Draft Ocean Charter B. Framework for IOC Planning and Activities with Respect to 1998 International Year of the Ocean VIII. List of Documents IX. List of Participants X. List of Acronyms SC/MD/106 1. OPENING 1 The Chairman, Dr. Manuel Murillo, opened the Eighteenth Session of the IOC Assembly at 10.15 on 13 June 1995. 2 The Assembly received and noted with great appreciation statements by the Chairman and by the Director-General of UNESCO, Dr. Federico Mayor, on the occasion of the opening of the Assembly. Their statements are given in Annex III, Parts A and B. The Chairman expressed great satisfaction for the strong and continued support given by the Director-General to the IOC, as evidenced throughout the biennium and through the proposals of the Director-General to the 28th General Conference of UNESCO. 3 The Chairman called on participants to stand in silence for one minute as a mark of respect for distinguished oceanographers who have passed away since the Seventeenth Session of the Assembly. Special reference was made to Klaus Voigt (Germany), Oleg Mamayev (Russian Federation), Erdugan Akyüz (Turkey) and Lee Byung-Don (Republic of Korea). 4 In particular, the Chairman and the Director-General remembered Dr. Klaus Voigt who had served the Commission with great dedication for many years. 5 On 20 June 1995 the Assembly received the information that South Africa had been reinstated in the IOC. This news was received with great appreciation and strongly welcomed by the Assembly who then listened to the statement of the Ambassador of South Africa (see Annex III-C). On behalf of all the Member States, the Chairman warmly welcomed this reinstatement. 2. BRUUN MEMORIAL LECTURES 6 The Assembly noted that the theme of the Bruun Memorial Lectures, to be given on 16 and 21 June, would be "Results and applications, including the socio-economic ones, of the TOGA Programme". These would be presented by Dr. Pablo Lagos and Dr. James O'Brien (the abstracts are given in Annex V). The texts will be published in the IOC Technical Series. 7 The Assembly noted the exhibition and demonstration of ocean observation products arranged in the conference hall, and expressed its appreciation to those involved in organizing these. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 3.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 8 The Assembly adopted the Agenda as given in Annex I. 3.2 DESIGNATION OF THE RAPPORTEUR 9 The Assembly accepted the proposal by Bulgaria to designate Dr. V. Jivago, Russian Federation, to serve together with Dr. B. Smirnov as Rapporteurs for the Session. 3.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION, TIMETABLE AND DOCUMENTATION 10 The Assembly noted that under Rule of Procedure No. 12(2), the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee for the Assembly, had appointed a Nominations' Committee for the Assembly with the following composition: Poland (Chairman), Chile, China, Greece, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kenya, Russian Federation and the United States of America. 11 As proposed by the Executive Council, the Assembly accepted the establishment of a Technical Review Committee for Resolutions with the following composition: Russian Federation (Chairman), Brazil, Colombia, China, France, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey and the United States of America. SC/MD/106 page 2 12 The Assembly adopted the Provisional Timetable (Document IOC-XVIII/1 Add. prov. rev. 2). The List of Working Documents is given in Annex VIII; the List of Participants in Annex IX; and the List of Acronyms in Annex X. A. PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION 4. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES 4.1 SECRETARY'S REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES; REPORT ON THE COMMISSION'S ACTIVITIES, 1993-1994, AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT, FOLLOWED BY DEBATE 13 In presenting his report on activities since the Seventeenth Session of the Assembly and the Twenty- seventh Session of the Executive Council (1994) together with the Biennial Report 1993-1994, (Annual Report 1994 and Document IOC-XVIII/6), the Executive Secretary provided an overview of the major activities and implementation of the Resolutions adopted by the sessions of the Assembly in 1993 and the Executive Council in 1994. The main body of the Annual Report 1994 presents the actions in three sub- sections: A.
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