Page 311 South 5th Street, Colwich KS 67030 | Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 23, 2020 PSR Families! There will be a meeting & open house, TODAY, August 23rd after the 10 am Mass in Sacred Heart Hall. You will be given valuable information & your child will be able to meet their teacher. Please plan on attending. 2020-21 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION BEGINS TUESDAY! If you have not yet registered for PSR please contact the office & do so as soon as possible. Please be aware! Per the Renwick School District, busses will be dropping off students at the school and they will need to cross the street to the church grounds. 2020 CONFIRMATION Confirmation Classes resume August 26th. All Confirmation students & their parents are asked to come to a meeting & social in Sacred Heart Hall, Wed, August 26th after the 6:30 pm Mass. Please plan on attending. BLOOD DRIVE Monday, August 24th | Noon-6:00 pm Register online at redcrossblood.org or through our website. Questions? Contact Karla Neville at 796-1422. ROSARY CRUSADE We are saying the rosary as a parish family each evening at 7:30 pm in front of the Sacred Heart Statue. Leaders are needed. Please visit our website to sign-up. (Rosaries & pamphlets on how to say the rosary are available in the Gathering Space.) OFFICE STAFF Pastor Parish Life Coordinator Fr. Eric Weldon [email protected] Jillian Linnebur [email protected] Secretary Bookkeeper Julie Bardon [email protected] Kathy Seltenreich [email protected] MASS TIMES CONFESSIONS Weekend Weekdays Weekdays 15 Minutes before Mass Saturday 4:30 PM All Weekdays 8:00 AM Saturdays 3:00 - 4:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM And by Appointment HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Vigil 6:30 PM Day Of 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM WWW.SACREDHEARTCOLWICH.ORG [email protected] Phone Number: 316-796-1224 Emergency Number: 316-796-1224 x 9 311 S 5th St, P O Box 578 Colwich, KS 67030 Office Hours: Weekdays, 9 am - Noon | Welcome to Sacred Heart Catholic Church Page 2 Thoughts from Fr. Weldon Litany of Loreto There are many litanies which have developed throughout the history of the Church. A litany is simply a list of praises or honors given to Our Lord, His Mother, or the Saints. This litany takes its name from the devotion to Our Lady in Loreto, Italy. Pious tradition says the Casa Santa, Holy House, of our Lady in Nazareth was brought to this town in Italy in 1294. Loreto became a popular pilgrimage site and the house remains inside of the Basilica della Santa Casa. This litany has a few different dates of origin. Definite copies are dated from 1558 in Germany and 1576 in Loreto. Yet, singing of titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary existed before this. An Irish historian dates a litany of Mary to 8th century Ireland. Irish monasticism was strong and so this has some credence. However, the oldest genuine text of a Marian litany is from the 12th Century in Mainz, Germany: “The Litany of Our Lady, Virgin Mary Mother of God.” This has a similar form to what we pray today. Over the centuries, some invocations have been added or removed. For example, with the declaration of the Immaculate Conception of Mary by Pope Pius IX in 1854 was added “Queen conceived without original sin.” Yet, long before this, Spaniards and Italians used the phrase, Mater Intemerata, “Mother Untarnished.” In 1766 Clement XIII allowed the Spaniards to add Mater Immaculata, Immaculate Mother. In the Middle ages, due to conflicts with Islam, “Help of Christians” and “Ransom of Christians” were added to the litany. Coming off the reforms of the Council of Trent, 1563, Pope St. Pius V, (a Dominican), in 1571 attempted to “tidy up” the litany which caused the clergy at Loreto to fear that their beloved litany might be suppressed. It was not. St. Pius V tried to create a Litany of Mary based solely on Sacred Scripture. This did not catch on. Soon after a couple of popes relaxed this concern of Pius V, and there was a return of the classic Litany of Loreto. In 1615, the Dominicans at their annual chapter (council) mandated their convents and friaries to chant the litany on Saturdays, and prior to this they had already added “Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.” When and why pray this litany? Historically, it was prayed on the celebration of Marian feast days, usually sung at vespers prior to the feast and on Saturdays at Marian shrines. The present distress speaks to our need for the litany. Attested to in Venice, 15th century, and other cities, this litany was prayed with strong devotion during plagues, pestilence, pandemics and tribulations, especially during high mortality and asking for rain or fair weather. The emphasis for praying this was always during plagues and pestilence. This is one of the reasons I added this on to the rosary. The rosary is a great spiritual weapon for us. Neither priest nor lay faithful should go into spiritual battle without it. The Litany shows how our Lady is instrumental in so many areas of life and in salvation history. - Fr. Weldon ST. MONICA, FEAST DAY AUGUST 27TH Everyone eventually experiences the death of a loved one. Most persons suffer the deaths of their parents. Many married people suffer the death of a spouse. Some parents tragically must bury their own children. When a Christian mourns the death of a loved one, he is called to mourn in faith: that is, to remember that Jesus through His own saving death and resurrection changed the meaning of death. For the Christian, death is not a brick wall but a doorway leading to a greater form of life. That truth doesn’t eliminate the mourner’s grief, but it does give the mourner hope. However, there is more than one type of death to mourn, as St. Monica reveals through her tears for her son Augustine. Worse than the death of the body is the death of the soul. The death of the body is only temporary, for at the end of time the body of the faithful will be raised by the power of God. But the death of the soul is everlasting. This is the death that St. Monica feared her wayward son would suffer. She prayed for decades that he would abandon his pursuit of fame and pleasure and instead pursue the Christian life. “Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted” [Matthew 5:4]. Monica could not have imagined that God would respond to her prayers by making her son a saint. Nor can any Christian who mourns imagine in what form, when, or through whom that comfort might come. Nonetheless, the Christian mourner knows that only Jesus Christ can destroy the power of death over the body and the soul. Abiding in Him, through prayer and the sacraments, is the wellspring of life for ourselves and for those who lay in death. Page 3 311 South 5th Street, Colwich KS 67030 | COLWICH OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT PARISH INFORMATION K of C Colwich / St Mark council is hosting four person scramble at Hesston Golf Park on September 27th at 8 am . A $260 entry fee per MARRIAGE team needs turned in by September 16th. For a registration form or Contact the Pastor at least 9 months in advance. more information, please contact Paul Kear at (316) 706-5493. Proceeds to benefit the Lord’s Diner and the youth of Sacred Heart and St Mark parishes. BAPTISM After the 4:30 PM & 10:00 AM Masses. The Catholic Assembly for Business (CAB) works to inspire and equip Catholic business Babies should be baptized as soon as professionals to be "Fully Alive as Missionary Disciples" of Christ to make a difference at possible. A meeting is required for home, at work, and in their communities. All are invited to join us for our breakfast first-time parents & godparents. Contact presentation on Aug 26th featuring Mark Potter, who will be speaking about the the office at least 30 days ahead of time. importance of mental health and leadership. The breakfast, hosted at the Spiritual Life FACILITY USAGE Center, starts with Mass at 6:30am followed by a hot breakfast and the presentation, Please contact the office to schedule use concluding at 8:45am. To RSVP or learn more about CAB, visit cabwichita.com of the parish facilities. All dates & times must be approved by the Pastor. SARAH’S HOPE FUNDRAISER CANCELLED Our main fundraiser, the annual dinner/auction has BULLETIN been cancelled. We need your help! All bulletin announcements must be submitted to the office in writing by Please consider helping us to be able to continue in Tuesday at noon. Kansas to air the pro-life ads on TV And YouTube to Altar Society President get the knowledge to continue the life of their babies. Robbie Leighton .......... 316-640-8027 We are a non-profit ID #48-1246953. Contributions may be mailed to Sarah’s Holy Name Society President Joe Hemmen ............... 316-308-4517 Hope Foundation 3202 W. 13th St. N., Ste 6, Wichita KS 67030 or go to our website www.sarashope.com and use PayPal. Prayer Line Contact Jana Linnebur .............. 316-796-1533 OFFICE OF RESPECT LIFE & SOCIAL JUSTICE EVENTS ............................. [email protected] 1st Saturday Rosary for the Unborn CYM Advisor You are invited to come and recite the Holy Rosary to defend the unborn on the Shelly Ewertz ............... 316-253-2261 1st Saturday in September. September 5, 2020 at Trust Women Abortion ...............
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