Apl'il 16, 1956 Vol. 25, No.4 % 1JuM4letiaIL- GUARDIAN CONTENTS New Missionary Appointment Ministers and Elders By Edmund P. Clowney, Jr. Dispensationalism on Salvation By H. Wilson Albright Charles Hodge's Childhood By Leslie W. Sloat Editorial-Books-News Meditation mad delusion. It ought to be stopped. Special Services at And it is the leaders of Israel that voice this sentiment. Jesus is not recog­ West Collingswood, N. J. A Strange Triumph nized as the King by those who should A SPECIAL SERIES of evangelistic ESUS ONCE RODE INTO JERUSALEM be the very first to receive Him. services will be held at Immanuel J amid the acclamation of a great mul­ And Jesus knows that even the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, West titude. He was enthusiastically received crowd who now seem so much for him Collingswood, N. J. April 21-24. as the son of David, the king who came give him but a fickle welcome. It will Guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. in the name of the Lord. be but days before the shout of accla­ Leonard Greenway, pastor of the This reception was fitting, for Jesus mation will be turned into the cry for Burton Heights Christian Reformed was what they said he was. And it had crucifixion. Now they think they see in Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. been prophesied long before that he Theme of the series of meetings is him the emancipator that will break the "Wanted: God's Man." should come in this manner. It was the yoke of Rome. But they will soon run solemn duty and the glorious privilege The Saturday meeting, beginning at to Rome to be rid of him. They think 7 :30 p.m., will be a Missionary Youth of the people of Israel to welcome him he is their king now. But how easily Rally sponsored by the Presbytery of with joy and enthusiastic acclaim. If they will decide they have no king but New Jersey in the interest of Foreign they had been silent at this time, the Caesar! Missions. Miss Dorothy Deidrich, mis­ very stones would have cried out. If the throne our Lord was riding to sionary appointee to Eritrea, and Mr. It was time to receive him in triumph was anything to be received then in Harvey Conn of Westminster Semin­ because Christ was now ascending his the city of Jerusalem, surely Jesus was ary will give brief testimonies, and Dr. Messianic throne. He had demonstrated a miserable aspirant! So poorly he was Greenway will speak on the subject, his right to reign. And the people had received; so soon rejected! "Turning the World Upside Down." come to sense something of his glory Yet he was about to ascend to glory. Dr. Greenway will speak at both through the mighty works that he had But his throne could be reached only by services on Sunday, and at 7 :30 p.m. done; particularly, it seems, the majesty way of Gethsemane and the court of on Monday and Tuesday. he displayed in the raising of Lazarus. the High Priest and the cowardly oppor­ All who can possibly come are urged Yet it is striking that amid all the tunism of Pilate and the agony of Cal­ to attend these meetings, and to bring applause and acclamation and the song vary with all its shame and the seem­ friends, young people and old alike. of praise there should be so much of ingly total defeat of the tomb. Dr. Greenway is the author of sev­ humiliation for our Lord. It was a There is something bewildering about eral books, including "Basic Questions strange triumph he experienced. Particu­ this meeting of apparent cross currents about the Bible," "Basic Questions larly so in view of his personal identity in the life of this person. Many have about Christian Behaviour," and and his official Messianic powers. stumbled over this problem. How could "Talks to Teeners." We would not think it fitting that anyone ride into power on the crest of our President should ride to his inaugura­ a wave of such overwhelming defeat? Duffs Due May 29 tion on a farm tractor or a "pick-up" And is it conceivable that that would be HE REV. and Mrs. Clarence W. truck. But Jesus rides upon an ass. Nor the way of Messiah, the Anointed of Duff, Orthodox Presbyterian mis­ was it an ass groomed and saddled for the Lord? T the occasion. It was an ass picked up by Our Lord was unique in his earthly sionaries in Eritrea, plan to leave that country about April 20 and are sched­ the roadside. history, As King he had to buy his Jesus himself cannot be distinguished people with his blood. He delivered uled to arrive in New York aboard the from the crowd by any of the custo­ them by atoning for them upon Calvary. Queen Elizabeth May 29. mary signs of royalty. There are no And not until he had saved them from Mr. and Mrs. Duff will spend about two weeks in Syria, surveying a field regal robes, no royal crown. He ap­ divine justice and released them from there to which the attention of the pears as a man among men. God's curse because of sin could he Committee on Foreign Missions has Even the reception is hardly in have them to rule over in the glory of been called. Then they expect to travel keeping with his dignity. The branches, the Messianic Kingdom. As their sub­ overland from Italy through Europe, the garments spread out on the street stitute he had to become one with them before him speak of welcome and show in their shame so that they might be­ with several stops to visit friends and relatives, arriving in England a day or enthusiasm. But they are a makeshift, come one with him in glory. It was un­ an expedient hurriedly and unceremoni­ avoidable that the time of coronation two before their ship sails. While home on their furlough, they ously produced. It is hardly the tradi­ should have been immediately preceded tional "red carpet" welcome. by the time of deepest humiliation. It will be living in a house they own in In the midst of all the excitement of should not surprise us that Jesus should Willow Grove, Penna. the people the note of rebellion is not have experienced so strange a reception Correction lacking. Neither is it kept completely as he entered into the city of Jerusalem. N THE REVIEW of the book by John secret. There are those who do not By us he would be welcomed as the I Murray, Redemption Accomplished approve, and they even go to our Lord King who bought us with his own blood and Applied, which appeared in our himself with their protest, "Master, re­ that we might be to the praise of the March issue, the price was stated in­ buke thy disciples!" To them the accla­ glory of his grace. correctly. The correct price of the book mation is an insult to God. It is a HENRY P. TAVARES is $3.00. The Presbyterian Guardian is published manthly by the Presbyterian Guordio-i Publishing Corporation, 728 Schaff Building, 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa., at the following rates, payable in advance for either old or new subscrib....s in any part of the world, postage prepaid: $2.50 per year; $ J .00 for four months; 25¢ per single copy. Entered as second class matter March 4, J937, at the Post Office at Philadelphia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. 50 The Presbyterian Guardian Severance hospital in Seoul. But Flor­ ence died on the way. All this I did Co....illee Appoints Spooner not know. In fact, I did not even know it when the following week the whole Hunt family climbed aboard To Korean Mission the ship to see me-Lois Margaret, Connie, Bertha, the famous twins Mary and David, Mrs. Hunt and tall Expects Him To Go in Late Summer red-headed Bruce. He invited me to come with them to a Korean church out in the country. R. A. BOYCE SPOONER of Hat­ they had grown tired of waiting for a So it was that, on a rainy Sunday, I M boro, Penna., a graduate of replacement and had moved everyone sat for the first time with the men in Westminster Seminary, has been ap­ up one notch. a tiny church by the side of the Nak pointed by the Committee on Foreign A few months later there was an Tong Gang and had my firstexperi­ Missions of The Orthodox Presby­ opening-one much higher up than ence of trying to sing The Lord's terian Church to missionary service in the one I had expected to fill. But in Prayer, without music, without piano, Korea. Mr. Spooner is a licentiate of the meantime I had the run of the and utterly without confidence. In the the Presbytery of New Jersey. He ex­ plant, doing small repair jobs here midst of introducing me to the con­ pects, according to present plans, to and there, and learning at leisure every gregation Bruce broke into English go to Korea in the late summer, ac­ angle of the plant's operation. and told me, "I just told them you companied by his wife Gladys, and It was during this period that I would sing a solo." his two younger children, Deborah began to enjoy fellowship with one That was the beginning. The years aged 13, and Judith aged nine. A son, of the local missionaries, a Rev.
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