4 AI the 'N.ws • of All the P'ointes Every Thursdety Morning • • • olnte ews , C.II TUxedo 2.6900 ._-----------"- ,Complew News Coverage of AU the Pointes Ent4red. u ~oDd ClaN Matter, 5e P~r Copy VOLUME 2Q-NO. -48 at th. Pcet OUle. at Detroit, Mlcb. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, NOVEMBER 26, 1959 $3,$0 P~f Y~ar 24 PAGES TWO SECTIONS SECTION I Sunday Was A Busy Day On-~he-Hill UEADLIN':S Abandoned Home St. Ambrose oj th, . ' Grid Davids '''EEK Takes' New Insult 'Slay Giants As Compiled by th. , Grosse Point, News Big Cooley High Team, Wearing Metro Crown, ThufllCby, November 19 ,From.. Vandals Downed by Pointe II TWO RETIRED GM officials Flames Sweep Through Attic of Torrey Home at By FrK Runnells met tragedy, yesterday, in a 575 duck blind on the north shore Lakeshore: 52 Fir,men of Thr,ee Depart- . Probably the most mem. oC Lake st. Clair. The two ments Fight Blaze orable scriptural story is men, Harry Anderson and Har- that of David, ,second king low, H. Curtice, were sitting By Patrieia Talbot of the Israelites, his sling- lide by, side In the blind when Fire added its havOC to decay and neglect last TInirs- shot and Goliath, chal,l1pion a Clock of ducks Clew over. Curtice raised his gun to fire day night when a blaze swept through the attic of the of the Philistines. " and at the same time, Ander- late Dr. and. Mrs. Harry Norton' Torreys' graystone The story Is history and unt.ll son stood up. The charge Crom Renaissance mansion at,575 Lakeshore. Friday, November 20. had no Curtice's sh:ltgun struck An- Fifty-two fir erne n from ------ ......---'"""-- equal. That was lhe night litlle ' derson In the head, killing Grosse Pointe, Shores, Woods ",. !50 Wateh Bllze , ' SI. Ambrose, king of the Par- and Farms battled to save the ochial schools. burned history him. Curtice, Cormer GM presi- Over 250 gathered as Ciremen I h 2 d I' G df I dent, and ATIdel'Son, Cormer house whl'ch would cost about wlt"' six pieces of equipment nto t e 2 n annua' 00 e- 1,500.000 to build t'oda'y, FI're 'I' lows football game when it slew GM vice-president, were close $ Cou'ght the fire and brought it I k' f M t 11 and Police Chief Fred D.u'emling Coo ey, "mg 0 the e ropo - friends and had hunted to- under control about 9:30 p,m. t h I 13 7 f th C.t lelher for years. ' of the Shores complimented the (Mrs, Peck saId that the Na. Chan se .00 s,hi -, or e I y .. ** firemen on their gallent effol1s tional Bank oC Detroit is execu- 'amp!ons',' P'. ' which confined the blaze l() the tor .0C the estate and has been Outweighed nearly 25 pounds A FIRE in Mt. Clemens' upper floor. ' ',., , per man, SI. Ambrose \VlIsn.t Nunneley Shoe Store, yester- .' (Continued on Pare !) figured to offer much of- a test day, c a use d an estimated Discovered by Police " ------ for the bigger Cooley. team. $500,000 worth cif damage. The Police, who have b~n patrol- /y' h G -Z' Hardl~ ',allyone .'gave, St. ,Am- shoe store was completely de- ling t~e grounds since" spri~g "out UI ty brose even an outside chance stroyed and several other when It was last occupied, dls- of emerging victorious. All the buildings on the block suICer- covered the f1re at 6:45 p,m" I W k." smart money rode on Cooley, ed extensive smoke damage. after chasing severlll teen a,gers ,n ,ree lng which was figured to be at Firemen baUlf.<d the blaze in from the lrea. They havt! re- , ' least two touchdowns better and 14 degree temperature that port~d several burne~ out fires Farms Park a top~heavy favorite to walk' turned the water on their suits prevIOusly in the attIe, ' , , off i~ith the gold' Cootball tro-- to ice, Six firemen were over- , • . -Photo by Fred Runnells Flames shot 30 to 40 in the -_ . phY, emblematic oC city tlllisis. come by smoke, but there were The Kercheval avenue snopplng center in' the trees there are now 15, spaced 100 ft. apart,' between air Cro'm the blaze apparently G" T Y P b f On paper the Cavaliers wouldn't no injuries. It took, four hours set oc! by a match tduchea to Ive,n wo ears ro a Ion have been blaIPed if they hadn't Farms was closed to traffic Sunday while nurserymen McMillan road and Hall place. And, of course there is to bring the fIre under control. some old movie film stored in And Ordered to Pay '-shown up at Briggs Stadium. carried out one of the main stages in the beautification, 'the granddaddy of them all, the huge elm' which .. .. .. the attic. Most of the furnIsh. City for Dam,ages .~ ToCoole,'I,sorrow program jointly sponsored by busines&men of that dis- springs majestically out of the courtyard of the Grosse ingsand rare art treasures of ' , -' -, - , 'But show up th~ 'diu, much MANY OF DETROIT'S radio trict and the Fanns City Council: Ten large maple Pointe News building. ltations and disc jockeys have the home had been removl'd : A 17-year-old De t r 01 t to Cooley's SOlTOW: denied the exislence of "pay- trees were planted, each 25 years old. With existing __ , _'_'_ b~t papers an~ books. with the youth who damageq the ~ Paced by Junior Joe D'An- ola" on their shows, following , C ' film, were still, stored In. th~ Farms Pier-Park last J,uly lelo and big Mike Currie, the an article in Li!e magazine by aWc Cavaliers completely d01111nat. 'following an 8Q,..mile' an edthe' play. Doggedness, dete~ WXYZ'. !onMrDJ, 'EdMc~ S,anta ames . ,, \ A lI'!'J\ddaughter of tht! late hour police chase was con- ')iiiniUOTi and -Cieslre comprised Kenzie. In the article, .)lc- Da~geDon~ I~~th~~~:,'1~.~~~!',~~~~~ftl:~,.._'.;->,,~".. ,,'" '., _., . _ Mrs, Torrey, 1'1rs. Frank Peck, . ted f kI' d" KenZie described the role of o 'Village' 113 MerriweaUier road. watched VlC 0 rec ess ,MVlng the, Cavaliers' hallmark. ThIlY' ' "PIIyola," saying some ,DJ's re- To City Hall ,1For COiincil'~:H,elp Purmg T" .•. ,'. .' ," lthe Cire. Her wedding recep~ by Farms Judge Grant. E. out-blocked, out-tacklea and ceive up to $100 a week to plug ~!..J~y tion held in the,house in JUlie, Armstrong at a hea~mg out-everythinged the big. plllcid certain records. WWJ,' WJR, Th.IS Fr' u.uJ, 1953, was the last big party. held Wednesday evemng, Cardinal team. ,. .' . , , WQTE and WCAR all reported InG.P. Woodsfchurch's Formative Years . ,_,__ ' \. , in the old tradition given there. November 18. Not one oC the 30,000 plus policies of no-payola. , -- ' : R' 'h Wb..... C P 1:.1 f 'd " , , ' . crowd expected St. Ambrose to New.Munic:ip~l, Buiiding i ~v. H.ug C.:. nh~, )b!s~.;,e~s.oExpa~s1Ont.n City's'P'ortion ol.Chri~tmas Mrs. Torrey's daughter, ~rs, The youth, Terrance J, rip the Cooley line to shreds. .. '" '" ',' "'-"'st~'ct',on V',s',t.': AccompanYing' Ex.pense:1 AppreCIate, $ Patience . ; '5' t 't W'I"I Be.' 'O'ffj • I' C!llford .B, West, of Bloomfl~Id Brandt oC 4405 Lemay, was But this is just what I it did- FrldlY, NClv~mber'U Unde \,;Ufl , u ,ree I ICI~ ly hills. heiress ~o the estate With given two years probation and the unexpected, it was throll~h NEWSCASTER JAC LeG OFF 'ed by" Vandals: Gouncil" .,' In Parkin9lotl~oiect ,OpenedatCeremonres four, gra~dchlldren, is, at the ordl,lred to reimburse the the Oardlnalline that D'Angelo . was Clred by WJBK.TV, yester- Chamber S~ear~d , Following' the publication of the story last week by !amlly wmter home In Ossa. Farms in the amount 'oC $146 sliced into the hole made by day, after his Wednesday night , ,Santa arrives in "The baw, Ga. for the damage to the park. ~ike Currie In the right side of 11 o'clock program on which he With Glue the (]rosse Pointe' News concerning ~he action of the Village" of Grosse Pointe Brandt had ~pent 30 days In the Cooley line and scampered gave his opinions on the sub- Grosse. Pointe FarI1)s City Council:in irisisting that the City on Friday, November Burning Leaves the Detroit House of COITec- four yards for the lirst touch. ject of payola. LeGoCf, who Is 'Vandals broke into the Grosse Pointe Methodist Church comply with the pav- 27, at 4 p.m, He will partici- lion, a sentence passed by I down with 4:02 left In the see-- considered Detroit's best known Woo d s' new ~unicipal ing requIrement on its parking lot the Grosse Pointe pate in the, opening of Cause Accident Detroit TraWc Judge, who also ond quarter. Manny Lamprides newscaster, said the firing did building during the, night News got in touch with the pastor. imposed a two years probation, just missed running In for the liOt change his opinions. His 11 of Monday,' November 16, The Rev, Hugh C. White was~ ,"Christmas Street" and with the stipulation that the extra point. The drive covered o'clock newscast has been the causing extensive d,amage asked if he had anything fur- >-coo--,,-pe-ra......li-on~-oC--th-e-, ""7G-r-osse-'will be welcomed by city Heavy smoke from burning youth pay for damages to the 8O'yards, .
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