"Let Each Become Aware' II Founded 1957, Incorporated 1975 59 on a ay: 6 + OPY~: free .Volume XXXIX,:Nu berS9 if0 : :M 'oda; 6, '1996:: 0X: 77 ;V i First Cop ^ree VPrinceton Heviiew: of fStony :Brook::Causing am St:ir VT . --- the'- another. element that : was miisrepresented what the BY PAUL WRIGHT uversiity, some -University. happe'ned ''-.to ime et:'' in. the skewed," she said. students put. in the survey." StatesnuinEditor: -- officials have] bad' feelings about- ;:Manpowe-r-: person. Concerns about the survey A review. of SUNY-Stony the, 1sur,vey which `says so. morning,.: because4 she didn' t "A. higher percent stated have reached as far as the office 'Brook, set- to- appear in a future AccordinAg to Eric Owens, a head' know where she was going, nor that they were either happy -or of University president. Shirley college selection guide, is-causing researchcer at Princeton 'Review,-...' did she- 'receive,-.:any training. satisfied than any numbers that. Strum Kenny. "It's something a-stir inAdministration*. and could several.a dministrators here were. .She :w..eent to pick'up the surveys they were. dissatisfied," that the president and the Provost prompt a response from Stony angered over the results of the: at the Manpower office about: lLarocca-Meyer said. "So when .:we :queried the editor as to how [Rollin- Richmond] are Brook's top administrators., survey Ataken of Stony. Brook: 'fiveminutes befr.e she came on : : considering responding to," The Prin.c'eton Review's students for the 1-997 edition of ' cam pus" ' --... .- .- . "..' .' .X:.they.came up with that, his said. Student Access Guide to the Best The Btest 309 Colleges. "She sat at a table in the answer was. that, 'Well, if a .Larocca-Meyer Student reaction, as far as 309 Colleges is an. annual 'guide Specif i cally, he mentioned 'Union, and;'stayed there: for an person-answers. fine, that means care and the 1996 version of the guide is to the nation's best institutions. It Laroccaa-Meyer as haviing; a. .our, and collected the' surveys, that :.they don't uses student opinion surveys to concern about what was printed give overviews of each school. in the guide. The guide painted a grim picture Lar occa-Meyer questioned of Stony Brook this year -and not only the surveying.methods reviews of the school could be used by the Princeton Review; worse in 1997. - but also their interpretation of. Not everyone agrees with the the, ressults. "What they review that Princeton Review submitt(sd to us this year that may publish next year. "I believe they 're "going to print about they- are concerned, was in general they misrepresented the Stony .Brook is much more Larocca-Meyer said. She also therefore means agreement with the report University,"' said Theresa negativ re than last year," she questione.d the outcome of unhappy." .According to Larocca- given. Students in general Larocca-Meyer, Assistant Vice: said. "INow I'm not saying that Princeton.review's: report in the disparities between agreed that living conditions President/Dean Enrollment, someoff the things are not true. relation to' the information given Meyer, guide and reality at Stony could be greatly improved. "The Enrollment and Retention What I['m contesting is their by students on that survey. "But the -Brookdo not end there. "There condition of the rooms really is Program. method(Ology.D again, although that was a poor many examples of this, ............ .................. - -....................... ........................................ While some students may -"W (hen the Manpower methodology, the way they-- were where they, totally See REVIEW, Page.2 have bad feelings concerning the perso n came to campus, I interpreted the results was :USB- Visitin'g Accident0R~aises Issues Scholar.-- Fa~tal~ly Hit By:0 on: Ped~estri~an Safety . .a BY ENEIL RYAN DE LA ftNA : NicollsRoadSouth Campus ve, astLopRoad, business. Butthen they should atleast ;--;; ar --- :0 Statesman Editor .if - : - ,,where! visiting scholar Xiangding Wu was struck, is a say who's.business is it Are [the traffic .The issue of the safety measures present . *patthat many individuals take iniorder to get to South peoplel only here to just worry about . visiting on Nicolls Road when pedestrians cross the Campus from. Chapin, Barr says it is a short way. giving people tickets or parking issues scholar from highway is raised with the tragic death of a compared to. using the underpass when one is coming. or are they also here to look at safety China at SUNY visiting scholar. Xiangding Wu was fatally from South Campus. issues andwhich is more important?" at Stony Brook struck by a vehicle while crossing Nicolls Road "Do they have any idea what they are talking was fatally: Thursday. about?" Barr said. "Ihat's like asking somebody to go: See SAFETY, Page 2 struck by: a '92 "It's. a tragedy." Doug Little, assistant to main campus and then from main campus walk over - Dodge vehicle director of University Police for Community to Chapin. I guess they -should look at the map. The while crossing- Affairs, said of the fatal accident "It's ashame." walkway's in a totally different place. To get to the Nicolls Road last Residents of Chapin Apartments who go walkway you have to cross a ull lane highway. This is INDEX Thiirarvlviv nt main campus and vice versa, are last person that's going to die." ,~~.. ~ ., ~~ lUrbuty, „ "* by foot to not the N EW S ..... ................. 1-7 Xiangding^^'"S^ Wu - i*0pmsi goes ~14:30 p.m, said challenged by problems of crossing the busy Jim Hawthorne, another resident of Chapin, EDITORIAL..................... 8 Doug Little, assistant director of University roadway Nicolls Road. The underpass bridging to campus via the underpass in Health Science Center,: LETTERS .................... 9 Police for Community Affairs. the hospital and main campus, located near the but complains that-the samedager poses for him. FEATURES .............. 12-13 The accident occured on the Life Sciences Building, is an option for walkers CrossingtheEastLoopRoadisahazardtoo. Hawthorne SPORTS ... ............... 14-24 northbound lane of Nicolls Road near East in avoiding the hazardous traffic at -Nicolls said that he talked to Little and Richard Young, director Sports Briefs ............ 15 Loop Road and the South Campus Road. of Public Safety about the issue of safety by East Loop COLUMNS: entrance. The victim ended up on the The dangerous traffic by Nicolls Road can Road, yet nothing has been done about it TURN IT UP, AND PASS IT shoulder of the road due to the impact. He be avoided by using the underpass. Little said, Barr suggests that Public Safety "shouldmake some ON .................... PAGE 12 was transported to the University 'That's one reason 95% go underneath the arrangements for a safe method of traveling to and from Medical Center where he was pronounced Health Science Center because it's aquickroute Chapin and South Campus: -at least a light by Nicolls dead. to the other side." Little also mentioned that - Road and across Nicolls Road to. East Loop Road: Xiangding Wu, who lived in Chapin Public Safety advises individuals not to cross another light by the Veteran's Home to cross over from Our Pitiful Campus where Chapin Apartments, was born in 194 1. He came Nicolls Road on foot. one side of East Loop Road to another side H. ........... Page 10 to.Stony Brook as a visitingscholar from To some, crossing Nicolls Road without is. - - " : China on January of this year. Wu using the underpass is an easy way to Chapin Barr has written letters about the crossing roads by Emperor -Truth Over worked with the Marine Sciences Institute, Apartments, especially. when one is working the South Campus Drive. "I have written letters from -Rumours ............ Page 12 studying climactic changes. He also on South Campus, said Sereno A. Barr, a 1993 to Arty Shertzer of the Traffic Office," Barr said, studied past global change and the areas graduate student who resides in Chapin and "He has replied and all he said was it's none of his Beckie Francis ............ Back of terrestrial and planting atmospheres. works in the Marine Sciences Research Center business. He doesn't give you any details as to whom Page Wu is survived by his wife and two on south campus. you -go tell it to. I also appealed this type of thing to the children who are residing in China. L According to Barr, the intersection of Traffic Appeals Board and they say that it's none of their I 2 aising Issues on Pedestrian Safety SAFETY, From Front Page back a two page detail letter within about a week saying Barr received no reply why [the school should] from University President move to Division 1. Shirley Strum Kenny in Apparently, safety is not one response to a letter that he of the things she wants to wrote over four months ago. answer about." Barr sent the letter via The letter mentioned the certified mail, which ensures extremely hazardous that Kenny has received it condition when crossing "Why couldn't President Nicolls Road and East Loop "What's Hot" and "What's Not" about SUNY-Stony Brook, Kenny answer my letter?" Road because of speeding according to the Princeton Review's Student Access Barr asked. 'It's been four motorists. Guide to the 309 Best Colleges, 1996 Edition. months. She apparently 'I don't think this is the answered a letter when last tragedy that's going to Review Causes A somebody wrote a letter why occur," Barr said. There's we shouldn't be going to going to be numerous more Stir in Admin DivisionI FbotbL She wrote tragedies like this." - E Scmio/.lHanfura~iyiige, REVIEW, from Front Page don't want to go to a 7f9XC-ip'Optpa #70122, ASyoy117WI party, or if you going to 1516qk,6&, tV99 ShirlevStrumm Kenny terrible," President, said one go to class or if you're SUNY,Stony Brook DearDr Kenny, student.
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