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To meet the demands of the NEXT SATURDAY Julia Garstka by Judge Guy F. Bush- Confront Town This Year program which the Enfield Visiting nell in the town court Tuesday morn­ Nurse Association has planned for its ing. While the investigation of the health work next year, $250 more is Veteran Town Official accident by the police indicated clear­ ttei Shorter Period of Grace For Collec­ absolutely needed and it will be a tre­ ly that there was no criminal negli­ Addition to School Facilities, Sewage Disposal mendous disappointment to the asso­ Will Voluntarily End gence on the part of Sullivan, who tion of This Tax and Sends a Memorandum of ciation if the receipts fall short of was driving the truck that struck Question, Street and Highway Improvements the Record of the Collection of This Tax in En­ those of last year, and it is hampered His 16 Years of Service Mrs. Garstka down on Enfield street by lack of funds in providing better to the Town—Has Had on the evening of December 23, the And Increasing of Room For the Conduct of field For Past Six Years—Comparative Figures nourishment and better care for more local authorities decided that the mat­ children and adults than were bene­ Notable Career. ter ought to be given a court hearing. the Town's Business Are Among the Problems fited last year. Every observant per­ This was held Tuesday morning, and From Records of State Tax Department. son in town must realize what this J. Hamilton Potter will sever his after hearing the story of Mrs. Gar- Which Will Have to Be Given Consideration. will mean in making a better com­ stka's 12-year-old son, who was with *• munity by keeping up its standard official connections with the town of Because of the fact that the short- 11924-1925, Teresio Marinaccio; 1923- Enfield next Saturday, when he will her at the time of the accident, the With the present year just barely er period of grace for the collection 1924, Teresio Marinaccio; 1922-1923, of health. Won't the delinquents police, and Sullivan's own version of please respond to this appeal as gen­ relinquish the office of town clerk to on its way—it is now a little over 24 of the personal tax goes into effect Gregory M. Sapsuzian, Jr.; 1921-1922, Timothy J. Sullivan, who was elected the incident, Judge Bushnell dis- ANNIVERSARY this year, and because it was discuss­ Norman E. Bartley; 1920-1921, Clark erously as their circumstances will misssed the case. hours old—there is no more oppor­ permit and promptly, for th books to that position at the annual town ed in these columns early last month, L. Hamilton. e election last fall. Mr. Sullivan was tune time to consider some of the State Tax Commissioner Blodgett has must be closed before the first of many problems which will confront COMMITTEE TO "The tax due on if'eb. l, 1921, and February for the final report. also elected town treasurer, a posi­ sent a copy of a letter sent to First based upon the enrollment of Oct. 1, tion which Mr. Potter likewise held, the civic life of the community dur­ Selectman James T. Murray on the 1920, was placed into the hands of and took office according to the stat­ NEW YEAR WAS ing the next 363 days. This year subject, and also a memorandum of Clark L. Hamilton, the regular prop­ utes immediately following his elec­ does present an unusual number of MEET TUESDAY the collection results of this tax here erty tax collector, to collect. Begin­ tion. By the same rules the office of these perplexing questions, and while from the records of his office for the ning with the personal tax due on THE FUNERAL town clerk does not become vacant VERY PROPERLY some of them are pressing and ac- i past six years, to The Press. In his February 1, 1922, Enfield has had a until January 4, hence the change in tion on them cannot be much longer General Committee For letter to Mr. Murray, he states: special personal tax collector separ­ the latter position does not take place deferred, there are a number of them 250th Anniversary Cel­ "The several tield agents to the tax ate and distinct from the regular col­ OF M. E. MALIA until the end of this week. RECEIVED HERE that while they are here beyond ques­ commissioner, whose duties carry lector. Mr. Teresio Marinaccio has Mr. Potter's retirement from both tion might be disposed of with the ebration Will Hold Its them into all parts of the state, ad­ been the personal tax collector for offices is purely voluntary as he de­ preliminary action that merely recog­ vise me that practically every where Enfield beginning with the tax due HELD MONDAY clined to be a candidate for both Holiday Lacked Some of nizes their existence. First Session of Year the reduction in the period of grace and payable on February 1, 1924, with places at the annual town election. the Hilarity of Recent The fact that a serious school prob­ Next Tuesday Night. from 60 to 30 days in which to pay the exception of one year. The per­ His retirement is due to an impaired lem confronts the town this year is the personal tax without penalty has sonal tax due on February 1, 1928, Services at St. Patrick's condition of his health, and except Years But Was Never­ already known, for the school depart- been greeted with the greatest en­ and based on the enrollment of Oct. Church at 9 O'Clock for ' ment has taken the first steps for the The committee of 25 which forms thusiasm. There is no tax which is 1, 1927, was placed in the hands of theless Ushered in with solution of it. The board has ap­ pointed a committee to make a sur­ the general organization that is in more difficult to collect than the per­ Peter J. Smith to collect. The salary Former Carpet Co. Ov­ Ceremony. charge of the arrangements for the sonal tax. If that tax is not collect­ of Clark L. Hamilton for the collec­ Due vey of the extent of the additional ed very quickly after October 1, the tion of personal taxes and paid to erseer Who Died at His school room that is to be required to celebration of the 250th anniversary chances are that many taxes which him during the fiscal year of the town Home Friday Night. Although lacking in certain re­ relieve the present situation in which of the settlement of the Town of En­ might have been collected can never ended August 31, 1921, was $350.00. a large number of pupils are on part field will hold its first session of the spects the hilarity of recent years, the time, and the basements of some of i be collected. This is especially true Since that time the personal tax col- new year was very fittingly ushered the school buildings are being used jnew yeal in the Northern Connecti- in the present age of great moving lector has received each year a salary The funeral of Michael E. Malia, cut about, and of going from town to of $500 for collecting the personal in here. The community in doing so, for school room purposes. The situa- j Power Company assembly room a former overseer in the dyeing de­ tion is such that it is not expected next Tuesday evening. The commit- town, from state to state and from tax. partment of the local carpet plant, however, was very properly behaved, country to country on the slightest "The accompanying table shows the 1 tee Undet who died at his home on Pearl street, and in its best manner. The youth­ notice. Disappearance to parts un­ total amount of personal taxes levied "—'fo^tVTS n«"| ass ( *" ^ Friday evening, was held Monday ful exhuberance which has been a fea­ essary to make the required survey > P ® > by the last annual town meet- known, which may be serious in the on six enrollments, beginning with ture of the "night before" celebra­ and report its recommendations to iln® has been functioning for several collection of a property tax, is usual­ that of October 1, 1923, the amount morning with services at St. Pat­ tions for a number of years was very the School Board. Whether_ that williweeks and has made very substantial ly fatal when it comes to the collec­ collected on each such enrollment up rick's Church at 9 o'clock. The serv­ much subdued, through no effort how- mean an entirely new'school "bunding i Progress in affecting the organized tion of a personal tax.
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