25.2.2008 17:15:46 International Labour Office Labour International February - July 2008 - July February ILO ILO PUBLICATIONS P.P. 1211 Genève 22 International Labour Office BIT – Bureau international du Travail OIT – Oficina Internacional del Trabajo A SPECIALIZED AGENCY OF THE UNITED NATIONS Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211 Geneva 22 Switzerland ISBN 978-92-2-121048-1 Covers 1-4.indd 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ORDER FORM 1 Labour Issues & Labour Law For Individual, Bookstore, Corporate, Government and Special Bulk Sales please contact: FOR ORDERS IN SWITZERLAND AND REST OF WORLD: FOR ORDERS IN THE USA: FOR ORDERS IN THE UK AND IRELAND: Employment ILO Publications Renouf Publishing Co. Ltd. TSO, The Stationery Office 4 International Labour Office 812 Proctor Avenue P.O. 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See pages 24–28 of this catalogue. one of the ILO field offices listed in this Email: [email protected] 18 Subscriptions 2008 catalogue. See pages 24–28. PRICES 22 Index Prices and publication dates are subject to alteration without notice. Special prices for developing countries apply. Email [email protected] for more information. 24 ILO Field Offices, Distributors & Sales Agents YES! Please send me the following items as indicated below (please indicate desired quantity) 29 Order Form WORLD OF WORK MAGAZINE The Magazine of the ILO Published three times a year by the International Labour Office, the World of Work examines the latest social and labour issues from around the world along with the ILO’s major objectives and current thinking on decent work. 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International Labour Conference, 97th Peter Auer, Ümit Efendioglu˘ and Janine Leschke Session 2008, Report I (B) The second edition of this acclaimed volume has been thoroughly Achieving the goal of decent work for all women and men in revised and updated to provide an authoritative account of how conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity is only active labour market policies (ALMPs) can help make globalization possible if they can have a say in how this impacts on their work and work better in the interest of workers around the world. Offering living conditions as well as on economic and social development. an expanded and current overview of the nature of ALMPs, this This Global Report on freedom of association and the right new edition gives readers a fresh look at the pitfalls and challenges to collective bargaining emphasises the need for a conducive countries face when evaluating these programmes. environment in law and practice to facilitate collective bargaining and conflict resolution, well-functioning labour administration, and A new chapter on financing reflects today’s growing relevance of strong workers’ and employers’ organizations. It identifies positive ALMPs and provides an overall policy framework for designing developments in freedom of association, such as the emergence durable, yet adaptable ALMPs. While putting forth some powerful of various initiatives promoting it due to growing economic arguments in favour of these programmes, the book also emphasizes integration, but it also describes restrictions and interference that they should not be used as a “quick-fix” solution. For this representative organizations worldwide continue to face from the reason, it recommends new ways of financing these policies over unprecedented challenges posed by structural and technological the long term and examines the importance of social dialogue as a changes and globalization. Finally it describes the ILO response vital policy tool for establishing more permanent frameworks that to these challenges through technical cooperation and assistance allow for labour market flexibility while maintaining security in a to member States and outlines a plan of action for the next four globalized world. years. April 2008 120 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-120456-5 40 Sw.frs.; US$29.95; £18; 25 Euros March 2008 250 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-119481-1 35 Sw.frs.; US$30; £17; 23 Euros Also available in French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, German and Russian NEW! In Defence of Labour Market NEW! Institutions Cultivating justice in the developing world From Conflict to Cooperation Edited by Janine Berg and David Kucera Labour market reforms that can work in Nepal “This is a timely volume on a cri- Robert Kyloh tically important topic. Berg and This book reviews the history Kucera and their contributors chal- of labour relations in Nepal and lenge the conventional wisdom that considers criticisms of the existing excessive labor market regulation industrial relations system. It retards growth and development, reports on the re-emergence of and that developing countries in the militant Maoist trade union particular can ill afford the level of and the recent upsurge in strikes such regulation that they have taken and demonstrations in Nepal. A on. Taken as a whole, the papers reduction in workplace tension is make a compelling case for skepti- required to cement in place the cism about this conventional wisdom. recent peace agreement, facilitate The volume provides a vital survey of political stability and promote the state of regulatory institutions in economic growth. the developing world and the main empirical, theoretical, and normative Focusing on broad economic arguments about the alleged regulation/growth tradeoff.” developments since 1990, it sheds – Professor Chris Tilly, Department of Regional Economic and Social light on how labour legislation Development and Center for Industrial Competitiveness, University of and labour institutions have influenced investment, growth and Massachusetts, Lowell jobs over the long term. The views of those most directly affected by the labour legislation, institutions and attitudes that Since the early 1990s there has been heated debate on the merits govern industrial relations in Nepal have been collected through of labour market institutions, regulations and policies and their surveys and interviews with managing directors and entrepreneurs, economic costs. This volume offers a valuable contribution to trade union leaders and hundreds of ordinary workers from a this debate by examining the merits of labour market institutions range of locations, industries and occupations. These views have from the perspective of developing countries. Leading experts in heavily influenced the conclusions presented in this volume. the field offer insightful analysis on how different labour market institutions – labour administration, trade unions, minimum wages, This is a co-publication with Academic Foundation, India. training and unemployment insurance – affect work in these March 2008 120 pp. ISBN 978-92-2-120166-3 regions. 30 Sw.frs.; US$24.95; £12.95; 20 Euros To place your order locally, see pages 24-28 2 LABOUR ISSUES & LABOUR LAW The book addresses some of the positive benefits of labour Trade Union Responses market institutions, offering an understanding of why formal regulations and policies were implemented and how informal to Globalization values and norms also influence the workings of the labour market, A review by the Global Union Research Network while at the same time analysing the economic effect that these Edited by Verena Schmidt institutions can have.
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