ELLEN EVERETT, EDITOR PRMMA UPDATE VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 NOVEMBER 8, 2005 RE-ACCREDITATION SUCCESSFUL!!! By Dr. Gilbert students as once they gradu- tion Management degree ate they are eligible to sit remains stable and academi- for the certification exami- cally strong. Dr. Nelson, in The undergraduate degree nation without having to be remarks about Ole Miss, program in Park and Rec- employed for 5 years in the said, “Congratulations on reation Management was re leisure/recreation profes- your successful accredita- -accredited at the National sion. Today, many munici- tion bid...I’m glad every- Recreation and Park Asso- pal recreation departments thing worked out. I had no ciation annual conference in require and applicant to doubts that they wouldn’t.” San Antonio, TX, on Octo- hold the Certified Park and ber 17th. The NRPA Ac- Recreation Professional creditation Board met with (CPRP) or be eligible to Drs. Jim Gilbert, PRM Di- become certified. The re- rector, and Linda Chit- certification study is a rigor- wood, Dean of the School ous process that requires of Applied Sciences, to re- extensive documentation to view the recommendations verify Ole Miss’ program made in April of 2005 by met or exceeded the NRPA the state site evaluator Dr. standards. With a few mi- Dennis Nelson (Utah State). nor corrections to be com- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: To be re-accredited is ex- pleted by September of tremely important to the 2006, the Park and Recrea- CALENDAR 2 RE-ACCRED. 2 WORDS FROM YOUR PRESIDENT BY ELLEN EVERETT SAN ANTONIO 3 Can you believe the semes- busy. I just want to remind These points can mean the ter is over halfway done? you to pay your dues (if you difference between a B and NRPA CONF. 4 Thanksgiving is just around haven’t already). These an A in some classes. I hope the corner. Time seems to dues pay for all the food you have a great Thanksgiv- 4 be flying by. With the you’ve been munching on at ing break. ALUMNI WEBSITE MRPA conference, the the meetings. Also, don’t NRPA conference, the forget to keep up with your HAUNTED TRAIL 5 Haunted Trail, and classes CEU points on the CEU (we can’t forget about sheets that can be found in PARAPLEGIC. 5 classes!), we’ve been pretty the departmental office. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 PAGE 2 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Nov. 11, Memphis RiverKings hockey game, Southaven, MS Nov. 19-22, Biloxi Relief Trip, Biloxi, MS Nov. 21-25, Thanksgiving Break Nov. 28, Classes start back Dec. 2, Classes end NOVEMBER 2005 Dec. 5-9, Final Exams Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 X 20 X 21 X 22 X 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PRM RE-ACCREDITATION BY DR. LINDA CHITWOOD I was honored to sit before the accreditation board with Dr. Gilbert. Our PRM program is clearly recognized as one of the best small programs within the country and we are pleased with our re-accreditation status. Our site visitor, Dr. Dennis Nel- son, told the review board that he is envious of the PRM program at Ole Miss and that Ole Miss set the standard for organization and professional presentation during his site visit. Comments such as these and the re-accreditation outcome are a reflec- tion of the work of our excellent faculty, advisory board, and PRM students. On be- half of the School of Applied Sciences, I send congratulations for a job well done. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 PAGE 3 FOUR DAYS IN SAN ANTONIO BY TIM WILLIAMSON During our four days in San and students who represented talk passionately about sub- Antonio for the NRPA con- Ole Miss did an outstanding jects that I also care about. ference, we learned a great job of promoting our depart- These sessions proved that deal on the many opportuni- ment and during this time we what we do can make a big ties that are available within got to know each other a bit difference if done well. I also our field. We met many stu- better. Personally, I was in- got a chance to spend some dents and faculty from other spired by what I saw. The time with a few individuals universities, we saw many sessions on outdoor recrea- from our school who made different recreational busi- tion, research analysis, and the conference something I’ll nesses which offered an array impact studies might seem remember for quite some of jobs and services, and we pretty boring, but they were time. I guess Tanya Tucker listened to people in our field in fact quite fascinating. I got said it best, “Yes, I’ll sing it to discuss topics that have rele- a chance to hear other grad you just so we all can do, that vance and importance to students, professors, and old San Antonio Stroll.” many of us. The seven faculty other outdoor professionals SAN ANTONIO OR BUST! BY ELLEN EVERETT I’m not quite sure how to put taurants (oh, and a CVS phar- from Sacramento, CA, my trip to the NRPA confer- macy). There were bridges adopted me. This worked out ence in San Antonio into over the little river so that well, because at the end of words, but I’ll try. I arrived you could easily navigate both the day, I had a job offer. Of on Monday. Tired as I was, I sides. I loved it. course, with lots of classes decided to do a little sight- left to take, I had to turn it Tuesday, I took a day long seeing. Outside the doors of down. The tour took us to “I’M NOT QUITE tour of San Antonio that was my hotel was the River Walk. the Alamo (much smaller than SURE HOW TO put on by the conference. It was like walking into a I thought it would be), the PUT MY Since I was the only one from wonderland. There was the Governor’s Palace, the Cen- TRIP...INTO the Ole Miss group to go, I tree-lined San Antonio River. ter for Texan Culture, and WORDS…” thought I’d be lonely. How- All along the river on either the McNay Art Museum (I ever, a nice group of people side were cute shops and res- got to see Monet’s, Manet’s, Picasso’s, and even Andy was monstrous. There were the Gulf Coast Relief Forum Warhol’s). I really enjoyed several full playgrounds in- and spoke about what our myself. I met up with the side! At the opening party club was doing for hurricane others from Ole Miss that that night, I looked for a table relief. Thursday afternoon, I night for a great Tex-Mex and sat at the only one avail- attended a really informative dinner. able. It turned out that I was session about making the sitting at the table with the most of your internship ex- Wednesday, I worked at the owners of the business that perience. I learned a lot that exhibit booth. That was a lot was sponsoring the event! will help me find a great in- of fun. I met people from all Networking is great. ternship when I’m ready. over the country, and even the world. The exhibit hall Thursday morning, I attended Go to page 4. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 PAGE 4 NRPA CONFERENCE BY MATT ZUEFLE Everyone in the PRM Pro- a bit during the week of friends of the University who gram should be very proud— NRPA—-including the re- were in town for the confer- -our presence in San Antonio cruiting graduate students, ence. was really positive. The booth discussing the chair search A number of folks helped me and display in the Exhibit Hall with several potential candi- with the preparation and looked very good and were dates, establishing new in- management of the exhibit always well-staffed—-often ternship possibilities around booth. These people include: by 2-3 folks at once. Our the country (and world!), our undergraduate students table at the grad school recep- explori8ng potential research who assisted (Brad Brawner, tion got a lot of traffic and we and service collaborations Ellen Everett, Jennifer met prospective graduate with colleagues from other Hankins, Ashleigh Lewellen), students from all over the schools, and engaging in gen- our graduate student (Tim country. eral public relations for Ole Williamson), and the faculty Miss. We also go to visit with We made contacts with many member Ms. Stephanie many former students and folks and accomplished quite Baller. Tim and Ashleigh deserve extra thanks hope to see everyone at the for all of their help in getting NRPA in Seattle next year! the display together, as do Dale Bramlett and Janet McBride. Lastly, a big thanks also go to Dr. Jim Gilbert and Dean Linda Chitwood for repre- senting us at our successful re -accreditation review. I think NRPA was a real suc- cess for us this time and I NEW ALUMNI WEBSITE BY ELLEN EVERETT Jon Suter and Jamie Lee, two information about them- website, contact Jon Suter at of our esteemed graduate selves. The information from 915-5570 or go by the students, are in the final the questionnaire will be Graduate Student office in stages of putting together a found next to each of the pic- Turner. new alumni website for the tures. I think this is a great PRM department. They have way to help us stay in touch taken pictures of almost all of with each other after graduat- the graduating seniors who ing.
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