School of Business Studies (SBS), Sharda University Greater Noida An exclusive Guide by School of Business Studies (SBS) Sharda University Greater Noida Answered questions Get the latest answers on cutoff, courses, placements, admission, fees, ranking & eligibility. All answers have been submitted by students, alumni & experts. Which university certif icate in BBA has more value LPU vs Manipal vs SRM vs Sharda vs Amity vs Symbiosis? 32 Answers . 2 Followers . 1505 Views PUNEET SINGH 3 weeks ago Scholar-Level 16 MBA Alumni at LPU Jalandhar Dear Sarath, All the universities are good you have mentioned above but I am not aware of the BBA programme at these universities exce pt LPU. My cousin did the BBA degree at LPU recently. The Business School of LPU is accredited by ACBSP, Accreditation Council for Busi ness Schools and Programs from the USA ensuring quality educatio n and industry-experienced faculty members. The Training and Place ment Cell of the University has a team of highly qualified and experi enced professionals. The training & placement cell of the university conducts many programs for Enhancing employability such as Profe ssional Enhancement classes, industry experts, Workshops, Mock Dri ves, Guest Lectures, Summer Internship, and many others. Students can avail of the opportunity like summer programme, credit transfer , international exposure, etc. The university has been ranked high by outer agencies also with regard to placements of students. Around 650+ companies visit every year for campus recruitment of students Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 24-Sep-2021. from LPU. The highest package for the programme is 19.25 LPA and the average package is 3.4 LPA. LPU provides ample opportunities t o each and every eligible student of LPU. Companies like Colgate Pal molive, Hindustan Unilever, Godrej Consumer, Asian Paints, Bajaj Alli anz, CEAT, Rallis India, etc. Visit LPU for recruitment purposes. For m ore details of BBA at LPU, you may refer to the LPU website. I hope t his helps. All the Best. ! Which is best between Shardha University and Lovely Prof essional University f or BBA in entrepreneurship manag ement? 13 Answers . 100 Views PUNEET SINGH 3 weeks ago Scholar-Level 16 MBA Alumni at LPU Jalandhar Dear Tanmay, Both Shardha University and Lovely Professional Univ ersity are doing well in the education sector. My friend did the BBA p rogramme from LPU and being alumni of LPU, I also refer LPU for th e BBA programme. LPU doesn't offer BBA in Entrepreneurship Mana gement, but it offers BBA (Hons. ), integrated BBA-MBA, BBA (Inform ation Technology), BBA (Financial Markets), BBA (International Financ e). The Business School of LPU is accredited by ACBSP, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs from the USA ensuring q uality education and industry-experienced faculty members. The Trai ning and Placement Cell of the University has a team of highly qualifi ed and experienced professionals. The training & placement cell of t he university conducts many programs for Enhancing employability s Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 24-Sep-2021. uch as Professional Enhancement classes, industry experts, Worksho ps, Mock Drives, Guest Lectures, Summer Internship, and many othe rs. Students can avail of the opportunity like summer programme, cr edit transfer, international exposure, etc. The university has been ran ked high by outer agencies also with regard to placements of stude nts. Around 650+ companies visit every year for campus recruitment of students from LPU. The highest package for the programme is 1 9.25 LPA and the average package is 3.4 LPA. LPU provides ample o pportunities to each and every eligible student of LPU. Companies lik e Colgate Palmolive, Hindustan Unilever, Godrej Consumer, Asian Pai nts, Bajaj Allianz, CEAT, Rallis India, etc. Visit LPU for recruitment purp oses. For more details of BBA at LPU, you may refer to the LPU web site. I hope this helps. All the Best. ! Which university is the best to pursue BBA among LPU, BML, IT M, IILM and Sharda University? 6 Answers . 241 Views NIHARIKA SINGH 2 mo nths ago N Guide-Level 15 Hi, I would recommend LPU because Mittal School of Business is am ong the first ten institutions in India to get ACBSP (USA) accreditatio n. The overall rank of Mittal School of Business in NIRF is among the Top 50 B-School of the country. It has Industry/Academia Tie-ups wi th industries like Talented, Institute Of Management Accountants, Wi leyNXT, Safeducate, and NSE Academy. The students have collabora ted with various companies for their Live Projects such as Himalaya Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 24-Sep-2021. wellness, Bonn biscuits, Sony, Colgate, ModernFood, Capgemini, Oy o Rooms, Facebook, Sitaby, Cloud Buy, Training Wizards, etc. Moreo ver, students have the opportunity to earn while learn by entering int o entrepreneurship projects. In addition to the regular course work, specially designed workshop courses like Workshop on Digital Mark eting, Business Simulation, Advertising Design, Innovation and Creati vity, Leadership Development, Entrepreneurship, and Business Plan, Excel Modelling, Professional Selling Skills and Workshops on Life Ski lls are offered to promote practical implication of various courses w hich train students for industry. Students are placed in the best bran ds like Amazon, Federal bank, Delivery, Asian Paints, Berger Paint, Ba jaj Electrical, Colgate Palmolive, ITC, Loreal, MRF, Vodafone, and sev eral other firms. Even in pandemic the highest package offered was 19.25 LPA by companies like DeShaw. So, definitely, you should join LPU. Thanks. I am looking f or BBA, so which is better Sharda or Galog otia or GLA? I am 12th pass out and want to g o join the business. 2 Answers . 40 Views SACHIN SHARMA 2 years ago S Beg inner-Level 2 I pursued BBA from GLA University and completed my Bachelors de gree this year. From my personal experience at GLA university. I woul d suggest you to spend your 3 most essential years in GLA itself. BB A from GLA will not only provide you immense knowledge about bus iness but will also grant you basic and important tips to stand confid Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 24-Sep-2021. ently in this competitive market (for a second option). If you want to have some experience in some good companies.For that also, GLA will provide you amazing placement offers. Where you can enhance your knowledge. EVEN in this year. My friend Chaitanya Nandrajog g ot placement of 12 lacs per annum by Jaro Education Mumbai. There are various industrial visits organised by the university for managem ent students so that they can have more practical knowledge. Accor ding to me, GLA would be the best option for you. I have 45% marks in 12th with biolog y stream, so can I g et direct admission f or BBA in Amity University, Sharda University and Galg otia? 1 Answer . 89 Views DR UMA SINHA 2 years ago Scholar-Level 16 Hi,Qualifying Exam: Candidates must have passed his 10+2 with at l east an aggregate of 60% marks to be considered for admission. Sorry, you are not eligible. Thanks. Can I g et admission in B.Com international accounting and f inance by scoring 80% in 12th CBSE board exam? 1 Answer . 93 Views 2 years ago Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 24-Sep-2021. KANU VASHISHT Guide-Level 15 Yes, for sure you will be getting admission in B.Com in international accounting and finance, what matters the most is your basic knowle dge. All the best. How is Jaypee Business School f or MBA in term of placement and academics? Which is better Jaypee Business School or Sharda University? 1 Answer . 82 Views NISHANT PANCHAL 3 years ago Guide-Level 13 Computer Eng ineer Well ! jaypee is university is named for the MBA studies. It is one of t he top private university providing a huge placement records in MBA . Consecutively it has a large scale of placed students. The avergae package for MBA students here is about 5.5 LPA. Well,Both sharda and jaypee are best. You can go as per your prefer ence. You should not worry about selecting one of them. Thank You Which is best NBA Group(Jag School) or Sharda or Amity University f or journalism and mass communication? 2 Answers . 1 Follower . 56 Views Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 24-Sep-2021. SAKSHI SINSINWAR 3 years ago S Contributor-Level 9 Amity University is best for Journalism and Mass Communication. Amity School of Communication is a premier communication institut e under the Amity University. The guiding principle of Amity is: "Where modernity blends with tradition “We nurture talent" Amity U8niversity is the best from all. For Masters in journalism and mass communication which university is best Amity University (Noida) or Sharda University (Noida)? 2 Answers . 63 Views SAKSHI SINSINWAR 3 years ago S Contributor-Level 9 Amity School of Communication is a premier communication institut e under the Amity Universe umbrella which offers professional cours es at under graduate and post graduate level. It has over 1500 stud ents on its rolls. Supreme emphasis is laid in the institution on provid ing the most modern and sophisticated learning environment coupl ed with rich Indian heritage, value system. The guiding principle of A mity: 1.
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