SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX FOR VOLUME 106 A all-trnlls-Ketinoic Acid Kegulatcs Retin o l and 3.4-0 id ehydroretino l Metab­ o lism in C ul tured I-Iuman Epidermal Keratinocyws, Randolph RK. Abno rmal Ex pression of Sphingomyelin Acylase in Atopic Dermatitis: An Simo n M. 1.68 Etio logic Factor for Ceralllide Dcficie ncy?, Murata Y, Ogata J. all-tralls-re tinoic acid. 168 Higaki Y. Kawashima M, Yada Y, Higuchi K. Tsuchi ya T. Kawami­ Alopecia nami S, Il11 0kawa G. 1242 arcata, 379 Abnorm al IL-4 Gene Expression by Atopic Dermatitis T Lymphocytes Is CYP-induced. '1203 R eAected in Altered N uclea r Protein Interactions with IL-4 Tran­ a l scriptio na l R cgul"tory Eleme nt, C h"n SC. Brown MA, W il lcox llI ast cell s, 84 TM, Li SH, Steve ns SR . Tara D, HanifinJM. 11 31 protcinase inhibitor, 335 Absence of Down-Regulation and Translocatio n of the 1] Isofon11 of' a 2 in tegrin subunit. 1175 Protein Ki nase C in Non l1i'" I-hllnan Kcrarin oc)'tcs, COllllllllllicn liPlI, av integrins, '102 Murakami A, C hida K, Suzuki Y , Kikuchi H. Imajo h-Olnlli S, tw{36. 42 Kuroki T. 790 Alrc ration of Matrix Macromo lecul e Synthcsis by Fibroblasts from a Patient Absrract(s) with Pa chydefmoperi ostosis, 70 Authors In dex, I; sted by Abstract No .. 954 Allcn:d Ill sulin-Like Growth Factor-II (IGF-II ) Level and IGF-Binding Key Words Index, li sted by Abstract No .. 95 1 Protein -3 (IGFBP-3) Protease Activity in Interstitial Fluid Takcn Society of In vestigative Dermatology. 805 fr om thc Skin Lesion of Psori as is, X u S. Cwyf.1n-Hug hes SC. va n der Acid(s) StappenJWJ. Sansom.!, UurtonJL. Donnc ll y M, H oll y JMP, 109 arachidonic, 162 Alte red barri cr function in aged mice. '1064 carboxyli c. 605 AMP. cyclic. 1250 f., tty Anagcn hair fo lli cl es, 647 anteiso . 46 1 Analys is. image. 437 deficiency, 397 Analys is of Fanlilial Aggrcgation of Atopi c Eczema and Other Atopi c 5,6-dihydroxyindolc- 2-c<,rboxylic. 605 Oiseases by Odds Katio Kegressio n Models. Diepgcn TL. B1etrncr hya luronic, 505 M ,977 nucleic. 38'1 Ancho ring rctinoic fIbril s, 778 " II -tralls-. 168 filamcnt protein 120-kDa. 73~ deri vatives. 1 'J 82 Androgcn(s) isomers, 3 16 reccptor gene. 579 stimulation of hya luronic acid and de rmatan sul fate, 505 sebaceous gland developme nt at puberty. ca use, ~ 5 4 13-ris. 356. 454 Angiogcncsis. 207 Acne vul garis. 176 A nteiso fatty acid, 462 Actinic prurigo, 362 Anti-oncogene ribozymes. 275 Activation of Raf-Mitogcn-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling Pathway by Antibody(ies) 1.25-Dihydroxyvitamin D 3 in Normal Human Ke ratin ocytes. Gnia­ blister-c:II ,sin g. 26 I decki 1<', 1212 can:inocJllbryonic, 6--1 Acylase, sphingomyelin, abnormal expressio n in atopic dermatitis. 1242 IgA . 1277 Adenoviral- Mediawd H e rpes Si mplex Virus-Thymidin e Ki nase Gene mo noclonal. fibrobla st-specifi c, 13 14 T ransfer III Vi"" (o r T reatmen t of Experime nta l I-itnnan Melonol'lla. Antigcn(s) Bonnekoh H. Grecnhalgh DA , Bundman DS, Kosai K-i, C hen S-H , - hearing, T hy- I, dendritic cell s. 57 1 Fi negold MJ, Krieg T , Woo SLC, R oop D I<', 1/ 63 carci ll ogenic. 64 Adlwrcns j unction , interkeratinocyte. 498 cndothelial , '135 Adhesio n hnman le ukocyte, 711 ce ll ,35 1 LAD. 739 collagcn-directed, 1·175 mcianosom:d. 28 Adhesive and Migrato ry Behaviors of Nevus Cell s Differ from those of 180-k l Oa. bull o us pemphigoid. 771 Epidermal Melanocytes and Arc Not Linked to the Histological Type - presen ti ng macrophagcs and keratinocytes in UV--exposed hll lllan skin. of Nevus, Mengeaud V. GrobJ-J , Bongrand 1' . Kichard M-A. H essc 1042 S. Boncrandi J-J, Verrando 1' . 1224 21J 0-kDa, allto'1I1ti hodics to, 465 Adhesive be havio r of ncvus cell s. 1224 Antioxidant(s) Adsorbtio n of blister-causing antibodies b y epiropes, 261 e nzymes, '1325 Adul t inacti viltio ll in skin. 583 renal transplant recipients, I 036 Antioxidant nlltrients. 1086 skin, 64 Antioxidnnt Enzym cs in Psoriatic Fibrobl asts and Erythrocytes. Thcrond P, Agc Sho uld be Considered a, a R.i sk Factor fo r liasa l Cell C arcinom a and Gcrhand P. Dillloll S, Anderson WB, Eva in -Brion D, l<.aYlla ud F. DNA Repair C apacity, lett cr. Aubin ~ J , Wei Q, Grossman L, 798 1325 Aged mice, altered barrier fi.lll ction. 1064 Anti oxidant Nutrients Protect Against UV U- Induced Oxida t.ive Dalnagc to Agouti All eles Altcr ystein e and G lu tarhione Concentratio ns in Hair DNA ofMousc Kerarinocytes in C ulturc, Stewart MS. Cam eron GS , Folli cles and Serum of Mice (Alia. A w.l, and ala), Granholm DE. Pcnce 13 C. 1086 Keese 1'lN, Granho lm NI-I, 559 A poptosis, 4 I 2 Albinism , ocul ocuta neous. 24. 11 37 Appcndageal tllmors, 114'/ All cl c(s) Arachidoni c acid. 'I ('2 agouti . 559 Artificial skin correlates. 4 '12 RT-PCR, spccific assay for, 385 AscoTll ycin , 701 All elic loss. chromosome '17, 432 Assays All crgens. contact, 553 CO lll et, 11 98 All erg ic contact dermatitis, 279, 685. 1218 RT-PCR all ele specifi c. 385 0022-202X/96/S·10 .50 • Copyri gh t © 1'196 by T he Society for In vestiga tive Dermatology. In c. 1356 VOL. 1 06. NO, 6 JUNE 19% SUBJ ECT AND T ITLE INDEX 1357 j\ssi g 1."lnlcnt o f Psonasin to HUI1WIl C hro ll1 osol11a l Band I q2 1: Coordinate p ressure rlll!:lS llrCI1l.cnt! \ 256 Ovcrex prcssio n of C luste red Genes in Psoriasis, H <1 rdas BD, Z hao 13- II1'yb gen e, 12 17 X, Z h <1 ng J. Lo ngqing X . Sto ll S. Elder JT . 753 BPAG2. 771 Atopic BP I 80 extracell ular d o main . 14 1 d e rn'lati tis 13 7-2/ 13 70.1 47 abn orm al expressioIl of sphingomyelin acylase in . 1242 13 I 6 m elaJlo m a cell s. 377 T lymphocytes, 113'1 Bulge. Iwir fo ll icle. 39 1 eczeJna Bull osa. epidermo lYSis Fa milia l aggression. 977 atro phic benig ll , 771 l esional skin, 446 dys tro phic recessiVe . 679 A tro phic benign epidermo lysis b ullosa, 771 j uncti on al A utoan tibody(ies) abno rlnal expression ofl;lIninin chains o r isoforIl1 S in SO lllC su bSets . 209 c i ca t ricial pemphigoid , 141 I-l crli tz junctio nal, 781 d e rn,al mast cell activatio n by. t OO t no nle thal. 775 d esn,o plakin I and II , against. 10 12 recessive dystrophic, 11 9. 766 t o a 200- kDa an tigen , 465 s i mp l e~. Dowling-Meara, 327 A u toan tibodies Against Desmo plakin I and II D efi ne a Subset o f Patients [lu lJ o us w ith Erythem a Multifo rm e Majo r. Foedinger D , Sterniczky 13 , Elbc dermatosis, lin ear IgA. 734. 739 A. An halt G. W o lff K. It appersbcrgcr K, 1012 disease. ch ronic. c hildhood. 1277 " u toantigen(s) pemphigoid 450-kDa, 11 25 antigen 180-kDa. 77 1 LAD - t .734 autoantibody- re;'l cti vc site I'cco!;llizcd by, '14 1 A utografts, cultured kcratinocytc, 1090 Burn. post-. h ypertro phic scar fibro blasts. 476 A uto in,munc d isease, 7'11 A xilla I)' hair fo lli cl es. 1017 ,,>' /a, A wJ . and ala m ice. 559 c C adhcrins, 35 1 B Calcium - induced difre rentiatio n of no rm al and trall sfo rmed human keratinocytes. Bacu lo viw s \ 54 exp ression , 26 I - nlcdiatcd kcratin ocytc dilfere ntiatio n . 25 ~ system , 11 C an Iml1lunolll odUla to ry M o lecules Work Topically for Psori asis?, {'dito rin!. B albi MK keratinocyte proliferatio n. 6 I 6 Weinstein GD, 589 .Barrie T· C.n1Cer. skin, 432, 759 dis r u ption, 397 Cn ll r! idn albi,-nll "- , 549 e pide rm <1 l, ontogenesis. 404 Capill aries, red blOo d cell . velocity. '1256 [ u n c tiOIl . 57, 106-1 C arboxylic acid. 60S r e p a ir, lipid m ix tures for, 1096 arcinoel11bryonk a]] tigell . 6 -1 Banie l: D isruptio n Stim ul ates Inrcrl c ukin- I a Expressio n and It clease fi'o m a Carcin ogenic nnrigcl1. 6~ Pre-Fo rmcd Pool in Murine Ep idermis, W ood LC, Eli as I'M . C arcino n"'(s) C <1 lho ll n C , Tsai J c, Grll nfeld C, Feingold K it. 397 basal cell B a r t 's syndrome, 77 ~ age as a risk facror tor. 798 Basa 1 cell c <1 rcino ma d ona li ty. 579 age as a risk f.1ctor fo r, 798 cutaneous. 321 clon ality. 579 nevoid, locus. 1 14 1 c uta neous, 321 skin. 1070 n evoid , locus, '1141 humall sq uamo us cell. 1070 s k i n, 1070 squamo ns cel l Base01e nt mem brane bill ding b y E-selecti n .
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