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Call your Travel Agent for new '93 itineraries AUSTIN HOUSTON ADS Travel 512·444·5222 Advance Travel 713·682·2002 800·736·4522 800·695·0880 Creative Tvl Ctr 512·331·9560 Woodlake Tvl 713·789·7500 800·473·5929 713·840·8500 DALLAS Fantastic Voyage 214·522·5215 800·622·6988 :AMERIcAN CiC I{I El'CP.:F.lESS [GJ]!\ ~RSVP TWT OCTOBER 16 - OCTOBER 22 1992 PAGE 5 --IIIg~ L--- __ Volume 18,Number 32 October 16-22, 1992 NEWS Commission Releases Report on Houston Police Actions during Protest COMMENT Letters to the Editor OF LOCAL INTEREST 39 BACKSTAGE The Return of the Phantom of the Opera In Dallas 45 VIEWPOINT A New Epidemic: Fear and Intimidation by Gene Harrington 53 STARSCOPE The Orionid Meteor Showers 59 SPORTS Swimmers Start Training In Dallas 60 COVER FEATURE Grey Party X 63 HOT TEA Wigs on Fire and Westhelmer Art Festival in Houston 74 CLASSIFIED 83 OBITUARIES 86 GUIDE Texas Business / Club Directory TWT (This Week In Texas) IspubNshed by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co" at 3300 Reagan Street In Oollos, Texas 75219 and 811 Westheimer In Houston. Texas nOO6. 0pi00ns expressed by coIl.rnrists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its stoff. PubIcotion of the I'XJme or photograph of any person or orgoraatlon In articles or odvertising In TWT Is not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation of sold person or organlzotlon. Subscription rates: $69 per year. $40 per holf year. Bock issues ovoiloble at 51 each. Payment must accompany al orders. Copyright © 1992 by Texas Weekly TImes Newspaper Co. AI rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' leading Gay Ik Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PUBLISHER DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street 811Westheimer, Suite 106 EDITOR Dallas, Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT Houston Fax (713)527- TWIT COMPTROLLER (214) 521·0622 STEVEMilES (713) 527·9111 ARTDIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue. Chris Patterson FEATURESEDITORJazz Paz • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller • DISTRIBUTIONClifford Plummer CONTRIBUTINGWRITERS Bob Dineen, PhilJohnson, Bobby Mayes, David Meunier, Chris Price, Michael K.Wilson STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Rick Bounds, Graham, Rex Martin. Michael McKinney. Roger Slabel NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles· (214) 521·0622 • FAX 520·TWIT Advertising rates are available on request trom the salesperson In your nearest city. Austin - Chris Zimmerman (512) 474·2105 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houston/Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio - Paul Briner (512) 614·1348 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Shawn Marshall • Houston Brian Keever TWT© 1992 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFFPRE. SIDENITCEO I DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. Coming Halloween Weekend... Declare war GIANT WAREHOUSE DUNGEONS on free radicals. S~LE With the first If>n44S~~ & DRAGONS multi-antioxidant nutritional supplement ••••.•. c:» developed by a major university research center. <lID OFF ONDROXTM I The unique ON SELECTED IN·STOCK MERCHANDISE i Friday, October 30th: formula combines THE HAUNTING 41 microcomponents. ACCESSORIES ONDROX ™ Contains :LSVtkeS~e ~ Saturday, October 31st: THE DRAGON'S LAIR Glutathione & other research-proven micronutrients JEWELRY & GAY/LESBIAN ITEMS Sunday, November 1st: 800-541-3492 MANDANCE Or ask your pharmacist today! (9~~{i;~ MONSTER T-DANCE SAlVIPLES THIS WEEKEND! ShockingGroyTMis ~ X Friday, Oct. 16th: the largest catalog co. 1-;.", Jose hi"e St. in the Notion that ~ ~ ~ GREY PARTY WEEKEND KICK-OFF focusesdirectly on the vi ] ~ Doors open at 7. No Cover 'til9. No cover all Goy/Lesbian Market. Locust u.i I night for guests with your out-of-town !.D.s. (all or stop by for a ~ FREEcopy of our full d-winni 1216 E. EUCLID coIor, owor . winning SAN ANTONIO TX Saturday, October 17th: Fall/Holiday (otolog. (512) 224.48~3 LEATHER & FLESH 9p.m. No Cover all night long for Men in ONE Dill' ONLY Chaps & Leather Jock Straps. As Naked as you want to be. Clothes check available. SATURDAY, OCT. 24 • NOON • 5 PM VISA/MASTERCARD/AMEX/DISCOVER Always: THE LOWEST REGULAR DRINK PRICES IN HOUSTON! NlghUy: CAGED HEAT/MEN BEHIND BARS - Shameless Studs STRIP & STRUT • for your pleasure and entertainment! ~HOCKING GRA'fM THE CATALOG FOR THE OTHER 25 MILLION PEOPLE. 1216 E. EUCLID • 224-4803 710 Pacific Street • Houston, TX 77006 • 713/523-0213 TWT OCTOBER 16 - OCTOBER 22 1992 PAGE 11 While strolling Westheimer, come view the work of CELEBRATING 20 YEARS over 300 artists (acrylic to wood sculpture) E IN THE WESTHEIMER/MONTROSE at Montrose and Lovett in the fenced parking lot. C ARTS DISTRICT ART. PHOTOGRAPHY. POTTERY. MUSIC· FOOD. FUN. DRINKS. GAMES The following businesses in the Westheimer /Montrose •... I' Arts District encourage you and your friends to attend \..",...'" - '-- '-.. \.~ '"cl \~ '-' this fall's Westheimer Colony Art Festival L \, . v • ~ ;, L .J: ", ,..- L l DANCE MUSIC RECORDS MONTROSE MINING CO. , c... .~~. 1520 Westheimer Sundays at 800 Pacific 20% off this weekend us/ad Texas' Largest Beer Bust 15% offw/ad thru October 31 $1.75 Frozen Ritas 4 to 8 pm Houston's #1 Leoi/Leather Cruise Bar HEAVEN Sundays at 800 Pacific MONTROSE RESOURCE CENTER Exotic Male Dancers 811 Westheimer #104 25¢ Well Drinks 7 to 10 pm 713/524-1069 $1.25 Lonqnecks and Frozen Ritas No Call Unanswered INFINITE RECORDS QT's 528 Westheimer 534 Westheimer Come visit our unique Join Us During Neighborhood Record Store The Art Fest & After JR'S BAR & GRILL RICHMOND NEWS & VIDEO Sundays at 800 Pacific 4330 Richmond Ave. Post Brunch Karaoke Houston's #1 All-Male Video Selection 99¢ All Well Vodka Visit our adult video arcade Juice Drinks - Noon until 10pm RIPCORD KOKO'S 715 Fairview 302 Tuam Leather, Levi, Come By and Party Uniform WESTHEIMER ART FESTIVAL On the Patio with Us VENTURE-N -I"-) 3317 Montrose Blvd. MARY'SjNATURALL Y 2923 Main E) IlL- Houston. Texas 1022 Westheimer After the Festival ~ BEER Odober 17-18. 1992 The Tradition Come Party with Us Sponsored by Westheimer Colony Assoc. Inc. Continues 521·0133 • A Non-Profit Organization L TO YOI ST BE 1\ REAL P REpORT ISSUED ON HOUSTON POLICE BEHAVIOR DURING ACT-UP MARCH Calls for Independent Inquiry, SayingHl'D Used Excessive Force. HOUSTON - The Commission to In- vestigate the Police/ACT-UP Confrontation released the findings of its inquiry at a press conference held by members in front of City Hall last Monday afternoon. The re- port calls on Mayor Bob Lanierto authorize a thorough, independent investigation into the incident, which took place at the end of an August 17 march by activists to the Astrodome, site of the Republican Na- tional Convention. The commission was called into existence by activist Ray Hill. Annlse Parker and Gene Hafflngton of the Commission to Investigate the Police/ACT·UP Confrontation were among Commission chair Annise Parker was those at Houston City Hall last Monday to discuss the com- joined by fellow members Gene Harring- mission's newly-re/eased report. TWTNEWSphoto_ ton, Rennie Trozzi, Norm Thompson and Nancy Bunin. In her statement to the press, Parker in- Parker presented the press with copies vited recipients of the commission's re- of the 20-page report compiled by the com- port to compare it to Nuchia's report. That mission. It contained the results of six report, which has been criticized by gay hours of public hearings held on Septem- and lesbian community leaders as well as ber 12, when witnesses to police behavior some Houston City Council members, was at the Astrodome demonstration were prepared without input from demonstra- questioned by an eight-member panel. The tors or neutral observers present at the commission also accepted photographic August 17 protest. evidence and a dozen sworn affidavits. The findings of the commission were The report presents an overview of the presented to City Council on Tuesday. events at the protest and references them While 11 of the 15 council members have to assertions made in the official police called for reopening the official investiga- report. The commission's report takes is- tion into police conduct, only the Mayor sue with a number of points made in a re- has the authority to do so. port prepared under Police Chief Sam Nuchia's direction and endorsed by Lanier. The commission's report concludes LESBIAN/GAY that the police used excessive force and POLITICAL COALITION may have violated police procedures; that they ,overreacted and failed to consider OF DALLAS less drastic responses to events; that they ENDORSES CANDIDATES failed to plan adequately; and that both the police and march organizers failed to All Registered Voters Urged maintain adequate communications. The To Take Part November 3. report says protest organizers failed to provide "closure" at the end of the march. DALLAS - The Government Affairs The report acknowledges that some Committee of the Dallas Gay and Lesbian violations of the law by demonstrators did Alliance [DGLA] and the Lesbian/Gay Po- occu r at the end of the march, but it notes litical Coalition [LGPC] have joined forces that the actual culprits were not arrested, again this year to provide the gay and les- and that instead bystanders were taken in bian community with information about on other charges, most of which the police the candidates running for office in the report does not mention.
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