General Assembly--Fifteenth Session RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED WITHOUT REFERENCE TO A COMMITTEE CONTENTS Page 1594 (XV). Agreement on the relationship between the United Nations and the International Development Association ( 27 March 1961) ( item 91) . 17 1599 (XV). The situation in the Republic of the Congo (15 April 1961) (item 85) . 17 1600 (XV). The situation in the Republic of the Congo (15 April 1961) (item 85) . 17 1601 (XV). The situation in the Republic of the Congo (15 April 1961) (item 85) . 18 1602 (XV). Admission of new Members to the United Nations ( 19 April 1961) (item 20) . 18 1603 (XV). The situation in Angola (20 April 1961) (item 92) . 19 Notes: Appointment of the members of the Committee on a United Nations Capital De- velopment Fund (27 March 1961) (item 29 (b))........................ 19 Question of the composition of the Trusteeship Council (7 April 1961) (item 84). 20 Appointment of the members of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds (21 April 1961) (item SS)....................... .. .. 20 1594 (XV). Agreement on the relationship be­ Deploring that despite all these requests the Govern­ tween the United Nations and the Interna­ ment of Belgium has not yet complied with the resolu­ tional Development Association tions and that such non-compliance has mainly con­ tributed to the further deterioration of the situation in The General Assembly, the Congo, Havi..ng considered the Agreement entered into on 22 December 1960 between the Economic and Social Coun­ Convinced that the central factor in the present grave cil and the International Development Association,1 situation in the Congo is the continued presence of Bel­ gian and other foreign military and paramilitary per­ Approves this Agreement. sonnel and political advisers, and mercenaries, in total 968th plenary meeting, disregard of repeated resolutions of the United Nations, 27 March 1961. 1. Calls upon the Government of Belgium to accept its responsibilities as a Member of the United Nations 1599 (XV). The situation in the Republic of the and to comply fully and promptly with the witl of the Congo Security Council and of the General Assembly; The General Assembly, 2. Decides that all Belgian and other foreign military Recalling its resolution 1474 (ES-IV) of 20 Sep­ and paramilitary personnel and political advisers not tember 1960 and the Security Council resolutions of under the United Nations Command, and mercenaries, 14 July,2 22 July3 and 9 August 1960• and, more par­ shall be completely withdrawn and evacuated; ticularly, that of 21 February 1961,11 urging the im­ 3. Calls upon all States to exert their influence and mediate withdrawal and evacuation of all Belgian and extend their co-operation to effect the implementation other foreign military and paramilitary personnel and of the present resolution. political advisers not under the United Nations Com­ 985th plenary meeting, mand, and mercenaries, 15 April 1961. 1 Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 91, document A/4683, annex. • Official Records of the Security Council, Fifteenth Year, 1600 (XV). The situation in the Republic of the Supplement for July, August and September 1960, document S/4387. Congo • Ibid., document S/4405. The General Assembly, • ]bid., document S/4426. • Ibid., Sixteenth Year, Supplement fo,- Janua,-y, February Having considered the situation m the Republic of and March 1961, document S/4741. the Congo, 17 18 General Assembly Fifteenth Session Gravely concerned at the danger of ciyil war. and Justice U Aung Khine (Burma), foreign intervention and at the threat to mternattonal Mr. Teschome Hailemariam (Ethiopia), peace and security, Mr. Salvador Martinez de Alva (Mexico), Taking note of the report of the Conciliation Coi:n­ Mr. Ayite d'Almeida (Togo); mission6 appointed in pursuance of paragraph 3 of its resolution 1474 (ES-IV) of 20 September 1960, 2. Requests the Commission to proceed. as early as possible to carry out the task entrusted to 1t. Mindful of the desire of the Congolese peol?le for a solution of the crisis in the Congo through national re­ 985th plenary meeting, conciliation and return to constitutionality without de­ 15 April 1961. lay, Noting with concern the many difficulties that have arisen in the way of effective functioning of the United 1602 (XV). Admission of new Members to the Nations operation in the Congo, United Nations I. Reaffirms its resolution 1474 (ES-IV) and the The General Assembly, Security Council resolutions on the situation in the Congo, more particularly the Council resolution of 21 Noting that the Mongolian People's Republi~ ~as February 1961 ;6 been awaiting a decision on its application for adm1ss10n to membership in the United Nations since 1946, 2. Calls upon the Congolese authorities concerned to desist from attempting a military solution to their prob­ Noting that eight members of the Security Council lems and resolve them by peaceful means ; voted on 4 December 1960 in favour of a draft resolu­ tion recommending the admission of the Islamic Repub­ 3. Considers it essential that necessary and effective lic of Mauritania to membership in the United Nations, measures be taken by the Secretary-General immediately but that no recommendation was made to the General to prevent the introduction of arms, military equipment Assembly because of the opposition of a permanent and supplies into the Congo, except in conformity with member,8 the resolutions of the United Nations; Considering that it is important for the future of the 4. Urges the immediate release of all members of United Nations that all applicant States which fulfil the Parliament and members of provincial assemblies and conditions laid down in Article 4 of the Charter of the all other political leaders now under detention; United Nations should be admitted to membership in 5. Urges the convening of Parliament without delay, the Organization, with safe conduct and security extended to the members 1. Declares that in its view the Mongolian People's of Parliament by the United Nations, so that Parlia­ Republic is a peace-loving State .yithin t~e meanin~ <:>f ment may take the necessary decisions concerning the Article 4 of the Charter of the Umted Nations, that 1t 1s formation of a national government and on the future able and willing to carry out the obligations of_ the constitutional structure of the Republic of the Congo Charter, and that it should, in consequence, be admitted in accordance with the constitutional processes laid to membership in the United Nations; down in the Loi f ondamentale ; 2. Declares that in its view the Islamic Republic of 6. Decides to appoint a Commission of Conciliation Mauritania is a peace-loving State within the meaning of seven members to be designated by the President of of Article 4 of the Charter, that it is able and willing to the General Assembly to assist the Congolese leaders to carry out the obligations of th~ Charter, and th_at _it achieve reconciliation and to end the political crisis ; should, in consequence, be admitted to membership m 7. Urges the Congolese authorities to. co-operate the United Nations ; fully in the implementation of the resolut10ns of the 3. Requests the Security Council to take note of this Security Council and of the General Assembly and to decision of the General Assembly in regard to the can­ accord all facilities essential to the performance by the didature of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. United Nations of functions envisaged in those resolu­ tions. 989th plenary meeting, 985th plenary meeting, 19 April 1961. 1S April 1961. 1603 (XV). The situation in Angola 1601 (XV). The situation in the Republic of the Congo The General Asseml,ly, The General Assembly, Taking note of the recent disturbances and conflicts in Angola resulting in loss of life of the inhabitants, ~he Recalling part A, paragraph 4, of the Security Coun­ continuance of which is likely to endanger the main­ cil resolution of 21 February 1961,5 tenance of international peace and security, Taking note of documents S/4771 and Add.1,7 Viewing with concern the growing restiveness of de­ 1. Decides to establish a Commission of Investiga­ pendent peoples throughout the world for self-deter­ tion consisting of the following members: mination and independence, Aware that failure to act speedily, effectively and in • Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifteenth Session, time for ameliorating the disabilities of the African Annexes agenda item 85, documents A/4711 and Add. 1 and 2. • Report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council O!' the implementation of part A, paragraph 4, of the Council • See Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifteenth Ses­ resolution of 21 February 1961. sion, Annexes, agenda item 20, document A/4656. .
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