#! Inset 1 Tagish Lake #! Teslin 502 Liard Atlin Lake #!501 Taku River Tlingit L 594 Ts'kw 'aylaxw iard #! Atlin Lake R 687 Skeetchestn ive #! ! 504 Dease River K r 686 Bonaparte # #! e r t e c iv h R ik #! a se a e D Fort Nelson R ! i # ! 592 Xaxli'p #! 685 Ashcroft v # e 543 Fort Nelson Dease r #! 593 T'it'q'et Lake Dease Lake #! First Nations 591 Cayoose Creek #! 692 Oregon Jack Creek 682 Tahltan #! 544 P rophet River r #! a ive in British Colum bia F R in British Colum bia 683 Iskut r #! kw a r s s e M u e iv r R Finlay R e iv n er i 610 Kw ad acha k Scale i t #! ! S R # 694 Cook's Ferry i v 0 75 150 300 km e r Thutade r e Lake I iv Tatlatui 609 Tsay Keh Dene skut R #! 547 Blueberry River Lake #! 698 Shackan #! #! #! #! 696 Nicom en 546 Halfw ay River 548 Doig River 705 Lytton #! #! Location of First Nation's 699 Nooaitch Main Community #! Williston Fort St John 707 Skuppah #! Lake N Indian Reserve a ! s 542 Saulteau # 706 Siska s #! #! 704 Kanaka Bar #! R Takla i 545 W est Moberly v City or Town e Lake r 532 Kispiox 533 Glen Vow ell 608 Takla 677 Nisga'a Village of New Aiyansh 537 Gitanyow 531 Gitanm aax #! #! Park and Protected Area 679 Nisga'a Village of Gitw inksihlkw #! #!!534 Hagw ilget 678 Nisga'a Village of Laxgalt'sap #!#! # #! 700 Boothroyd ! #! #! 535 Gitsegukla 671 Nisga'a Village of Gingolx#! # ! Babine #! 618 McLeod Lake 536 Gitw ar ngak # e 530 W itset v i Sm ithers 674 Lax Kw 'alaam s R Lake 617 Tl'azt'en ! 701 Boston Bar ! # #! Terrace #!680 Kitselas 728 Yekooche ! # #! # #! 730 Binche W hut'en 673 Metlakatla ena 681 Kitsum kalum Stuart #! Ske #! Scale 725 W et'suw et'en #! Lake 614 Nak'azd li W hut'en 669 Old Massett P rince Rupert 607 Lake Babine #! 619 Burns Lake #! 613 Stellat'en 0 10 20 40 km 620 Cheslatta Carrier ! 611 Lheid li T'enneh Masset 676 Haisla #! #612 Nad leh W huten #! F ! Haid a #! 729 Skin Tyee#!#! ras # R e 672 Gitxaala #! #! r ! o 615 Saik'uz P rince George R # 726 Nee-Tahi-Buhn k iv a er Ootsa L ch #! #! Gw aii Ne 675 Gitga'at Inset 2 #! 670 Skid egate #! Eutsuk Lake 588 Union Bar ! Skid egate # 721 Lhoosk'uz Dene ! 551 Sechelt ! # 583 Chaw athil # 720 Nazko 582 Skaw ahlook #! #! #! #! 715 Lhtako Dene Quesnel 587 Shxw 'ow 'ham el Lake ! C 555 Squam ish 559 Sts'ailes #586 P eters 540 Kitasoo h 709 ?Esd ilagh #! i #! #! ! lc #! #! 549 Tsleil-W aututh 581 Seabird Island # o 722 Ulkatcho t 560 Kw ikw etlem 568 Sq'éw lets in r #! e VANCOUVER 539 Nuxalk ! R # v 579 Leq'a: m el ! i 716 Sod a Creek i ! !# 585 P opkum ! v # R #! # # e 550 Musqueam #! 570 Shxw há:y Village r #! #! #!#! 573 Skw ah 584 Cheam 538 Heiltsuk Bella Coola W illiam s Lake 563 Katzie ! #! 710 Tŝid eld el n # 580 Kw aw -kw aw -Apilt #!# #! ! #! o #! 574 Squiala # 719 W illiam s Lake s 564 Kw antlen 558 Aitchelitz ! ! p 648 Snuney!m uxw 565 Matsqui! # 571 Skow kale 712 Tl'etinqox # 718 Toosey # # 572 Soow ahlie#! #! #! Tho m 576 Yakw eakw ioose 717 Yunesit'in ! #! 578 Sum as#! 575 Tzeachten # 713 Canim Lake 577 Tsaw w assen !541 W uikinuxv 711 Esk'etem c #! 646 Lyackson #! ! # #!723 Stsw ecem 'c Xgat'tem # 569 Sem iahm oo h t #! 641 Stz'um inus r 691 Sim pcw C 714 Xeni Gw et'in o ! olu #! N # Shuswap m #! 650 P enelakut bi Chilko 702 W hispering Lake a Lake 703 High Bar #! P ines/Clinton ! R 645 Halalt # 689 Little Shusw ap Lake iv #! ! e 627 Gw aw aenuk 636 Dzaw ad a'enuxw # r 632 Tlatlasikw ala#! #! #! 590 Brid ge River #! #! #! Kam loops #! 684 Ad am s Lake #! 605 Shusw ap #! #! Upper ! 724 Gw a'sala-Nakw axd a'xw 626 Kw akiutl Li 595 Tsal'alh ! ! ! 690 Neskonlith # l # # # E loo ! F Arrow 604 ?Akisq'nuk 642 Cow ichan #! #! r 688 Tk'em lúps te ! l ! e 600 Splatsin k # P ort Hard y #! #!625 Kw ikw asut'inuxw Haxw a'm is t a #! # s ! R e Lake R 633 Quatsino # Secw épem c i ! !! ! r # ## # ! v 556 N'Quatqua ! #616 Okanagan e 631 Nam gis # r !628 Kw iakah 695 Low er Nicola #! 655 Tseycum 629 Mam alilikulla 635 Da'naxd a'xw # 557 Lil'w at#! ! ! #! 697 Upper Nicola 647 Malahat ##R r ! ! #! e i # # ! Okanagan v 652 P auquachin v #! #! Vancouver #! i 567 Sam ahquam e 553 Klahoose # R ! r ! 622 Cam pbell River # #! 693 Cold w ater Lake 653 Tsartlip #! # 654 Tsaw out 638 Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' #! #! #! #! !! 623 Cape Mud ge #!#! 562 Skatin #! #! #! Kelow na Lower 602 ?aqam ## ! e P A C I F I C #! # l Arrow Kootenay 552 Hom alco ! ! 554 Tla'am in 601 W estbt ank Nelson 639 Nuchatlaht # # Inset 1 t 644 Esquim alt ! 637 Tlow itsis 561 Douglas! e Lake Lake # K 634 Ehattesaht Island # 651 Qualicum #!708 Spuzzum 656 Songhees 624 K'óm oks! 603 Tobacco P lains #! ^_ 630 Mow achaht/Muchalaht # 649 Nanoose #!589 Yale #! 597 P enticton VICTORIA 606 Low er Kootenay #! 664 Hupacasath #! #! #! 599 Upper Sim ilkam een #! 657 T'Sou-ke Scale 661 Hesquiaht #!#! #! ! 665 Tseshaht #! !VANCOUVER#! !#! 598 Low er #! 596 Osoyoos ! 640 Beecher Bay # ##! #! # #! # O C E A N 659 Ahousaht#! P ort Alberni#!#! #! #! #!#! #!!# #!#! Sim ilkam een 0 15 30 60 km ! Nanaim o ! #! ! #!#! 660 Tla-o-qui-aht# # ##! #! 648#! Snuneym uxw #!#! #! #! 666 Toquaht !#! #! 668 Ucluelet # 662 Ditid aht #! #! #! #! #! 667 Uchucklesaht #! 663 Huu-ay-aht #! #!#!#! 658 P acheed aht #!^_ VICTORIA 643 Ts'uubaa-asatx #!#! Inset 2 Produced by: Indigenous Services Canada, British Columbia Region. May 1, 2019. GCdocs #15951141.
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