Wyoming Directory of Radio Bedford. NH, 03110. Phone: (603) 668 -6400. Licensee: White Park WVUV(AM)- Apr 16, 1975: 648 khz; 10 kw-U. TL: S14 21 28 W170 KISH(FM)- 2003: 102.9 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 535 ft TL: N13 2917 W144 Broadcasting Inc. Group owner: Northeast Broadcasting Company 46 36. Hm open: Box 6758, Pago Pago, 96799. Phone: (684) 49 53. Stereo. Hm open: 24 Inter -Island Communications Inc., 1868 Inc. Steven A. Silberberg. pres. 633-7793. Fax: (684) 633-4493. Web Site: www.saMseasbroadcasting.com. Halsey Dr.. Piti, 96915. Phone: (671) 477 -9448. Phone: (671) Licensee: South Seas Broadcasting Inc. Group owner: Contemporary 477 -5474. Fax: (671) 477 -6411. Licensee: Inter -Island Communications Communications *Joey Cummings, gen mgr. Inc. Group owner Inter-Island Communications Inc. Population served: KYCN(AM)- Nov 16. 1960: 1340 khz; 250 w -U. TL: N42 02 44 W104 160,000 Format: Chamorro music -language of Guam and Marianas 56 47. Hrs open: 24 Box 248, 82201. Secondary address: 450 E. Cole Islands. News staff: one; News: 15 hm wkly. Target aud: General; 82201. Phone: (307) 322 -5926. Phone: (307) 322 -5927. Fax: (307) indeginous residents of Marianas Islands. Edward H. Poppe Jr.. 322 -9300. E -mail: info@kycn- kzew.com Web Site: www.kycn- kzew.com. Pago Pago pres; Frances W. Poppe, CFO; Edward H. Poppe III, exec VP; Joe Licensee: Smith Broadcasting Inc. (acq 12 -6-91: with co-located FM). Tighe, opus mgr: Rosalin Koss, progmg dir. Population served: 12,000 Natl. Network: ABC. Natl. Rep: Target KKHJ -FM- May 1, 2000: 93.1 mhz; 420 w. Ant 1,489 ft TL: N14 16 Format: News Broadcast Sales. Bryan Cave. Country. staff: one; 12 W170 41 10. Stereo. Hm open: 24 Box 6758. 96799. Phone: (684) KOKU(FM)- Apr 28, 1984: 100.3 mhz; 5 kw. 190 ft TL: N13 26 28 News: 14 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Fatum 7 hrs wkly. 633 -7793. Phone: (702) 898 -4669. Fax: (684) 633 -4493. Web Sie: W144 42 40. Stereo. Hm open: 24 424 W. O'Brien Dr., 107 Julace Ctr., Catherine Smith, gen sis mgr. mktg mgr. prom mgr & adv mgr; www.93khj.fm. Licensee: South Seas Broadcasting. Group owner: 96910. Fax: (671) 477 -5658. E -mail: marketing @hiradio.com Web Derek Barton, news dir; Kent G. Smith, pres. gen mgr, mus dir. chief Contemporary Communications Population served: 55,000 Wood, Site: www.hhradio100.com. Licensee: May Communications Inc. (acq of engrg & traf mgr. Maims & Brown, Chartered. Format: CHR. News staff: one. Target 4 -29 -2004; $350,000). Population served: 149,000 Dow, Lohnes & aud: General. Larry G. Fuss. pres; Joey Cummings, gen mgr. Albertson. Format: Top-40. Target aud: 18-34; females. Kun S. KZEW(FM)- February 1985: 101.7 mhz; 3 kw. 156 ft TL: N42 02 44 Moylan, pres; Rick Nauta, progmg dir & chief of engrg; Vince R. W104 56 47. Stereo. Hm open: 24 Box 248, 82201. Secondary KSBS -FM- Apr 14, 1988: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. -135 ft TL: S14 17 41 Limuaco, gen mgr, sis & mktg. address: 450 E. Cole 82201. Phone: (307) 322 -5926. Phone: (307) W170 39 44. (CP: 15 kw. ant -92 ft.). Stereo. Hm open: 6:00am- Midnight 322 -5927. Fax: (307) 322 -9300. Web Site: www.kycn- kzew.com. Natl. Box 793, 96799 -0793. Phone: (684) 633 -7000. Fax: (684) 633 -5727. KPRG(FM)- Jan 27, 1994: 89.3 mhz; 2.8 kw. 485 ft TL: N13 29 17 Network: Jones Radio Networks. Format: Adult contemp. Kent G. E -mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.ksbsfm.com. W144 49 30. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 KPRG, UoG Stn., Mangilao, 96923. Smith, chief of opns, progmg dir. pub airs dir & disc jockey. Licensee: Samoa Technologies Inc. Format: Adult contemp. Target Phone: (671) 734 -8930. Fax: (671) 734 -2958. E -mail: kprgOkprg.org aud: Working adults. Bamey Serte, pres; Esther Prescott, gen mgr. Web Site: www.kprg.org. Licensee: Guam Educational Radio Foundation. Natl. Network: NPR. Format: News, div, class. Denise Mendiola, gen Worland mgr; Olympia Terra!, dev dir, Lydia Taleu. progmg dir & disc jockey. Tafuna KKLX(FM)- Dec 1, 1980: 96.1 mhz: 50 kw. 400 ft TL: N44 04 06 KSTO(FM)- September 1973: 95.5 mhz; 25 kw. 530 ft TL N13 2917 W107 51 57. Stereo. Hm open: 1340 Radio Dr., 82401. Phone: (307) KJAL(AM)- 2005: 585 khz; 5 kw -U. TL: S14 21 28 W170 46 36. Hm E144 49 53. Stereo. Hm open: 24 1868 Halsey Dr., Pii, 96915. 347 -3231. Fax: (307) 347 -4880. Group owner: Legend Communications open: Box 218. Pago Pago, 96799. Phone: (684) 699-2253. Licensee: Phone: (671) 477-7108. Phone: (671) 477-5786. Fax: (671) 477-6411. L.L.C. Population served: 45,000 Format: Mus of the 80s & 90s & District Council of the Assemblies of God in AS. Format: Contemp E -mail: ksto ®ie.net Licensee: Inter -Island Communications Inc. Group today. Nancy Harrington, traf mgr. Christian. Viliamu Paaga, gen mgr. owner Inter -Island Communications Inc. act 11 -77). Population served: 160,000 Format: Adult contemp. News staff: one; News: 14 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. Spec prog: Country 12 hrs, gospel 6 hrs KWOR(AM)- Mar 7, 1946: 1340 khz: 1 kw -U. TL: N44 01 01 W107 wkly. Edward H. Poppe Jr., pres; Frances Poppe, CFO; Edward H. 5814. Hm open: 1340 Radio Dr., 82401. Phone: (307) 347 -3231. Fax: Poppe Ill, exec VP; Joe Tighe, opns mgr: Rosalin Koss, progmg dir. (307) 347-4880. E-mail: kworádconnect.nel Web Site: www.kworkklx.com. Guam Licensee: Legend Communications of Wyoming LLC. Group owner: Legend Communications L.L.C. (acq 12 -31 -2007: $750,000 with KTKB -FM- 2003: 101.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 492 ft TL: N13 29 16 W144 co-located FM). Population served: 30,000 Eugene T. Smith. Format: 49 36. Hm open: KM Broadcasting of Guam L.L.C., 3654 W. Jarvis Oldies. Target aud: General. Bill Harrington, gen mgr, progmg dir & Agat Ave., Skokie, IL. 60076. Phone: (847) 674 -0864. Phone: (671) progmg dir: Tony Cuesta. chief of engrg: Nancy Harrington, traf mgr. 647 -1019. Fax: (847) 674 -9188. Fax: (671) 648-1019. Web Site: www.ktkb.com. Licensee: KM Broadcasting of Guam L.L.C. Group Nov 1990: mhz; kw. 1,000 ft N13 'KSDA -FM- 22, 91.9 3.8 TL: 25 53 owner: KM Communications Inc. Format: Filipino. Myoung Bae, W144 42 Stereo. Hrs open: 24 290 Palasyo, Agana 36. Chalan pres; Kevin Bae, gen mgr, Rolly Manumtag, progmg dir. Wright Heights, 96910. Phone: (671) 472 -5732. Fax: (671) 477 -4678. E -mail: mailOjoy92.net Web Site: www.joy92.net. Licensee: Good News Broadcasting Corp. (acq 8 -9 -01; charitable contribution). Population KTWG(AM)- August 1975: 801 khz; 10 kw-U. TL: N13 27 07 W144 KDDV- FM-Not on air, target date: unknown: 101.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant served: 180,000 Format: Inspirational, Christian. News: 7 hm wkly. 42 32. Hrs open: 24 1,098 ft TL: N43 59 57 W105 15 15. Hrs open: Box 1179, Gillette, Target aud: 25 -54. *Robed Gibbons. chmn & pres: Matt Dodd, gen Simulcasts KCNM(AM) Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. 82717 -1179. Phone: (307) 686 -2242. Fax: (307) 686-7736. Licensee: mgr & stn mgr. 1868 Halsey Dr.. Phi, 96915. Phone: (671) 477 -5894. Fax: (671) Legend Communications of Wyoming LLC. Group owner: Legend 477 -6411. E -mail: ktwg @idwg.com Web Site: www.ktwg.com. Licensee: Communications L.L.C. Don Clonch. gen mgr. Edward H. Poppe Jr. and Frances W. Poppe. Group owner: Inter -Island Communications Inc. (acq 2- 20- 2002). Population served: 160,000 Barrigada Format: Relg. News staff: one; News: 5 hm wkly. Target aud: 25-49; KHRW(FM)-Nol on air, target date: unknown: 92.7 mhz; 6 kw. Ant Christian. K. Leilani S. Dahilig, stn mgr. 328 it TL: N43 44 32 W105 28 14. Hm open: 5331 Mt. Alian Dr., San 'KHMG(FM)- Mar 26, 1996: 88.1 mhz; 8 kw. 472 ft TL: N13 29 17 Diego, CA, 92111. Phone: (858) 277 -4991. Fax: (858) 277 -1365. Web W144 49 53. Stereo. Hm open: 24 Box 23189, 170C Machaute St., Sie: www.hor¢dnsd.orghadio.asp. Licensee: Horizon Christian Fellowship. KUAM(AM)- Mar 14, 1954: 630 khz; 10 kw -U. TL: N13 26 53 E144 96921. Phone: (671) 477 -6341. Fax: (671) 477 -7136. E -mail: Group owner: Horizon Christian Fellowship Mike Macintosh, pres. 45 22. Hm open: 600 Harmon Loop Rd. #102, Dededo, 96912. Phone: khmgOhar estmi istries.net Web Site: wwwharvesbnimstries.net Licensee: (671) 637-5826. Fax: (671) 637 -9865. Web Sie: www.kuam.com594. Harvest Christian Academy. Population served: 140,000 Garvey, Licensee: Pacific Telestations Inc. (acq 9- 27 -77). Natl. Network: CBS. Schubert & Barer. Format: Relg, Christian. News: 5 hrs wkly. Target Format: MOR, adult contemp. Spec prog: Chamorro 5 hrs, Tagalog 5 aud: General; Christian. church and school families. Spec prog: hrs, Japanese 3 hrs wkly. Joey Calvo, gen mgr. American Samoa Children 2 hrs wkly. Dr. Marty Herron, pres; John Collier, stn mgr & progmg dir. KUAM -FM- Sept 1, 1966: 93.9 mhz; 2 kw. 950 ft TL: N13 25 53 E144 42 36. (CP: 5.2 kw, ant 948 ft.). Hm open: 600 Harmon Loop Rd. 4102, Fagaitua Dededo, 96912. Phone: (671) 637 -0094. Fax: (671) 637 -9865. Web Dededo Sie: www.kuam.conVi94. Format: Urban contemp, rhythm and blues. WVUV -FM- 2008: 103.1 mhz; 1.3 kw. Ant 1,591 ft TL: S14 19 21 KGUM -FM- Feb 28.
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