vvcuito tv vv . _ .. Valenti blasts `JFK,' likens movie to Nazi propaganda By Bernard Weinraub Related story The New York Times ■ Doctor who sew JFK says he was In a highly unusual and angry shot from front. Page 15 statement, Jack Valenti, the presi- dent and chief executive of the man and lobbyist in Washington, Motion Picture Association of has kept silent until now about the America and a former top aide to Oliver Stone film, which opened President Lyndon B. Johnson, de- in December. He emphasized that nounced the film "JFK" Wednes- he was making a personal state- day as a "hoax," a "smear" and ment that "has no connection to "pure fiction" that rivaled the Na- my responsibilities in the movie zi propaganda films of Leni Rei- industry." fenstahl. Jack Valenti Valenti, a film industry spokes- See VAI,ENTI / Page 16 Calls filr7 "accusatory lunacy" 10—NEWS / I HUFWAY, APHIL 2, 1992 / DAILY NEWS Valenti calls Stone film on VALENTI / From Page 1 almost 29 years nothing leaked? tion." But you have to believe it if you What makes the statement espe- "Indeed, I waited to speak out think well of any part of this accu- cially unusual is that as head of the because I didn't want to do any- satory lunacy. Motion. 'Picture Association since thing which might affect this pic- "In scene after scene, Mr. Stone 1966, the Texas-born, Harvard- ture's theatrical release or the Oscar plasters together the half true and educated Valenti has sought to balloting," he said. the totally false, and from that he keep his employers, the movie stu- In the seven-page statement, Va- manufactures the plausible," Va- dios, as happy as possible without lenti said Stone's film was "a mon- lenti said in his statement. "No stirring controversy, despite his strous charade" based on "the hal- wonder that many young people, high profile in Hollywood and lucinatory bleatings of an author gripped by the movie, leave the the- Washington. named Jim Garrison, a discredited ater convinced they have'been wit- One of those employers, Warner former district attorney in New Or- ness to the truth." Bros., produced "JFK," which has leans." "In much the same way, young raised considerable debate over its The movie implies that Johnson German boys and girls in 1941 blend of speculation, fiction and was part of a government conspira- were mesmerized by Leni Reifen- fact. cy in the assassination of President stahl's 'Triumph of the Will,' in In a telephone interview, Valenti Kennedy. which Adolf Hitler was depicted as said he delayed attacking the movie "Does any sane human being tru- a newborn god," he said. "Both because of his job. ly believe that President Johnson, 'JFK' and 'Triumph of the Will' are "Warner Bros. is a member of the Warren Commission members, equally a propaganda masterpiece my association, and I owe them a law-enforcement officers, CIA, and equally a hoax. Mr. Stone and fidelity to my responsibility," he FBI, assorted thugs, weirdos, Fris- Leni Reifenstahl have another ge- said. "While this is a personal state- bee throwers, all conspired together netic linkage: Neither of them car- ment, I did not want to do anything as plotters in Garrison's wacky ried a disclaimer on their film that that, in the slightest way, would af- sightings?" he asked. "And then for its contents were mostly pure fic- fect this picture's journey and its 2 ) Kennedy killing 'pure fiction' chances of winning an Academy He added: "I am enormously that loyal. I have nothing but the Award." proud of the artistic and political highest regard for Jack." The movie, which won Acade- impact which `JFK' has had. I hope Valenti began working for John- my Awards on Monday night for Mr. Valenti, now that he has vent- son in 1955 when Johnson was the cinematography and editing, has ed his spleen, will join in support- Senate majority leader, and later grossed more than $68 million in ing the joint House-Senate resolu- served at the White House as John- the United States. tion that all government files in the son's assistant from 1963 to 1966. Valenti said he had told Warner assassination of President Kennedy Valenti handled the press during Bros. that he planned to issue a be opened so that the American the visit of Kennedy and Johnson, statement but had not provided the people can have a fuller under- then vice president, to Dallas on text to the studio. standing of that tragedy and its Nov. 22, 1963. Stone, who received a copy of continuing implications for our de- In his statement, Valenti said: the statement from Valenti late mocracy." "My own rebuttal to Mr. Stone Wednesday afternoon, said by tel- Robert A. Daly, chairman of comes down to this: I was there, ephone: Warner Bros., said the company and he wasn't." "While I respect Jack Valenti's supported Stone but understood Valenti stated that he stood be- enduring loyalty to President John- Valenti's fury. side Johnson when he was sworn son, I find his emotional diatribe "Our feeling is very simple," Da- in on the plane carrying Kennedy's off the mark. The overwhelming ly said. "We support the movie. We coffin, that he lived at the White majority of Americans — and not think it's a wonderful movie. We House for two months afterward, just the young, whom Mr. Valenti have the utmost regard for what that he "read every paper that puts down as too impressionable - Oliver Stone did. As far as Jack Va- crossed the president's desk, in- agree with the central thesis of my lenti is concerned, the fact that he's cluding the most top-secret docu- film: that President Kennedy was loyal to LBJ is admirable, and I ments, andVa's an ear-witness to killed by a conspiracy, which in- would hope anybody who worked many of his most confidential cluded people in the government." for me for all those years would be phone conversations." .
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