Experts talk about the latest treatments for breast cancer. HEALTH-PAGE C7 READY REFERENCE l»lr classified sectww jS^eattheReference Desk Your hometown newspaper October 1,2006 serving Westland for 42 years 75 cents WINNERS OF OVER 100 STATE AND NATIONAL AWARDS SINCE 2001 www.hometownlife.com orders prison time in salon shooting BY DARRELL CLEM her job, and he had earlier STAFF WRITER threatened to kill her, said now-retired Westland police A gunman who opened fire Sgt. James Dexter. in a Westland nail salon where Nguyen went to Golden his wife worked will spend 1272 Nails, confronted Hoang, to 25 years in prison for trying pointed a handgun at his face to kill her boss. and pulled the trigger, but Andy Nguyen, convicted of police said it didn't initially trying to Mil his wife's boss for fire. refusing to fire her, learned his He again tried to get the gun fate Friday during his sentenc­ to fire as he and Hoang began ing by Wayne County Circuit struggling near the back of the PHOtOS H TOM HAWLEYI STAFF PHOTOGRAPHS Judge Bruce Morrow. salon, where Hoang had been Artists Andrea Irwin and Martine MacDonald show off one of four Andy Warhol style palntmgs Irwin has done as part of the Downriver Council Nguyen went to Golden eating lunch, Dexter said. for the Arts exhibit, "Resurrected Voices: The Eioise Cemetery Project." The two women are curators of a multi-media exhibit that honors the Nails salon, near Merriman Hoang was hit on the head more than 7,000 people buried in the cemetery. and Cherry Hill, and fired a with the gun, and Nguyen then .40-caliber handgun during a fired several shots into the ceil­ struggle with owner Dung ing and wall. Hoang on the afternoon of Feb. One bullet grazed Hoang's 28. head, Dexter has said. On Friday, Hoang commend­ Hoang managed to subdue ed the sentence imposed by Nguyen and seize the gun from Morrow. him as Nguyen's wife and oth­ "I am very happy about it," ers fled the salon, police have Hoang said, reached by tele­ said. phone at his salon. Ultimately, Nguyen fled the Nguyen's sentencing came salon through a back door, but after a Wayne County jury in police captured him as he ran BY SUE MASON Council for the Arts in Taylor. August convicted him of around to the front parking lot STAFF WRITER "It was like something out of the assault with intent to murder of the strip mall where Golden Twilight Zone; if the power hadn't and felony firearms. Nails is located. t's not easy to find the Eioise gone out, I wouldn't have gone there Aside from his sentence for A jury in August heard testi- Cemetery, nestled among some and I wouldn't have had a conversa­ trying to kill Hoang, Nguyen mony for part of two days. Ipine trees off Henry Ruff in tion with Martine," Irwin said. "I feel will spend an additional two Jurors returned a guilty verdict Westland's south end. some of those souls wanted their years in prison for the felony Aug. 30 — the same day they But somehow Andrea Irwin did story to be told " firearms conviction, according started their deliberations, when a day trip to visit antique The goal of the exhibition is "to to a clerk in Morrow's court­ police Sgt. Michael Harhold stores along Michigan Avenue was give some honor to these individuals room. has said. short-circuited by a power outage. who, when they were alive, were Nguyen's wife no longer Harhold, who handled the When she saw the cemetery, she marginalized," said MacDonald, the works at the salon, Hoang said case after Dexter retired, has immediately thought of her friend DCA gallery education coordinator. Friday. called the verdict "appropriate Martine MacDonald who, she knew, Titled "Resurrected Voices: The Nguyen, a Dearborn Heights and just." was doirig drawings of Mt. Carmel Eioise Cemetery Project," the exhibi­ resident, was upset that his Cemetery ill Wyandotte. tion will feature 40 pieces of original estranged wife wouldn't quit dclemihometowniife.com I (734) 953-2110 It led to a conversation about their artwork, while the opening ceremo­ collaborating on an art project relat­ ny Thursday, Oct. 1Q? will include A participating artist placed a flower near one ed to the cemetery and ended up as poetry readings and music, also of the graves in the Eioise Cemetery to paint a multi-media exhibit that opens for the show. later this month at the Downriver MASESEEELOISE, A5 School board voices Here's chance to win a fabulous shopping spree The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Utica Park Blvd.); Four Season Observer & Eccentric Newspapers or BY SUE MASON ing has been lacking the last and area merchants are teaming up to Sunrooms. 5245 Jackson Road, Ann online at www.hometownlife.com. STAFF WRITER five years and it's time citizens send six lucky winners on a home shop­ Arbor; and Mattress & Futon Shoppe Be sure to read HometowiiLIFE.com wake up to the fact." ping spree. (32767 Woodward, Birmingham; 42489 on Oct. 5 for stories and information on The Wayne-Westland school The proposal, if approved It's all part of Fabulous Living 2006 to Ford Road, Canton; 31629 Plymouth news styles in furniture. board has gone on record in would increase current funding be featured in our HometownLIFE.com Road, Livonia; Novi Towne Center, Novi; The Oct. 12 edition will feature infor­ support of school funding pro­ for public education and section on Thursdays, Oct. 5,12,19 and and 33536 Rochester Road, Troy). mation on flooring, window treatments posal that will be before'voters require the state to provide 26. Winning is easy. Each participating and walls. Need information on what's in the November general elec­ increases equal to the rate of You could be one of six lucky winners merchant will have official Fabulous new in kitchens and bathrooms, see the tion. inflation for public schools, who will receive a $1,000 gift certificate Living 2006 entry forms available begin­ Oct. 19 edition ofHometownLIFE.com. The board voted 6-0, with intermediate school districts, to shop at Pine Tree Lighting, 1447 S. ning Oct. 5. You may enter one time at The final installment of Fabulous Living Trustee Steve Beecher absent, community colleges and higher Lapeer Road, Lake Orion; Mason Family each store so you'll want to visit each 2006 will feature stories and information to support Proposal 5, the K-16 education, including state uni­ Furniture, 32104 Plymouth Road, store (several merchants have multiple about home entertainment centers, game funding proposal, for "the ben­ versities and financial aid/grant Livonia; World of Floors, 43711 Ford locations) and increase your chances of rooms, great rooms, sun rooms and much efit of the public education programs. Road, Canton and and 29321 Orchard winning. more. community and all public edu­ It also would require the Lake Road, Farmington Hills; Value CSty You must be at least 18 years old to When you visit participating mer­ cation students in the State of state to fund deficiencies in the Furniture (Westland — 37001 Warren enter. All entries have an equal chance of chants, be sure to look for the Fabulous Michigan." School Aid Fund from the Road; Dearborn — 5701 Mercury Drive; being drawn. Deadline to enter is 5 p.m. Living 2006 in-store display and entry "I'm very proud of this dis­ General Fund, base funding for Warren — 29134 Van Dyke Avenue; Novi Tuesday, Oct. 31. forms. trict and this board for adopt­ districts with declining enroll- - 43620 West Oaks Drive; Taylor — Look for the entry form in your Complete contest rules are available at ing this resolution," said 23859 Eureka Road; and Utica — 45350 Thursday and Sunday editions of the participating merchants. Trustee Ed Turner. "State fund­ PIEASESEEPR0P5.A4 © The Observer Coming Thursday & Eccentric INDEX in Filter For Home Newspapers APARTMENTS D8 Delivery call: A Great AUTOMOTIVE E4 Volume 42 H0MET0WNL1FE CI (866) 887-2737 D7 Number 37 Priority Community CROSSWORD films Investment! CLASSIFIEDS D2-E6 Credit Union JOBS D1 Some 14 Month CD NEW HOMES El OBITUARIES C4 rehashes, Look inside for details PERSPECTIVES A7 and some and see hew you're eligible III! REAL ESTATE 06 to join ear Credit Union. SERVICE GUIDE D5 eANMETT SPORTS Bl ideas. (W) Observer & Eccentric j Sunday, October 1,2006 LOCAL NEWS wivw.hometoicnltfe.com Wrtrtftftflrt^Afl^rtrtftrtrtrtrtrtrtrtflrtrtrtrtrtftAftrtrtfl^rtf CALL US FOR ALL OCCASIONS - FOR CATERING VINTAGE MARKET Local man has spot 29501 Ann Arbor Trail (Just W. of Middlebelt) Open M-Th 9am-9pm, (734) 422-0160 Fri. & Sat. 9am-10pm, Sun 9-8pm in 'Detroit SWAT' Sales Prices Good Monday 10/1 -Sunday 10/8 • Bridge Card & All Major Credit Cards Accepted Dearborn Brand USDR Grade R USDfl Select BY STEPHANIE AfJGELYN CASOLA Executive producers from A&E Television Smoked Pork Chops Boneless Skinless Delmonico Steaks . STAFF WRITER ' w .;[•'."•. Network approached the Detroit Police $999 Chicken $ Jason Brasgalla, a Detroit Police officer raised in Livonia, will be among those featured Degrtm^tw^JteWea^ Breast LB. 'WoaJ 3 LS. I 7 in an A&E network show called Detroit SWAT. Lean Si Meaty Hamburger From USDfl Select The series follows real-life situations that ined his work would lead to a reality television Slew Beef Ground Chuck Sirloin Tip Roast police officers encounter as members of a show. Executive producers from A&E .5 lbs. or Special Weapons and Tactics team. It began Television Network approached the Detroit More $ with a focus on Dallas officers and is expand­ Police Department with the idea.
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