Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 Release Date 31 October 2017 For Activity Between 01/04/2016 and 31/03/2017 Contact Arun Kalia Organisation & Governance Directorate, Performance and Intelligence Team 01332 643450 Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 2. Contents Page Number Contents 3 Total Number of Safeguarding Concerns 4 Number of individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries 5 Number of individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries by Gender 7 Number of individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries by Age Band 9 Number of individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries by Ethnicity 11 Concluded Section 42 Enquiries by Type of Risk 13 Concluded Section 42 Enquiries by Location of Risk 15 Concluded Section 42 Enquiries by Source of Risk 17 Concluded Section 42 Enquiries by Risk Assessment Outcomes 19 Concluded Section 42 Enquiries by Risk Outcomes 20 Concluded Section 42 Enquiries by Mental Capacity Organisation and Governance Directorate, Source: Adult User Survey 2016/17 Performance and Intelligence Team Page 2 of 21 Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 3 - Total Number of Safeguarding Concerns Comparator 2015/16 2016/17 No. of Safeguarding Concerns -2016/17 Authorities Comparator Authorities National Comparator Avg Bolton 830 880 la enq comp national Bury 1050 1745 350019.0 Coventry 3105 1635 2414 Calderdale 1785 2730 19.0 Dudley 2810 1635 2414 Coventry 2010 3105 300019.0 Calderdale 2730 1635 2414 Darlington 0 830 19.0 Wolverham 2520 1635 2414 Derby 2261 2347 250019.0 Rotherham 2455 1635 2414 Dudley 2090 2810 19.0 Derby 2347 1635 2414 Kirklees 0 0 200019.0 Walsall 1810 1635 2414 Medway Towns 965 1000 19.0 Bury 1745 1635 2414 Oldham 740 660 150019.0 Stockton-O 1210 1635 2414 Rochdale 1005 920 Telford and 1130 1635 2414 Rotherham 2555 2455 100019.0 Medway To 1000 1635 2414 Stockton-On-Tees 1070 1210 19.0 Rochdale 920 1635 2414 Telford and Wrekin 890 1130 50019.0 Bolton 880 1635 2414 Walsall 1505 1810 19.0 Darlington 830 1635 2414 Wolverhampton 2035 2520 19.00 Oldham 660 1635 2414 19.0 Kirklees 0 1635 2414 Comparator Avg 1299 1635 National 2046 2414 Commentary from Performance and Intelligence Team - A Safeguarding Concern is a sign of suspected abuse or neglect that is reported to the council or identified by the council. Derby has 2347 Safeguarding Concerns during 2016/17. This is 3% higher than the previous year (2261) and significantly higher than our comparator authorities' average (1635) but slightly lower than the national average of 2414. Organisation and Governance Directorate, Performance and Intelligence Team Page 3 of 21 Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 4 - Number of Individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries Comparator 2015/16 2016/17 No. of Individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries - 2016/17 Authorities Bolton 375 320 la enqComparatorcomp Authorities nationalNational Comparator Avg Bury 365 395 19.0 Calderdale 1490 540 722 1600 Calderdale 150 1490 19.0 Derby 1008 540 722 Coventry 970 920 140019.0 Coventry 920 540 722 Darlington 410 535 19.0 Stockton-O 570 540 722 Derby 665 1008 120019.0 Wolverham 560 540 722 Dudley 470 510 19.0 Rotherham 540 540 722 1000 Kirklees 130 115 19.0 Darlington 535 540 722 Medway Towns 245 260 80019.0 Dudley 510 540 722 Oldham 150 295 19.0 Rochdale 495 540 722 Rochdale 755 495 60019.0 Bury 390 540 722 Rotherham 565 535 19.0 Walsall 330 540 722 400 Stockton-On-Tees 565 570 19.0 Bolton 320 540 722 Telford and Wrekin 370 305 20019.0 Telford and 305 540 722 Walsall 400 330 19.0 Oldham 300 540 722 Wolverhampton 395 565 19.00 Medway To 255 540 722 19.0 Kirklees 115 540 722 Comparator Avg 436 541 National 682 722 Commentary from Performance and Intelligence Team - A concluded safeguarding enquiry is when all the necessary information gathering is complete and all the necessary actions have been agreed. Derby has 1008 individuals with Section 42 Safeguarding Enquiries during 2016/17. This is a 52% increase from the previous year. This is also higher than the national average of 722 and significantly higher than our comparator authorities' average (541). Organisation and Governance Directorate, Performance and Intelligence Team Page 4 of 21 Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 5 - Individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries - results by Gender 2016/17 Individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries for Males - 2016/17 Calderdale Comparator Authorities All Male Female Comparator525 Authorities 215 National288 Comparator Avg Derby 500 399 215 288 Bolton 320 125 195 19.0 Coventry 335 215 288 Bury 395 155 240 19.0 Stockton-O 335 215 288 Calderdale 1490 525 965 400 19.0 Darlington 225 215 288 Coventry 920 335 585 19.0 Dudley 220 215 288 Darlington 535 225 310 19.0 Rochdale 215 215 288 Derby 1008 399 609 300 19.0 Rotherham 200 215 288 Dudley 510 220 290 19.0 Wolverham 169 215 288 Kirklees 115 55 60 19.0 Bury 155 215 288 Medway Towns 260 100 160 200 19.0 Walsall 140 215 288 Oldham 295 120 175 19.0 Bolton 125 215 288 Rochdale 495 215 280 19.0 Telford and 125 215 288 Rotherham 535 200 330 100 19.0 Oldham 120 215 288 Stockton-On-Tees 570 335 235 19.0 Medway To 100 215 288 Telford and Wrekin 305 125 180 19.0 Kirklees 55 215 288 Walsall 330 140 190 0 19.0 19.2 Wolverhampton 565 169 234 19.0 19.2 Comparator Avg 541 215 315 National 722 288 432 Organisation and Governance Directorate, Performance and Intelligence Team Page 5 of 21 Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 Individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries for Females 2016/17 Comparator Authorities All Male Female Comparator Authorities National Comparator Avg la count comp nat Bolton 320 125 195 1000 Calderdale 965 315 432 Bury 395 155 240 Derby 609 315 432 Calderdale 1490 525 965 900 Coventry 585 315 432 Coventry 920 335 585 800 Rotherham 330 315 432 Darlington 535 225 310 Darlington 310 315 432 Derby 1008 399 609 700 Dudley 290 315 432 Dudley 510 220 290 600 Rochdale 280 315 432 Kirklees 115 55 60 Bury 240 315 432 Medway Towns 260 100 160 500 Stockton-O 235 315 432 Oldham 295 120 175 Wolverham 234 315 432 400 Rochdale 495 215 280 Bolton 195 315 432 Rotherham 535 200 330 300 Walsall 190 315 432 Stockton-On-Tees 570 335 235 Telford and 180 315 432 200 Telford and Wrekin 305 125 180 Oldham 175 315 432 Walsall 330 140 190 100 Medway To 160 315 432 Wolverhampton 565 169 234 Kirklees 60 315 432 0 Comparator Avg 541 215 315 National 722 288 432 Commentary from Performance and Intelligence Team - In 2016/17, Derby has a higher number of individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries than our comparator authorities' average and national average for both Males and Females. Females (60%) have a higher percentage of Section 42 Enquiries rate than Males (40%) in Derby. Organisation and Governance Directorate, Performance and Intelligence Team Page 6 of 21 Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 6 - Individuals involved in Section 42 Enquiries - results by Age Band 2016/17 Section 42 Enquiries - Age 18 to 64 2016/17 Comparator Age band 65 - 74 75-84 85-94 95+ Comparator Authorities National Comparator Avg Authorities 18-64 450 Derby 381 171 260 Bolton 115 45 80 70 10 40019.0 Calderdale 320 171 260 Bury 95 45 110 115 25 19.0 Darlington 240 171 260 350 Calderdale 320 165 360 530 105 19.0 Rotherham 200 171 260 Coventry 190 125 260 285 60 30019.0 Coventry 190 171 260 Darlington 240 60 110 105 20 19.0 Dudley 190 171 260 Derby 381 118 189 255 62 25019.0 Stockton-O 190 171 260 Dudley 190 70 110 120 20 19.0 Wolverham 185 171 260 200 Kirklees 25 10 35 35 10 19.0 Rochdale 170 171 260 Medway Towns 60 40 70 75 10 15019.0 Oldham 135 171 260 Oldham 135 30 65 55 15 19.0 Walsall 130 171 260 Rochdale 170 75 110 110 30 10019.0 Bolton 115 171 260 Rotherham 200 70 125 110 35 5019.0 Telford and 105 171 260 Stockton-On-Tees 190 60 130 160 30 19.0 Bury 95 171 260 Telford and Wrekin 105 45 65 75 15 019.0 Medway To 60 171 260 Walsall 130 40 65 85 10 19.0 Kirklees 25 171 260 Wolverhampton 185 65 125 155 30 19.0 19.2 Comparator Avg 171 66 126 146 30 National 260 89 160 176 34 Organisation and Governance Directorate, Performance and Intelligence Team Page 7 of 21 Safeguarding Adults Analysis 2016/17 Comparator Age band Section 42 Enquiries - Age 85 to 94 2016/17 65 - 74 75-84 85-94 95+ Authorities 18-64 Calderdale Comparator Authorities530 146National 176 Comparator Avg Bolton 115 45 80 70 10 Coventry 285 146 176 600 Bury 95 45 110 115 25 Derby 255 146 176 Calderdale 320 165 360 530 105 Stockton-O 160 146 176 Coventry 190 125 260 285 60 500 Wolverham 155 146 176 Darlington 240 60 110 105 20 Dudley 120 146 176 Derby 381 118 189 255 62 400 Bury 115 146 176 Dudley 190 70 110 120 20 Rochdale 110 146 176 Kirklees 25 10 35 35 10 Rotherham 110 146 176 Medway Towns 60 40 70 75 10 300 Darlington 105 146 176 Oldham 135 30 65 55 15 Walsall 85 146 176 Rochdale 170 75 110 110 30 200 Medway To 75 146 176 Rotherham 200 70 125 110 35 Telford and 75 146 176 190 60 130 160 30 Stockton-On-Tees 100 Bolton 70 146 176 Telford and Wrekin 105 45 65 75 15 Oldham 55 146 176 Walsall 130 40 65 85 10 Kirklees 35 146 176 Wolverhampton 185 65 125 155 30 0 Comparator Avg 171 66 126 146 30 National 260 89 160 176 34 Commentary from Performance and Intelligence Team - The majority of Section 42 Enquiries are undertaken for adults aged between 18 and 64.
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