6 The Workers Voice. Friday, Nov. 8, 1985 =z.=^=:===(Continued from page 5)========= HOW ABOUT THAT a politically aware public, conscious of their The Other Overheard following the election of iVIr. rights and their duties in a democratic society, Frederick Wade as the new leader of the Pro would not be so susceptible to the UBP sys­ gressive Labour Party by \hn Ueleyaies last tem of patronage. A system that rewards ev­ week: "Had the Party put as much efiipiiasis, eryone — from the politicians that mn for Alternative made as many phone calls, and did as tnuch them, to people who are fortunate enough to By ALVIN WILLIAMS lobbying for the General Election as they did get a government house, in a Bermuda with a the two days prior to the election of the new severe housing crisis. course", is, at the moment, a cruel delusion leader, the Progressive Labour Party would This sets up the feeling on the part of a ten­ and, for the fonner leader of the PLP to talk now be the Government of Bermuda!" Asked ant, that he/she has a moral obligation to sup­ of some type of "victory", is only to leave to elaborate, the spokesperson said: "One port the government that supplied the house. herself open to derision and ridicule. delegate to the Friday night meeting had been Rather than a recognition that it is the peop­ As a Party, we are not only NOT going called no less than four times, asking for his les' money (in the form of taxes) that pays from stretch to strei^th, we are not even support for one of the leadership candidates. for the construction of that house. And that taking steps to halt the slipping away of poli­ One lady was even called from her sick-bed to it is the DUTY of Government, to look after tical support. appear at the meeting to vote." its citizens. At one time, the PLP could claim the sup­ port of three quarters of the black vote in "old guard". These decisions, though demo­ DERISION AND RIDICULE cratically taken, have already handicapped This system of patronage, that has played tills country. In this election, that suppf)rt has shrunk to half (possible a third) of that vote, that new beginning for the PLP. so heavy a role in this election; the clumsy In order to create a new reality for the system of registering to vote which, in reaUty, which is now spUt three ways — between the PLP, the NLP and the UBP. PLP, Mr. Wade must now prove that he is his is a mechanism to DlScourage participation own man, and not a "catspaw" of the former in the political process, by the urmecessary HIS OWN MAN? PLP leader, Mrs. Browne-Evans. need to register every year, are some of the I have the greatest respect for Mr. Freder­ At the centre of this new reality, must be factors which helped the UBP to victory — ick Wade, the new leader of the PLP. But, the process of consensus and of creating the not just in this election, but in those gone by. in the minds of many people, he Is deemed conditions for the broadening of the Parly's No one in this election has won a REAL to be too close to the former leader of the political base — without throwing away the victory, apart from a legal electoral result. PLP, Mrs. Browne-Evans. roots. It is not a real victory for the democratic pro­ 1 admit that, ideologically, 1 have no prob­ A failure to create these conditions will cess, because a significant number of Bermu­ lem with Mr. Wade. But it is not for me to show the accession of Mr. Wade to the leader­ dian citizens chose not to participate. say; it is for the people to say. And, at this ship of the PLP NOT (as party leaders are It is not a victory for the NLP or the PLP, point in time, many want an image, a symbol saying) as a new beginning, but rather as the because the end result of their poUtical con­ of healing, and many feel that that image beginning of the end. flict is a weakened political opposition for the would have been Mr. Walter Roberts. For we would have created the seeds for a country as a whole. Likewise, the selection of PLP represent­ new split, which would see the Progressive Talk on the part of the PLP of a "viable atives in the Senate should have reflected Labour Party passing from Bermuda's politi­ political party", ready to "chart a new that new beginning — not a reinforcing of the cal scene. PUTTING HUMPTY DUMPTY BACK TOGETHER ... ===^=====(Continued from page 2)======== would not win a seat, virtually all agreed that Even Mrs. Browne-Evans and Mr. Frederick done nothing wrong and to answer the letter its presence would not bode well for the Pro­ Wade saw significant inroads into their huge would condone what they considered to be a gressive Labour Party in the forthcoming elec­ majority, by UBP lightweights, Mr. Walter grave injustice. None-the-less, their refusal to tion. Cross and Mr. Colin Benbow. Alone, among answer the letter from the Delegates resulted This belief motivated a number of well- the Browne-Evans team, Ms. Jennifer Smith in their expulsion. meaning persons to approach both Parties, made a creditable showing. The PLP were The actual expulsion reflected different with a view to persuading them to join forces, sent a clear message that it was time for fund­ viewpoints as to what was in the best interests to fight the United Bermuda Party. This eff­ amental change. of the Party. Those like Mr. Wade, who ort was rejected out of hand by the National Given what appeared to me to be obvious argued in favour of the expulsions, believed Liberal Party. facts, I am certain I shared the amazement of that the dissenting MPs should have kept the It seemed to many that the NLP was bent many when, following the resignation of Mrs. whole matter out of the press, because such on committing political suicide. It was there­ Lois Browne-Evans, the Delegates' Conference exposure was hurting the Party. The MPs in fore with some astonishment, that I learned elected her staunch supporters to the Senate question were of the view that their constit­ that two NLP candidates had been elected; and to the Party Leadership. uents were already aware of their expressed a third had narrowly missed election and a It was almost as if the Delegates had read concerns and were pleased that their dissatis­ fourth, Lionel Simmons, had made a very cre­ the disastrous results of the last election as an faction was being addressed. ditable showing. In the elation of the mom­ endorsement for the "failed" policies and This latter point was much in evidence, ent, it was easy to understand Mr. Thomas' methods of Mrs. Browne-Evans. during the series of public meetings con­ optimism that the NLP was a political reality. Mr. Wade has unflinchingly backed the pol­ ducted by the MP's. These meetings were at­ But what did that victory really mean? For icies which have brought about the disastrous tended by crowds numbering from 150 to me it meant the following: results of the last election. If this man is to 250, most of whom expressed unreserved sup­ Public relations and advertising do not sub­ lead the Progressive Labour Party out of the port for the stand taken by the MP's. stitute for the exposition of real issues and political wastelands, he will have to undertake Encouraged by the response from the meet­ door-to-door campaigning. a change in attitude and approach, which ings, coupled with the results of an opinion The electorate agreed that the Progressive would make that which turned Saul into St. poll, the "four" decided to take active steps Labour Party needed new Leadership. Paul pale into insignificance. to re-enter the Party. This was accomplished The electorate rewarded the courage and Should he succeed in this task, it would by urging four branches to call a Special Dele­ integrity of the expelled MP's. truly be a case of PUTTING HUMPTY DUM­ gates' Conference, to lift the expulsions. The electorate showed itself capable of PTY BACK TOGETHER AGAIN ^without This move failed, after considerable effort making up its collective mind about the NLP, the benefit of either the king's horses or the by the Party Leadership to prevent it. Subse despite continuous negative reporting by im­ king's men! quentiy, responding to the urgings of its grow­ portant segments of the press media. ing following; annoyed by Indifferent treat­ The electorate slated firmly that the PLP ment in the House of Parliament, while sit­ needed to change direction. ting as Independents and stung by the increa POLITICAL WASTELANDS sing taunts of the Leader of the Opposition, A word about the last point. Not only did to form a third Party, the four men and their the electorate make a strong statement in sup supporters launched the National Liberal Par­ port of the four MP's who founded the NLP, ty. but it rejected two senior members of the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE PLP Leadership team, in Mr. Alex Scott and While many felt certain that the new Party Mr. David Allen. .
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