Cat gall bladder Reem et. al. Anatomical forms of Domestic Cat (Felis catus do- I mesticus ) gall bladder in Egypt with its relation to their biliary system 1 1 2 1 II Reem R.T. *, Alaa H.E. , Farghali H.A. , Maher M.A. 1 Department of Anatomy and Embryology, faculty of veterinary medicine, Cairo University, III Egypt. 2 Department of Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology, faculty of veterinary medicine, Cairo University, Egypt. With 9 figures. Received January, accepted for publication February,2019 IV Digit Abstract the liver to the right of the median th C In order to help veterinarians in appli- plane and close to the 8 intercostal cation of surgical procedures in cat space, and the gall bladder was seen Fig (8): Tarsal bones, Metatarsals and digits (with horny claws) of tree Kangaroo. Dorsal and detection of gall bladder disease both viscerally as well as the parietally view. (A), the plantar (solar) side of the foot of Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo after Flannery et al., so that, we gathered twenty-one do- (Dyce et al. 2010). 1999 (B) and the phalanges of the IV digit and the horny claw (C). mestic cats and concluded that three The differences in the forms of gall Ft fibular tarsal (calcaneus), Tt tibial tarsal (Talus), Ct central tarsal, Ta1,2,3,4 1st,2nd ,3rd,4th main forms were collected; single gall tarsal bones respectively, Mt 2,3,4,5 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th metatarsal bones respectively, P proximal bladder congenitally may be organized phalanx, M middle phalanx, D distal phalanx, s sesamoid bones. Roman numerals refer to bladder, duplex fundus and bilobed from the miscarriage of vacuoliation of digit numbers. gall bladder. Both the gall bladder the gall bladder and bile duct divertic- Notice 1) the joined II, III digits and the largest IV digit. forms and the hepatic ducts distribu- ulum (Mayhew et al. 2002). Gall blad- 2) The position of the “planter” sesamoid bones in the digits IV, V is at the plantar tion were not related. The bile duct was der malformations were monitored as surface of constructed from the left and right he- septated gall bladder, bilobed gall proximal extremity of the proximal phalanx. It is put here to show only its size. patic ducts in addition to the cystic one. bladder and Duplex gall bladder (Ma- In some cases, we explored that a hato, 2010 and Ergin et al. 2013). Also, short common hepatic duct. So- some diseases may affect the gall nographically, the gall bladder ap- bladder shape as emaciated without peared differ in conformance, encir- appetite cat would have distended cled by echogenic wall and adjacent to rounded gall bladder (Meyer, 2013). the right medial lobe laterally and the quadrate lobe medially. Using sonar devices for localizing the site of gall bladder, it was at the right Keywords: Gall bladder, bile duct, cranial part of abdomen (Kook, 2013). A B C D E F G Fig (9): Solar view of: hepatic duct, corrosive cast, cat. Only the gall bladder and cystic duct A Brushtail possum, B Musky rat-kangaroo, C Black Dorcopsis, D Black-footed rock-wallaby, can be simply monitored ultraso- E Bennett’s tree-kangaroo, F Grizzled tree-kangaroo, G Lumholtz’s tree-kangaroo. Introduction nographically in normal cats while the (Source: Flannery et al., 1999. Retrieved from: http://thetreehare.blogspot.co.uk/) The gall bladder was situated between rest extrahepatic and intrahepatic the right medial and quadrate lobes of structures were not detected except in J. Vet. Anat. 35 Vol. 12, No. 1, (2019) 35 - 49 Cat gall bladder Reem et. al. a diseased condition (Penninck et al. We explored another 3 live cats; by us- Pear shaped gall bladder (Figs. 3C) duct (Figs. 5A, B, D/1) was relatively 2010 and D’Anjou & Penninck, 2015). ing the B-mode scan (Pie medical) or was curved with broad fundus, slightly long and coiled, The left hepatic duct The gall bladder, cystic duct, bile duct Doppler device (EXAGO, Echo control concave hepatic surface, convex gas- (Figs. 5A,B,D/3) established by the lo- and hepatic duct composed the biliary medical, France) with a linear multi fre- tric surface and folded neck connected bar ducts from both left and quadrate system (Center, 2009 and Kook, quency transducer using a frequency with zigzag cystic duct. The distended lobes and it received ,in most cases 2013). Three to five hepatic ducts in of 7.5 MHz. After that the same cats fundus gall bladder (fig.3D) was large the papillary process branch (Fig. cats opened in to the cystic duct to were euthanized as mentioned for the and rounded joined with wide body 5D/3,8,9,10,15). The right hepatic duct form the bile duct after the fusion with radiological examination. For obtaining which decreases upward to reach by (Figs. 5A, B, D/2) was established by the last hepatic duct (Brockman, contrast X-ray films, the specimens the narrow neck. The truncated fundus the joining of the right medial lobar 2013). A short common hepatic duct were injected by lead oxide dissolved gall bladder (fig.3E) has a shorter left duct (from the right medial lobe) and received the cystic duct constructing in turpentine oil into the major duode- fundic end and a narrow-bended neck the right lateral lobar duct (drained the the bile duct (Budras & Habel, 2003). nal papilla. The films were taken by us- attaching with a coiled cystic duct. right lateral lobe as well as the caudate ing the radiographic device (Fisher im- process by the Ramus processus cau- Duplex fundus gall bladder (fig. 4A) Material and Methods aging, Chicago, USA). datus) (Fig. 5D/2, 5, 16, 17). It must be was a single gall bladder with two The experiments were conducted by noted that the right hepatic duct in broad fundic parts which were divided the international ethical standards set Results three specimens was only formed by externally only by a sagittal groove and by the institutional animal care and use In the most of the gathered cat livers, the union of the right lateral and right a single body and neck. It was situated committee (Vet. CU. IACUC) the gall bladder was situated in the medial lobar ducts which drained their in a very deep fossa (fig. 1C) of gall VetCU1111201808. The present study fossa of gall bladder more superficial respective lobes (Figs. 5A, B/2, 16, bladder made by the whole the quad- was constructed on twenty-one do- between the right medial (fig.1c) and 17). In such conditions, the branch of rate lobe and has a small part of the mestic cats (Felis catus domesticus) the quadrate lobes (fig. 1d) where its the caudate process opened directly right medial one. which were adult, apparently healthy ends did not extend to the liver ventral into the bile duct (Figs. 5A, B/4, 5). of both sexes with average body margin, also appear on visceral sur- Bilobed gall bladder (fig. 4B) with both In the second Group, in some speci- weight; 2.900-3.500 Kg. The animals face only (fig. 1A). In another speci- double fundus and corpus attached mens, the bile duct was formed by the were euthanized using I\V10 mg/kg Di- mens, the gall bladder clarified on the with single neck which narrowing grad- union of the cystic duct with a short azepam. Nine cats were dissected liver parietal surface at the level of the ually to join a twisting cystic duct. A th common hepatic duct (Figs. 5C, 6): freshly for gall bladder morphology 7 intercostal space (Figs.1B, C, D huge fossa of gall bladder was sur- The cystic duct (Figs. 5C, 6/1) was then fixed by 10% formalin. Another &2),also they were more larger in size rounded viscerally by right medial and long and tortious. The common he- nine cats were injected with colored la- and length to out stretch nearly to the quadrate lobes and both lobes of gall patic duct (Figs. 5C, 6/ 6) was short, tex neoprene into the major duodenal level of the liver ventral borders . bladder appeared while parietally only established by the fusion of the left he- papilla and then fixed by freezing or by In our work on cat gall bladder, three the ventral part of left lobe of gall blad- patic duct collected both left lobes and formalin overnight. Further dissection main forms were collected; single gall der was viewed. occurred and then transferred to con- bladder, duplex fundus and bilobed papillary process (Fig. 5C/3, 9, 10, 15) centrate HCL for three days. The spec- gall bladder. The present investigation classified as well as receiving the duct of the imens were photographed using Olym- the formation of the bile duct and the quadrate lobe in one specimen (Fig. In most of the specimens the gall blad- pus digital camera SP-600UZ 12 mega terminations of the hepatic ducts into 6/8), while the right hepatic duct der was single, with different shapes; pixel. The anatomical nomenclature two groups; The first most common drained the right medial lobe branch relatively large oval (Fig.3A, B) or pear used in this study was in accordance where the bile duct was formed by the and the quadrate lobar branch (Fig. shaped (Figs. 3C) or distended fundus with the Nomina Anatomica Veteri- cystic duct with the left and right he- 5C/2,8). In such specimens, the right (fig.3D) or truncated fundus (fig.3E). naria 2017 (6th edition). patic ducts (Figs.5A, B, D), The cystic lateral lobar branch and the branch of J.
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