Dear Pierce County Resident: As we prepare this Primary Voters’ Pamphlet, the first for the 21st Century, let us reflect back on the past 100 years. The beginning of the 20th Century found us voting on paper ballots with locked boxes as the only security. Ballots were tallied by hand and in many locations learning the results could be as long as a month after the election. In the 1930’s the lever machines made their debut and in Pierce County they remained until 1992 when they were replaced with the OPTECH III-P Eagles and IV-C’s. 1971 brought the 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution which legally changed the voting age from 21 to 18. Although it was believed that more youth would vote with the lowering of age it has not proven to be. Our youth remain the age group that has the lowest number voting. 1992 was the year of change. Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act. Motor Voter and mail-in registration became the law along with ongoing absentees. Pierce County purchased the OPTECH III-P Eagles to process and tabulate the ballots from the polls and IV-C’s for the absentees. Between 1992 and today over 61% of all registered voters have chosen to vote by ongoing absentee ballot and out of those receiving their ballots by mail 74% to 86% vote in all elections. Pierce County has the highest voter turnout in the State. What’s next? Limited trials are being conducted on internet voting at this time, but many questions remain unanswered because security of the vote must be protected. As we reflect back over the last 100 years it’s fun to imagine what the next 100 will bring. The Pierce County Election Department is and has been on the cutting edge of security, accountability and voter turnout. They are a great group of employees and all Pierce County residents should be proud to have them serving you. If you ever have any questions, please give me a call at (253) 798-3189 or drop by our Election Center at 3009 South 36th Street to see the voting process firsthand. It’s open five days a week, ten days before and after a Primary or Special Election, and fifteen days before and after a General Election. Make Democracy work - Vote. Sincerely, CATHY PEARSALL-STIPEK, CPO Pierce County Auditor SAMPLE BALLOT SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 — PRIMARY ELECTION United States Representive, Candidate Party Key: State Auditor D=DEMOCRAT District No. 9 o Brian Sonntag (D) o Chris Vance (R) o Chris Caputo (LBT) LBT=LIBERTARIAN o Adam Smith (D) o Richard McEntee (R) o Jonathan V. Wright (LBT) NL=NATURAL LAW o Gary Snell (R) Attorney General NM=NATURAL MEDICINE Governor o Christine Gregoire (D) o Gary Locke (D) o Stan Lippmann (NM) NP= NON-PARTISAN o Harold Hochstatter (R) o Luanne Coachman (NL) o Meta Heller (D) o Richard Pope (R) R=REPUBLICAN o Steve W. LePage (LBT) o Richard Shepard (LBT) o John Carlson (R) RFM=REFORM Commissioner of Public Lands Partisan Positions Lieutenant Governor o Georgia Gardner (D) o Lonnie W. Williams Sr. (D) o Steve Layman (LBT) United States Senator o Brad Owen (D) o Patrick A. Parrish (R) o Maria Cantwell (D) o Joe K. Mitschelen (R) o Bob Penhale (D) o Robert Tilden Medley (D) o Ruth E. Bennett (LBT) o Mike The Mover (D) o Warren E. Hanson (R) o Wm. “Mike” Elliott (R) o Mike Lowry (D) o Barbara Lampert (D) o Jim O’Donnell (D) o Slade Gorton (R) o Tim Reid (D) o June Riggs (R) Secretary of State o Doug Sutherland (R) o Ken McCandless (R) o Chris Loftis (RFM) o Deborah Senn (D) o Charles Rolland (D) o Jeff Jared (LBT) o Don L. Bonker (D) Superintendent of o James Findley (R) Public Instruction United States Representative, o Sam Reed (R) o Allen Norman (D) o Arthur Hu (NP) District No. 6 o Mike Wensman (R) o Teresa “Terry” Bergeson (NP) o Norm Dicks (D) o J. Bradley Gibson (LBT) o David Blomstrom (NP) o William Edward Chovil (R) o Will Baker (R) o Donald B. Crawford (NP) o John Bennett (LBT) o Rand Daley (D) o Neil T.B. Helgeland (NP) o Bob Lawrence (R) o Bob Terwilliger (D) United States Representive, State Treasurer Insurance Commissioner o Mike Kreidler (D) District No. 8 o Mike Murphy (D) o Don Davidson (R) o Louis Bloom (D) o Heidi Behrens-Benedict (D) o Curtis Fackler (R) o Diane Rhoades (R) o Jennifer Dunn (R) o John Conniff (D) o Tim Perman (LBT) o Bernard McIlroy (LBT) o Mike Hihn (LBT) Sample Ballot, Cont. State Senator, 2nd District State Representative, 25th State Senator, 28th District o Marilyn Rasmussen(D) Legislative Dist., Position 1 o Shirley Winsley (R) o Dianna L. Hawkins (R) o Sarah Casada (R) o T. Clinton Lowry (D) o Linda Evans (no hyphen) Miller (R) o Richard Hildreth (D) o Richard “Dick” Muri (R) State Representative, 2nd State Representative, 25th State Representative, 28th Legislative Dist., Position 1 Legislative Dist., Position 2 Legislative Dist., Position 1 o Di Knutsen (R) o Rosemary Greenlaw (R) o Georganne “Gigi” Talcott (R) o Dave Morell (R) o Roger Bush (R) o Al Rose (D) o Abraham (Abe) Adams (D) o Adrienne Thompson (D) o Ron Bauer (D) State Representative, 28th o Carl Cash (R) o Tamara McFadden Kresse (D) Legislative Dist., Position 2 o Mike Carrell (R) State Representative, 2nd State Representative, 26th o Tami Green (D) Legislative Dist., Position 2 Legislative Dist., Position 1 o Randy Boss (R) o Tom Campbell (R) o Don Vandervelde (LBT) o Marianne Scott Krizek (D) State Representative, 29th o Patricia Lantz (D) Legislative Dist., Position 1 o Steve Conway (D) State Senator, 20th District State Representative, 26th o Dan Swecker (R) Legislative Dist., Position 2 o Mary Lou Kaffel (NL) o Lois McMahan (R) State Representative, 29th o Tom Beattie (D) o Steve Cain (R) Legislative Dist., Position 2 o Brock Jackley (D) o Nicholis Nelson (R) State Representative, 20th o Robert G. Meyers (D) o Steve Kirby (D) Legislative Dist., Position 1 o Jeannie Screws (D) o Gary W. Dunn (D) o Richard DeBolt (R) o Billy Johnson (D) o Carlos Perez (NL) State Senator, 27th District o Debbie Regala (D) State Representative, 30th State Representative, 20th State Representative, 27th Legislative Dist., Position 1 Legislative Dist., Position 2 Legislative Dist., Position 1 o Mark Miloscia (D) o Tom Pierson (R) o Gary Alexander (R) o Ruth Fisher (D) o Ed Barney (R) o Bruce Brown (LBT) State Representative, 27th Legislative Dist., Position 2 State Senator, 25th District State Representative, 30th o Larry Stetson (R) o Joyce McDonald (R) o George Pilant (D) Legislative Dist., Position 2 o Jerry Christensen (LBT) o Jeannie Darneille (D) o Maryann Mitchell (R) o Jim Kastama (D) o Pat Hammond (D) o Michael R. Maine (D) Sample Ballot, Cont. State Representative, 31st Pierce County Council State Supreme Court Justice Legislative Dist., Position 1 District No. 4 Position No. 9 o Dan Roach (R) o Harold G. Moss (D) o Tom Chambers (NP) o Don Bingham (LBT) o Ken Grosse (NP) o Mike Stensen (D) Pierce County Council o Jim Foley (NP) District No. 6 State Representative, 31st o Pat O’Malley (R) Court of Appeals, Division 2, Legislative Dist., Position 2 District No. 1, Position No. 3 o Albert “Maxx” Abramson (R) Non-Partisan Positions o Christine Quinn-Brintnall (NP) o Christopher Hurst (D) State Supreme Court Justice o Art Wang (NP) o Steve Hammond (R) Position No. 2 o Barrie Althoff (NP) Superior Court, Dept. 2 County Executive o David Larson (NP) o Rudy Tollefson (NP) o John W. Ladenburg (D) o Jeff Sullivan (NP) o Katherine M. Stolz (NP) o Jan Shabro (R) o Terry Carroll (NP) o James R. Cushing (NP) o Doug Schafer (NP) o Jack McNeish (NP) o Susan J. Owens (NP) County Assessor/Treasurer o Geoff Crooks (NP) o Dale Washam (R) Superior Court, Dept. 13 o Brian Sullivan (NP) o Ken Madsen (D) State Supreme Court Justice o Kathryn Nelson (NP) o Kelvin J. Brown (D) Position No. 7 o Richard (Rich) DeJean (NP) o George W. Ewing (R) o Bobbe J. Bridge (NP) o Ron Heslop (NP) o Scott S. Schwieger (NP) o Karl L.Williams (NP) Pierce County Council State Supreme Court Justice District No. 2 Position No. 8 o John R. Prukop (D) o Gerry L. Alexander (NP) o Kathy L. Farris (R) o Calvin Goings (D) • This sample ballot is provided for your Pierce County Council general information and convenience. Due to District No. 3 o Kevin Wimsett (D) the “rotation” of candidates required by o Leland Weaver (D) state law, your ballot may have candidates o Barbara Gelman (D) listed in a different sequence. o Michael Hamilton (LBT) • Your ballot will only show the districts upon which your precinct is eligible to vote. 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