TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE A Town For AII Seasons REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA - 7:00 P.m. January 8,2007 I . Call to order 2. Emergency Evacuation Procedure 3. Additional Agenda ltems 4. Adoption of the Agenda 2006 5. Adoption of Minutes: Regular Council Meeting of December 1'1' BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 6. None PUBLIC HEARINGS & DELEGATIONS 7. None PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT E.Ryder'sRidgePhaselB,PartofLot6SMR'B|ock1,P|an062-5924,Remova|ofMR Block 5' Lots 26-29 and Plan 9. Bylaw #140412007:1.1 Reading; Beju Lands, Plar 0520405, - (CH) to Light lndustrial (Ll) o6ZJsra, part of SW Z Sec g+"-SA-i-s, Highway Commercial PROTECTTVE SERVICES 10. Enhanced Policing Agreement 11. RCMP & Administrative Building: Project Manager Contract ADMINISTRATION 12.Sy|vanLakeRegiona|Partnership:RequesttoApproveGonditiona|GrantAgreementand Allocate Funding 13. Plasco Energy Group: Appointment of Council Representative FINANCE 14. Cheque distribution rePort Town of Sylvan Lake Regular Council Meeting Agenda January 8, 2007 Page 2 r@orHERrrE's lO 15. Correspondence & Information ltems 16. Council Reports (verbal) 17. Adjoum UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS I Recreation Board 10 EconomicDevelooment 15 Municipal Planning commission 16 Library Board 1E Community & Social Development ?2 Council 14 OperationalServices TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY, December I 1,2006 REGULAR COLTNCIL MEETTNG 7100 P.M. COLNCIL CHAMBERS Pase I of5 Present: Mayor B. Lambertson; Clr- R- Backs: Clr, F. Peck. Clr. K. Macvicar, CIr. J. Pa).ne; Ctr. L. Sills Fiedler Also Present: Chief Administrative Offlcer H. Dietz: Economic DeveloDment & Communicatians Ofiicer T. Cameron; Director of Community & Social Development M. Curtis; Director ofOperational Senjces A. Gassorj D;ec1or of Protective ServiDes D. Krill; Director of Recreation & Park R, Lebsack: Director of Plarning & Developnent T. Schmidt; Recording Secretary M. Littmann. Call to Order: Mayot B. Lamberlson called the meeting to order al 7:00 p.m. Emergency Mayor B. Lambertson identified the available emerg€ncy exits and procedur€ to Evacuation exit the buildin8. Procedurc: Addjtjonal Agenda None Itemsi Adoption ofthe MOVED by Clr. K. Macvicar TttAT the Agenda of December I l, 2005 be Agendal adopted as preseDted. 3E6.12.06 CARRIED Ln'TANIMOUSLY Minutes; Council MO\ED by Clr. R. Backs Meeling of November 27, 2006; Adopted as WHEREAS the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 27, 2006 have prcsented been cjrculatedto all members ofCouncil; 387.12.06 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED TITAT the Council Meeting minules ofNovember 27,2006 be adopted as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Business Arising fiom None the Minutes Byla \r #1403/2006; A Bylaw #1403/2006 a Bylaw to amend the Land Use Bylaw for the Bylaw to redesignare redesipation of Lot 16, Block I, Plan 931-245 i from Urban Reserve (UR) to Lot 36, Block I, Plan High Densiq, Residential (R3), and the Municipal Development Plan from 932-2451 iiom UR to Public Open Space and Facilities to Residential R3. 388.12.06 MOVED by Clr. J. Payne THAT Co ncil give l st reading to Bylaw # 1403/2006 as presented and that a Public Hearing be set for Jamtary 21.2001. CARRIED LNANIMOUSLY Sylvan Lake Senior's MOVED by Clr. J. Payne AssociatjonrRequest for L,oading ZoDe \4TIEREAS a Council has been presented with a request fiom the Sylvan Lake Designation: Senior's Association lor the designation ofa loading zone near the Senior's Hall 389.12.06 (known as the F endshjp Centre) at 4908 50'" AveDue ; WHEREAS staff has determined that the area in the rear of the hall is appropriate for a designated handicapped are4 and identified an existing loading / unloading zone at the Royal Canadian LegioD located al 4916 50 Avenue *,hich is only a short distance fiom the Senior's Hall; NOw TIJEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED IHAT the request be denjed. CARRIED In Favour: Mayor B. Lambertson Clr. K. Macvicar Clr. F. Peck Clr. J Pa)'ne Clr. R. Backs Opposed: Ch L. Sil)s Fiedler tl f lnit;als TOIVN OF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY, Decerrber 11. 2006 REOULAR COtn.JCIL MEETING 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 2 ofs Budget Adjustmeot: MOVED by Clr. F. Peck Operations/Public Works Department; WHEREAS Council has been p.esenled with a proposed budget adjustrnent from Street Sweeper Operdtions and Public Works in the amount of $198.950.00 for the replacement 390.12.06 of8 Street Sweeper; NOW THEREFOR€ BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approve Budget Adjustment #626 as pftsented with $198,950.00 lo be drawn from Mobile Equipment Reserves. CARRIED L[\]ANIMOUSLY Application for MOVED by Clr. L. Sills Fiedler Purchase of Land: West side ofRR 15; WHEREAS the design for reconshuction and subsequeDt wjdening of Range Road Widening Road t5, Fom High$ay 1l 10 lownship Road 384 is inclDded in the 2007 391.12.06 capital works program; NDW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thal Council direct Administration lo proceed with aD application to tbe Counry ofRed Deer lor the Purcbase of land for widening ofRange Road l5 within NE % l9-38-l-w5. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Council Me€ting MOVED by Clr. L. Sills Fiedler Minutes: Revision to Minutes ofAugust 28, WHEREAS the Minules of Aupst 28, 2006 contaios a ry-pograPhical error; ?006 392.17.06 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED TTIAT Resolution #281.09.06 be amend€d to read 'NOW THER-EFORE BE IT RISOLVED THAT the Council meeting minuies of August 28, 2006 be adoFted as amended - references to Bylaw #)3932006 to read redesignation Aom Public Facility (PF) ro High Densir! Resideniial (Rl)", CARRJED LNANIMOUSLY Sylvan Lake MOVED by C)r. F. Peck M nicipal Library: Amendment of 'i/HEREAS Council has been presented with a request from Barbara Bulat, Schedule A Library Director for Council to endorse changes made to the Sy)van Lake 393.12.06 Municipal Library Bylaw #001/2004 increasing room rental rat€s; NOW THERIFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the changes be aPproved as Prcsenled .ARRIED ,NANTMOUSLY Sylvan Lake MOVED by Clr, R. Backs Municipd Library: Lease Agreement and WHEREAS Council has been presented with a proposed Lease Agreement aDd Letter of a Le(er ofUnde6tanding for the Sylvan Lake Municipal Library; Understanding 394.12.06 NOw THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT sectjon 3(a) - "ReDt'- ofthe Lease Agreement b€ amended from One Dollar ($l.00) per year to a rate that refl€cls lrue market value for the sPace. MOTION DEFEATED In Favour: Clr. R. Back Clr. K, Macvicar Opposed: Mayor B. Lambenson Clr. F. Peck Clt. J- Palne Clr. L. Sills Fiedler 39s.12.06 MOVED by Mayor B. LarnbertoD WHEREAS Council has b€en presented with a proposed Lease Agreement and a Letter ofUndErsland'ng for the Sylvan Lake Municipal Library; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council amend th€ Lease Agreement by moving section 5c (Covenants of the Board) to section 4 (Covenants olihe Town). and FURTHER THAT Council amend the Letter of Understanding by removing ofsection nine (9) in its entirety. CARRIED LNANIMOUSLY tl Initials I l' 2006 MONDAY' December i il il *" Flasco Ene4Y t'rouP ;i:"J:;:"uI3::JJ.:T::H:ll#.lJi Waste Presentatlon: fiiffiT: ;tr"l#":it the or councir terminate and !to."o cut",o f;:',l;T"In ou Y""Jli"l:,i,li;illJJ:#f lFx ': CARRIED LNANIMOUSLY ii ll camera session of councrl jt""rion ot ;l?T. xgl*?- :1,'* lJ'::,i,:il"J.#iilh Clos€d Camera L}IANIMOU SLY 39',1.r2.06 CARRIED MOVED bY CIr' K- Macvicar Operations and CaPltal Budgel2007 w HERIA s c ounc i | il: 398.12.06 :"' "r 1:d. .i - f ::TT:'.T. JJ" :5,.1i"'J,"T:tilrl '..":1:1'il!l:i|iT l*?: ;::T::#'-;.'."" ln prope'),a\es: BE tr Rtsolvto rH Now THERLFoR-I irt ;""T:liitflli,'l:'.'31: g.::i""'':I:'l'i'T:"'*"** m;fl * ;rru CARRIED UNAMMOUSLY MOVED bY Clr' R Backs Constellations NewEnerg,a: Electncal Contract Renewal :,'""J$1":$-*f ,"ili"i,ilj:"';"#"':f'"i$iul'"Sn'** 399.12.06 IJI}ff offer is tf" lers Ihan the comPetluon WHEREAS Conslellation Newfnergl' il:;ht*x"',tilt*J'""*',r#xfi :Kr#::'lli::"Jli Tr"1;J:","5r;*" H#ll*1T"'.:f-:f #ffi:i-Y.'i#ilJffi CAR-RIED TINANiMOUSLY MOVED bY Clr' J. Payne Cheque Distiibutiot numbe's APproveo: cheque Report; rnAT co,lr-cir.approw^'l:, 400.12.06 li:1""'.."#lr:,li,"rlllirtroror i r'v)u vu 5159? - 537i0 in the amounl ' CARRIED LNANIMOUSLY lc lHAT Council ac(epl the Correspondence MOVED bY Clr. K Macvicar Correspondence & Ififormation ltems as Presenteo' Information ltems: 401. i 2.06 CARRIED LNANIMOUSI'Y MAYOR B. LAMBERTSON Council RePortsi the followingl Stated that he attending | .uii*ff #*-" i'X:fi i-T t""'s"' I i.ffil"ii$ll.'*0"'^ ll Initials TOWN oF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY, December I1,2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETNG 7:00 P.M. COINCIL CHAMBERS Page 4 of s CLR R, BACKS: i Stated thal he afiending the following: L Municipal Planning Cornmissioni Regular meeting of December 4, 2006 2. CSB Board Retreat ii 3. Budeet Deliberations: December I 4. Waste\vater Manasemept Meetings: Attended 3 meetjngs 5. Svlvan Lak€ Lodge: I 6. Taeish Luncheont December 7 7, Town chrjstmas Pam': December 8,2006 I 8. Govemment Services Meetine: December I I 9. Heallh\ Committces Tea: December l. li CLR, IC MacvlcAR: il . Stated tba! he attending the following: tl 1. Municipal Plannin{ Commiss;on: Regular meeting ofDecember 4, 2006. 2. Budset Deliberations: December I I 3, Town Christmas Partv: December 8.2006 CLR F. PECK: ri Stated that he attendjng the following: i l. Municipal Planninq Commission: Regular meeling ofDecember 4, 2006 2, Budqet Deliberations: December l it CLR.
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