IDA17 Retrospective Maximizing Development Impact Leveraging IDA to meet global ambitions and evolving client needs © 2018 International Bank for Reconstructions and Development and International Development Association / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: ida.worldbank.org This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. 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Photo credits: Cover: Mohamad Al-Arief/World Bank; p. vi: Rama George-Alleyne/World Bank; p. 2: Dominic Chavez/World Bank; p. 19: Mary Stokes/World Bank; p. 20: Dominic Chavez/ World Bank; p. 23: Dasan Bobo/World Bank; p. 25: Oliver Whalley/World Bank; p. 30: Chhor Sokunthea/World Bank; p. 34: Aby Toure/World Bank; p. 35: UNIDO; p. 50: Dasan Bobo/World Bank; p. 52: Erik Sundheim; p. 53: Dominic Chavez/World Bank; p. 55: Binyam Teshome/World Bank; p. 59: World Bank; p. 63: World Bank/VNHaz Project Management Unit; p. 65: World Bank; p. 72: Stephan Gladieu/World Bank; p. 73: UNICEF Yemen; p. 75: Sarah Farhat/World Bank; p. 86: Hendri Lombard/World Bank: p. 89: Dominic Chavez/World Bank; p. 91: World Bank; p. 95: Erick Rabemananoro/World Bank; p. 97: World Bank; p. 99: Dominic Chavez/World Bank; p. 104: Graham Crouch/World Bank IDA17 Retrospective: Maximizing Development Impact Leveraging IDA to Meet Global Ambitions and Evolving Client Needs ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Fiscal year (FY) = July 1 to June 30 ADB Asian Development Bank IDA17 Seventeenth Replenishment of the International Development Association AfDB African Development Bank ICR Implementation Completion and Results Report AfDF African Development Fund IEG Independent Evaluation Group AFR Africa Region IFC International Finance Corporation AIIB Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank IMF International Monetary Fund ASA Advisory Services and Analytics IPF Investment Project Financing CCSA Cross-Cutting Solution Area JIP Joint Implementation Plan CEN Country Engagement Note LCR Latin America and Caribbean Region CPA Country Programmable Aid MDB Multilateral Development Bank CPF Country Partnership Framework MDGs Millennium Development Goals CPL Concessional Partner Loan MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative CPR Country Performance Rating MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment MNA Middle East and North Africa Region CRW Crisis Response Window MSP Multi-Sectoral Plan CSO Civil Society Organization MTR Mid-Term Review DIME Development Impact Evaluation NCBP Non-Concessional Borrowing Policy DPF Development Policy Financing ODA Official Development Assistance EAP East Asia and Pacific Region OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and ECA Europe and Central Asia Region Development EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative PBA Performance Based Allocation EU European Union PforR Program-for-Results FCS Fragile and Conflict-affected State RMS Results Measurement System FCV Fragility, Conflict and Violence SAR South Asia Region FY Fiscal Year SCD Systematic Country Diagnostic GDP Gross Domestic Product SDGs Sustainable Development Goals GNI Gross National Income SDR Special Drawing Right HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries SUF Scale-up Facility IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and UN United Nations Development VAT Value-added Tax ICT Information Communications Technology WBG World Bank Group IDB Inter-American Development Bank WDR World Development Report IoC Instrument of Commitment WHO World Health Organization IDA International Development Association IDA17 Retrospective: Maximizing Development Impact TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................................................................... i INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................1 CHAPTER 1. IDA17 AT WORK AMID GLOBAL PROGRESS AND CHALLENGES ....................................................................3 Section 1: Economic and Social Developments in IDA Countries .......................................................................................... 4 Section 2: IDA within the Global Development Finance Landscape ...................................................................................10 CHAPTER 2. DELIVERING ON IDA17 .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Section 1: Impact and Key Results ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Section 2: Maximizing Development Impact ..................................................................................................................................32 Section 3: Special Themes: Inclusive Growth, Gender Equality, Climate Change, and Fragile and Conflict-affected States ..................................................................................................................................53 Section 4: IDA17 Lending Trends ......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Section 5: IDA17 Windows .......................................................................................................................................................................87 Section 6: IDA17 Financing Framework ............................................................................................................................................98 CHAPTER 3. PREPARING FOR IDA18, 19 AND BEYOND ..............................................................................................................103 Annex 1: IDA17 Policy Commitments – Status of Monitorable Actions ...............................................................................109 Annex 2: Select IDA Terminology ...............................................................................................................................................................121 Annex 3: List of IDA17 Eligible Countries ............................................................................................................................................. 124 Annex 4: List of FCS Countries during IDA17 ......................................................................................................................................125 Annex 5: IDA17 Financing Framework and Donor Contributions Table............................................................................... 126 BOXES Box 1. Development Progress in IDA Countries, Despite Hurdles .................................................................................................. 6 Box 2. Trust Funds: A Complement to IDA Assistance ...................................................................................................................... 12 Box 3. India’s Inspiring Rise from Early IDA Client to Development Donor .............................................................................16 Box 4. IDA17’s Evolving Commitment to Education ............................................................................................................................18 Box 5. Overcoming Complex Challenges through Joint Planning to Boost Mali’s Exports .............................................34 Box 6. Guarantees Close a Finance Gap in Ghana’s Efforts to Deliver Affordable, Clean Energy ...............................36 Box 7. Modernizing and Streamlining Public Financial Management in Ethiopia .................................................................37 Box 8. Highlights of the Ways Knowledge Products Can Drive Development.......................................................................41 Box 9. Ensuring Development Results through Monitoring and Evaluation ...........................................................................42 Box 10. Gathering and Using Know-How – Wherever It Is – to Improve Delivery ................................................................43 Box 11. New Research Hub Shares Malaysia’s Lessons with More than 50 Developing Countries .............................. 44 Box 12. What Others Say about IDA ............................................................................................................................................................46
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