THE FOCUS Volume 4, Number 6 Emmanuel College, Boston, Mass. May 14, 1952 Scholarships Bacca/aureate Awarded to Opens Class of '56 Commencement Week According to a recent an­ nouncement from the Office of the Registrar the following ap­ Archbishop To Sing Mass plicants have received complete or partial scholarships: Jean M. Lavery, Girls' Latin School; IMa­ Educators Address Grads rianne C. Maguire, North Quincy High School; Grace F. Nuttall Commencement Week exercises will open on Pentecost and Frances T. Benson, Academy Sunday, June 1, at 10 :00 A.M. with a solemn high pontifical of Norte Dame, Roxbury; Marie mass celebrated by His Excellency, the Most Reverend P. Canfield, Academy of Notre Richard J. Cushing, D.D. at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. Dame, Boston; Marie C. Hyland, The Baccalaureate Sermon will be delivered by The Very Monsignor Ryan Memorial High Reverend Ignatius Smith, O.P., Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the School, and Dorothy A. Harring­ School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America. ton, Matignon High School. Recipients of honorary scho­ Clerical members of the college faculty will serve as CAROLYN COYNE larships are: Patricia A. Moore, officers of the mass. The jubilant music for the feast of Milton High School; Kathleen P . Pentecost will be sung by the student body under the direc­ G O! r m ~ ey, Somerville High tion of Reverend Russell H. Davis, M.Mus. School; Maureen E. Harrington Coyne, White a nd Marianne Heidt, Academy On Class Day, June 2, the of Notre Dame, Roxbury; 'Mona Seniors Plan Class of 1952 will hold its tree Play Leads in A. Mahanna and Ann M. Mad­ planting exercises on the campus den, Girls' Latin School; Arlene Picnic As New at noon with Mary Bethoney of R. Giradin, Matignon High Dr. ROSS J. S. HOFFMAN "The Barretts" School; Eleanor M. Lynn, St. Exam Antidote Boston delivering the tree ora­ "The Barretts", Marjorie Car­ Mary's High School, Melrose; Something new on the pro­ tion. This ceremony will be fol­ leton's version of the romance Wafta A. Abokalil, St. Anthony's Edwards PlalYs lowed by the senior class ban­ High School, Manchester, New gram of graduation festivities of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert will be the Senior Class Picnic quet in the college dining room. Browning, has been selected by Hampshire, and Frances T. Mac­ At Senior Prom scheduled for Sunday, May 25, the Dramatic Society for its chia, South Boston High School. Barbara Dowd of Norwood will commencement play of '52. The The final event on the spring at Notre Dame Academy, Tyngs­ be chairman of the festivity and performance is scheduled for social calendar will be the Senior boro. Prior to departure mass Marie Sally of Dedham will act as next Sunday afternoon at 3:00 Fr. Voll Conducts will be celebrated in the college Promenade scheduled for Thurs­ chapel at ten o'clock by Rev. E . toast-mistress. Formal Class Day p.m. in the auditorium. day night, May 29, at the Louis ceremonies wil be held at the Carolyn Coyne, '52, plays the Senior Day Paul Doyle, O. P., of the faculty. invalid poet, Elizabeth Barrett, For the promotion of a spirit Fourteenth Ballroom of the Ho­ Chartered buses will leave the Opera House at 3 p.m. when the campus promptly at 11:00 8 .. m. and Burton White of Boston of prayer and meditation for tel SGmers2t. GhaiTIn~ n, IVlarie class essayist, Joall Butler of and are scheduled to arrive 'at University will be the impul­ the Senior Day of Recollection, Connors and her able assistants: South Boston, and class poet, sive, romantic Browning. Cast in Tyngsboro at noon. the exercises will be held at Patricia Boyle, Margaret Braw­ Senior Margaret Smith, chair­ Marion Misch of Arlington, will the difficult role of Edward Bar­ ley, Patricia Concannon, Ann Del­ rett, the Victorian task-master Notre Dame Training School, man of the picnic, and Miss speak to the assembled gradu­ parent, is Leo Hines of Boston Waltham, on Wednesday, May monico, Marie Dooley, Barbara Josephine Mor~lli, At hie tic ates and parents. College. Dowd, Mary Harnedy, Mary Lou Coach, have organized a full pro­ 21. The day's program will open gram of sports for the after­ Degrees will be conferred on Supporting the leads are Mary .at 9:30 A.M. with high mass Hehir, Margaret Hewes, Patricia l the 170 graduates on Tuesday Jane Miller as Henrietta, Robert noon. For lovers of vigorous sung by the novices and postu­ Leary, Mary Murphy, Jean action there will be softball afternoon at the Opera House by King as Ostavius, Richard Ma­ O'Flaherty, and Teresa Taffe honey as George, Richard Herd lants. Rev. Uurbltn Voll, O.P., games, tennis matches, and ob­ His Excellency, The Most Rev­ as John KK'enyon, Rosemary Mc­ will be the celebrant. Father's have completed arrangements stacle races. Seniors not fully erend Richard J. Cushing, D.D. recovered from Comprehensives The Commencement address will Govern as Wilson, Martha Mat­ three discourses for the day are and recently announced that Jack Edwards' orchestra will and desiring less strenous out­ be delivered by Ross J. S. Hoff­ son as Miss Mitford, Mary Corn­ entitled: "Daughter of Two wall as Arabel, and Margaret supply the music. Senior tickets door exercise may elect boating, man Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Christie as Milly. Eves," "Beauty That is Not Skin are $8.00. Underclassmen may archery, or a leisurely stroll History in the Graduate School The performance is under the Deep," and "Mother andl'Maiden. purchase bids at $5.00. through the pine groves. of Fordham University. direction of Miss Frances Pash­ by, college dramatic coach. Nan­ cy Hughes, '53, is serving as JUNIORS TAKE OVER stage manager for the produc­ tion. COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS Numbered high on the list of "literati" for the coming scho­ Athletes Receive lastic year, are the editors of the three major college publica­ Awards at Banquet tions. Th e Athletic Association's Of special inter est to the stimulating season will end Class of '53 is the hierarchy of with a banquet tomorow night the Epilogue, topped by H elen at 6:00 p.m. in the college Docherty a s Editor -in-chief, cafeteria. Miss Caroline Orr of Eupported by t he Associate Ed­ the faculty of Sargent College, Boston University, will be the tors N a ncy Hughes and M a ry guest speaker for the evening. E. G orma n. The indispensable The high point of interest will fin ancial hea daches of the year­ be the presentation of silver book is in t he capable hands basketballs to members of the of Rosemarie Busalacchi. basketball team for their top The best in liter ar y produce performances this season. The will be handled by the Co-Edi­ ten members who have best pro· t ors of the Ethos, Dolores moted Athletic Association ac­ tivities during the past year will Burton and lone M a ll oy, whose receive silver pins. A white names have frequently a p­ blazer will be given to the mem­ pear ed in t he list of cont ribu­ ber of the Senior Class who has tors as under classm en. been out-standing for devotion The Focus, youngest in the of her time and energies to the fi eld, . presents i ts Editors for Athletic Association. the new year wit b B everly Seated at the head table will G ormley leading the way as be Reverend Francis Frechette, Eclitor-in-Chief ; Margaret Cov­ S. M., professor of education; ell , M a naging Editor ; Virginia Miss Josephine Morelli, faculty LITERARY LEAGUE- Juniors recently chosen to direct College publications next 'year. Seated athletic coach; Miss Pauline D evlin, News Editor; Joanne (I to r) Helen Docherty, EPILOGUE editor, Beverly Gormley, FOCUS editor. Standing, (l to r) Neelon, alumnae representative. SpurJc, F eature Editor. Dolores Burton and lone Malloy, associate-editors of the ETHOS. Page Two THE EMMANUEL FOCUS May 14, 1952 Today is still ours A Guest Edito.· STUDENT ANSWERS CHALLENGE Saint ,Francis of Assisi, hard at work, hoeing his gar­ Speaks: .OF MADEMOISELLE ARTICLE den, was asked what he would do if he were suddenly to learn that he was to die at sunset that day. "I would finish by John Patrick Davey by PATRICIA FINNIGAN,'52 hoeing my garden", was the reply. Co - editor - in - chief Howard Mumford Jones has many wor thwhile observations in This is the answer to all the troubled young people The Heights his article Have College Women Let Us Down?, which was sum­ these days whQ are beginning life in a world that appears marized in the last issue of the Focus He is probably citing accur· to offer no security to anyone, young or old. In the last few weeks as the ately the attitude of many college women, but I hesitate to think "We can't be sure of anything," caustically comment educators of parochial and secu­ that the portion he describes is as large as he would have us these young people, "either now or next year or the year lar schools raised their voices believe. in defense of their particular By what criterion does he evaluate these girls? By the modern after that. Why should we go to classes, or take examina­ philosophy of feminism whereby women should be the dominant tion or try to find a position, or get married, or have chil­ systems, it seemed quite appro­ iorce in a society, or by the Christian standard of the dependence dren ? Why paint a picture or write a song or begin a priate to read a newspaper of woman on man? Jones insinuates that modern college women novel ?" column dedicated to a special can conceive of no more noble calling than that of marriage and Saint Francis dissolved the dilemma with his simple but important phase of this prob· the raising of a family.
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