THE NHS HIGHLAND STAFF NEWSPAPER March 2016 HighNOVEMBERlights 2015 NEW MAN AT THE HELM Incoming chair’s message to staff Make sure care and compassion remains No. 1 priority THE man set to take over as chair of NHS Highland says that, with widespread changes taking place throughout the board, one thing should remain constant: a commitment to care and compassion. David Alston, whose four-year tenure as chair begins on 1st April, added: “This is a fantastic or- ganisation, full of good people, and I am confident that whatever the future brings, our number one priority will remain delivering the best possible care, with compassion, to those we serve.” He added that he faced a “full and interesting agenda” as he prepares for his new role. “Someone once wrote, ‘If we want things to stay as they are, everything will have to change.’ That is certainly true of NHS Highland, where I think most people recognise that changes are necessary if we are to continue to meet the many challenges we Why were some members face in health and social care.” of staff at Campbeltown High on David’s ‘to-do’ list, he added, was work- Simply Hospital seeing red for a ing to ensure that the integration of health and adult day last month? Turn to social care in Argyll and Bute runs smoothly and 3to find out how they put efficiently. their heart into a fund- red... raising venture. Continued on page 2 - - New board chair’s message to staff... challenges meant that the board had Contents Continued from front no option but to develop and redes- On the day David takes over as ign the way it worked. 4 Hospital signs change 6 New Craigs grounds project chair of the board, Argyll and Bute “We will increasingly see differ- Health and Social Care Partnership’s ent skill mixes working together in 7 Bed sores progress Integrated Joint Board will take over teams,” he said. “And we will con- 8 Fish and chip babies responsibility for all health and social tinue to see services being redes- 10 Commuters’ Corner care services in the area. igned, as they are in Badenoch and 15 Adult support and protection “It’s a very exciting develop- Strathspey, Caithness and Skye, Lo- 18 Ken Proctor retiral ment,” he said. “Argyll and Bute chalsh and South West Ross.” Council and NHS Highland have Another work in progress, he 21 New board secretary been working closely together on said, was embedding the Highland 26 Department profile: eHealth integration, and I am confident that Quality Approach throughout the 28 Revalidation the new Integrated Joint organisation. 31 Argyll & Bute integration Board will be unstinting in “To be honest, I had 35 Q&A: David Laidler its determination to pro- reservations about the vide a better experience Highland Quality Ap- and better outcomes for proach, with its own lan- Keep us informed patients and clients.” guage and jargon, when I Integration in Argyll first heard it discussed, Do you know of something you and Bute is by the ‘body and I can understand why think should be featured in High- corporate’ model, in others in the organisation lights? An award, an achievement, which the health board might feel likewise. a piece of research, an appoint- and council delegate re- “But I have seen what ment, a retiral … you name it, sponsibility to a new the Highland Quality Ap- body. In the Highland proach can achieve and I Highlights has a place for it. Please DAVID ALSTON send your articles to Council area, however, have become passionate [email protected] (01463 integration took place in 2012 under about how we can use it to improve the ‘lead agency’ model, in which services. I believe others will be too, 704903) or visit the Staff Dropbox each partner delegated functions and when they see how it can deliver on the NHS Highland intranet services to the other. safer, more effective, compassionate home page. “Having had integrated services in care. If that means learning a few North Highland for four years will new words – then it’s worth it.” You can follow undoubtedly make integration in Ar- And on the eve of taking up his NHS Highland on... gyll and Bute easier, despite the fact new post, David said he wished to that different models are being pay tribute to the person he will be WEBSITE used,” said David. “I actually see succeeding. www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk something positive about their being “I believe NHS Highland, and the two models in NHS Highland – one people of the both Highland and Ar- FACEBOOK can learn and feed off the other.” gyll and Bute, owe a huge debt of https://www.facebook.com/ David, who is NHS Highland’s gratitude to Garry Coutts,” he said. NHSHighland longest-serving non-executive direc- “What he has achieved as chair TWITTER tor, having first joined the board in has been remarkable and truly trans- www.twitter.com/NHSHighland or 2003, added that the ever-changing formational. @NHSHighland complexity of healthcare, changing “He will be a hard act to follow – demographics and ongoing financial but I will do my best.” OTHER LIVES David Alston on slavery: See page 23 - 2 - HEALTH VISITING PURDAH Fiona’s in Government issues running for pre-election UK award guidance AN NHS Highland lead health visi- It’s lovely to be recognised in such a tor has been shortlisted in two fashion, and I thank my colleagues for on use of categories at a national award thinking so highly of me. ceremony in London next month. “I feel very privileged to be repre- Fiona Semple is the health visiting senting NHS Highland at the CPHVA social media team lead at Campbeltown Hospital and awards and it is a wonderful opportunity was nominated by her colleagues for her to showcase the commitment of our DO you have an NHS Highland leadership qualities and commitment to team towards giving children in Kintyre social media account or network the local community. the best start in life.” (Twitter, Facebook, blog, etc) Fiona will travel to London for the NHS Highland’s deputy director of which you use for work purposes ? Community Practitioners and Health nursing, Pat Tyrell, said: “I was delighted If you do you need to know that the Visitors Association (CPHVA) awards, to hear of Fiona being shortlisted in two pre-election period for the Scottish and admits to being shocked when she categories at the upcoming CPHVA Parliament election starts on Thursday discovered she had been shortlisted. awards in London. 24th March. “I was overwhelmed when I read the “This is excellent recognition of the The Scottish Government has is- email telling me I had been nominated,” great achievements and leadership that sued guidelines in advance of the elec- she said. “I have been shortlisted in the Fiona and her team have shown in Kin- tion on 5th May for all non-executives general health visiting and leadership tyre in developing local services. and NHS staff and it outlines the impar- categories, and it still hasn’t sunk in. “Fiona’s motivation and commitment tial conduct expected in the month “We have done a lot of work with to the local community has always been preceding the election. the Early Years Collaborative and Get- fantastic, and I’m so pleased that she has The advice regarding social media is ting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) in been nominated. I would like to wish that no changes should be made to sites Kintyre, but it has been a real team ef- Fiona the very best of luck.” which would show favour to one candi- fort. I think GIRFEC is an extremely The CPHVA 2016 awards recognise date or party and use should be limited rewarding programme, and we have the evolving community practice and for responding or commenting on fac- been working hard to fully implement it diverse professional roles that practitio- tual queries. in our area. ners undertake. The full guidance is available on the “I have also done a lot of work with The ceremony will take place in intranet. the NHS Highland quality improvement Plaisters Hall, London, on Friday, 8th If in doubt, speak to one of the NHS methodology, so it’s been a busy year. April. Highland communications team. CHARITY EVENT Hospital staff go in the red to raise funds STAFF were seeing red for a day at Campbeltown Hospital “It was all organised by Kirsteen Graham, support services last month. manager based at Campbeltown, and went very well. Many To mark Wear Red Day, a campaign organised by the Brit- thanks to all who took part. ish Heart Foundation, staff at the hospital did just that – as Pictured on the front page are, from left: Tina Watt, sen- our photo shows – and raised £168.10 for the charity by do- ior charge nurse; Maggie Thomson (behind), unscheduled care ing so. In addition to staff members wearing red clothes, the practitioner; Marie Graham, catering assistant; Mary hospital’s canteen served up appropriately coloured food, Rochford, healthcare assistant; Lois Fell, cook supervisor; Al- such as stuffed red peppers and spicy red lentil soup, as well ison Paterson, patients’ funds office; Kirsteen Graham, sup- as heart-shaped empire biscuits. port services manager; Jayne O'May, out-patients; Marjorie Marjorie Leighton, integrated pharmacist for Kintyre, said: Leighton, pharmacist; and Jean Brown, clerical officer. - 3 - HOSPITALS FLOWER POWER Signs change but services stay the same SIGNS outside four NHS Highland hospitals are being changed – but the health board this week reiter- ated that this does not indicate that there have been changes to the ser- vices provided in them.
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