April 22, 1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 10103 is· best adapted to serve. One of our most enjoy daily. Disdainful talk about television a common culture to unite our country. This pressing needs today is to strengthen our seeking "the lowest common denominator" now appears to be its natural function and common culture and sense of national unity misses the important point. Culture is not highest ideal. It is enough. and purpose. The only media that reach arithmetic, and the cultural denominator enough people or touch people intimately of popular programs may be the highest, not enough to achieve this are radi.J and tele­ the lowest, that is truly common. The im­ vision. Whether television lifts us to esthetic portant point is television does achieve a The "Pueblo": How Long, Mr. President? or intellectual heights or elevates our ar­ common denominator in society. tistic standards is less important than If there were less programing it might be whether it helps us achieve a common cul­ of better quality. But the character of life HON. WILLIAM J. SCHERLE ture and sense of national unity and purpose. depends upon everyday experience more than OF IOWA It is more likely to do this by responding upon great infrequent ceremonial occasions. day after day to the wants and tastes of the Amiability at the breakfast table is more IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES million-strong masses than by straining for important to a happy marriage than design Friday, April19, 1968 approval of scornful intellectuals. There need of the wedding gown. be no apology and should be no lament for a As television lets us share daily a common Mr. SCHERLE. Mr. Speaker, this is broadcasting industry which provides the reflection of society and helps us see a similar the 88th day the U.S.S. Pueblo and her mass of people with programs they watch and vision of our relationship to society, it builds crew have been in North Korean hands. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, April 22, 1968 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H.R. 10477. An act to amend chapter 37 SIGNING ENROLLED JOINT The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, of title 38 of the United States Code to lib­ RESOLUTION DD., offered the following prayer: eralize the guarantee entitlement and reason­ able value requirement for home loans, to The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to Teach me to do Thy will; tor Thou art remove certain requirements with respect announce that pursuant to the authority my God: Thy spirit is good; lead me into to the interest rate on loans subject to such granted him on Wednesday, April 10, the land of uprightness.-Psalm 143: 10. chapter, and to authorize aid on account of 1968, he did on April 11, 1968, sign the structural defects in property purchased with Almighty and eternal God, we thank assistance under such chapter. following enrolled joint resolution of the Thee for the lovely evidences of spring, House: for the beauty which surrounds us, for The message also announced that the H.J. Res. 1229. Joint resolution making a the glory which shines above us, and Senate agrees to the amendments of the supplemental appropriation for the fiscal for the love which from our birth over House to bills of the Senate of the fol­ year ending- June 30, 1968, and for other and around us lies. Lord of all, to Thee lowing titles: purposes. we raise this our prayer of grateful S. 234. An act for the relief of James W. praise. Adams and others; POSTAL REFORM MEASURE Let us not set out on any endeavor this S. 375. An act to amend the Communica­ INTRODUCED day which is not in accord with Thy will tions Act of 1934 with respect to obscene or for us, for our Nation, and for our world. harassing telephone calls in interstate or for­ Mr. NELSEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Take us by the hand and lead us, eign commerce; unanimous consent to address the House illumine our minds and direct our think­ S. 1664. An act for the relief of the city of for 1 minute. ElDorado, Kans.; and The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ing, strengthen our spirits and give us S. 2912. An act to authorize appropriations the courage of creative convictions that the request of the gentleman from for the saline water conversion program for Minnesota? our thoughts, our words, and our actions fiscal year 1969, and for other purposes. may be worthy of Thy blessing. There was no objection. Bless our President, our Speaker, these The message also announced that the Mr. NELSEN. Mr. Speaker, I am today Representatives of our people, and all Senate had passed bills of the following introducing legislation like that previ­ who work under the dome of this beloved titles, in which the concurrence of the ously introduced by the gentleman from Capitol. God bless us everyone and help House is requested: Wisconsin [Mr. BYRNES]. It is designed u8 to continue to labor earnestly and S. 3293. An act to authorize appropriations to end the politics involved in the ap­ enthusiastically for. the welfare of our during the fiscal year 1969 for procurement pointment of postmasters and rural mail country and the well-being of mankind. of aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, and carriers. It would become effective on In the Master's name we pray. Amen. tracked combat vehicles, research, develop­ the day the new President is inaugurated ment, test, and evaluation for the Armed next year, or January 20, 1969. Forces, and to prescribe the authorized per­ I have always objected to this political sonnel strength of the Selected Reserve· of THE JOURNAL practice. It is just a throwback to the each Reserve component of the Armed old, discredited spoils system and hinders The Journal of the proceedings of Forces, and for other purposes. the progress we are trying to make to­ Thursday, April 11, 1968, was read and ward a true merit system in the public approved. service. COMMUNICATION FROM THE The measure introduced would give MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE CLERK OF THE HOUSE experienced postal workers first crack at The SPEAKER laid before the House promotions to postmastership and rural A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar­ carrier positions. Where employees are rington, one of its clerks, announced the following communication from the Clerk of the House of Representatives: unavailable for such jobs, vacancies that the Senate had passed without would be filled through competitive civil amendment a bill of the House of the OFFICE OF THE CLERK, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, service examination. following title: Criminal penalties would be authorized Washington, D.C., April11, 1968. H.R. 15398. An act to amend the National for those using political influence to gain School Lunch Act to strengthen and expand The Honorable the SPEAKER, House of Representatives. the Government jobs for political cronies. food service programs for children, and for Mr. Speaker, I would remind our col­ other purposes. DEAR SIR: Pursuant to authority granted on April 10, 1968, the Clerk received from .the leagues that Republicans played a po­ The message also announced that the Secretary of the Senate today the following litical ha.nd in picking people for such Senate had passed with amendments in message: postal plums in the 8 years of the Eisen­ which the concurrence of the House is That the Senate passed House Joint Reso­ hower administration while the Demo­ requested, bills of the House of the fol­ lution 1229, making a supplemental appro­ crats have done the same for the 8 lowing titles: priation for the fiscal year ending June 30, years of the Kennedy-Johnson admin­ H .R. 2155. An act to amend the tariff 1968, and for other purposes. istration. It would be easier to quit this schedules of the · United States with re­ · Respectfully yours, blatantly politicaJ business while ·Ne are spect to the class1fication of Chinese goose- W. PAT JENNI:NGS, even ~steven. I hope the Congr~ss will see berries; and·· · · · · · Cierk~ u . s .' ' 1Io1i~ 'e of Represent ativ es. fit to 'enact this needed measure this year. 10104 CONGRESSIONA:t RECORD- HOUSE April 22, 1968. COMMUNICATION FROM THE AS­ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BUSINESS the House as in the Committee of the SISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL The SPEAKER. This is District of Whole. The SPEAKER laid before the House Columbia day. The Chair recognizes the The Clerk read the title of the bill. the following communication from the gentleman from South Carolina [Mt. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Assistant Attorney General of the McMILLAN], chairman of the Commit­ the request of the gentleman from South United States:· tee on the Distdct of Columbia. Carolina? Hon. JoHN W. McCoRMACK, There was no objection. · Speaker of the House of Representatives, The Clerk read the bill, as follows; Washington, D.C. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TEACHERS' SALARY ACT AMENDMENTS OF 1968 H.R. 16409 DEAR MR. SPEAKER: We are happy to advise Be it enacted by the Senate and House you tha t the Court of Appeals for the 4th Mr. McMILLAN. Mr. Speaker, I call up of Representatives of the United States of Circuit on March 21, 1968 affirmed the Order the bill <H.R. 16409) to amend the Dis­ America in Congress assembled, That this of the District Court dismissing the action trict of Columbia Teachers' Salary Act Act may be cited as the "District of Colum­ entitled In The Matter of the Maryland of 1955 to provide salary increases for bia Teachers' Salary Act Amendments of Petition Committee, et al. v. Lyndon B. 1968" . Johnson, Hubert H.
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