Yankees on the road Faculty Show Opens Letter to the Editor to the championship in Plaza Page 7 page 20 Page 33 The bserver October 14, 1998 THE STUDENT VOICE OF FORDHAM COLLEGE AT LINCOLN CENTER VOLUME XVII, issue 3 Unprecedented Nine Columbus Circle Subway Stabbing Freshmerv(Run for USG By Ron Zapata and liver. Fortunately, the stab did not some concern from students, but By Melanie Blake reach his heart. Henderson is now Commuting Students Association A subway rider was stabbed after a listed in stable condition, according to (CSA) President Andrea Fabrizio said While Congressman Charles dispute with another passenger at the hospital officials. the subways are safe as long as cer- Schumer and Senator Alfonse 59 St Columbus Circle subway station The police describe the suspect as a tain (continued on page 4) D'Amato pound the pavement look- on Thursday night, according to white male in his late 40s, 6'2"-6T, 220- ing for votes in the race for the US police officials. 230 lbs, clean'shaven, brown hair, bald- POLICE DEPARTMENT CIT»OTHWYOM< Senate, politicians at Fordham James Henderson, a 50 year-old ing, and with heavy framed glasses. University will be hard at work on black male, was trying to enter .the A police sketch of the suspect has WANTS D their own campaigns. Today fresh- northbound A train from a crowded been shown to several area residents, FOR ASSAULT .1 > man, sophomores, and nontraditional platform, at approximately 8 p.m. while and Cassillo said that there are sever- students will have the opportunity to a white male was trying to exit the al leads towards finding him. elect their United Student congested A train, said Transit Police have not classified the Government (USG) senators. Bureau Police Captain John Cassillo. crime as a bias incident. The freshman class faces an Eyewitness accounts stated that "Despite that the victim was black unusual task for its first USG election. Henderson was pushing into the train and the assailant was white, all evi- An unprecedented nine freshman are when he encountered the suspect and dence from eyewitness statements, Senate candidates; only two can serve got involved in a heated argument, that there were no racial, statements as USG Senators., said Cassillo. made and that they didn't set eyes on The USG Elections Committee The assailant then turned to walk each other prior to the incident, indi- explained that they had actively away, suddenly turned again towards cate that it was just one person step- encouraged students to run, and the victim, and stabbed Henderson in ping off and one person stepping on tmtf OCSCWPDON or rm cmm tt juvflomurru *.w m TKMSMrc MMNO IMIM *r me ur* irwir *m were pleased by the enthusiastic the chest The stabber fled to the the train," said Cassillo, "So we're coummis mo* tunm, UPTOWN *«*BiMEH*uimMit me vKiwtm HWHiruKM (MCAO/0 IN *M MKUttMMT THAT ttCMATtD WTO AW MSAULt w*tiitTMvKrMWAstrAB$£DoiKtmn*cncjr*iTHAKtuft, MtULTimim response of the freshmen. "We credit street level of the subway station and confident it wasn't a bias crime." * ICAKMIS MUUWV , -.IWIMMH 'KAHSitOfTtCTfVfS •*an*rigrmjMn•tfMdng»**fcu*»unto the upswing [in the number of candi- is still at large, said Cassillo. The stabbing at the Columbus *• Wit »»*)«. CAM •>** Off ami OWQAM SMKIO UHJ *\%-f+f dates] to an increased amount of out- Henderson was sent to New York Circle station, which is located one Wont )lt-l»lUt reach and advertisement towards the Hospital-Cdrnell Medical Center block from Fordham University's POLICE DEPARTMENT- freshmen. We tried really hard to where he had surgery for his spleen Lincoln Center campus, has caused CITY Of NCW YORK recruit more people to run," said Anna Meresedis, FCLC'99, and USG vice president Faculty Speaks Out Against New FCLSAdvising Policy Nontraditional vice president Ed By Jane McGonlgal semester classes, and when declaring "They work and have family responsi- Romero also related the high level of a major. Undergraduates in the Excel bilities which take a lot of their time. freshmen participation to the growth On October 5, a memorandum was program and FCLC are not affected We didn't want to put students in the and increased prominence of the sent to all faculty members announc- by the change. position of having to make extra USG."I think it's a reflection of the ing a petition to protest a new advising The policy was decided upon by the arrangements to register for a course growing effectiveness of USG in orga- policy for adult students in the Implementation Committee for FCLS, they're required to take. We don't want nizing itself and serving the school, Fordham College of Liberal Studies comprised of administration, faculty, to make it just another hoop they have whether it be through representation (FCLS). Within three. days, in and students from both the former to jump through." on school committees or the sponsor- response to the memo co-written by Ignatius College and Excel program, John Bach, assistant Dean at FCLS, ing of community events," Romero two former FCLC deans and- a third chaired by the new Dean of FCLS offered another reason for the new said. current faculty member, 33 professors Michael Gillan, and created to help the policy. "Adult students are generally Although (continued on page 4) had signed the petition to register two former adult programs make the focused when they come here. They their concern. transition to the newly established know and understand what they need The policy in question reduces the adult college. "For the new college, we and want to do, usually because they advising requirement for FCLS stu- wanted to devise a sensible advising already have a career. They already dents. Rather than having to see an system from the ground up," said Dean have direction." advisor every semester prior to regis- Gillan. "We concluded that it was nei- Many faculty members, however, tering for classes, an FCLS student ther necessary nor reasonable to make feel that the lowered advising require- will only be required to meet three adult, part-time students see an advisor ment does a disservice to FCLS stu- times with an advisor throughout their every siifgle time they want to register dents. "The implication that adult stu- undergraduate career: at an for a course," He cited the busy sched- dents don't need as much guidance Orientation prior to their first semes- ules of adult students as one reason for suggests a lack of care for the adult ter, before registering for second the diminished advising requirement students, who (continued on page 3) News October 14,1998 #im<ef Blotter Freshmen Celebrate Family Day By|ane McGonigal photo: Katerlna Venetis By Tara Kalwarski From the podium, i 6,7:30 p..& O'Hare declared to the Ubr*ry~~ A dispute occurred If one was to glance beyond the crowd, "Orientation between two students, one of vacant look which has become synony- was a fantastic success whom was disturbed by the other* \ mous with college students at early due to the fabulous SXWSstYs noise. Security r«pon<W '- morning hours, one could see a slight participation of the and were able to calm down both glimmer in the eye as a younger sibling freshmen." She later participants. - smiled and a parent gave an encouraging said, "I hope this is the nod. It was a day of family togetherness, first of many happy Thursday, October Uowenstein— and freshman at Fordham College at occasions that parents An FCLC student reported several Lincoln Center(FCLC) could be seen spend with their son video tapes missing from the sharing with proud and excited relatives or daughter here at Fordham Applied Media Arts the little details of the new lives they have FCLC." Dean of Society | )< ^ 0C er<f t 5s es m3ted that established as college students. Students Mary Conlon % FCLC Freshman enjoys hospitality of family brunch they were taken sometime between From as far as California and as close then introduced herself September 20 and October h as Brooklyn, parents made the trip to and welcomed families. She comment- child's educational life once he gradu- Investigation by security revealed : FCLC on Sunday, October 4, to partici- ed on the Jesuit tradition and said, : ates from high school. Fordham makes , tfctt the lock was still intact and W * * pate in the Student Activities 'Today's event reflects the sort of fordbfe entry was observed, parents feel a part of this life on more Organization's (SAO) second annual community you feel, not only while at than just a casual basis." kcuriy r? looking into the matter, Freshman Family Day. "Our goal is to Fordham but for the rest of your Conlon said, "The process for fami- make parents feel as if they are still a lives." Conlon spoke of three of Jy day is really a challenge. We want Monday, September 28> W:00p.m., part of their children's lives," said Forham's goals in tune with the motto, die families to connect not only to the Visual Am €ornptex-A mate and " Megan O'Hare, SAO Coordinator. choose excellence: to encourage the students, but to the University. Right , female were discovered attempting * students and staff to respect and care The day began with a registration now was are seeking the perfect to develop photos in the darkroom. for the community, to promote a sense for activities, which was followed by a recipe." David Huston, visiting family They weren't Fordham students, and of justice and social community, and to Catholic mass at the Lincoln Center member of Micah Bucey, FCLC '02, - had no iegitimte purpose td be advocate academic and social growth.
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