A REMINDER F.q_OM CLARK L. BELNAP Fine Clothing, Furnishings, Tailoring EATON RAPIDS. MICH. The Home of Good Clothes MAR._CH.1912 SUN M ON TUE WED m e •.. SAT , .~ i...o:"~ ~:::- "":::- . I 2 3 .... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l~ 19 20 21 22 23 % 25 26 2::i' 28 29 30 LOOK P:OR OUR CARO NEXT MONT H Paints, Oils, Etc. Eaton Rapids, Mich. _________ 190_ ,· ' ' THE REAL VALUE OF A BOND is ascertained when the loss occurs. There are many reasons why Corporate Surety Bonds are superior to those of individuals. Permit us to explain. ''WE ISSUE SURETY BONDS" W4r Witlr ~uarauty &: ~urrty C!tnmpaun. ~.crautnu. Jruusyluauia. VAUGHAN G. GRIFFITH, Agent, CHARLOTTE, MICH. MOST MEN ARE HONEST under even trying circumstances, but experience shows that some yield to temptation in the hour of adversity. The large majority of defalcations are due more to force of circumstances than to actual'criminal intent. We can protect you. "WE ·ISSUE SURETY BONDS" m~e mute ~uaranty & ~urrty Qtnmpanyf ~.crantnu. Jrntt!iylnaniu. VAUGHAN G. GRIFFITH, Agent, CHARLOTTE, lVIICH. ·!tr{ :·i~--~·· ·"" ~ ,) ( '~~( . '· S CORDiJ;O~..• \. ~'1· .· ,' ·''/; ·Saw ·Frames 11lting Table I [ ' ·. J. H. LENEHAN, GEN'L AGENT. ~1~. c.R. STREET, ASST GEN°L AGENT. •, y V. G. GRIFFITH. Agent '·. Charlotte, Mich. \ .. ,,. .. j .H. LENE HAN, GEN'L AGENT. ~1~. c.R .STREET, ASS'T GEN'L AGENT. • "' 0. ...' J ' V. G. GRIFFITH. Agent Charlotte. Mich. r . .. I . • P AINST~AKING WORKMANSHIP 1'.- ACCURACY · •. SKILL • FIDELITY TO DETAIL All of the advantages 6f modern machine tools and of superior shop organization are yours if you entrust to us your ELECTRICAL REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION TOOL AND DIE MAKI·NG f! MANUFACTU1\E OF SPECI~L MACHINES MANUFACTURE OF DUPLICAT~PARTS PUNCH PRESS WORK PATTERN WORK ~ Please consider us at your ser11ice. THE R. G. PETERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY 137 Grandville Avenue . ..) GRAND R.A:Pl!'S, MICH'1GAN Lonll Di11tance Telephonesa-Bell Main 1655, and Citizen• 6111. -~.) ' J • . W . .J: LITTLEJOHN, MANAGER. ">T-~- ' ~~L. -;:-.f"' ,;;-- "-'- - - .J .....___. I. .1 I ,. •• I 1 ; . 't -, ... ·.· : I .:) \ ' \ .. I ! ,.. ·, . ' . ' tr--......,.......,,, ______ '· ,, .· " SMILE,and you turn on t•1~ sun­ shwe all arou•ld you. Folks like it. It w;:irms th,cm up, n-akes tht m feel good. MILLER'S The world !s hungr-y for ;miiing peor!e •.. Your worid .. tr e peo­ p.1~ you Meet ever·y d.:-iy. Fee ·J 1·11esn 0 SMILES ;ind watch th~m sm1 c 1:.1c.k I LITTLE I zit yc,tr. The more you give ·~m. the \ I more th Cf w~nt! And. does rt rny: I RED BOOK V/hy. it's ~. ririvzite r11•nt'. 0 ,,,.,, OF ~'V A gcod smile speaks for itsei'f It always fits. It helps "'"''~ ; 'u tl1e m;iskr of every contact. It C( ol~ off QUOT;,. TIO NS those who ar~ a l!ttle nhot under the Lollar·''-warms up thtlse .::hi1ly oeo· pie. Make no mistake nbout it. You 0 c.in·t possibly lose by sniiling. You .. The wisdom o~ the wise and the can hardly win without sm ling. experience of ;:iges may be pre· \·.;~~,:)!' ,__: J;:1 ·'.\'ll served l>y quotation." ---M'1ff£~ ,. ~I _.\ .\1 ;\ ,-,, v, J'l1, Miller's Little Red Book Of Quotations HE renowned "Little Red Book" of Chairman Mao Tse-tung's quota· tions was distributed throughout China to influence the thinking of 800 million Chinese. "Miller's Little Red Book" was printed believing that mankind would benefit to a greater degree by reading the thoughts of many wise . men and women. IDEA FOR TEACHERS: Write a new quotation on :·:"the blackboard every _morning. Compiled by: MILLER FARMS, Inc. Box 100 Eaton Rapids, Mi. 48827 I ~ COPYRIGHT MILLER FARMS, INC. 197! ( 1 ) In your own self Ii.es destiny. Courage and perseverance have a magic -Ella Wheeler Wilcox talisman, before which difficulties die· appear. I will study and prepare mysel.f so that -John Quincy Adams when my chance co.mes I shall be ready. Think not so much what thou hast not, -Abraitam Lincoln as what thou hast. Little minds are tamed and subdued -Marcus Aurelius by misfortune; great minds rise abo.ve it. A quality product, honestly made and -Washington Irving fairly priced, protects Jobs. -George F. Miller Every man I meet 1is in some way my superior; and in that I can learn from Men are often capable of greater things him. than they. perform. -Ralph Waldo Emerson -Walpole It is not only what we do, but also what Politeness is not only the moat power· we do not do, for which we are ac· ful, but the cheapest argument I know. countable. · -Josh Billings -Jean Baptiste Moliere A man without a smiling face should Tell me with whom you live and I will not keep a shop. tell you who you are. -Chinese Proverb -Spanish Proverb The average person puts 25 per.cent Of Opportunities are s~ldom labeled. his energy and ability into his wor-k. -John A. Shedd -Andrew Carnegie One of the most necessary traits in a Ask not what your country can do for successful legislator or executive is you - ask what you can do for your patience. country. -Willla,m H. Taft -John F. Kennedy I do not believe that anybody ever suc· Nothing but harmony, honesty, indu&· ceeds at anything unless he gets· on well try, and frugality are necessary to make with people. us a great and happy nation. -Dorothy Shaver -George Washington ( 2) ( 3) I count that mari idle who might be The gem cannot be polished without better employed. friction, nor man perfected without -Socrates trials. -Chinese Proverb No man that does not see visions will undertake high enterpri\le·, Never, throughout our history, has a -Woodrow Wilson man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering. By the work one 'knows the workman. -Theodore Roosevelt -J. ~e la Fontaine The man who does things makes many When a man has put a limit on what he mistakes, but he never makee the will do, he has put a limit on what he biggest mistake of all-doing nothing. can do. -Be.nj. Franklin -Charles M. Schwab We can do anything we want to do if Peace rules the day, where reason rules we stick to it long enough. the min·d. -Wiiliam Colllns -Helen Keller None but myself ever did me any harm. We cannot abandon our education at the schoolhouse door. We have to keep -Napoleon it up through life. Some people are fine in the spurt, but -Calvin Coolidge not worth a cuss 1.on the long stretches. -Samuel Clemens Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your reputation. No man ever succeeded by waiting for -George Washington the breaks. -Ralph Hites He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not remains a If you restrain a man's freedom to ac· fool forever. quire, you dampen1 his energy. -Confucius -Charles Gore A fool may make money, but it takes a Make yourself necessary to the world, wise man to spend it. and it wiU give you bread. -Emerson --Old English Ma.xlm (,4 ) ( 5) The only way to have more corn bread to divide, is to grow more corn. Stability is more essential to succeaa than brilliance. -Lewis H. *rown -Richard Lloyd Jones To build for solidity, dev!llop men. Every one of us has untapped reser­ -J. C. Penney voirs of power. No one is living right unless whosoever -Carlyle meets him goes away more confident artd Joyous for the contact. Thinking is one thing in the wortd upon Which no one has ever been able to put -L. Whiting a tax or tariff. J. Knowledge and timber shouldn't be -Chas. F. Kettering much used until they ar~ seasoned, You cannot push any one up a ladder -Oliver W. Holmes I un1esascthe is little. Work is the very salt of life; not only ~!;:e;o ;~~~=gi: preserving it from decay, but also giv­ N 01 ing it tone and flavor. 1 of khdness no matter how -Hugh Black sm,all is ever wasted. -Aesop The man who reaches the top is the one i who is not content with doing Just what is required of him. I may not get there with you, but I walit you to know tonight that we as a -Edward E. Harriman pe~ple will get to the promised land. He loves his country bes~ who strives I -M~rtin Luther King, Jr. to make it best. -R. G. Ingers61! Th~ future will take care of itself if men will pay athntion to the present. Good work is the most honorable and I -M. H. Aylesworth lasting thing in the world. I Youj may be whatever you resolve to -Henry Van Dyke be. Nothing is ever felt to be of . value -T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson Which is not Won as a result Of, great I sacrifice. A srile is the natural enemy of fear. ·-Calvin Coolidge --James Mangan ( 6) ( 7) I A pound of pluck is worth a ton of AUTHORS UNKNOWN luck. -James A. Garfield Don't advertise your troubles-there's Nothing is partiwl!lrly hard if you di· no market for them. vide It into small jobs. -Henit Ford Nothing wears out the human body faster than inactivity. The man who thinks he has arrived Is already slipping. · Do not criticize the other man untll you -Wlllii(i.m Feather have walked a mile in his shoes.
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